227 research outputs found

    Exceptional-point-based optical amplifiers

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    The gain-bandwidth product is a fundamental figure of merit that restricts the operation of optical amplifiers. Here, we introduce a design paradigm based on exceptional points, which relaxes this limitation and allows for the building of a new generation of optical amplifiers that exhibits a better gain-bandwidth scaling. Additionally, our results can be extended to other physical systems such as acoustics and microwaves

    PT\mathcal{PT}-Symmetric Periodic Optical Potentials

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    In quantum theory, any Hamiltonian describing a physical system is mathematically represented by a self-adjoint linear operator to ensure the reality of the associated observables. In an attempt to extend quantum mechanics into the complex domain, it was realized few years ago that certain non-Hermitian parity-time (PT\mathcal{PT}) symmetric Hamiltonians can exhibit an entirely real spectrum. Much of the reported progress has been remained theoretical, and therefore hasn't led to a viable experimental proposal for which non Hermitian quantum effects could be observed in laboratory experiments. Quite recently however, it was suggested that the concept of PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetry could be physically realized within the framework of classical optics. This proposal has, in turn, stimulated extensive investigations and research studies related to PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric Optics and paved the way for the first experimental observation of PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetry breaking in any physical system. In this paper, we present recent results regarding PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric Optic

    Coherent virtual absorption of light in microring resonators

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    Light trapping and radiation process from linear reciprocal photonic resonators is one of the fundamental processes in optical science and engineering. Recently, the concept of coherent virtual absorption (CVA) of light was introduced and investigated for planar and cylindrical optical structures. The key feature of CVA is that by engineering the time-dependence of the excitation waveform, one can temporarily store all the input energy into the optical structure without any leakage. Here we further explore this novel concept in integrated photonic setups made of microring resonators. By using coupled-mode theory (CMT), we derive an analytical expression for CVA in this platform. This in turn allows us to make the connection with the notion of coherent perfect absorption (CPA) as well as extending our analysis to active resonators (having optical gain). We next provide a physical insight into this process by using a simple model made of cascaded beam splitters. Importantly, we confirm our results using a full-wave analysis of realistic material systems. Finally, we discuss the limitation on the CVA process due to waveform mismatch and nonlinear effects

    Soliton dynamics and self-induced transparency in nonlinear nanosuspensions

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    We study spatial soliton dynamics in nano-particle suspensions. Starting from the Nernst-Planck and Smoluchowski equations, we demonstrate that in these systems the underlying nonlinearities as well as the nonlinear Rayleigh losses depend exponentially on optical intensity. Two different nonlinear regimes are identified depending on the refractive index contrast of the nanoparticles involved and the interesting prospect of self-induced transparency is demonstrated. Soliton stability is systematically analyzed for both 1D and 2D configurations and their propagation dynamics in the presence of Rayleigh losses is examined. The possibility of synthesizing artificial nonlinearities using mixtures of nanosuspensions is also considered

    Non-Hermitian matter-wave mixing in Bose-Einstein condensates: Dissipation-induced amplification

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    We investigate the nonlinear scattering dynamics in interacting atomic Bose-Einstein condensates under non-Hermitian dissipative conditions. We show that, by carefully engineering a momentum-dependent atomic loss profile, one can achieve matter-wave amplification through four-wave mixing in a quasi-one-dimensional nearly-free-space setup - a process that is forbidden in the counterpart Hermitian systems due to energy mismatch. Additionally, we show that similar effects lead to rich nonlinear dynamics in higher dimensions. Finally, we propose a physical realization for selectively tailoring the momentum-dependent atomic dissipation. Our strategy is based on a two-step process: (i) exciting atoms to narrow Rydberg or metastable excited states, and (ii) introducing loss through recoil; all while leaving the bulk condensate intact due to protection by quantum interference. © 2017 American Physical Society

    Solitons in dispersion-inverted AlGaAs nanowires

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    We demonstrate that optical solitons can exist in dispersion-inverted highly-nonlinear AlGaAs nanowires. This is accomplished by strongly reversing the dispersion of these nano-structures to anomalous over a broad frequency range. These self-localized waves are possible at very low power levels and can form in millimeter long nanowire structures. The intensity and spectral evolution of solitons propagating in such AlGaAs nanowaveguides is investigated in the presence of loss, multiphoton absorption and higher-order dispersion