50 research outputs found


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    Peritonejska dijaliza je jednostavna metoda nadomještanja bubrežne funkcije koja je i financijski isplativija u usporedbi s hemodijalizom. Brojna istraživanja pokazala su njenu učinkovitost u održavanju ostatne bubrežne funkcije, odgađanju nastupa uremijskih komplikacija i očuvanju acidobazne ravnoteže, ali i bolji posttransplantacijski ishod u bolesnika liječenih tom metodom. Unatoč tome peritonejska dijaliza se još uvijek nije izborila za mjesto koje zaslužuje u liječenju završnog stadija kronične bubrežne bolesti. Metabolička acidoza je česta komplikacija vezana uz progresivan gubitak bubrežne funkcije. Njezin utjecaj na koštanu i mišićnu masu, razvitak anemije, ostatnu bubrežnu funkciju kao i funkciju presađenog bubrega je vrlo složen, ali se može učinkovito spriječiti. Glavni cilj našeg istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinkovitost peritonejske dijalize u održavanju acidobazne ravnoteže. U istraživanje je uključeno 28 bolesnika liječenih metodom peritonejske dijalize. Prosječno vrijeme liječenja iznosilo je 32,39±43,43 mjeseci. Kod svih su bolesnika korištene otopine puferirane isključivo dodatkom laktata. U potpunosti uredan acidobazni status imalo je 73,07 % bolesnika, a 11,54 % bilo je u stanju blage metaboličke acidoze. Blaga metabolička alkaloza zabilježena je kod identičnog udjela bolesnika. U jednog je bolesnika utvrđeno postojanje mješovitog poremećaja, alkaloze s respiratornom i metaboličkom komponentom. Ovim smo radom pokazali da se acidobazna ravnoteža u bolesnika liječenih metodom peritonejske dijalize zaista može vrlo uspješno održavati čak i primjenom isključivo laktatom puferiranih otopina koje su nizom istraživanja proglašavane inferiornijima u odnosu na bikarbonatne. Uz dobru edukaciju i pažljivu primjenu metode, te temeljitu i čestu evaluaciju ovoj se skupini itekako omogućuje kvalitetno kontinuirano nadomještanje bubrežne funkcije uz dobru kvalitetu života.When compared to hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis is very simple yet low cost method of renal replacement therapy. Series of studies have shown its superiority in preserving residual renal function, postponing uremic complications, maintaining the acid-base balance and achieving better post-transplant outcome in patients treated with this method. Despite obvious advantages, its role in the treatment of chronic kidney disease is still not as important as it should be. Metabolic acidosis is an inevitable complication associated with progressive loss of kidney function. Its impact on mineral and muscle metabolism, residual renal function, allograft function and anemia is very complex but can be successfully managed. The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficiency in preserving the acid-base balance in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis at Zagreb University Hospital Center. Twenty-eight patients were enrolled in the study. The mean time spent on the treatment was 32.39±43.43 months. Only lactate-buffered peritoneal dialysis fluids were used in the treatment. Acid-base balance was completely maintained in 73.07% of patients; 11.54% of patients were found in the state of mild metabolic acidosis, and the same percentage of patients were in the state of mild metabolic alkalosis. In one patient, mixed alkalosis with respiratory and metabolic component was present. The results of this study showed that acid-base balance could be maintained successfully in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis, even only with lactate-buffered solutions included in the treatment, although they were continuously proclaimed as inferior in comparison with bicarbonate-buffered ones. In well educated and informed patients who carefully use this method, accompanied by the attentive and thorough care of their physicians, this method can provide quality continuous replacement of lost renal function as well as better quality of life

    The Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Is a Potential Target of SUMO Modifications

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    The Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) functions as a transcriptional repressor through a mechanism that involves methylation of Histone H3 at lysine 27. The PRC2 complex activity is essential for cellular proliferation, development, and cell fate decisions. PRC2 target genes include important regulators of development and proliferation as well as tumor suppressor genes. Consistent with this, the activity of several Polycomb group (PcG) proteins is deregulated in human cancer suggesting an important role for PcGs in tumor development. Whereas the downstream functions of PcGs are well characterized, the mechanisms of their recruitment to target genes and the regulation of their activity are not fully understood.Here we show that the two PRC2 components SUZ12 and EZH2 are sumoylated in vitro and in vivo. Among several putative sumoylation sites we have mapped the major site of SUZ12 sumoylation. Furthermore, we show that SUZ12 interacts with the E2-conjugating enzyme UBC9 both in vitro and in vivo and that mutation of the SUZ12 sumoylation site does not abolish this binding. Finally, we provide evidence that the E3-ligase PIASXbeta interacts and enhances the sumoylation of SUZ12 in vivo suggesting that PIASXbeta could function as an E3-ligase for SUZ12.Taken together, our data identify sumoylation as a novel post-translational modification of components of the PRC2 complex, which could suggest a potential new mechanism to modulate PRC2 repressive activity. Further work aimed to identify the physiological conditions for these modifications will be required to understand the role of SUZ12 and EZH2 sumoylation in PcG-mediated epigenetic regulation of transcription

    Glucocorticoid pharmacogenetics in pediatric idiopathic nephrotic syndrome

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    Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome represents the most common type of primary glomerular disease in children: glucocorticoids (GCs) are the first-line therapy, even if considerable interindividual differences in thepir efficacy and side effects have been reported. Immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects of these drugs are mainly due to the GC-mediated transcription regulation of pro- and anti-inflammatory genes. This mechanism of action is the result of a complex multistep pathway that involves the glucocorticoid receptor and several other proteins, encoded by polymorphic genes. Aim of this review is to highlight the current knowledge on genetic variants that could affect GC response, particularly focusing on children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome

    Metodologías, técnicas y herramientas de ingeniería de software en escenarios híbridos

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    Se presenta una línea de investigación y desarrollo que tiene por objeto estudiar y caracterizar los procesos relacionados con el diseño y desarrollo de sistemas de software para escenarios híbridos. Se tiene como objetivo principal generar metodologías y prácticas de Ingeniería de Software considerando las características de estos escenarios, así como realizar un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de aspectos de usabilidad que caracterizan los sistemas generados vinculados a contextos donde afectan la movilidad, la localización, las redes y los dispositivos involucrados.Eje: Ingeniería del Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Aspectos de ingeniería de software y bases de datos para el desarrollo de sistemas de software en escenarios híbridos

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    Se presenta una línea de investigación que tiene por objeto estudiar el desarrollo de sistemas de software, la influencia de las bases de datos relacionales, el impacto de las bases de datos no relacionales y los procesos actuales de Ingeniería de Software en escenarios híbridos. Se tiene como objetivo principal generar metodologías y prácticas de Ingeniería de Software considerando las características de estos escenarios, así como también realizar un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de la información generada y los aspectos de usabilidad que caracterizan a un sistema de software que debe tener en cuenta los avances de la tecnología y el auge de uso en diferentes contextos. Esto implica, tener en cuenta aspectos que hace algunos años no eran considerados, tales como, movilidad, geolocalización, generación de grandes volúmenes de información y diversidad de dispositivos electrónicos involucrados.Eje: Ingeniería de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Metodologías, técnicas y herramientas de ingeniería de software en escenarios híbridos

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    Se presenta una línea de investigación y desarrollo que tiene por objeto estudiar y caracterizar los procesos relacionados con el diseño y desarrollo de sistemas de software para escenarios híbridos. Se tiene como objetivo principal generar metodologías y prácticas de Ingeniería de Software considerando las características de estos escenarios, así como realizar un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de aspectos de usabilidad que caracterizan los sistemas generados vinculados a contextos donde afectan la movilidad, la localización, las redes y los dispositivos involucrados.Eje: Ingeniería del Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Metodologías, técnicas y herramientas de ingeniería de software en escenarios híbridos

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    Se presenta una línea de investigación y desarrollo que tiene por objeto estudiar y caracterizar los procesos relacionados con el diseño y desarrollo de sistemas de software para escenarios híbridos. Se tiene como objetivo principal generar metodologías y prácticas de Ingeniería de Software considerando las características de estos escenarios, así como realizar un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de aspectos de usabilidad que caracterizan los sistemas generados vinculados a contextos donde afectan la movilidad, la localización, las redes y los dispositivos involucrados.Eje: Ingeniería del Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Aspectos de ingeniería de software y bases de datos para el desarrollo de sistemas de software en escenarios híbridos

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    Se presenta una línea de investigación que tiene por objeto estudiar el desarrollo de sistemas de software, la influencia de las bases de datos relacionales, el impacto de las bases de datos no relacionales y los procesos actuales de Ingeniería de Software en escenarios híbridos. Se tiene como objetivo principal generar metodologías y prácticas de Ingeniería de Software considerando las características de estos escenarios, así como también realizar un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de la información generada y los aspectos de usabilidad que caracterizan a un sistema de software que debe tener en cuenta los avances de la tecnología y el auge de uso en diferentes contextos. Esto implica, tener en cuenta aspectos que hace algunos años no eran considerados, tales como, movilidad, geolocalización, generación de grandes volúmenes de información y diversidad de dispositivos electrónicos involucrados.Eje: Ingeniería de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    A Multicassette Gateway Vector Set for High Throughput and Comparative Analyses in Ciona and Vertebrate Embryos

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    BACKGROUND: The past few years have seen a vast increase in the amount of genomic data available for a growing number of taxa, including sets of full length cDNA clones and cis-regulatory sequences. Large scale cross-species comparisons of protein function and cis-regulatory sequences may help to understand the emergence of specific traits during evolution. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To facilitate such comparisons, we developed a Gateway compatible vector set, which can be used to systematically dissect cis-regulatory sequences, and overexpress wild type or tagged proteins in a variety of chordate systems. It was developed and first characterised in the embryos of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, in which large scale analyses are easier to perform than in vertebrates, owing to the very efficient embryo electroporation protocol available in this organism. Its use was then extended to fish embryos and cultured mammalian cells. CONCLUSION: This versatile vector set opens the way to the mid- to large-scale comparative analyses of protein function and cis-regulatory sequences across chordate evolution. A complete user manual is provided as supplemental material

    Male breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers : pathology data from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2

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    Background: BRCA1 and, more commonly, BRCA2 mutations are associated with increased risk of male breast cancer (MBC). However, only a paucity of data exists on the pathology of breast cancers (BCs) in men with BRCA1/2 mutations. Using the largest available dataset, we determined whether MBCs arising in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers display specific pathologic features and whether these features differ from those of BRCA1/2 female BCs (FBCs). Methods: We characterised the pathologic features of 419 BRCA1/2 MBCs and, using logistic regression analysis, contrasted those with data from 9675 BRCA1/2 FBCs and with population-based data from 6351 MBCs in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database. Results: Among BRCA2 MBCs, grade significantly decreased with increasing age at diagnosis (P = 0.005). Compared with BRCA2 FBCs, BRCA2 MBCs were of significantly higher stage (P for trend = 2 x 10(-5)) and higher grade (P for trend = 0.005) and were more likely to be oestrogen receptor-positive [odds ratio (OR) 10.59; 95 % confidence interval (CI) 5.15-21.80] and progesterone receptor-positive (OR 5.04; 95 % CI 3.17-8.04). With the exception of grade, similar patterns of associations emerged when we compared BRCA1 MBCs and FBCs. BRCA2 MBCs also presented with higher grade than MBCs from the SEER database (P for trend = 4 x 10(-12)). Conclusions: On the basis of the largest series analysed to date, our results show that BRCA1/2 MBCs display distinct pathologic characteristics compared with BRCA1/2 FBCs, and we identified a specific BRCA2-associated MBC phenotype characterised by a variable suggesting greater biological aggressiveness (i.e., high histologic grade). These findings could lead to the development of gender-specific risk prediction models and guide clinical strategies appropriate for MBC management.Peer reviewe