102 research outputs found

    Збереження стилеформуючих особливостей модерну в історичній забудові

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    In the article the style forming factors of Art Nouveau (known as Modern in Ukraine and Russia) are considered on the example of Kyiv building development in the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. The most typical elements of Kyiv building facades in the Art Nouveau style were revealed and the use of these elements was suggested for the reconstruction and new architectural inclusions in the historical structure of the city.В статье рассмотрены стилеобразующие черты модерна на примере застройки Киева конца XIX- начала XX века. Выявлены наиболее характерные элементы фасадов киевской застройки в стиле модерн и предложено использование этих элементов при реконструкции и в новых архитектурных включениях в историческую структуру города .У статі розглянуті стилеформуючі риси модерну на прикладі забудови Києва кінця XIX — початку XX століття. Виявлені реконструкції та в нових архітектурних включеннях в історичну структуру міста


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    Summary. Today the only way to eliminate contact with the product during the manufacturing process is to provide a support surface under its support surface air buffer layer formed due to the expiration of the working environment through holes perforated gas distribution grids forms. There proposed the method of contactless formation of products consisting of composite materials by the means of air buffer in the article. The results of theoretical and experimental investigations of hydro-gas-dynamic processes occurring when casting of organic- mineral composite material onto the bearing air buffer expressed in the form of mathematical description realizing original hypotheses reflected in the choice of transformation algorithm and limiting conditions are presented. On the base of obtained mathematical model the algorithm of calculation of optimum parameters of transporting systems with discretely powered gas buffer is developed. The method of deduction of a semi-finished product on the gas buffer, which allows to level the pressure field under the bearing surface of the deduction object due to the usage of devices of pseudo fluidized granular material in pneumatic chambers is offered. The application of this method allows to eliminate the possibility of contact between the composite material and the working surface of the equipment and also to reduce the cost of production of pneumatic devices, to improve operational characteristics of this equipment. Submitted depending allowed to develop the methodology and implementation of engineering calculation device for non-contact casting composite materials on air buffer, semi-industrial and industrial variants were created and put into production

    Development of rubber mixing process mathematical model and synthesis of control correction algorithm by process temperature mode using an artificial neural network

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    The article is devoted to the development of a correction control algorithm by temperature mode of a periodic rubber mixing process for JSC "Voronezh tire plant". The algorithm is designed to perform in the main controller a section of rubber mixing Siemens S7 CPU319F-3 PN/DP, which forms tasks for the local temperature controllers HESCH HE086 and Jumo dTRON304, operating by tempering stations. To compile the algorithm was performed a systematic analysis of rubber mixing process as an object of control and was developed a mathematical model of the process based on the heat balance equations describing the processes of heat transfer through the walls of technological devices, the change of coolant temperature and the temperature of the rubber compound mixing until discharge from the mixer chamber. Due to the complexity and nonlinearity of the control object – Rubber mixers and the availability of methods and a wide experience of this device control in an industrial environment, a correction algorithm is implemented on the basis of an artificial single-layer neural network and it provides the correction of tasks for local controllers on the cooling water temperature and air temperature in the workshop, which may vary considerably depending on the time of the year, and during prolonged operation of the equipment or its downtime. Tempering stations control is carried out by changing the flow of cold water from the cooler and on/off control of the heating elements. The analysis of the model experiments results and practical research at the main controller programming in the STEP 7 environment at the enterprise showed a decrease in the mixing time for different types of rubbers by reducing of heat transfer process control error

    Epithelial antimicrobial peptides in host defense against infection

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    One component of host defense at mucosal surfaces seems to be epithelium-derived antimicrobial peptides. Antimicrobial peptides are classified on the basis of their structure and amino acid motifs. Peptides of the defensin, cathelicidin, and histatin classes are found in humans. In the airways, α-defensins and the cathelicidin LL-37/hCAP-18 originate from neutrophils. β-Defensins and LL-37/hCAP-18 are produced by the respiratory epithelium and the alveolar macrophage and secreted into the airway surface fluid. Beside their direct antimicrobial function, antimicrobial peptides have multiple roles as mediators of inflammation with effects on epithelial and inflammatory cells, influencing such diverse processes as proliferation, immune induction, wound healing, cytokine release, chemotaxis, protease-antiprotease balance, and redox homeostasis. Further, antimicrobial peptides qualify as prototypes of innovative drugs that might be used as antibiotics, anti-lipopolysaccharide drugs, or modifiers of inflammation

    Antimicrobial proteins and polypeptides in pulmonary innate defence

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    Inspired air contains a myriad of potential pathogens, pollutants and inflammatory stimuli. In the normal lung, these pathogens are rarely problematic. This is because the epithelial lining fluid in the lung is rich in many innate immunity proteins and peptides that provide a powerful anti-microbial screen. These defensive proteins have anti-bacterial, anti- viral and in some cases, even anti-fungal properties. Their antimicrobial effects are as diverse as inhibition of biofilm formation and prevention of viral replication. The innate immunity proteins and peptides also play key immunomodulatory roles. They are involved in many key processes such as opsonisation facilitating phagocytosis of bacteria and viruses by macrophages and monocytes. They act as important mediators in inflammatory pathways and are capable of binding bacterial endotoxins and CPG motifs. They can also influence expression of adhesion molecules as well as acting as powerful anti-oxidants and anti-proteases. Exciting new antimicrobial and immunomodulatory functions are being elucidated for existing proteins that were previously thought to be of lesser importance. The potential therapeutic applications of these proteins and peptides in combating infection and preventing inflammation are the subject of ongoing research that holds much promise for the future

    Dendritic Cells Exposed to MVA-Based HIV-1 Vaccine Induce Highly Functional HIV-1-Specific CD8+ T Cell Responses in HIV-1-Infected Individuals

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    Currently, MVA virus vectors carrying HIV-1 genes are being developed as HIV-1/AIDS prophylactic/therapeutic vaccines. Nevertheless, little is known about the impact of these vectors on human dendritic cells (DC) and their capacity to present HIV-1 antigens to human HIV-specific T cells. This study aimed to characterize the interaction of MVA and MVA expressing the HIV-1 genes Env-Gag-Pol-Nef of clade B (referred to as MVA-B) in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) and the subsequent processes of HIV-1 antigen presentation and activation of memory HIV-1-specific T lymphocytes. For these purposes, we performed ex vivo assays with MDDC and autologous lymphocytes from asymptomatic HIV-infected patients. Infection of MDDC with MVA-B or MVA, at the optimal dose of 0.3 PFU/MDDC, induced by itself a moderate degree of maturation of MDDC, involving secretion of cytokines and chemokines (IL1-ra, IL-7, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-12, IL-15, IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, RANTES, IP-10, MIG, and IFN-α). MDDC infected with MVA or MVA-B and following a period of 48 h or 72 h of maturation were able to migrate toward CCL19 or CCL21 chemokine gradients. MVA-B infection induced apoptosis of the infected cells and the resulting apoptotic bodies were engulfed by the uninfected MDDC, which cross-presented HIV-1 antigens to autologous CD8+ T lymphocytes. MVA-B-infected MDDC co-cultured with autologous T lymphocytes induced a highly functional HIV-specific CD8+ T cell response including proliferation, secretion of IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, MIP-1β, MIP-1α, RANTES and IL-6, and strong cytotoxic activity against autologous HIV-1-infected CD4+ T lymphocytes. These results evidence the adjuvant role of the vector itself (MVA) and support the clinical development of prophylactic and therapeutic anti-HIV vaccines based on MVA-B

    Program realization of mathematical model of kinetostatical calculation of flat lever mechanisms

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    Global computerization determined the dominant position of the analytical methods for the study of mechanisms. As a result, kinetostatics analysis of mechanisms using software packages is an important part of scientific and practical activities of engineers and designers. Therefore, software implementation of mathematical models kinetostatical calculating mechanisms is of practical interest. The mathematical model obtained in [1]. In the language of Turbo Pascal developed a computer procedure that calculates the forces in kinematic pairs in groups Assur (GA) and a balancing force at the primary level. Before use appropriate computational procedures it is necessary to know all external forces and moments acting on the GA and to determine the inertial forces and moments of inertia forces. The process of calculations and constructions of the provisions of the mechanism can be summarized as follows. Organized cycle in which to calculate the position of an initial link of the mechanism. Calculate the position of the remaining links of the mechanism by referring to relevant procedures module DIADA in GA [2,3]. Using the graphics mode of the computer displaying on the display the position of the mechanism. The computed inertial forces and moments of inertia forces. Turning to the corresponding procedures of the module, calculated all the forces in kinematic pairs and the balancing force at the primary level. In each kinematic pair build forces and their direction with the help of simple graphical procedures. The magnitude of these forces and their direction are displayed in a special window with text mode. This work contains listings of the test programs MyTеst, is an example of using computing capabilities of the developed module. As a check on the calculation procedures of module in the program is reproduced an example of calculating the balancing forces according to the method of Zhukovsky (Zhukovsky lever)

    Features of applying systems approach for evaluating the reliability of cryogenic systems for special purposes

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    Summary. The analysis of cryogenic installations confirms objective regularity of increase in amount of the tasks solved by systems of a special purpose. One of the most important directions of development of a cryogenics is creation of installations for air separation product receipt, namely oxygen and nitrogen. Modern aviation complexes require use of these gases in large numbers as in gaseous, and in the liquid state. The onboard gas systems applied in aircraft of the Russian Federation are subdivided on: oxygen system; air (nitric) system; system of neutral gas; fire-proof system. Technological schemes ADI are in many respects determined by pressure of compressed air or, in a general sense, a refrigerating cycle. For the majority ADI a working body of a refrigerating cycle the divided air is, that is technological and refrigerating cycles in installation are integrated. By this principle differentiate installations: low pressure; average and high pressure; with detander; with preliminary chilling. There is also insignificant number of the ADI types in which refrigerating and technological cycles are separated. These are installations with external chilling. For the solution of tasks of control of technical condition of the BRV hardware in real time and estimates of indicators of reliability it is offered to use multi-agent technologies. Multi-agent approach is the most acceptable for creation of SPPR for reliability assessment as allows: to redistribute processing of information on elements of system that leads to increase in overall performance; to solve a problem of accumulating, storage and recycling of knowledge that will allow to increase significantly efficiency of the solution of tasks of an assessment of reliability; to considerably reduce intervention of the person in process of functioning of system that will save time of the person of the making decision (PMD) and will not demand from it special skills of work with it

    Development algorithm operation of multicomponent system system to support decision-making in assessing the reliability of air separation plants

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    Summary. In that case when knowledge in relation to a problem of development of the knowledge base (KB) of system of an assessment of reliability is understood as the regularities of subject domain received in practice and as a result of vocational training of experts there are opportunities the problems allowing to put and solve in the field of management of reliability. Leaning against our researches it is possible to conclude that the key moment developed the multicomponent systems of support of decision-making (MASPPR) is KB, main principles of construction and which functioning are: the principle of a precedential when obtaining diagnostic information; the principle of fitness during the receiving, the analysis and structurization of diagnostic information; the principle of openness of system having a possibility of progressive updating, being guided by the available information, knowledge bases; the principle of a modularity at construction; the principle of knowledge when obtaining new information assuming existence of procedures of loyal and effective interaction. In turn, the model of representation of knowledge in MASPPR is under construction on a basis production systems (PS) which is model of representation of knowledge well-known and widely used in SEE. According to multicomponentsystem of support of decision-making it is offered to use the simplest method of submission of rules, namely, list (or tabular) a form which shows the list of rules in memory of the interpreter. Development of algorithm of functioning of the car of a logical conclusion. At reduction of time and simplicity of search of a route of a logical conclusion from a significant amount of the rules developed for "agent-performer" and "agent-coordinator" we will apply a method of a linear matrix conclusion. The essence of a method consists that for set of the rules located in the form of the list the matrix is under construction, then, on the basis of the analysis of this matrix the route of a logical conclusion then additional routes of a logical conclusion are defined is defined