45 research outputs found

    Functional Analysis of a Breast Cancer-Associated Mutation in the Intracellular Domain of the Metalloprotease ADAM12

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    A recently identified breast cancer-associated mutation in the metalloprotease ADAM12 alters a potential dileucine trafficking signal, which could affect protein processing and cellular localization. ADAM12 belongs to the group of A Disintegrin And Metalloproteases (ADAMs), which are typically membrane-associated proteins involved in ectodomain shedding, cell-adhesion, and signaling. ADAM12 as well as several members of the ADAM family are over-expressed in various cancers, correlating with disease stage. Three breast cancer-associated somatic mutations were previously identified in ADAM12, and two of these, one in the metalloprotease domain and another in the disintegrin domain, were investigated and found to result in protein misfolding, retention in the secretory pathway, and failure of zymogen maturation. The third mutation, p.L792F in the ADAM12 cytoplasmic tail, was not investigated, but is potentially significant given its location within a di-leucine motif, which is recognized as a potential cellular trafficking signal. The present study was motivated both by the potential relevance of this documented mutation to cancer, as well as for determining the role of the di-leucine motif in ADAM12 trafficking. Expression of ADAM12 p.L792F in mammalian cells demonstrated quantitatively similar expression levels and zymogen maturation as wild-type (WT) ADAM12, as well as comparable cellular localizations. A cell surface biotinylation assay demonstrated that cell surface levels of ADAM12 WT and ADAM12 p.L792F were similar and that internalization of the mutant occurred at the same rate and extent as for ADAM12 WT. Moreover, functional analysis revealed no differences in cell proliferation or ectodomain shedding of epidermal growth factor (EGF), a known ADAM12 substrate between WT and mutant ADAM12. These data suggest that the ADAM12 p.L792F mutation is unlikely to be a driver (cancer causing)-mutation in breast cancer

    ADAM17 Deletion in Thymic Epithelial Cells Alters Aire Expression without Affecting T Cell Developmental Progression

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    Cellular interactions between thymocytes and thymic stromal cells are critical for normal T cell development. Thymic epithelial cells (TECs) are important stromal niche cells that provide essential growth factors, cytokines, and present self-antigens to developing thymocytes. The identification of genes that mediate cellular crosstalk in the thymus is ongoing. One candidate gene, Adam17, encodes a metalloprotease that functions by cleaving the ectodomain of several transmembrane proteins and regulates various developmental processes. In conventional Adam17 knockout mice, a non-cell autonomous role for ADAM17 in adult T cell development was reported, which strongly suggested that expression of ADAM17 in TECs was required for normal T cell development. However, knockdown of Adam17 results in multisystem developmental defects and perinatal lethality, which has made study of the role of Adam17 in specific cell types difficult. Here, we examined T cell and thymic epithelial cell development using a conditional knockout approach.We generated an Adam17 conditional knockout mouse in which floxed Adam17 is deleted specifically in TECs by Cre recombinase under the control of the Foxn1 promoter. Normal T cell lineage choice and development through the canonical αβ T cell stages was observed. Interestingly, Adam17 deficiency in TECs resulted in reduced expression of the transcription factor Aire. However, no alterations in the patterns of TEC phenotypic marker expression and thymus morphology were noted.In contrast to expectation, our data clearly shows that absence of Adam17 in TECs is dispensable for normal T cell development. Differentiation of TECs is also unaffected by loss of Adam17 based on phenotypic markers. Surprisingly, we have uncovered a novel genetic link between Adam17and Aire expression in vivo. The cell type in which ADAM17 mediates its non-cell autonomous impact and the mechanisms by which it regulates intrathymic T cell development remain to be identified

    Turn it down a notch

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    In the developing vertebrate embryo, segmentation initiates through the formation of repeated segments, or somites, on either side of the posterior neural tube along the anterior to posterior axis. The periodicity of somitogenesis is regulated by a molecular oscillator, the segmentation clock, driving cyclic gene expression in the unsegmented paraxial mesoderm, from which somites derive. Three signaling pathways underlie the molecular mechanism of the oscillator: Wnt, FGF, and Notch. In particular, Notch has been demonstrated to be an essential piece in the intricate somitogenesis regulation puzzle. Notch is required to synchronize oscillations between neighboring cells, and is moreover necessary for somite formation and clock gene oscillations. Following ligand activation, the Notch receptor is cleaved to liberate the active intracellular domain (NICD) and during somitogenesis NICD itself is produced and degraded in a cyclical manner, requiring tightly regulated, and coordinated turnover. It was recently shown that the pace of the segmentation clock is exquisitely sensitive to levels/stability of NICD. In this review, we focus on what is known about the mechanisms regulating NICD turnover, crucial to the activity of the pathway in all developmental contexts. To date, the regulation of NICD stability has been attributed to phosphorylation of the PEST domain which serves to recruit the SCF/Sel10/FBXW7 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex involved in NICD turnover. We will describe the pathophysiological relevance of NICD-FBXW7 interaction, whose defects have been linked to leukemia and a variety of solid cancers

    The structure and function of Alzheimer's gamma secretase enzyme complex

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    The production and accumulation of the beta amyloid protein (Aβ) is a key event in the cascade of oxidative and inflammatory processes that characterizes Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A multi-subunit enzyme complex, referred to as gamma (γ) secretase, plays a pivotal role in the generation of Aβ from its parent molecule, the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Four core components (presenilin, nicastrin, aph-1, and pen-2) interact in a high-molecular-weight complex to perform intramembrane proteolysis on a number of membrane-bound proteins, including APP and Notch. Inhibitors and modulators of this enzyme have been assessed for their therapeutic benefit in AD. However, although these agents reduce Aβ levels, the majority have been shown to have severe side effects in pre-clinical animal studies, most likely due to the enzymes role in processing other proteins involved in normal cellular function. Current research is directed at understanding this enzyme and, in particular, at elucidating the roles that each of the core proteins plays in its function. In addition, a number of interacting proteins that are not components of γ-secretase also appear to play important roles in modulating enzyme activity. This review will discuss the structural and functional complexity of the γ-secretase enzyme and the effects of inhibiting its activity


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    ADAM12 belongs to a disintegrin-like and metalloproteinase-containing protein family that possesses multidomain structures composed of a pro-domain, a metalloprotease, disintegrin-like, cysteine-rich, epidermal growth factor-like, and transmembrane domains, and a cytoplasmic tail. Overexpression of several ADAMs has been reported in human cancer, and we recently described the involvement of ADAM12 in liver injury (Le Pabic, H., Bonnier, D., Wewer, U. M., Coutand, A., Musso, O., Baffet, G., Clement, B., and Theret, N. (2003) Hepatology 37, 1056–1066). In this study, we used a yeast two-hybrid screening of a cDNA library from human hepatocellular carcinoma to analyze binding partners of ADAM12. We identify RACK1, a receptor for activated protein kinase C (PKC), as a new ADAM12 interacting protein. RACK1 is up-regulated in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and is highly expressed by activated hepatic stellate cells. We demonstrate the involvement of RACK1 in mediating the PKC-dependent translocation of ADAM12 to membranes of activated hepatic stellate cells. In particular, treatment of cells with phorbol esters enhances ADAM12 immunostaining in the membrane fractions and the co-immunoprecipitation of ternary complexes containing RACK1, ADAM12, and PKC. By using RNA interference, we demonstrate that inhibition of RACK1 expression diminishes the phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-dependent translocation of ADAM12 to membranes of hepatic stellate cells. Finally, hepatic stellate cells cultured on coated type I collagen induces relocalization of ADAM12 in the membrane, suggesting that this major matrix component in liver cancer and fibrogenesis might stimulate ADAM12 translocation to the cell membrane where its shedding activity takes place