11 research outputs found

    Development of a novel smoke-flavoured salmon product by sodium replacement using water vapour permeable bags

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Rizo Parraga, Arancha Maria, Fuentes López, Ana, Barat Baviera, José Manuel, Fernández Segovia, Isabel. (2018). Development of a novel smoke-flavoured salmon product by sodium replacement using water vapour permeable bags.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98, 7, 2721-2728. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8767, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/ 10.1002/jsfa.8767. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] BACKGROUND: Food manufacturers need to reduce sodium contents to meet consumer and public health demands. In this study the use of sodium-free (SF) salt and KCl to develop a novel smoke-flavoured salmon product with reduced sodium content was evaluated. Fifty percent of NaCl was replaced with 50% of SF salt or 50% KCl in the salmon smoke-flavouring process carried out using water vapour permeable bags. RESULTS: Triangle tests showed that samples with either SF salt or KCl were statistically similar to the control samples (100% NaCl). Since no sensorial advantage in using SF salt was found compared with KCl and given the lower price of KCl, the KCl-NaCl samples were selected for the next phase. The changes of physicochemical and microbial parameters in smoke-flavoured salmon during 42 days showed that partial replacement of NaCl with KCl did not significantly affect the quality and shelf-life of smoke-flavoured salmon, which was over 42 days. CONCLUSION: Smoke-flavoured salmon with 37% sodium reduction was developed without affecting sensory features and shelf-life. This is an interesting option for reducing sodium content in such products to help meet the needs set by both health authorities and consumers.We gratefully acknowledge the support of Tub-Ex Aps (Taars, Denmark) for suppling the water vapour permeable bags and for providing all of the necessary technical information. Arantxa Rizo thanks the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for the FPI grant.Rizo Parraga, AM.; Fuentes López, A.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Fernández Segovia, I. (2018). Development of a novel smoke-flavoured salmon product by sodium replacement using water vapour permeable bags. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 98(7):2721-2728. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.8767S2721272898

    Fresh-cut carrot (cv. Nantes) quality as affected by abiotic stress (heat shock and UV-C irradiation) pre-treatments

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    Available at Sciverse ScienceDirectAbiotic stresses such as heat shock and UV-C irradiation can be used to induce synthesis of bioactive compounds and to prevent decay in fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of heat shock and UV-C radiation stress treatments, applied in whole carrots, on the overall quality of fresh-cut carrot cv. Nantes during storage (5 C). Heat shock (HS, 100 C/45 s) and UV-C (0.78 0.36 kJ/m2) treated samples had higher phenolic content and exhibited reduced POD activities during storage when compared to control (Ctr) samples (200 mg/L free chlorine/1 min). All samples showed reduced carotenoid content considering raw material. Nonetheless, UV samples registered a three-fold increase in carotenoid content in subsequent storage. Fresh-cut carrot colour showed a continuous increase in whiteness index (WI) values during storage regardless of treatment without impairing visual quality. Respiratory metabolism was affected by both abiotic stress treatments since reduced O2/CO2 rates were found, more significant in HS samples. The decontamination effect was more expressive in HS samples, where a 2.5 Log10 cfu/g reduction in initial microbial load and reduced microbial growth were achieve