16 research outputs found

    In situ measurement of fluid flow from cold seeps at active continental margins

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    In situ measurement of fluid flow rates from active margins is an important parameter in evaluating dissolved mass fluxes and global geochemical balances as well as tectonic dewatering during developments of accretionary prisms. We have constructed and deployed various devices that allow for the direct measurement of this parameter. An open bottom barrel with an exhaust port at the top and equipped with a mechanical flowmeter was initially used to measure flow rates in the Cascadia accretionary margin during an Alvin dive program in 1988. Sequentially activated water bottles inside the barrel sampled the increase of venting methane in the enclosed body of water. Subsequently, a thermistor flowmeter was developed to measure flow velocities from cold seeps. It can be used to measure velocities between 0.01 and 50 cm s−1, with a response time of 200 ms. It was deployed again by the submersible Alvin in visits to the Cascadia margin seeps (1990) and in conjunction with sequentially activated water bottles inside the barrel. We report the values for the flow rates based on the thermistor flowmeter and estimated from methane flux calculations. These results are then compared with the first measurement at Cascadia margin employing the mechanical flowmeter. The similarity between water flow and methane expulsion rates over more than one order of magnitude at these sites suggests that the mass fluxes obtained by our in situ devices may be reasonably realistic values for accretionary margins. These values also indicate an enormous variability in the rates of fluid expulsion within the same accretionary prism. Finally, during a cruise to the active margin off Peru, another version of the same instrument was deployed via a TV-controlled frame within an acoustic transponder net from a surface ship, the R.V. Sonne. The venting rates obtained with the thermistor flowmeter used in this configuration yielded a value of 4411 m−2 day−1 at an active seep on the Peru slope. The ability for deployment of deep-sea instruments capable of measuring fluid flow rates and dissolved mass fluxes from conventional research vessels will allow easier access to these seep sites and a more widespread collection of the data needed to evaluate geochemical processes resulting from venting at cold seeps on a global basis. Comparison of the in situ flow rates from steady-state compactive dewatering models differ by more than 4 orders of magnitude. This implies that only a small area of the margin is venting and that there must be recharge zones associated with venting at convergent margin

    Methane-carbon flow into the benthic food web at cold seeps – a case study from the Costa Rica subduction zone

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    Cold seep ecosystems can support enormous biomasses of free-living and symbiotic chemoautotrophic organisms that get their energy from the oxidation of methane or sulfide. Most of this biomass derives from animals that are associated with bacterial symbionts, which are able to metabolize the chemical resources provided by the seeping fluids. Often these systems also harbor dense accumulations of non-symbiotic megafauna, which can be relevant in exporting chemosynthetically fixed carbon from seeps to the surrounding deep sea. Here we investigated the carbon sources of lithodid crabs (Paralomis sp.) feeding on thiotrophic bacterial mats at an active mud volcano at the Costa Rica subduction zone. To evaluate the dietary carbon source of the crabs, we compared the microbial community in stomach contents with surface sediments covered by microbial mats. The stomach content analyses revealed a dominance of epsilonproteobacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences related to the free-living and epibiotic sulfur oxidiser Sulfurovum sp. We also found Sulfurovum sp. as well as members of the genera Arcobacter and Sulfurimonas in mat-covered surface sediments where Epsilonproteobacteria were highly abundant constituting 10% of total cells. Furthermore, we detected substantial amounts of bacterial fatty acids such as i-C15:0 and C17:1ω6c with stable carbon isotope compositions as low as −53‰ in the stomach and muscle tissue. These results indicate that the white microbial mats at Mound 12 are comprised of Epsilonproteobacteria and that microbial mat-derived carbon provides an important contribution to the crab's nutrition. In addition, our lipid analyses also suggest that the crabs feed on other 13C-depleted organic matter sources, possibly symbiotic megafauna as well as on photosynthetic carbon sources such as sedimentary detritus

    Geochemistry at a sealed deep-sea borehole of the Cascadia Margin.

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    The deep-sea borehole seal CORK was deployed for the first time on a modern accretionary prism during ODP Leg 146 to the Cascadia Margin. Ten months after the deployment the fluid flow and geochemistry of the borehole fluids was investigated during several dives by DSRV Alvin. The chemical analysis of the borehole fluids revealed methane concentrations of more than 3.5 mM, whereas oxygen and dissolved ions as Cl, NO3, or PO4 are still close to the ambient seawater composition. The exceedingly high methane content measured at the top of the sealed borehole and the observed degassing during the ascent of the submersible indicates that the sampled fluid was initially saturated or close to saturation with respect to CH4. The hydrocarbons are characterized by ratios of 170–200 and δ13C values of − 59.5 to − 62.4%o which indicates a considerable admixture of thermogenic hydrocarbon gases. The occurrence of methane of partly thermogenic origin demonstrates that CH4 enters the sealed borehole in the lower, perforated section (94–178 mbsf) and accumulates at the top of the borehole. This suggests the occurrence of free gas within the encapsulated borehole. Considering the stability field of CH4-hydrates, the formation of these ice-like structures may take place and potentially results in a clogging of the top of the borehole. Such precipitates could result in a decoupling of the top of the borehole from the hydraulic and geochemical regime of the accretionary complex, an important aspect for future plans of CORK deployments

    Aktive Fluidaustritte im Aleutengraben - Geologie und Biologie der Cold Vents im Golf von Alaska

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    Active fluid venting was observed for the first time along the Aleutian convergent margin during RV SONNE cruise 97. These subduction-induced cold vents were subsequently investigated in detail during cruise SO 110 in the summer of 1996 using the Canadian remotely operated vehicle, ROPOS. Active sites of dewatering were found at the youngest deformation structure adjacent to the decollement zone. High concentrations of reduced gases in the escaping fluids provide the nutritional and energy basis for the observed chemosynthetic communities in which clams and tubeworms dominate. Further evidence for fluid venting comes from the mineral precipitates of barite and carbonates

    Gas hydrate destabilization: enhanced dewatering, benthic material turnover and large methane plumes at the Cascadia convergent margin

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    Mixed methane–sulfide hydrates and carbonates are exposed as a pavement at the seafloor along the crest of one of the accretionary ridges of the Cascadia convergent margin. Vent fields from which methane-charged, low-salinity fluids containing sulfide, ammonia, 4He, and isotopically light CO2 escape are associated with these exposures. They characterize a newly recognized mechanism of dewatering at convergent margins, where freshening of pore waters from hydrate destabilization at depth and free gas drives fluids upward. This process augments the convergence-generated overpressure and leads to local dewatering rates that are much higher than at other margins in the absence of hydrate. Discharge of fluids stimulates benthic oxygen consumption which is orders of magnitude higher than is normally found at comparable ocean depths. The enhanced turnover results from the oxidation of methane, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia by vent biota. The injection of hydrate methane from the ridge generates a plume hundreds of meters high and several kilometers wide. A large fraction of the methane is oxidized within the water column and generates δ13C anomalies of the dissolved inorganic carbon pool