278 research outputs found

    Cohesion of BaReH9_9 and BaMnH9_9: Density Functional Calculations and Prediction of (MnH9)2_9)^{2-} Salts

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    Density functional calculations are used to calculate the structural and electronic properties of BaReH9_9 and to analyze the bonding in this compound. The high coordination in BaReH9_9 is due to bonding between Re 5dd states and states of dd-like symmetry formed from combinations of H ss orbitals in the H9_9 cage. This explains the structure of the material, its short bond lengths and other physical properties, such as the high band gap. We compare with results for hypothetical BaMnH9_9, which we find to have similar bonding and cohesion to the Re compound. This suggests that it may be possible to synthesize (MnH9)2_9)^{2-} salts. Depending on the particular cation, such salts may have exceptionally high hydrogen contents, in excess of 10 weight

    Implementation of activities for the evaluation of the specific instrumental transversal competence in subjects in the area of mechanical engineering

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    [EN] Most of the higher education frameworks work and evaluate transversal competences, to achieve the excellence of graduates, not only academically but also integrating social aspects, ethics, communication, teamwork, etc. To this end, the present work studies a common methodology both in the activities, to improve the acquisition of the ¿Specific Instrumental¿ transversal competence, as well as in its evaluation. In the practical sessions, the student uses a detailed tutorial with the procedure to obtain the numerical result. The evaluation of the ¿Specific Instrumental¿ transversal competence is deficient following this structure, since it does not show whether the student acquires autonomy to solve similar problems. Therefore, an unguided alternative activity was proposed at the end of each session, which allows to see the evolution of the student in the face of a different problem without guidelines. Experience shows that it is rash to expect the student to handle the program autonomously in the first session. For this reason, the delivery deadline for tasks will be extended by a few weeks. Obviously, guarantee of authenticity is lost, but responsibility for learning is transferred to the student. Allowing the student to spend the time necessary for deep learning, without the pressure of ending the session.Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación and the Vicerrectorado de Recursos Digitales y Documentación of the Universitat Politècnica de València (project PIME B/19-20/165) and the Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación of the Universitat Politècnica de València (EICE INTEGRAL).Pedrosa, AM.; Sánchez Orgaz, EM.; Lozano-Mínguez, E.; Martinez-Sanchis, S. (2020). Implementation of activities for the evaluation of the specific instrumental transversal competence in subjects in the area of mechanical engineering. IATED Academy. 597-602. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2020.0197S59760

    Near-critical free-surface flows: Real fluid flow analysis

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    An open channel flow with a flow depth close to the critical depth is characterised by a curvilinear streamline flow field that results in steady free surface undulations. Near critical flows of practical relevance encompass the undular hydraulic jump when the flow changes from supercritical (F > 1) to subcritical (F 1). So far these flows were mainly studied based on ideal fluid flow computations, for which the flow is assumed irrotational and, thus, shear forces are absent. While the approach is accurate for critical flow conditions (F = 1) in weir and flumes, near-critical flows involve long distances reaches, and the effect of friction on the flow properties cannot be neglected. In the present study the characteristics of near-critical free-surface flows are reanalysed based on a model accounting for both the streamline curvature and friction effects. Based on the improved model, some better agreement with experimental results is found, thereby highlighting the main frictional features of the flow profiles

    Bernoulli theorem, minimum specific energy and water wave celerity in open channel flow

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    One basic principle of fluid mechanics used to resolve practical problems in hydraulic engineering is the Bernoulli theorem along a streamline, deduced from the work-energy form of the Euler equation along a streamline. Some confusion exists about the applicability of the Bernoulli theorem and its generalization to open-channel hydraulics. In the present work, a detailed analysis of the Bernoulli theorem and its extension to flow in open channels are developed. The generalized depth-averaged Bernoulli theorem is proposed and it has been proved that the depth-averaged specific energy reaches a minimum in converging accelerating free surface flow over weirs and flumes. Further, in general, a channel control with minimum specific energy in curvilinear flow is not isolated from water waves, as customary state in open-channel hydraulics

    Evaluation activities performance of the specific instrumental transversal competence in subjects of the mechanical engineering area

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    [Otros] Nowadays, the European higher education space is concerned, not only about the transmission of theoretical knowledge, but also about the acquisition of soft-skills, which are increasingly demanded in the professional profiles of graduates. Therefore, the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) has elaborated its own program aiming to develop these generic capabilities, which are embedded in 13 Transversal Competences (CT in Spanish). All of them are worked on and evaluated in all UPV degrees, whether undergraduate or graduate. Specifically, the "Specific Instrumental" transversal competence has been working for two years by a team of lecturers from the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (DIMM in Spanish). Their objective is to develop an effective methodology to work on the acquisition and evaluation of this competence. The tool chosen to work with is ANSYS®, which is widely used in the field of mechanical engineering. This commercial software provides numerical solutions to complex problems using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The proposed methodology has been implemented during this year in three different subjects with a total of 335 students and is based on previous experience carried out in small groups last year. The objective is also to consolidate a procedure suitable for large groups without increasing lecturer's dedication time. After analysing the characteristics that were not entirely satisfactory, the new proposal seeks to improve them while maintaining the correct actions of the previous experience. Thus, laboratory training sessions and a different timed exercise for each student are kept. The most important changes affect the distribution of the worktime of the student and the assessable exercises. The number of evaluable exercises has been reduced to one, as well as the content and the test score. The proposed exercise consists of modelling a mechanical component and carrying out several tasks related to the mechanical study of a component. The correct completion of the different sections allows a numerical evaluation of the laboratory sessions and the suitability of the methodology. At the same time, the justification of the steps followed, and the adequacy of the strategies followed give the level reached in the ¿Specific Instrumental¿ transversal competence. The results reveal that students have achieved a greater degree of autonomy in managing the software. Furthermore, the new evaluation system discriminates the mastery with greater rigor, in the past there were no intermediate marks, the capability was achieved or not. Additionally, all the practical sessions have been adapted to the sanitary situation following an online format. This adaptation to the COVID scenario has provided the opportunity to introduce changes in the lecturing material that will be maintained in the next courses.Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación, the Vicerrectorado de Recursos Digitales y Documentación of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Project PIME B/19-20/165 and Project PIME C/20-21/201) and the Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación of the Universitat Politècnica de València (EICE INTEGRAL).Pedrosa, AM.; Lozano-Mínguez, E.; Besa Gonzálvez, AJ.; Vila Tortosa, MP.; Martinez-Sanchis, S.; Sánchez Orgaz, EM. (2021). Evaluation activities performance of the specific instrumental transversal competence in subjects of the mechanical engineering area. IATED Academy. 4347-4354. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.0915S4347435

    Escala CAVIDACE: evaluación de la calidad de vida de personas con daño cerebral. Autoinforme

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    [ES]La mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas es una meta y un principio de actuación en todos los entornos profesionales que trabajan con personas, pero los esfuerzos de mejora del bienestar personal adquieren mucho más sentido cuando los problemas son de gravedad extrema o cuando afectan a la esfera cognitiva. La práctica profesional tradicional con la población con daño cerebral se ha basado en la rehabilitación neuropsicólogica, la cual ha mostrado gran eficacia en las primeras etapas tras producirse la lesión. A su vez, las prácticas profesionales se han visto en los últimos años fundamentadas y mejoradas con un enfoque de calidad de vida relacionado con la salud. Sin embargo, ambos enfoques no están exentos de limitaciones. Por un lado, los efectos de la rehabilitación neuropsicológica muestran una utilidad muy limitada tras un periodo aproximado de un año tras la lesión y, por otro lado, la calidad de vida no se puede reducir a los problemas de salud física o a los problemas cognitivos del individuo. Por ello, se hace necesario desarrollar, a medio y largo plazo, estrategias integrales centradas en la calidad de vida individual y de las familias de las personas con discapacidad. Los efectos del daño cerebral afectan directamente a muchas esferas de la vida de la persona (autonomía personal, inclusión social, relaciones interpersonales, bienestar emocional, autodeterminación, derechos, y muchas más), resultando necesario evaluar directamente la situación individual en las mismas. De una evaluación apropiada pueden extraerse los principales objetivos de la intervención y deducir las estrategias para conseguirlos, de manera que se puedan organizar las prácticas profesionales desde un enfoque psicosocial centrado en la mejora de la calidad de vida. La escala que presentamos en esta publicación del Instituto Universitario de Integración en la Comunidad (INICO) de la Universidad de Salamanca es pionera en el ámbito internacional por su enfoque psicosocial. Asimismo, se ha construido con una metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa rigurosa, con la participación de muchos profesionales acreditados de diferentes disciplinas y con dilatada experiencia profesional, mostrando unas excelentes propiedades psicométricas de fiabilidad y validez. El uso de la Escala CAVIDACE - Autoinforme permitirá mejorar y encauzar muchas prácticas profesionales y el trabajo de las organizaciones de apoyo al colectivo teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva de la propia persona afectada. La publicación de esta versión autoinforme de la Escala CAVIDACE ha sido posible gracias a la colaboración de las principales entidades públicas (CEADAC) y privadas (FEDACE) dedicadas al daño cerebral en España. Los profesionales de las distintas asociaciones aquí mencionadas han desempeñado un papel determinante en la creación y aplicación experimental de la misma. La Escala CAVIDACE – Autoinforme es el instrumento decimocuarto construido originalmente en el INICO, el doceavo publicado por nosotros y el noveno gratuitamente ofrecido desde nuestra pagina web (http://inico.usal.es). El INICO, que cuenta con una escasísima financiación y sobreviva exclusivamente gracias a proyectos captados por sus miembros, tiene un compromiso ineludible con la sociedad, lo que no se traduce solamente en investigaciones orientadas a la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad y/o situación de vulnerabilidad y riesgo de exclusión social y sus familiares, sino también en la defensa férrea de una transferencia de conocimientos en acceso abierto, facilitando libremente la mayor parte de los productos de su trabajo científico. Esto permite a los profesionales y a sus organizaciones superar las barreras económicas habituales para utilizar los mejores instrumentos. La Escala CAVIDACE es un ejemplo patente de esta filosofía. Nuestro deseo es que la escala presentada sea utilizada ampliamente en España e Iberoamérica, así como adaptada en otros países e idiomas, algo que ya se está iniciando

    3D acoustic modelling of dissipative silencers with nonhomogeneous properties and mean flow

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    A finite element approach is proposed for the acoustic analysis of automotive silencers including a perforated duct with uniform axial mean flow and an outer chamber with heterogeneous absorbent material. This material can be characterized by means of its equivalent acoustic properties, considered coordinate-dependent via the introduction of a heterogeneous bulk density, and the corresponding material airflow resistivity variations. An approach has been implemented to solve the pressure wave equation for a nonmoving heterogeneous medium, associated with the problem of sound propagation in the outer chamber. On the other hand, the governing equation in the central duct has been solved in terms of the acoustic velocity potential considering the presence of a moving medium. The coupling between both regions and the corresponding acoustic fields has been carried out by means of a perforated duct and its acoustic impedance, adapted here to include absorbent material heterogeneities and mean flow effects simultaneously. It has been found that bulk density heterogeneities have a considerable influence on the silencer transmission loss.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Projects DPI2010-15412 and TRA2013-45596-C2-1-R), Conselleria d'Educacio, Cultura i Esport (Project Prometeo/2012/023), and Programa de Apoyo a la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID-05-12 and Project SP20120452) of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Sánchez Orgaz, EM.; Denia, FD.; Martínez-Casas, J.; Baeza, L. (2014). 3D acoustic modelling of dissipative silencers with nonhomogeneous properties and mean flow. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2014(1):1-10. https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/537935S11020141Selamet, A., Xu, M. B., Lee, I. J., & Huff, N. T. (2005). Dissipative expansion chambers with two concentric layers of fibrous material. International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, 1(3/4), 341. doi:10.1504/ijvnv.2005.007531Selamet, A., Xu, M. B., Lee, I. J., & Huff, N. T. (2006). Effect of voids on the acoustics of perforated dissipative silencers. International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, 2(4), 357. doi:10.1504/ijvnv.2006.012785Antebas, A. G., Denia, F. D., Pedrosa, A. M., & Fuenmayor, F. J. (2013). A finite element approach for the acoustic modeling of perforated dissipative mufflers with non-homogeneous properties. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57(7-8), 1970-1978. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2012.01.021Peat, K. S., & Rathi, K. L. (1995). A finite element analysis of the convected acoustic wave motion in dissipative silencers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 184(3), 529-545. doi:10.1006/jsvi.1995.0331Allam, S., & Åbom, M. (2006). Sound propagation in an array of narrow porous channels with application to diesel particulate filters. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 291(3-5), 882-901. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2005.07.022Allard, J. F., & Atalla, N. (2009). Propagation of Sound in Porous Media. doi:10.1002/9780470747339Montenegro, G., Della Torre, A., Onorati, A., & Fairbrother, R. (2013). A Nonlinear Quasi-3D Approach for the Modeling of Mufflers with Perforated Elements and Sound-Absorbing Material. Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, 2013, 1-10. doi:10.1155/2013/546120Sullivan, J. W., & Crocker, M. J. (1978). Analysis of concentric‐tube resonators having unpartitioned cavities. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 64(1), 207-215. doi:10.1121/1.381963Kirby, R., & Cummings, A. (1998). THE IMPEDANCE OF PERFORATED PLATES SUBJECTED TO GRAZING GAS FLOW AND BACKED BY POROUS MEDIA. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 217(4), 619-636. doi:10.1006/jsvi.1998.1811Lee, I., Selamet, A., & Huff, N. T. (2006). Acoustic impedance of perforations in contact with fibrous material. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(5), 2785-2797. doi:10.1121/1.2188354Pierce, A. D. (1990). Wave equation for sound in fluids with unsteady inhomogeneous flow. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 87(6), 2292-2299. doi:10.1121/1.399073Delany, M. E., & Bazley, E. N. (1970). Acoustical properties of fibrous absorbent materials. Applied Acoustics, 3(2), 105-116. doi:10.1016/0003-682x(70)90031-9Lee, I., & Selamet, A. (2012). Measurement of acoustic impedance of perforations in contact with absorbing material in the presence of mean flow. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 60(3), 258-266. doi:10.3397/1.3701003Kirby, R., & Denia, F. D. (2007). Analytic mode matching for a circular dissipative silencer containing mean flow and a perforated pipe. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(6), 3471-3482. doi:10.1121/1.2793614Selamet, A., Xu, M. B., Lee, I.-J., & Huff, N. T. (2004). Analytical approach for sound attenuation in perforated dissipative silencers. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115(5), 2091-2099. doi:10.1121/1.1694994Denia, F. D., Selamet, A., Fuenmayor, F. J., & Kirby, R. (2007). Acoustic attenuation performance of perforated dissipative mufflers with empty inlet/outlet extensions. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 302(4-5), 1000-1017. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2007.01.005Denia, F. D., Antebas, A. G., Selamet, A., & Pedrosa, A. M. (2011). Acoustic characteristics of circular dissipative reversing chamber mufflers. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 59(3), 234. doi:10.3397/1.3560904Kirby, R., & Cummings, A. (1999). Prediction of the bulk acoustic properties of fibrous materials at low frequencies1A shorter version of this paper was presented at the EuroNoise Conference, Lyon, France, 21-23 March 19951. Applied Acoustics, 56(2), 101-125. doi:10.1016/s0003-682x(98)00015-2Selamet, A., Lee, I. ., & Huff, N. . (2003). Acoustic attenuation of hybrid silencers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 262(3), 509-527. doi:10.1016/s0022-460x(03)00109-3Payri, F., Broatch, A., Salavert, J. M., & Moreno, D. (2010). Acoustic response of fibrous absorbent materials to impulsive transient excitations. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329(7), 880-892. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2009.10.015Lee, S.-H., & Ih, J.-G. (2003). Empirical model of the acoustic impedance of a circular orifice in grazing mean flow. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 114(1), 98-113. doi:10.1121/1.158128

    A Bayesian assessment of an approximate model for unconfined water flow in sloping layered porous media

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    The prediction of water table height in unconfined layered porous media is a difficult modelling problem that typically requires numerical simulation. This paper proposes an analytical model to approximate the exact solution based on a steady-state Dupuit–Forchheimer analysis. The key contribution in relation to a similar model in the literature relies in the ability of the proposed model to consider more than two layers with different thicknesses and slopes, so that the existing model becomes a special case of the proposed model herein. In addition, a model assessment methodology based on the Bayesian inverse problem is proposed to efficiently identify the values of the physical parameters for which the proposed model is accurate when compared against a reference model given by MODFLOW-NWT, the open-source finite-difference code by the U.S. Geological Survey. Based on numerical results for a representative case study, the ratio of vertical recharge rate to hydraulic conductivity emerges as a key parameter in terms of model accuracy so that, when appropriately bounded, both the proposed model and MODFLOW-NWT provide almost identical results

    Identification of a gene signature for discriminating metastatic from primary melanoma using a molecular interaction network approach

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    Understanding the biological factors that are characteristic of metastasis in melanoma remains a key approach to improving treatment. In this study, we seek to identify a gene signature of metastatic melanoma. We configured a new network-based computational pipeline, combined with a machine learning method, to mine publicly available transcriptomic data from melanoma patient samples. Our method is unbiased and scans a genome-wide protein-protein interaction network using a novel formulation for network scoring. Using this, we identify the most influential, differentially expressed nodes in metastatic as compared to primary melanoma. We evaluated the shortlisted genes by a machine learning method to rank them by their discriminatory capacities. From this, we identified a panel of 6 genes, ALDH1A1, HSP90AB1, KIT, KRT16, SPRR3 and TMEM45B whose expression values discriminated metastatic from primary melanoma (87% classification accuracy). In an independent transcriptomic data set derived from 703 primary melanomas, we showed that all six genes were significant in predicting melanoma specific survival (MSS) in a univariate analysis, which was also consistent with AJCC staging. Further, 3 of these genes, HSP90AB1, SPRR3 and KRT16 remained significant predictors of MSS in a joint analysis (HR = 2.3, P = 0.03) although, HSP90AB1 (HR = 1.9, P = 2 × 10−4) alone remained predictive after adjusting for clinical predictors