1,678 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic characterization of an engineered tetracycline-binding riboswitch

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    Riboswitches reflect a novel concept in gene regulation that is particularly suited for technological adaptation. Therefore, we characterized thermodynamically the ligand binding properties of a synthetic, tetracycline (tc)-binding RNA aptamer, which regulates gene expression in a dose-dependent manner when inserted into the untranslated region of an mRNA. In vitro, one molecule of tc is bound by one molecule of partially pre-structured and conformationally homogeneous apo-RNA. The dissociation constant of 770 pM, as determined by fluorimetry, is the lowest reported so far for a small molecule-binding RNA aptamer. Additional calorimetric analysis of RNA point mutants and tc derivatives identifies functional groups crucial for the interaction and including their respective enthalpic and entropic contributions we can propose detailed structural and functional roles for certain groups. The conclusions are consistent with mutational analyses in vivo and support the hypothesis that tc-binding reinforces the structure of the RNA aptamer, preventing the scanning ribosome from melting it efficiently

    An approach to authorization modelling in object-oriented database systems

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    Tetracycline aptamer-controlled regulation of pre-mRNA splicing in yeast

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    Splicing of pre-mRNA is a critical step in mRNA maturation and disturbances cause several genetic disorders. We apply the synthetic tetracycline (tc)-binding riboswitch to establish a gene expression system for conditional tc-dependent control of pre-mRNA splicing in yeast. Efficient regulation is obtained when the aptamer is inserted close to the 5′splice site (SS) with the consensus sequence of the SS located within the aptamer stem. Structural probing indicates limited spontaneous cleavage within this stem in the absence of the ligand. Addition of tc leads to tightening of the stem and the whole aptamer structure which probably prevents recognition of the 5′SS. Combination of more then one aptamer-regulated intron increases the extent of regulation leading to highly efficient conditional gene expression systems. Our findings highlight the potential of direct RNA–ligand interaction for regulation of gene expression

    Numerical Analysis of a New Mixed Formulation for Eigenvalue Convection-Diffusion Problems

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    A mixed formulation is proposed and analyzed mathematically for coupled convection-diffusion in heterogeneous medias. Transfer in solid parts driven by pure diffusion is coupled with convection-diffusion transfer in fluid parts. This study is carried out for translation-invariant geometries (general infinite cylinders) and unidirectional flows. This formulation brings to the fore a new convection-diffusion operator, the properties of which are mathematically studied: its symmetry is first shown using a suitable scalar product. It is proved to be self-adjoint with compact resolvent on a simple Hilbert space. Its spectrum is characterized as being composed of a double set of eigenvalues: one converging towards −∞ and the other towards +∞, thus resulting in a nonsectorial operator. The decomposition of the convection-diffusion problem into a generalized eigenvalue problem permits the reduction of the original three-dimensional problem into a two-dimensional one. Despite the operator being nonsectorial, a complete solution on the infinite cylinder, associated to a step change of the wall temperature at the origin, is exhibited with the help of the operator’s two sets of eigenvalues/eigenfunctions. On the computational point of view, a mixed variational formulation is naturally associated to the eigenvalue problem. Numerical illustrations are provided for axisymmetrical situations, the convergence of which is found to be consistent with the numerical discretization

    A formal specification of deadlines using dynamic deontic logic

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    Role of glucose and CcpA in capsule expression and virulence of Streptococcus suis

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    Streptococcus suis is one of the most important pathogens in pigs and is also an emerging zoonotic agent. After crossing the epithelial barrier, S. suis causes bacteraemia, resulting in meningitis, endocarditis and bronchopneumonia. Since the host environment seems to be an important regulatory component for virulence, we related expression of virulence determinants of S. suis to glucose availability during growth and to the sugar metabolism regulator catabolite control protein A (CcpA). We found that expression of the virulence-associated genes arcB, representing arcABC operon expression, cps2A, representing capsular locus expression, as well as sly, ofs, sao and epf, differed significantly between exponential and early stationary growth of a highly virulent serotype 2 strain. Deletion of ccpA altered the expression of the surface-associated virulence factors arcB, sao and eno, as well as the two currently proven virulence factors in pigs, ofs and cps2A, in early exponential growth. Global expression analysis using a cDNA expression array revealed 259 differentially expressed genes in early exponential growth, of which 141 were more highly expressed in the CcpA mutant strain 10¿ccpA and 118 were expressed to a lower extent. Interestingly, among the latter genes, 18 could be related to capsule and cell wall synthesis. Correspondingly, electron microscopy characterization of strain 10¿ccpA revealed a markedly reduced thickness of the capsule. This phenotype correlated with enhanced binding to porcine plasma proteins and a reduced resistance to killing by porcine neutrophils. Taken together, our data demonstrate that CcpA has a significant effect on the capsule synthesis and virulence properties of S. suis

    The Arteriovenous Loop: Engineering of Axially Vascularized Tissue

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    Background: Most of the current treatment options for large-scale tissue defects represent a serious burden for the patients, are often not satisfying, and can be associated with significant side effects. Although major achievements have already been made in the field of tissue engineering, the clinical translation in case of extensive tissue defects is only in its early stages. The main challenge and reason for the failure of most tissue engineering approaches is the missing vascularization within large-scale transplants. Summary: The arteriovenous (AV) loop model is an in vivo tissue engineering strategy for generating axially vascularized tissues using the own body as a bioreactor. A superficial artery and vein are anastomosed to create an AV loop. This AV loop is placed into an implantation chamber for prevascularization of the chamber inside, e.g., a scaffold, cells, and growth factors. Subsequently, the generated tissue can be transplanted with its vascular axis into the defect site and anastomosed to the local vasculature. Since the blood supply of the growing tissue is based on the AV loop, it will be immediately perfused with blood in the recipient site leading to optimal healing conditions even in the case of poorly vascularized defects. Using this tissue engineering approach, a multitude of different axially vascularized tissues could be generated, such as bone, skeletal or heart muscle, or lymphatic tissues. Upscaling from the small animal AV loop model into a preclinical large animal model could pave the way for the first successful attempt in clinical application. Key Messages: The AV loop model is a powerful tool for the generation of different axially vascularized replacement tissues. Due to minimal donor site morbidity and the possibility to generate patient-specific tissues variable in type and size, this in vivo tissue engineering approach can be considered as a promising alternative therapy to current treatment options of large-scale defects

    Company matters:The presence of other genotypes alters traits and intraspecific selection in an Arctic diatom under climate change

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    Arctic phytoplankton and their response to future conditions shape one of the most rapidly changing ecosystems on the planet. We tested how much the phenotypic responses of strains from an Arctic diatom population diverge and whether the physiology and intraspecific composition of multi-strain populations differ from expectations based on single strain traits. To this end, we conducted incubation experiments with the diatom Thalassiosira hyalina under present-day and future temperature and pCO2 treatments. Six fresh isolates from the same Svalbard population were incubated as mono- and multi-strain cultures. For the first time, we were able to closely follow intraspecific selection within an artificial population using microsatellites and allele-specific quantitative PCR. Our results show not only that there is substantial variation in how strains of the same species cope with the tested environments, but also that changes in genotype composition, production rates and cellular quotas in the multi-strain cultures are not predictable from monoculture performance. Nevertheless, the physiological responses as well as strain composition of the artificial populations were highly reproducible within each environment. Interestingly, we only detected significant strain sorting in those populations exposed to the future treatment. This study illustrates that the genetic composition of populations can change on very short timescales through selection from the intraspecific standing stock, indicating the potential for rapid population level adaptation to climate change. We further show that individuals adjust their phenotype not only in response to their physico-chemical, but also to their biological surroundings. Such intraspecific interactions need to be understood in order to realistically predict ecosystem responses to global change

    Mechanistic insights into an engineered riboswitch: a switching element which confers riboswitch activity

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    While many different RNA aptamers have been identified that bind to a plethora of small molecules only very few are capable of acting as engineered riboswitches. Even for aptamers binding the same ligand large differences in their regulatory potential were observed. We address here the molecular basis for these differences by using a set of unrelated neomycin-binding aptamers. UV melting analyses showed that regulating aptamers are thermally stabilized to a significantly higher degree upon ligand binding than inactive ones. Regulating aptamers show high ligand-binding affinity in the low nanomolar range which is necessary but not sufficient for regulation. NMR data showed that a destabilized, open ground state accompanied by extensive structural changes upon ligand binding is important for regulation. In contrast, inactive aptamers are already pre-formed in the absence of the ligand. By a combination of genetic, biochemical and structural analyses, we identified a switching element responsible for destabilizing the ligand free state without compromising the bound form. Our results explain for the first time the molecular mechanism of an engineered riboswitch

    Introduction to the papers of TWG16: Learning Mathematics with Technology and Other Resources

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    The use of technology and other resources for mathematical learning is a current issue in the field of mathematics education and lags behind the rapid advances in Information and Communication Technology. Technological developments offer opportunities, which are not straightforward to exploit in regular teaching. In CERME10 TWG16, the recent research findings, issues and future questions have been explored and discussed in detail. In this introductory chapter, we will outline the scope and focus of the work, describe the results with respect to existing questions, and identify upcoming topics as well as missing topics that might set the agenda for future work in this domain