29 research outputs found

    Inhibition of Myostatin Signaling through Notch Activation following Acute Resistance Exercise

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    Myostatin is a TGFb family member and negative regulator of muscle size. Due to the complexity of the molecular pathway between myostatin mRNA/protein and changes in transcription, it has been difficult to understand whether myostatin plays a role in resistance exercise-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy. To circumvent this problem, we determined the expression of a unique myostatin target gene, Mighty, following resistance exercise. Mighty mRNA increased by 6 h (82.9624.21%) and remained high out to 48 h (56.5619.67%) after resistance exercise. Further examination of the soleus, plantaris and tibialis anterior muscles showed that the change in Mighty mRNA at 6 h correlated with the increase in muscle size associated with this protocol (R2 = 0.9996). The increase in Mighty mRNA occurred both independent of Smad2 phosphorylation and in spite of an increase in myostatin mRNA (341.86147.14% at 3 h). The myostatin inhibitor SKI remained unchanged. However, activated Notch, another potential inhibitor of TGFb signaling, increased immediately following resistance exercise (83611.2%) and stayed elevated out to 6 h (78616.6%). Electroportion of the Notch intracellular domain into the tibialis anterior resulted in an increase in Mighty mRNA (63613.4%) that was equivalent to the canonical Notch target HES-1 (94.467.32%). These data suggest that acute resistance exercise decreases myostatin signaling through the activation of the TGFb inhibitor Notch resulting in a decrease in myostatin transcriptional activity that correlates well with muscle hypertrophy

    International Consensus Statement on Rhinology and Allergy: Rhinosinusitis

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    Background: The 5 years since the publication of the first International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology: Rhinosinusitis (ICAR‐RS) has witnessed foundational progress in our understanding and treatment of rhinologic disease. These advances are reflected within the more than 40 new topics covered within the ICAR‐RS‐2021 as well as updates to the original 140 topics. This executive summary consolidates the evidence‐based findings of the document. Methods: ICAR‐RS presents over 180 topics in the forms of evidence‐based reviews with recommendations (EBRRs), evidence‐based reviews, and literature reviews. The highest grade structured recommendations of the EBRR sections are summarized in this executive summary. Results: ICAR‐RS‐2021 covers 22 topics regarding the medical management of RS, which are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Additionally, 4 topics regarding the surgical management of RS are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Finally, a comprehensive evidence‐based management algorithm is provided. Conclusion: This ICAR‐RS‐2021 executive summary provides a compilation of the evidence‐based recommendations for medical and surgical treatment of the most common forms of RS

    Microbiological quality of drinking water of urban and rural communities, Brazil Qualidade microbiológica de água potável de comunidades urbanas e rurais, Paraná

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the microbiological quality of treated and untreated water samples came from urban and rural communities and to examine the relationship between coliforms occurrence and average water temperature, and a comparison of the rainfall levels. METHODS: A sample of 3,073 untreated and treated (chlorinated) water from taps (1,594), reservoir used to store treated water (1,033), spring water (96) and private well (350) collected for routine testing between 1996 and 1999 was analyzed by the multiple dilution tube methods used to detect the most probable number of total and fecal coliforms. These samples were obtained in the region of Maringá, state of Paraná, Brazil. RESULTS: The highest numbers water samples contaminated by TC (83%) and FC (48%) were found in the untreated water. TC and FC in samples taken from reservoirs used to store treated water was higher than that from taps midway along distribution lines. Among the treated water samples examined, coliform bacteria were found in 171 of the 1,033 sampling reservoirs. CONCLUSIONS: Insufficient treatment or regrowth is suggested by the observation that more than 17% of these treated potable water contained coliform. TC and FC positive samples appear to be similar and seasonally influenced in treated water. Two different periods must be considered for the occurrence of both TC and FC positive samples: (i) a warm-weather period (September-March) with high percentage of contaminated samples; and (ii) cold-weather period (April-August) were they are lower. Both TC and TF positive samples declined with the decreased of water temperature.<br>OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de amostras de água tratada e não-tratada proveniente de comunidades urbanas e rurais e examinar a relação entre ocorrência de coliformes e a média de temperatura da água, e uma comparação dos níveis de precipitação de chuva. MÉTODOS: No período de 1996 a 1999, foram analisadas 3.073 amostras de água tratada (clorada) e não-tratada pelo método dos tubos múltiplos para determinar o número mais provável de coliformes totais e fecais. Destas, 1.594 provenientes de água de torneiras, 1.033 de reservatório para estocar água tratada, 96 de água de minas e 350 de poços particulares. Tais amostras foram obtidas na região de Maringá, Paraná, Brasil. RESULTADOS: O maior número de amostras contaminadas por TC (coliformes totais) (83%) e FC (coliformes fecais) (48%) foi observado em água não tratada. O índice de TC e FC foi maior nas amostras de reservatórios do que nas torneiras ao longo de sistema de distribuição. Entre as amostras de água tratada, foram encontradas bactérias do grupo coliforme em 171 dos 1.033 reservatórios amostrados. CONCLUSÕES: A observação de que mais de 17% da água potável tratada contêm coliformes sugere tratamento insuficiente ou recrescimento. Em água tratada, amostras positivas para TC e FC parecem ser similares e sazonalmente influenciadas. Dois diferentes períodos podem ser considerados para a ocorrência de amostras positivas para TC e FC: (i) período quente e úmido (Setembro-Março) com alta percentagem de amostras contaminadas; e (ii) período frio e úmido (Abril-Agosto) onde a positividade é baixa. Amostras positivas para TC e FC diminuem com o decréscimo da temperatura da água

    Água de consumo humano como fator de risco à saúde em propriedades rurais Drinking water in rural farms as a risk factor to human health

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar a qualidade higiênico-sanitária da água de consumo humano em propriedades rurais por meio da contagem de indicadores microbiológicos de potabilidade. MÉTODOS: Foram colhidas 180 amostras de água utilizada para consumo humano das fontes, reservatórios e ponto de consumo em 30 propriedades rurais, situadas na região Nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. Determinou-se o número mais provável de coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e o número de microrganismos mesófilos. Foi verificada a presença de medidas de proteção das fontes de abastecimento. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram que 90% das amostras de água das fontes, 90% dos reservatórios e 96,7% de água de consumo humano, colhidas no período de chuvas, e 83,3%, 96,7% e 90%, daquelas colhidas respectivamente nos mesmos locais, durante a estiagem, estavam fora dos padrões microbiológicos de potabilidade para água de consumo humano. CONCLUSÕES: A água utilizada nas propriedades rurais foi considerada um importante fator de risco à saúde dos seres humanos que a utilizam. A adoção de medidas preventivas, visando à preservação das fontes de água, e o tratamento das águas já comprometidas são as ferramentas necessárias para diminuir consideravelmente o risco de ocorrência de enfermidades de veiculação hídrica.<br>OBJECTIVE: To assess the sanitary quality of drinking water in rural farms through counts of microbiological indicators. METHODS: A total of 180 drinking water samples from sources, reservoirs and water from site of consumption were collected in 30 rural farms located in the northeast region of the sate of São Paulo. The most probable number of total coliforms, Escherichia coli and mesophilic microorganisms were determined. Also, the presence of protection measures for water supplies wase verified. RESULTS: The study results showed that 90.0% of drinking water samples from sources, 90.0% from reservoirs, and 96.7% from sites of consumption, collected during the rainy season, and 83.3%, 96.7% and 90.0% of samples collected in dry season were below the quality control standards for drinking water. CONCLUSIONS: Drinking water in rural farms was considered a potential human health threat. Preventive measures for protecting water sources and water treatment are necessary to significantly reduce the occurrence of waterborne diseases

    Electroweak parameters of the z0 resonance and the standard model

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