37 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Estimasi Derau Tanpa Informasi Sinyal Transmisi Dengan Masukan Sinyal DVB-T Pada Sistem Radio Kognitif

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    Tiga algoritma estimasi derau tanpa informasi sinyal transmisi dibandingkan hasil performanya. Ketiga estimator tersebut yaitu Maximum likelihood estimator, estimator berdasarkan cyclic prefix dan estimator dengan metode Forward consecutive mean excision (FCME). Perbandingan dilakukan dengan menggunakan masukan sinyal DVB-T dan dengan memvariasikan SNR dan jumlah OFDM simbol. Performa dari ketiganya diukur dengan NMSE. Cyclic prefix-estimator dan Maximum likelihood-estimator memiliki performa yang stabil terhadap Perubahan SNR, sedangkan FCME-estimator memiliki performa yang berfluktuasi terhadap Perubahan SNR. Penambahan jumlah simbol juga menghasilkan performa yang membaik pada ketiganya. Performa dari ketiganya menunjukkan bahwa maximum likelihood-estimator memiliki NMSE yang paling kecil. Artinya bahwa estimator ini memiliki tingkat keakuratan yang tinggi


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    As one of language skills taught at schools in the context of teaching Englishas a foreign language in Indonesia, speaking skill has been learned at the level ofsenior high school. However, for most of students speaking is considered as the mostdifficult skill. This research was aimed at describing the barriers in speaking faced bygrade XI students of SMA Negeri 12 Banda Aceh and the causes of the barriers. Thedesign of this study was a descriptive qualitative study. To obtain the data, sixstudents selected by using simple random sampling technique were interviewed. Theresults of interview in this study shows that all of students faced barriers in grammar,three students were in vocabulary, and two students were in pronunciation. Based onthe results it can be concluded that grammar problem and lack of vocabularyknowledge were caused by the laziness, indifference to pay attention, confusinginstruction by the teacher and pronunciation was caused by lack of self-confidenceand difficulty in articulating English sounds. Therefore, it is recommended that theteachers find the good ways to solve those barriers

    Kesabaran dalam Regulasi Emosi pada Santri di SMA Al Muqoddasah

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    This study aims to empirically determine the emotional regulation of students at Al Muqoddasah High School, which focuses on the aspects of emotional regulation, factors that influence emotional regulation, and the patience of students. This research is a qualitative research with a study focused on emotion regulation and uses a phenomenological research design, and uses a Gross’s theory of emotion regulation as a reference in the analysis. The subjects of this study were one male student and one female student. The data collection technique is done by interview and documentation methods. Meanwhile, data analysis was performed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, verification, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are the differences in aspects and emotional regulation factors possessed by the two students, as well as patience in dealing with existing problems. This study provides an overview of aspects of emotion regulation that affect the way students regulate their emotions; factors that affect emotion regulation such as the relationship between parents and children, gender, and interpersonal relationships; and patience of students as a form of regulation of positive emotions of students in dealing with the problems they have The conclusion of this study is that both students have aspects of emotional regulation and factors that influence emotional regulation, although both of these indicators are not owned by both of them as a whole, and the patience possessed by both students is not completely perfect

    Design Prototype of Temperature and Humidity Control and Monitoring on Weaver Ant Cage based on Internet of Things

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    Increasing market demand cannot meet the needs of the community, especially in the rainy season, because Kroto produced by weaver ants is of low quality and hard to find. Modern Kroto cultivation has many advantages compared to traditional searching in nature. The quality and quantity of Kroto lie in maintaining the temperature and humidity for weaver ants. The challenge is how to maintain the temperature and humidity inside the artificial nest of weaver ants. To help overcome the problems of modern weaver ant cultivation, we design and develop automated devices based on the Internet of Things (IoT) to control and monitor temperature and humidity for weaver ant culture. We chose the limitation of temperature is in between 25 oC – 31 oC, and the humidity range is on the level 65% - 85%. We used NodeMCU as the mainboard, DHT22 as temperature and humidity sensor, Cayenne webserver as IoT platform, and fan, humidifier, and heater for the tools to control the environment. We had conducted four tests scenario, which are sensor calibration, relay testing, actuator time testing, and delay testing. The result in temperature reading shows good accuracy while the humidity performs a huge gap of error. The humidity needs to be adjusted with the linear regression formula. Based on the relay testing, the device works perfectly fine to control the heater, the humidifier, and the fan. According to the actuator timing testing, the humidifier has the quickest time to make more humid and soothing conditions, around 5 – 15 minutes. In contrast, the heater actuator needs a longer time to heat up the room. Depends on the temperature, it needs around 5 – 31 minutes. The longest time was during the fan actuator to cool down the room, around 30 – 90 minutes. The average delay of the IoT system is 200,01 ms and is categorized as good performance based on standard TIPHON

    Halal education at the faculty of medicine and health sciences University of Muhammadiyah Makassar

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    The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) Universitas Muhammadiyah (Unismuh) Makassar is a medical education institution managed by Muhammadiyah, an Islamic organization in Indonesia. As an Islamic educational institution, FMHS Unismuh is mandated to develop Islamic insights in the curriculum by including teaching materials about halal in their educational curriculum, which is intended for the students. Teaching material is presented through lectures and problem-based discussions, especially on the relationship between the anatomical and physiological systems of the body. This paper aims to describe the existence of halal topics in the curriculum for students of FMHS Unismuh. The research method of this paper is descriptive analytics. This paper shows that integrated learning has implemented halal education at the FMHS Unismuh. Keywords: Halal Education, Curriculum, Integrated Learning


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    Kebijakan pajak karbon sebagai pigouvian tax merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengatasi eksternalitas negatif yang ditimbulkan atas emisi karbon.  Indonesia akan mulai menerapkan kebijakan pajak karbon secara terbatas pada tahun 2022 pada sektor Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Batubara. Penerapan kebijakan pajak karbon masih harus memperhatikan beberapa hal yang dapat disebabkan atas pengimplementasian kebijakan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan tantangan yang akan dihadapi Indonesia dalam penerapan pajak karbon mendatang. Penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian kajian literatur dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif deskriptif dan sumber data diperoleh melalui data sekunder. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif, dan sumber data diperoleh melalui data sekunder. Penulis menemukan bahwa tantangan yang akan dihadapi Indonesia seperti timbulnya distorsi ekonomi dan dampak pada rumah tangga berpendapatan rendah

    Immunopotentiating Effects of Adjuvants on Bovine Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses to Brucella Abortus Vaccines

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    Veterinary Patholog


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    An authentic assessment is carried out comprehensively to assess the learning inputs, processes and outputs. Authentic assessment must reflect real-world problems, not the world of schools. This study aims to describe the problematics of the implementation of authentic assessment in the subject of the Qur'anic Hadith. This type of research is field research. The results of this study are the implementation of authentic assessment in the subjects of the Qur'an in Hadith in the MTsN Gandusari Blitar: the implementation of authentic assessment in the Blitar Gandsari State MTs requires improvement. Problems with authentic assessment implementation: more instruments and formats, a long time, the assessment process, assessment of attitudes that require accuracy, limited educators, inputs, and considerable costs. The solution given to the problem: conduct MGMP, workshops or guidance on authentic assessment, increase the number of educators, assess according to the provisions, certain parties who give their role, and get used to assess authentically properly and correctly

    Communication Experiences of Speech and Hearing Impaired Clients in Accessing Healthcare in Hohoe Municipality of Volta Region, Ghana

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    Background Access to healthcare for speech and hearing impaired clients can be difficult against the backdrop that healthcare providers are inadequately trained to work with Deaf clients whose primary mode of communication is sign language. Therefore, this study sought to explore communication experiences of deaf people and barriers affecting their access to healthcare in Hohoe municipality in Volta region of Ghana. Method: For this quantitative and qualitative cross-sectional study 40 participants were recruited through snowball sampling technique. Quantitative data was obtained through administration of semi-structured questionnaire to sixteen (16) willing participants. The information was triangulated with three (3) focus group discussions. The statistical software Epi Info version 7 and Stata version 11 was used to analyze the quantitative data and presented in graph and tables. Thematic analysis was adopted for analyzing the qualitative data. Findings: Majority (93%) of the study participants are deaf and 7% being hard of hearing. Half (20) of them were above 30 years. Male to female participants in the study were equal. Thirty-five percent of participants had at least primary education and 10.0% had no formal education however 28% of them were employed. Gestures, sign language, assistance from a family member/friend, lip reading and writing are the various methods used by the deaf in communicating with healthcare providers. Family member/friends assistance and gestures were the most frequently used methods of communicating. Due to communication difficulties, they experience disparity, discriminations, neglect and delays in receiving healthcare from providers. Financial difficulties was also identified as barrier in accessing health. Conclusions: Access to healthcare for hearing impaired clients is important to achieve health equity. However challenging it can be, due to communication gaps, efforts must be made to ensure that this group receive adequate health care