532 research outputs found

    Realising Value from Big Data Technology Adoption: Understanding the Role of Organisational Capabilities in the Affordance Actualization Process

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    The adoption of big data technologies presents organisations with many value creation opportunities that can transform and improve their business. Much of the research today focuses on big data value creation (what value big data technologies offer), whereas limited research focuses on big data value realisation (how big data value is realized). We aim to fill this research gap by addressing the following research question: how do organisations effectively realize value from the adoption of a new big data technology? We do so by adopting an affordance theory lens and empirically examine the adoption of smart meters (a big data technology) in the UK energy sector. We introduce the concept of actualization enablers, and our findings provide empirically grounded insights into the role of organisational capabilities and actualization enablers in the big data value realization process (affordance actualization). Furthermore, our findings provide important and relevant theoretical and managerial implications

    Origin and evolution of candidate mental retardation genes on the human X chromosome (MRX)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human X chromosome has a biased gene content. One group of genes that is over-represented on the human X are those expressed in the brain, explaining the large number of sex-linked mental retardation (MRX) syndromes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To determine if MRX genes were recruited to the X, or whether their brain-specific functions were acquired after relocation to the mammalian X chromosome, we examined the location and expression of their orthologues in marsupials, which diverged from human approximately 180 million years ago. We isolated and mapped nine tammar wallaby MRX homologues, finding that six were located on the tammar wallaby X (which represents the ancient conserved mammal X) and three on chromosome 5, representing the recently added region of the human X chromosome. The location of MRX genes within the same synteny groups in human and wallaby does not support the hypothesis that genes with an important function in the brain were recruited in multiple independent events from autosomes to the mammalian X chromosome. Most of the tammar wallaby MRX homologues were more widely expressed in tammar wallaby than in human. Only one, the tammar wallaby <it>ARX </it>homologue (located on tammar chromosome 5p), has a restricted expression pattern comparable to its pattern in human. The retention of the brain-specific expression of <it>ARX </it>over 180 million years suggests that this gene plays a fundamental role in mammalian brain development and function.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest all the genes in this study may have originally had more general functions that became more specialised and important in brain function during evolution of humans and other placental mammals.</p

    Weak Interaction Studies with 6He

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    The 6He nucleus is an ideal candidate to study the weak interaction. To this end we have built a high-intensity source of 6He delivering ~10^10 atoms/s to experiments. Taking full advantage of that available intensity we have performed a high-precision measurement of the 6He half-life that directly probes the axial part of the nuclear Hamiltonian. Currently, we are preparing a measurement of the beta-neutrino angular correlation in 6He beta decay that will allow to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model in the form of tensor currents.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, proceedings for the Eleventh Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP 2012

    Human resource management–well‐being–performance research revisited:Past, present, and future

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    The authors provide an up‐to‐date theoretically based qualitative review of research dealing with the relationship between HRM, employee well‐being, and individual/organisational performance (HRM‐WB‐IOP research). The review is based on a systematic critical analysis of all HRM‐WB‐IOP studies (N = 46) published in 13 core HRM and management journals in the 2000 to 2018 period. The authors first identify different theoretical models of the HRM‐WB‐IOP relationship, which they then use to map research in the area. The results show that mutual gains conceptualisations play a dominant role in extant HRM‐WB‐IOP research, at the expense of alternative conflicting outcomes and mutual losses models, which are also shown to receive very limited empirical support across the 46 studies. As part of this mapping exercise, the authors identify important knowledge gaps in the area and conclude by setting out a number of key recommendations for future research to address these gaps

    How do cities approach policy innovation and policy learning? A study of 30 policies in Northern Europe and North America

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    This paper reports on a study of current practice in policy transfer, and ways in which its effectiveness can be increased. A literature review identifies important factors in examining the transfer of policies. Results of interviews in eleven cities in Northern Europe and North America investigate these factors further. The principal motivations for policy transfer were strategic need and curiosity. Local officials and politicians dominated the process of initiating policy transfer, and local officials were also the leading players in transferring experience. A range of information sources are used in the search process but human interaction was the most important source of learning for two main reasons. First, there is too much information available through the Internet and the search techniques are not seen to be wholly effective in identifying the necessary information. Secondly, the information available on websites, portals and even good practice guides is not seen to be of mixed quality with risks of focussing only on successful implementation and therefore subject to some bias. Officials therefore rely on their trusted networks of peers for lessons as here they can access the ‘real implementation’ story and the unwritten lessons. Organisations which have a culture that is supportive of learning from elsewhere had strong and broad networks of external contacts and resourced their development whilst others are more insular or inward looking and reluctant to invest in policy lessons from elsewhere. Solutions to the problems identified in the evidence base are proposed

    Precision Measurement of the 6He Half-Life and the Weak Axial Current in Nuclei

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    Studies of 6He beta decay along with tritium can play an important role in testing ab-initio nuclear wave-function calculations and may allow for fixing low-energy constants in effective field theories. Here, we present an improved determination of the 6He half-life to a relative precision of 3x10^(-4). Our value of 806.89 \pm 0.11(stat)^{+0.23}_{-0.19}(syst) ms resolves a major discrepancy between previous measurements. Calculating the statistical rate function we determined the ft-value to be 803.04 ^{+0.26}_{-0.23} s. The extracted Gamow-Teller matrix element agrees within a few percent with ab-initio calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, published in Physical Review Letter

    Precision Measurement of the 6He Half-Life and the Weak Axial Current in Nuclei

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    Background: The β decays of 3H and 6He can play an important role in testing nuclear wave-function calculations and fixing low-energy constants in effective-field theory approaches. However, there exists a large discrepancy between previous measurements of the 6He half-life. Purpose: Our measurement aims at resolving this long-standing discrepancy in the 6He half-life and providing a reliable ft value and Gamow-Teller matrix element for comparison with theoretical ab initio calculations. Method: We measured the 6He half-life by counting the β-decay electrons with two scintillator detectors operating in coincidence. Results: The measured 6He half-life is 806.89±0.11 stat-0.19+0.23syst ms corresponding to a relative precision of 3×10-4. Calculating the statistical rate function we determined the ft value to be 803.04-0.23+0.26 s. Conclusions: Our result resolves the previous discrepancy by providing a higher-precision result with careful analysis of potential systematic uncertainties. The result provides a reliable basis for future precision comparisons with ab initio calculations. © 2012 American Physical Society

    Transcriptomic effects of adenosine 2A receptor deletion in healthy and endotoxemic murine myocardium

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    Influences of adenosine 2A receptor (A2AR) activity on the cardiac transcriptome and genesis of endotoxemic myocarditis are unclear. We applied transcriptomic profiling (39 K Affymetrix arrays) to identify A2AR-sensitive molecules, revealed by receptor knockout (KO), in healthy and endotoxemic hearts. Baseline cardiac function was unaltered and only 37 A2AR-sensitive genes modified by A2AR KO (≥1.2-fold change, \u3c5 \u3e% FDR); the five most induced are Mtr, Ppbp, Chac1, Ctsk and Cnpy2 and the five most repressed are Hp, Yipf4, Acta1, Cidec and Map3k2. Few canonical paths were impacted, with altered Gnb1, Prkar2b, Pde3b and Map3k2 (among others) implicating modified G protein/cAMP/PKA and cGMP/NOS signalling. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 20 mg/kg) challenge for 24 h modified \u3e4100 transcripts in wild-type (WT) myocardium (≥1.5-fold change, FDR \u3c 1 %); the most induced are Lcn2 (+590); Saa3 (+516); Serpina3n (+122); Cxcl9 (+101) and Cxcl1 (+89) and the most repressed are Car3 (−38); Adipoq (−17); Atgrl1/Aplnr (−14); H19 (−11) and Itga8 (−8). Canonical responses centred on inflammation, immunity, cell death and remodelling, with pronounced amplification of toll-like receptor (TLR) and underlying JAK-STAT, NFκB and MAPK pathways, and a ‘cardio-depressant’ profile encompassing suppressed ß-adrenergic, PKA and Ca2+ signalling, electromechanical and mitochondrial function (and major shifts in transcripts impacting function/injury including Lcn2, S100a8/S100a9, Icam1/Vcam and Nox2 induction, and Adipoq, Igf1 and Aplnr repression). Endotoxemic responses were selectively modified by A2AR KO, supporting inflammatory suppression via A2AR sensitive shifts in regulators of NFκB and JAK-STAT signalling (IκBζ, IκBα, STAT1, CDKN1a and RRAS2) without impacting the cardio-depressant gene profile. Data indicate A2ARs exert minor effects in un-stressed myocardium and selectively suppress NFκB and JAK-STAT signalling and cardiac injury without influencing cardiac depression in endotoxemia

    Use of a radiopaque localizer grid to reduce radiation exposure

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    Abstract Background Minimally invasive spine surgery requires placement of the skin incision at an ideal location in the patient's back by the surgeon. However, numerous fluoroscopic x-ray images are sometimes required to find the site of entry, thereby exposing patients and Operating Room personnel to additional radiation. To minimize this exposure, a radiopaque localizer grid was devised to increase planning efficiency and reduce radiation exposure. Results The radiopaque localizer grid was utilized to plan the point of entry for minimally invasive spine surgery. Use of the grid allowed the surgeon to accurately pinpoint the ideal entry point for the procedure with just one or two fluoroscopic X-ray images. Conclusions The reusable localizer grid is a simple and practical device that may be utilized to more efficiently plan an entry site on the skin, thus reducing radiation exposure. This device or a modified version may be utilized for any procedure involving the spine

    Identification of African antelope species: using thermographic videos to test the efficacy of real-time thermography

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    Real-time thermography using the live-view function of a thermal camera has considerable potential to improve surveys of nocturnal wildlife relative to traditional spotlighting, while also decreasing disturbance. However, ability to identify species accurately is paramount. We use video as a proxy for real-time thermography to test African antelope identification accuracy among 34 observers of differing experience. Overall accuracy was 41% but there were substantial species-specific differences (e.g. wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) = 81%; reedbuck (Redunca arundinum) = 12%). Observer experience was significantly positively related to accuracy (inexperienced = 30%; expert = 61%) with experienced observers being better able to use subtle movement and behavioural information to identify animals. However, the effect of experience was inconsistent between species: even experts found some species challenging (e.g. waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) where coat patterning was invisible thermographically). Self-assessed confidence did not correlate with accuracy. Observers who were good at identifying species were also good at assessing group size. We conclude that real-time thermography is not a “magic bullet” and the understanding of species-specific effectiveness is vital. However, for some species and some groups of observers, accuracy can be extremely high (e.g. 100% for expert observers viewing wildebeest). Tailored training is essential for real-time thermography to be a reliable field technique