102 research outputs found

    II Workshop on Modeling and Simulation for Science and Engineering

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    II Workshop on Modeling and Simulation for Science and Engineering (II WMSSE) was a conference conducted at Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, in the city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, on September 24, 25 and 26, 2019. There, works in several topics of science, technology and engineering were presented. Specially, the participants of conference wanted to bring some solutions to the actual industrial requirements such as improvement and optimization of the heat transfer equipment, electronic devices, system control by mean of computational modeling. Also, dynamic system control was widely used for the prediction of power flow market, diffusion of bacteria in coffee production, stress concentration in industrial machines, analysis of population dynamics, model of hydrological and pluviometric networks, encryption for intercommunication of substation control centers, and others

    Effects of gamma-Ray radiation on magnetic properties of NdFeB and SmCo permanent magnets for space applications

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    Several samples of NdFeB and SmCo permanent magnets have been irradiated with gamma rays up to different total irradiation doses until 1Mrad(Si). Magnetic properties of the samples have been measured at different temperatures before and after irradiation. The modifications of the magnetic parameters are presented. From these results it is highlighted which permanent magnets show more resistance to radiation and are more suitable to be included in devices for space applications or high radiation environments

    The status of chestnut cultivation and utilization in the Canary Islands

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    Chestnut was introduced to the Canary Islands at the beginning of the 16th century during the time of the Spanish Conquest. It was utilised by the conquerors as a means of claiming property for communal lands. From that time until today, chestnut has been an important crop in the Canary Islands. It is important both as a source of food and timber and has contributed to the subsistence of the population, particularly at times when both resources were scarce. Nowadays it is mainly cultivated on the Islands of Tenerife (around 1300 ha) and La Palma. On other islands, such as Gran Canaria, La Gomera and El Hierro, semi-wild chestnut forests and small plots where farmers collect fruit still exist. Morphological and molecular marker (SSRs) studies have shown a great variability within the local population of chestnut trees in the Canaries. The main use for chestnut is fruit consumption, but it was also utilised in the past as an exchange commodity to obtain fish and other food. The fruit is consumed in many different ways, mainly toasted or roasted, but also cooked in soups, fish or meat dishes and even as an ingredient for the typical Canary Islands’ sweet ‘morcillas’ (a type of sausage). The wood of the tree has been used for furniture, with some shoots being utilised for basket making, and also as cattle food. The trunk of the chestnut has also been used to obtain cork or as a bee hive. Recent efforts to add value to chestnut cultivation in the Canary Islands have included the creation of a Chestnut Farmers Association in Tenerife that commercializes their products under a brand name

    A long-period massive planet around HD106515A

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    We have performed RV monitoring of the components of the binary system HD 106515 over about 11 years using the high resolution spectrograph SARG at TNG. The primary shows long-period radial velocity variations that indicate the presence of a low mass companion whose projected mass is in the planetary regime (m sin i = 9.33 Mjup). The 9.8 years orbit results quite eccentric (e=0.57), as typical for massive giant planets. Our results confirm the preliminary announcement of the planet included in Mayor et al. (2011). The secondary instead does not show significant RV variations. The two components do not differ significantly in chemical composition, as found for other pairs for which one component hosts giant planets. Adaptive optics images obtained with AdOpt@TNG do not reveal additional stellar companions. From the analysis of the relative astrometry of the components of the wide pair we put an upper limit on the mass of the newly detected companion of about 0.25 Msun. State of art or near future instrumentation can provide true mass determination, thanks to the availability of the wide companion HD106515B as reference. Therefore, HD106515Ab will allow deeper insight in the transition region between planets and brown dwarfs.Comment: A&A, accepted, 8 pages, 10 figure

    Bridging the Gap Between National and Ecosystem Accounting Application in Andalusian Forests, Spain

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    National accounting either ignores or fails to give due values to the ecosystem services, products, incomes and environmental assets of a country. To overcome these shortcomings, we apply spatially-explicit extended accounts that incorporate a novel environmental income indicator, which we test in the forests of Andalusia (Spain). Extended accounts incorporate nine farmer activities (timber, cork, firewood, nuts, livestock grazing, conservation forestry, hunting, residential services and private amenity) and seven government activities (fire services, free access recreation, free access mushroom, carbon, landscape conservation, threatened biodiversity and water yield). To make sure the valuation remains consistent with standard accounts, we simulate exchange values for non-market final forest product consumption in order to measure individual ecosystem services and environmental income indicators. Manufactured capital and environmental assets are also integrated. When comparing extended to standard accounts, our results are 3.6 times higher for gross value added. These differences are explained primarily by the omission in the standard accounts of carbon activities and undervaluation of private amenity, free access recreation, landscape and threatened biodiversity ecosystem services. Extended accounts measure a value of Andalusian forest ecosystem services 5.4 times higher than that measured using the valuation criteria of standard accounts

    The Rose Bengal Test in Human Brucellosis: A Neglected Test for the Diagnosis of a Neglected Disease

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    Brucellosis is a highly contagious zoonosis affecting livestock and human beings. The human disease lacks pathognomonic symptoms and laboratory tests are essential for its diagnosis. However, most tests are difficult to implement in the areas and countries were brucellosis is endemic. Here, we compared the simple and cheap Rose Bengal Test (RBT) with serum agglutination, Coombs, competitive ELISA, Brucellacapt, lateral flow immunochromatography for IgM and IgG detection and immunoprecipitation with Brucella proteins. We tested 208 sera from patients with brucellosis proved by bacteriological isolation, 20 contacts with no brucellosis, and 1559 sera of persons with no recent contact or brucellosis symptoms. RBT was highly sensitive in acute and long evolution brucellosis cases and this related to its ability to detect IgM, IgG and IgA, to the absence of prozones, and to the agglutinating activity of blocking IgA at the pH of the test. RBT was also highly specific in the sera of persons with no contact with Brucella. No test in this study outperformed RBT, and none was fully satisfactory in distinguishing contacts from infected patients. When modified to test serum dilutions, a diagnostic titer >4 in RBT resulted in 87.4% sensitivity (infected patients) and 100% specificity (contacts). We discuss the limitations of serological tests in the diagnosis of human brucellosis, particularly in the more chronic forms, and conclude that simplicity and affordability of RBT make it close to the ideal test for small and understaffed hospitals and laboratories

    Tendencias de la investigación en Ingeniería Ambiental

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    Esta obra incluye las memorias del Simposio “Tendencias de la Investigación en Ingeniería Ambiental”, organizado por el Grupo de Investigaciones y Mediciones Ambientales (GEMA), realizado en la Universidad de Medellín en agosto de 2007. El texto está conformado por 14 capítulos agrupados en cuatro partes. En la primera se agrupan los trabajos relacionados con la calidad y alternativas de tratamiento del agua e hidráulica ambiental (capítulos 1 al 4). La segunda trata temas relacionados con la contaminación atmosférica y calidad del aire (capítulos 5 al 6). La tercera está relacionada con las tecnologías ambientales para la recuperación y conservación de suelos (capítulos 7 al 10) y la cuarta y última comprende las temáticas asociadas con la sostenibilidad ambiental del territorio (capítulos 11 al 14). En este sentido, estamos convencidos del valioso aporte que el libro dará a la comunidad científica, por ser este un documento de divulgación de resultados de investigación en ingeniería ambiental.PRÓLOGO............13 PRESENTACIÓN.............15 PRIMERA PARTE CALIDAD Y ALTERNATIVAS DE TRATAMIENTO DEL AGUA HIDRÁULICA AMBIENTAL Capítulo 1 PRETRATAMIENTO DE AGUAS RESIDUALES INDUSTRIALES MEDIANTE FOTO-FENTON SOLAR A ESCALA INDUSTRIAL ACOPLADO A BIOTRATAMIENTO CON FANGOS ACTIVOS INMOVILIZADOS Manuel Ignacio Maldonado, Isabel Oller, Wolfgang Gernjak, Sixto Malato 1.1 INTRODUCCIÓN............19 1.2 MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS.............21 1.2.1 Reactivos............21 1.2.2 Determinaciones analíticas.............22 1.2.3 Dispositivo experimental.............23 1.3 R ESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN............ 27 1.3.1 Tratamiento foto-Fenton solar............27 1.3.2 Biotratamiento mediante fangos activos inmovilizados.............33 1.3.3 Sistema combinado foto-Fenton solar-biológico aeróbico............35 1.4 CONCLUSIONES............. 42 Capítulo 2 DEGRADACIÓN DE LA ATRAZINA EN SOLUCIÓN ACUOSA USANDO RADIACIÓN UV Y PROCESOS DE OXIDACIÓN AVANZADA Margarita Hincapié, Gustavo Peñuela, Manuel I. Maldonado, Sixto Malato 2.1 INTRODUCCIÓN..............47 2.2 SECCIÓN EXPERIMENTAL..............53 2.2.1 Materiales.............53 2.2.2 Metodología...............53 2.2.3 Determinación analítica..............55 2.2.4 Determinación de la toxicidad...............55 2.3 R ESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN...............56 2.3.1 Hidrólisis..............56 2.3.2 Fotólisis y fotocatálisis con TiO2 Degussa P25.............56 2.3.3 Efecto de los agentes oxidantes peróxido de hidrógeno y persulfato de sodio en la fotocatálisis..............59 2.3.4 Proceso foto Fenton..............63 2.3.5 Evaluación de los aniones inorgánicos durante los dos tratamientos.............66 2.3.6 Cuantificación e identificación de los productos de degradación...............68 2.3.7 Evaluación de la toxicidad...............71 2.4 CONCLUSIONES...............74 Capítulo 3 HUMEDALES ARTIFICIALES PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DE AGUAS RESIDUALES Nazly E. Sánchez P., Gustavo A. Peñuela M., Juan C. Casas Z. 3.1 INTRODUCCIÓN...............81 3.2 MARCO TEÓRICO...............83 3.2.1 Humedales construidos para el tratamiento de aguas residuales..............84 3.2.2 Clasificación de los humedales.............85 3.2.3 Ventajas y desventajas de los humedales subsuperficiales..............87 3.2.4 Aspectos a considerar en los humedales subsuperficiales..............88 3.3 MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS.................89 3.3.1 Diseño y construcción de los humedales a escala piloto..............89 3.3.2 Componentes del agua residual sintética................90 3.3.3 Siembra y aclimatación de plantas............... 90 3.3.4 Muestreos............91 3.4 R ESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN..............91 3.4.1 pH..............91 3.4.2 Demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO5)..............92 3.4.3 Carbono orgánico total (COT)................94 3.5 CONCLUSIONES................95 Capítulo 4 DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA DINÁMICA OCEANOGRÁFICA DEL GOLFO DE URABÁ UTILIZANDO MEDICIONES DE CAMPO Luis Javier Montoya Jaramillo, Francisco Mauricio Toro Botero 4.1 INTRODUCCIÓN...............103 4.2 DATOS Y MÉTODOS................107 4.3 DISCUSIÓN..............118 4.4 CONCLUSIONES............. 120 SEGUNDA PARTE CONTAMINACIÓN ATMOSFÉRICA Y CALIDAD DEL AIRE Capítulo 5 IMPACTO DE LAS MOTOCICLETAS EN LA CALIDAD DEL AIRE. ESTUDIO DE CASO: MONTERÍA Carlos Alberto Echeverri Londoño 5.1 INTRODUCCIÓN.................127 5.2 MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS...............131 5.2.1 S elección de los sitios de medición...............131 5.2.2 Período de medición................131 5.2.3 Parámetros seleccionados...............132 5.2.4 Equipos y materiales utilizados..............132 5.2.5 Índices de calidad del aire..............133 5.2.6 Legislación.............. 138 5.2.7 Inventario de emisiones..............141 5.3 RESULTADOS...............142 5.3.1 Calidad del aire y calidad acústica................142 5.3.2 Emisiones vehiculares.............150 5.3.3 Inventario de emisiones.............155 5.4 CONCLUSIONES.............. 158 5.5 RECOMENDACIONES............. 160 Capítulo 6 ROMPIMIENTO DE LA INVERSIÓN TÉRMICA EN EL VALLE DE ABURRÁ Ángela M. Rendón, José F. Jiménez, Carlos Palacio 6.1 INTRODUCCIÓN...............163 6.2 MEDICIÓN DE VARIABLES ATMOSFÉRICAS..............164 6.3 CAMPAÑAS DE MEDICIÓN.............165 6.4 RESULTADOS..............166 6.5 CONCLUSIONES................170 TERCERA PARTE TECNOLOGÍAS AMBIENTALES PARA LA RECUPERACIÓN Y CONSERVACIÓN DE SUELOS Capítulo 7 ESTRUCTURA MODELO DE LA PARTÍCULA FUNDAMENTAL DEL COMPOST Carlos E. Arroyave M., Carlos A. Peláez J. 7.1 INTRODUCCIÓN..............177 7.2 MATERIALES Y EQUIPOS.............178 7.2.1 Materias primas y planta de compostaje............178 7.2.2 Obtención de fracciones............. 182 7.2.3 Análisis estadístico.............184 7.3 RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN.............184 7.3.1 Caracterización fisicoquímica del material de RSUsf...........184 7.3.2 Tamaño de partícula.............185 7.3.3 Análisis instrumental................187 7.3.4 Modelo de partícula..............194 7.4 CONCLUSIONES..............195 Capítulo 8 DEGRADACIÓN DE HEXACLOROCICLOHEXANO (HCH) CON HONGOS DE PODREDUMBRE DE LA MADERA Juan Carlos Quintero Díaz, Gumersindo Feijoo, Juan Manuel Lema 8.1 INTRODUCCIÓN..............199 8.2 MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS..............204 8.2.1 Microorganismos.............204 8.2.2 Ensayos de selección de los hongos de podredumbre de la madera.............204 8.2.3 Ensayos de degradación de HCH en medio líquido.............205 8.2.4 Ensayos de degradación de HCH en sobre suelo contaminado.............205 8.2.5 Extracción y análisis de los isómeros de HCH.............208 8.3 RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN..............209 8.3.1 Selección de los microorganismos.............209 8.3.2 Degradación de HCH en medio líquido.............210 8.3.3 Degradación de HCH en fase sólida.............212 8.4 CONCLUSIONES.............. 220 Capítulo 9 AVANCES EN LA PROPAGACIÓN ASIMBIÓTICA IN VITRO DE ORQUÍDEAS CON ESPECIAL ÉNFASIS EN EL GÉNERO CATTLEYA Liliana R. Botero, María A. Jaramillo, Óscar O. Ossa R., Tatiana Saldarriaga F., Estefanía Ortiz R. 9.1 INTRODUCCIÓN...............227 9.2 MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS...............231 9.2.1 Evaluación de la metodología de desinfección de cápsulas de orquídeas.............231 9.2.2 Evaluación del efecto de un abono comercial y un suplemento comercial de banano............239 9.3 R ESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN..............242 9.3.1 Ensayos de desinfección...............242 9.3.2 Resultados del efecto de un abono comercial y un suplemento de banano comercial....246 9.4 CONCLUSIONES..............254 Capítulo 10 MOVILIDAD DEL BRAVONIL 720 (CLOROTALONILO) A TRAVÉS DE LA ZONA NO SATURADA Y SATURADA DE UN ACUÍFERO LIBRE SIMULADO Idalia Jacqueline López Sánchez, Gustavo Antonio Peñuela Mesa 10.1 INTRODUCCIÓN...............259 10.2 MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS...............261 10.3 RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN..............269 10.4 CONCLUSIONES..............292 CUARTA PARTE SOSTENIBILIDAD AMBIENTAL DEL TERRITORIO Capítulo 11 LA RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL COMO COMPONENTE DE SOSTENIBILIDAD AMBIENTAL John Fredy López Pérez 11.1 INTRODUCCIÓN...............299 11.2 UNA LECTURA DE LA SOSTENIBILIDAD AMBIENTAL DESDE UN PUNTO DE VISTA SOCIAL..............300 11.3 EL CONCEPTO DE LA RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL...............303 11.4 LA RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL COMO ESPACIO PARA L A SOSTENIBILIDAD AMBIENTAL.............309 11.5 ESBOZOS DE UN CASO: EL SECTOR ELÉCTRICO COLOMBIANO..............311 11.6 CONCLUSIONES..............319 Capítulo 12 DETERMINACIÓN ESPACIAL DE ÁREAS DE IMPORTANCIA ESTRATÉGICA El caso de microcuencas abastecedoras de acueductos veredales del municipio de Medellín Joaquín Hincapié, Álvaro Lema 12.1 INTRODUCCIÓN................323 12.2 LA NOCIÓN DE ÁREA DE IMPORTANCIA ESTRATÉGICA...............325 12.3 LA IDEA DE LOS SERV ICIOS AMBIENTALES..............328 12.4 ESTRATEGIA METODOLÓGICA EN LA IDENTIFICACIÓN Y DETERMINACIÓN DE LAS ÁREAS DE IMPORTANCIA ESTRATÉGICA............332 12.5 L OS RESULTADOS DEL MODELO...............359 12.6 CONCLUSIONES............. 361 Capítulo 13 LA EDUCACIÓN AMBIENTAL EN LA TRANSFORMACIÓN DE LA CULTURA Luz Ángela Peña Marín, Alba Miriam Vergara Vargas 13.1 INTRODUCCIÓN..............369 13.2 APROXIMACIÓN CONCEPTUAL...............370 13.2.1 La reflexividad...............372 13.2.2 La construcción del otro...............374 13.2.3 El discurso.............. 372 13.2.4 La autonomía y la participación..............375 13.2.5 La educación ambiental y el desarrollo humano..............378 13.2.6 Base conceptual de la educación ambiental..............380 13.2.7 Contexto sociocultural..............382 13.2.8 Diagnóstico de la educación ambiental y la administración de los recursos naturales..............392 13.2.9 Criterios corporativos de educación ambiental.............394 13.3 CONCLUSIONES...............398 Capítulo 14 ENFOQUE CONCEPTUAL DE UN SISTEMA DE INDICADORES AMBIENTALES PARA LA EVALUACIÓN DE LOS POT: municipios del Valle de San Nicolás Oriente Antioqueño Carolina Arias Muñoz, Diana Elizabeth Valencia Londoño, Boris Puerto López 14.1 INTRODUCCIÓN...............401 14.2 ENFOQUE CONCEPTUAL DEL SISTEMA DE INDICADORES..............406 14.2.1 Primera aproximación: el enfoque de impacto ambiental..............406 14.2.2 Enfoque sistémico: de la sostenibilidad ambiental..............408 14.3 PROPUESTA FINAL DE INDICADORES E ÌNDICE DE SOSTENIBILIDAD AMBIENTAL DEL POT ISAPOT.............424 14.4 R EFLEXIONES FINALES..............42

    Comparison of hemodynamic, biochemical and hematological parameters of healthy pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy and the active labor phase

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pregnancy is accompanied by several hemodynamic, biochemical and hematological changes which revert to normal values after labor. The mean values of these parameters have been reported for developed countries, but not for Mexican women. Furthermore, labor constitutes a stress situation, in which these factors may be altered. It is known that serologic increase of heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 is associated with abnormal pregnancies, presenting very low level in normal pregnant women. Nevertheless, there are no studies where these measurements are compared in healthy pregnant women at their third trimester of pregnancy (3TP) and the active labor phase (ActLP).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seventy five healthy Mexican pregnant women were included. Hemodynamic, biochemical and hematological parameters were obtained in all cases, and serum Hsp70 levels were measured in a sample of 15 women at 3TP and at ActLP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Significant differences were found in most analysis performed and in Hsp70 concentration at 3TP as compared to ActLP, however all were within normal range in both conditions, supporting that only in pathological pregnancies Hsp70 is drastically increased.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results obtained indicate that 3TP and ActLP have clinical similarities in normal pregnancies, therefore if abnormalities are found during 3TP, precautions should be taken before ActLP.</p