166 research outputs found

    Core Polarization Effect in the Polarization Cross Section of Atomic Lithium

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    Purpose. The paper continues the authors’ studies devoted to transients in three-phase five-limb transformers. The main purpose of the work is to propose a method of evaluating model parameters, which cover transformer operations in saturation. This purpose is achieved by using the concept of the model reversibility.Methodology. The method of obtaining model parameters employs magnetic transformer model and is based on the idea of the model reversibility. The solution is found by equating input reluctances seen from the terminals of the innermost and outermost windings to the reluctances of the corresponding windings on air.Findings. The modeling of GIC events represented in the paper is the most accurate ever obtained for three-phase, five-leg transformers. The model is validated by close agreement of the predicted values and waveforms of the phase currents and reactive power with those measured in tests performed on two 400 MVA transformers connected back-to-back and to a 400 kV power network. The validity of the model was verified at 75 and 200 A dc currents in the transformer neutral. It is shown that the model is a reliable tool in evaluating inrush currents.Originality. The originality and advantage of the method proposed is its ability to determine the model parameters without fitting to experimental data obtained in regimes with highly saturated core. The method ensures the reversibility of the three-winding transformer model that is its correct behavior regardless of which winding is energized.Practical value. The practical value and significance of the paper is caused by the fact that the model proposed is a simple and reliable tool for power system studies. As a practically important example, time domain response of transformer subjected to geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) is analyzed and compared with results of a comprehensive field experiment.Цель работы. Статья продолжает исследования авторов, посвященные переходным процессам в трехфазных пятистержневых трансформаторах. Главная цель работы − предложить методику расчета параметров модели, охватывающих работу трансформатора с насыщенным сердечником. Эта цель достигается использованием концепции обратимости модели.Методы исследования. Расчет параметров модели выполняется с использованием магнитной схемы замещения трансформатора и основан на идее ее обратимости. Решение находится путем приравнивания входных магнитных сопротивлений, определяемых со стороны внутренней и внешней обмоток, и магнитных сопротивлений этих обмоток на воздухе.Полученные результаты. Точность моделирования процессов при наличии ГИТ превышает точность известных моделей трехфазных пятистержневых трансформаторов. Адекватность модели подтверждается близостью предсказанных фазных токов и потребляемой реактивной мощности, к соответствующим величинам, измененным в эксперименте на двух 400 MBA трансформаторах, подключенных к энергосистеме с напряжением 410 кВ. Обоснованность модели проверена при постоянных токах в нейтрали силой 75 и 200 А. Показана применимость модели для оценки бросков тока включения.Научная новизна. Оригинальность и новизна предложенного метода состоит в возможности определять параметры модели без использования экспериментальных данных, полученных при насыщенном сердечнике. Метод обеспечивает обратимость модели трехобмоточного трансформатора, то есть ее правильное поведение при возбуждении любой обмотки устройства.Практическая ценность. Практическая ценность и значение статьи обусловлено тем, что предложенная модель трансформатора является простым и надежным инструментом для исследования электрических сетей. В качестве практически важного результата, показано правильное предсказание моделью временного отклика трансформатора, наблюдаемого в эксперименте.Мета роботи. Стаття продовжує дослідження авторів, присвячені перехідним процесам в трифазних п’ятистрижневих трансформаторах. Головна мета роботи − запропонувати методику розрахунку параметрів моделі, що охоплюють роботу трансформатора з насиченим осердям. Ця мета досягається шляхом використанням концепції оберненості моделі.Методи дослідження. Розрахунок параметрів моделі виконується з використанням магнітної схеми заміщення трансформатора і побудований на юдеї її оберненості. Рішення знаходиться шляхом прирівнювання вхідних магнітних опорів, розрахованих з боку внутрішньої і зовнішньої обмоток, і магнітних опорів цих обмоток у повітрі.Отримані результати. Точність моделювання процесів в присутності ГІТ перевищує точність відомих моделей трифазних п’ятистрижневих трансформаторів. Адекватність моделі підтверджується близькістю прогнозованих фазних струмів і споживаної реактивної потужності, до відповідних величин, виміряним в експерименті на двох 400 МВА трансформаторах, які були під’єднані до енергосистеми напругою 410 кВ. Обґрунтованість моделі перевірена при постійних струмах в нейтралі силою 75 і 200 А. Показано застосовність моделі для оцінки кидків струму включення.Наукова новизна. Оригінальність і новизна методу полягає в можливості визначати параметри моделі без використання експериментальних даних, що отримані при насиченому осерді. Метод забезпечує оберненість моделі триобмоточного трансформатора, тобто її коректну поведінку при збудженні будь якої з обмоток.Практична цінність. Практична цінність і значимість статті обумовлені тим, що запропонована модель трансформатора являє собою простий і надійний інструмент для дослідження електричних систем. В якості практично важливого результату, показано правильне прогнозування моделлю часового відгуку трансформатора, що спостерігався в експерименті

    Coal tar creosote abuse by vapour inhalation presenting with renal impairment and neurotoxicity: a case report

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    A 56 year old aromatherapist presented with advanced renal failure following chronic coal tar creosote vapour inhalation, and a chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis was identified on renal biopsy. Following dialysis dependence occult inhalation continued, resulting in seizures, ataxia, cognitive impairment and marked generalised cerebral atrophy. We describe for the first time a case of creosote abuse by chronic vapour inhalation, resulting in significant morbidity. Use of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-containing wood preservative coal tar creosote is restricted by many countries due to concerns over environmental contamination and carcinogenicity. This case demonstrates additional toxicities not previously reported with coal tar creosote, and emphasizes the health risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure

    Three-decade neurological and neurocognitive follow-up of HIV-1-infected patients on best-available antiretroviral therapy in Finland

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    Objectives: Is it possible to live without neurocognitive or neurological symptoms after being infected with HIV for a very long time? These study patients with decades-long HIV infection in Finland were observed in this follow-up study during three time periods: 1986-1990, in 1997 and in 2013. Setting: Patients from greater Helsinki area were selected from outpatient's unit of infectious diseases. Participants: The study included 80 HIV patients. Patients with heavy alcohol consumption, central nervous system disorder or psychiatric disease were excluded. Primary and secondary outcome measures: The patients underwent neurological and neuropsychological examinations, MRI of the brain and laboratory tests, including blood CD4 cells and plasma HIV-1 RNA. Neuropsychological examination included several measures: subtests of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, list learning, Stroop and Trail-Making-B test. The Beck Depression Inventory and Fatigue Severity Scale were also carried out. The obtained data from the three time periods were compared with each other. Results: Owing to high mortality among the original 80 patients, eventually, 17 participated in all three examinations performed between 1986 and 2013. The time from the HIV diagnosis was 27 (23-30) years. Blood CD4 cells at the diagnosis were 610 (29-870) cells/mm(3), and the nadir CD4 168 (4-408) cells/mm(3). The time on combined antiretroviral treatment was 13 (5-17) years. 9 patients suffered from fatigue, 5 had polyneuropathy and 3 had lacunar cerebral infarcts. There was a subtle increase of brain atrophy in 2 patients. Mild depressive symptoms were common. The neuropsychological follow-up showed typical age-related cognitive changes. No HIV-associated dementia features were detected. Conclusions: Polyneuropathy, fatigue and mild depression were common, but more severe neurological abnormalities were absent. These long-term surviving HIV-seropositive patients, while on best-available treatment, showed no evidence of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder in neuropsychological and neuroradiological evaluations.Peer reviewe

    Genetic risk and a primary role for cell-mediated immune mechanisms in multiple sclerosis.

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    Multiple sclerosis is a common disease of the central nervous system in which the interplay between inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes typically results in intermittent neurological disturbance followed by progressive accumulation of disability. Epidemiological studies have shown that genetic factors are primarily responsible for the substantially increased frequency of the disease seen in the relatives of affected individuals, and systematic attempts to identify linkage in multiplex families have confirmed that variation within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) exerts the greatest individual effect on risk. Modestly powered genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have enabled more than 20 additional risk loci to be identified and have shown that multiple variants exerting modest individual effects have a key role in disease susceptibility. Most of the genetic architecture underlying susceptibility to the disease remains to be defined and is anticipated to require the analysis of sample sizes that are beyond the numbers currently available to individual research groups. In a collaborative GWAS involving 9,772 cases of European descent collected by 23 research groups working in 15 different countries, we have replicated almost all of the previously suggested associations and identified at least a further 29 novel susceptibility loci. Within the MHC we have refined the identity of the HLA-DRB1 risk alleles and confirmed that variation in the HLA-A gene underlies the independent protective effect attributable to the class I region. Immunologically relevant genes are significantly overrepresented among those mapping close to the identified loci and particularly implicate T-helper-cell differentiation in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis

    MYO9B polymorphisms in multiple sclerosis

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    "Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 30 region of myosin IXB (MYO9B) gene have recently been reported to associate with different inflammatory or autoimmune diseases. We monitored for the association of MYO9B variants to multiple sclerosis (MS) in four Northern European populations. First, 18 SNPs including 6 SNPs with previous evidence for association to immune disorders, were tested in 730 Finnish MS families, but no linkage or family-based association was observed. To ensure the power to detect variants with a modest effect size, we further analyzed 10 variants in 899 Finnish cases and 1325 controls, and in a total of 1521 cases and 1476 controls from Denmark, Norway and Sweden, but found no association. Our results thereby do not support a major function of the tested MYO9B variants in MS. European Journal of Human Genetics (2009) 17, 840-843; doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2008.251; published online 14 January 2009""Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 30 region of myosin IXB (MYO9B) gene have recently been reported to associate with different inflammatory or autoimmune diseases. We monitored for the association of MYO9B variants to multiple sclerosis (MS) in four Northern European populations. First, 18 SNPs including 6 SNPs with previous evidence for association to immune disorders, were tested in 730 Finnish MS families, but no linkage or family-based association was observed. To ensure the power to detect variants with a modest effect size, we further analyzed 10 variants in 899 Finnish cases and 1325 controls, and in a total of 1521 cases and 1476 controls from Denmark, Norway and Sweden, but found no association. Our results thereby do not support a major function of the tested MYO9B variants in MS. European Journal of Human Genetics (2009) 17, 840-843; doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2008.251; published online 14 January 2009""Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 30 region of myosin IXB (MYO9B) gene have recently been reported to associate with different inflammatory or autoimmune diseases. We monitored for the association of MYO9B variants to multiple sclerosis (MS) in four Northern European populations. First, 18 SNPs including 6 SNPs with previous evidence for association to immune disorders, were tested in 730 Finnish MS families, but no linkage or family-based association was observed. To ensure the power to detect variants with a modest effect size, we further analyzed 10 variants in 899 Finnish cases and 1325 controls, and in a total of 1521 cases and 1476 controls from Denmark, Norway and Sweden, but found no association. Our results thereby do not support a major function of the tested MYO9B variants in MS. European Journal of Human Genetics (2009) 17, 840-843; doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2008.251; published online 14 January 2009"Peer reviewe

    A Semi-Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model Describing the Altered Metabolism of Midazolam Due to Inflammation in Mice

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript.Purpose To investigate influence of inflammation on metabolism and pharmacokinetics (PK) of midazolam (MDZ) and construct a semi-physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model to predict PK in mice with inflammatory disease. Methods Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI)-mediated inflammation was used as a preclinical model of arthritis in DBA/1 mice. CYP3A substrate MDZ was selected to study changes in metabolism and PK during the inflammation. The semi-PBPK model was constructed using mouse physiological parameters, liver microsome metabolism, and healthy animal PK data. In addition, serum cytokine, and liver-CYP (cytochrome P450 enzymes) mRNA levels were examined. Results The in vitro metabolite formation rate was suppressed in liver microsomes prepared from the GPI-treated mice as compared to the healthy mice. Further, clearance of MDZ was reduced during inflammation as compared to the healthy group. Finally, the semi-PBPK model was used to predict PK of MDZ after GPI-mediated inflammation. IL-6 and TNF-α levels were elevated and liver-cyp3a11 mRNA was reduced after GPI treatment. Conclusion The semi-PBPK model successfully predicted PK parameters of MDZ in the disease state. The model may be applied to predict PK of other drugs under disease conditions using healthy animal PK and liver microsomal data as inputs

    Expansion in CD39(+) CD4(+) Immunoregulatory T Cells and Rarity of Th17 Cells in HTLV-1 Infected Patients Is Associated with Neurological Complications

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    HTLV-1 infection is associated with several inflammatory disorders, including the neurodegenerative condition HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). It is unclear why a minority of infected subjects develops HAM/TSP. CD4(+) T cells are the main target of infection and play a pivotal role in regulating immunity to HTLV and are hypothesized to participate in the pathogenesis of HAM/TSP. the CD39 ectonucleotidase receptor is expressed on CD4(+) T cells and based on co-expression with CD25, marks T cells with distinct regulatory (CD39(+)CD25(+)) and effector (CD39(+)CD25(-)) function. Here, we investigated the expression of CD39 on CD4(+) T cells from a cohort of HAM/TSP patients, HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers (AC), and matched uninfected controls. the frequency of CD39(+)CD4(+) T cells was increased in HTLV-1 infected patients, regardless of clinical status. More importantly, the proportion of the immunostimulatory CD39(+)CD25(-) CD4+ T-cell subset was significantly elevated in HAM/TSP patients as compared to AC and phenotypically had lower levels of the immunoinhibitory receptor, PD-1. We saw no difference in the frequency of CD39(+)CD25(+) regulatory (Treg) cells between AC and HAM/TSP patients. However, these cells transition from being anergic to displaying a polyfunctional cytokine response following HTLV-1 infection. CD39(-)CD25(+) T cell subsets predominantly secreted the inflammatory cytokine IL-17. We found that HAM/TSP patients had significantly fewer numbers of IL-17 secreting CD4(+) T cells compared to uninfected controls. Taken together, we show that the expression of CD39 is upregulated on CD4(+) T cells HAM/TSP patients. This upregulation may play a role in the development of the proinflammatory milieu through pathways both distinct and separate among the different CD39 T cell subsets. CD39 upregulation may therefore serve as a surrogate diagnostic marker of progression and could potentially be a target for interventions to reduce the development of HAM/TSP.National Institute of Allergies and Infectious DiseasesNational Institutes of HealthUniversity of CaliforniaSan Francisco-Gladstone Institute of Virology & Immunology Center for AIDS ResearchFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)John E. Fogarty International CenterNational Center for Research ResourcesNational Institute of General Medical Sciences from the National Institutes of HealthUniv Calif San Francisco, Dept Med, Div Expt Med, San Francisco, CA 94143 USAUniv Hawaii, John A Burns Sch Med, Dept Trop Med, Hawaii Ctr AIDS, Honolulu, HI 96822 USAUniv São Paulo, Sch Med, Deparment Infect Dis, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Sch Med, Div Clin Immunol & Allergy, São Paulo, BrazilFuncacao Prosangue, Hemoctr São Paulo, Mol Biol Lab, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Translat Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Translat Med, São Paulo, BrazilSan Francisco-Gladstone Institute of Virology & Immunology Center for AIDS Research: P30 AI027763FAPESP: 04/15856-9/KallasFAPESP: 2010/05845-0/KallasFAPESP: 11/12297-2/SanabaniJohn E. Fogarty International Center: D43 TW00003National Center for Research Resources: 5P20RR016467-11National Institute of General Medical Sciences from the National Institutes of Health: 8P20GM103466-11Web of Scienc

    Implication for Functions of the Ectopic Adipocyte Copper Amine Oxidase (AOC3) from Purified Enzyme and Cell-Based Kinetic Studies

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    AOC3 is highly expressed in adipocytes and smooth muscle cells, but its function in these cells is currently unknown. The in vivo substrate(s) of AOC3 is/are also unknown, but could provide an invaluable clue to the enzyme's function. Expression of untagged, soluble human AOC3 in insect cells provides a relatively simple means of obtaining pure enzyme. Characterization of enzyme indicates a 6% titer for the active site 2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylalanine quinone (TPQ) cofactor and corrected kcat values as high as 7 s−1. Substrate kinetic profiling shows that the enzyme accepts a variety of primary amines with different chemical features, including nonphysiological branched-chain and aliphatic amines, with measured kcat/Km values between 102 and 104 M−1 s−1. Km(O2) approximates the partial pressure of oxygen found in the interstitial space. Comparison of the properties of purified murine to human enzyme indicates kcat/Km values that are within 3 to 4-fold, with the exception of methylamine and aminoacetone that are ca. 10-fold more active with human AOC3. With drug development efforts investigating AOC3 as an anti-inflammatory target, these studies suggest that caution is called for when screening the efficacy of inhibitors designed against human enzymes in non-transgenic mouse models. Differentiated murine 3T3-L1 adipocytes show a uniform distribution of AOC3 on the cell surface and whole cell Km values that are reasonably close to values measured using purified enzymes. The latter studies support a relevance of the kinetic parameters measured with isolated AOC3 variants to adipocyte function. From our studies, a number of possible substrates with relatively high kcat/Km have been discovered, including dopamine and cysteamine, which may implicate a role for adipocyte AOC3 in insulin-signaling and fatty acid metabolism, respectively. Finally, the demonstrated AOC3 turnover of primary amines that are non-native to human tissue suggests possible roles for the adipocyte enzyme in subcutaneous bacterial infiltration and obesity

    A "Candidate-Interactome" Aggregate Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Data in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Though difficult, the study of gene-environment interactions in multifactorial diseases is crucial for interpreting the relevance of non-heritable factors and prevents from overlooking genetic associations with small but measurable effects. We propose a “candidate interactome” (i.e. a group of genes whose products are known to physically interact with environmental factors that may be relevant for disease pathogenesis) analysis of genome-wide association data in multiple sclerosis. We looked for statistical enrichment of associations among interactomes that, at the current state of knowledge, may be representative of gene-environment interactions of potential, uncertain or unlikely relevance for multiple sclerosis pathogenesis: Epstein-Barr virus, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, cytomegalovirus, HHV8-Kaposi sarcoma, H1N1-influenza, JC virus, human innate immunity interactome for type I interferon, autoimmune regulator, vitamin D receptor, aryl hydrocarbon receptor and a panel of proteins targeted by 70 innate immune-modulating viral open reading frames from 30 viral species. Interactomes were either obtained from the literature or were manually curated. The P values of all single nucleotide polymorphism mapping to a given interactome were obtained from the last genome-wide association study of the International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium & the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, 2. The interaction between genotype and Epstein Barr virus emerges as relevant for multiple sclerosis etiology. However, in line with recent data on the coexistence of common and unique strategies used by viruses to perturb the human molecular system, also other viruses have a similar potential, though probably less relevant in epidemiological terms