26 research outputs found

    Honeycombing and Deformation of Six Wood Species and Their Relationship with Several Physical

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    It is presumed that the wood susceptibility to drying defects is related to several physical properties. This paper examines the drying defects: honeycombing and deformation of six wood species (trema, fast growing teak, bayur, jabon, angsana and lamtoro) during high temperature drying and analyses their relationship with initial moisture content, T/R shrinkage ratio and density. Terazawa method was used to examine the defect during high temperature drying. Result shows that after high temperature drying, lamtoro suffers the worst honeycombing (level 4-6), and fast growing teak deforms severely (level 4-6). Regression analysis shows multiple regression models using all physical properties as predictors provides better estimation on deformation and honeycombing than single-predictor regression models. The multiple regression model for each defect could explain 57.52% and 39.46% of variation in deformation and honeycombing, respectively

    Evaluasi Efektivitas Sistem Informasi Manajemen dan Akuntansi Barang Milik Negara ( Simak-bmn ) di Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Republik Indonesia

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    The Government obligate to secure BMN. The security include physical security, administrative, and legal secure. In order to secure the necessary administrative administration system that can create a control (controlling) on BMN. Thus the necessary tools in the form of system that can simplify the administration and control of BMN. Management Information Systems and Accounting State Assets (SIMAK-BMN) was organized with the aim to produce the necessary information as a tool of accountability for the implementation of the budget and management / control BMN controlled by an accounting unit of goods. But until now has not carried out an evaluation of the level of keefektivitas SIMAK-BMN especially in the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Therefore conducted a study to determine the factors that influence the effectiveness of SIMAK-BMN. So this study can be useful for applications maker SIMAK-BMN in knowing what the important factors that must be considered to improve the effectiveness of SIMAK-BMN which have been implemented. The result is that the factors that influence the effectiveness of SIMAK-BMN are Facility, Usability and Quality Systems. Without the factors above, it is very unlikely that SIMAK-BMN can operate effectively

    Cardiovascular disease risk factors and anthropometry features among seemingly healthy young adults

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    We explored association between the levels of total cholesterol (TC) and uric acid (UA) to the middle upper arm circumference (MUAC), waist circumference (WC) and hip circumference (HC) amongst seemingly healthy university students in Kediri, Indonesia aged 17-23 years (n=150); no history of major previous diseases were found (i.e. metabolic syndrome). TC and UA measured from the capillary blood; standardised anthropometry measurements were done by trained medical doctors. Correlation, linear regression, independent t-test or Mann-Whitney analysis were performed with the level of significance of p<0.05. We found higher TC (p=0.053), UA (p<0.001), MUAC (p=0.009), HC (p=0.865) and WC (p=0.001) among males than among females. TC was significantly correlated to the UA with prevalence of hypercholesterolemia of 46.7% and hyperuricemia of 30% of all participants. All anthropometry was significantly correlated to the TC and UA among males (p<0.001); TC and UA were strongly corresponded to all anthropometry parameters among males. Hypercholesterolemia and hyperuricemia could be found amongst the seemingly healthy young adults in Indonesia; among males these are strongly correlated to the higher MUAC, WC and HC. Daily physical activity and proper healthy diet might help to decrease these cardiovascular disease risk factors

    Karakterisasi Senyawa Kompleks Logam Transisi Cr, Mn, dan Ag dengan Glisin melalui Spektrofotometri Ultraungu dan Sinar Tampak

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    Glisin merupakan asam amino yang paling sederhana dan dapat berdisosiasimembentuk suatu anion glisin H2N-CH2-CO2-, yang dapat bertindak sebagai liganterhadap kation logam transisi. Glisin digolongkan kepada ligan bidentat, ligansemi, dan ligan negatif, karena mempunyai pasangan elektron bebas dalam atomN dan pasangan elektron dalam atom O sebagai kelebihan elektron. Dalampenelitian ini disintesis senyawa koordinasi logam transisi Cr, Mn, dan Ag denganglisin, menghasilkan kristal kompleks Cr-glisinato berwarna merah, Mn-glisinatoberwarna merah muda, dan Ag-glisinato tidak berwarna. Pada pengukuranspektrum inframerah, serapan yang dihasilkan sebagian besar berasal dari glisin.Dengan cara membandingkan serapan glisin dengan serapan kompleksnya,didapatkan hasil regang ikatan logam dengan glisin. Cr-N pada 468,7 cm-1, Cr-Opada 401,2 cm-1, Mn-N pada 532,3 cm-1, Mn-O pada 447,5 cm-1, Ag-N pada 422,1cm-1, dan Ag-O pada 366,4 cm-1. Adanya regangan ikatan logam dengan ligantersebut menunjukkan bahwa glisin berkoordinasi dengan logam melalui atom Ndan O. Pengukuran spektrum ultraungu dari kompleks yang terbentukmenunjukkan adanya serapan glisin. Hal ini menandakan bahwa glisinberkoordinasi dengan logam. Pengukuran spektrum sinar tampak menunjukkanadanya energi yang diserap oleh senyawa kompleks yang terbentuk, untukkompleks Cr-glisinato pada 520 nm, Mn-glisinato pada 570 nm, sedangkan Agglisinatotidak memberikan serapan pada daerah ini karena senyawanya tidakberwarna. Ag-glisinato memberikan serapan pada daerah ultraungu denganpanjang gelombanbg 300 nm

    G6PD genetic variations in neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia in Indonesian Deutromalay population

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    Background: Neonatal jaundice is a common finding in newborns in Asia, including Indonesia. In some cases, the serum total bilirubin levels exceeds the 95th percentile for hours of life (neonatal hyperbilirubinemia). Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (NH) could lead to kernicterus and neonatal death. Glucose-6-Phosphage Dehydrogenase (G6PD) genetic variations and deficiency have been reported in several studies to be associated with NH. This study aimed to analyze the G6PD genetic variations a