26 research outputs found

    Some aspects of periodontitis pathogenesis in children.

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    Inflammatory processes in the tissues surrounding tooth root are frequent enough and develop as the direct complication of caries. As acute periodontitis is manifested with grinding toothache and violation of ph­y­sio­logical act of chewing, symptoms of general intoxication, the continuous sluggish chronic periodontitis is harmful and dangerous to the organism as well. It forms the state of chronic оdontogenetic intoxication and chroneosepsis with wrong functioning of some internal organs and body systems. The like complications can cause significant disturbance to the function of kidneys, liver, heart, joints and their treatment without ablating focus of inflammation is often in- effective; this must be taken into account by doctors-interns. However, scanning of the oral cavity by conservative means has its difficulties mostly because of ignoring pathogenesis of such inflammation. That is why activity of ferments of blood dehydrogenases from the periapical tissues of the teeth affected with the chronic periodontitis was studied. The level of succinate dehydrogenase and alpha-glycerophosphate degydrogenase of lymphocytes of 110 schoolchildren aged 13-17 years old was studied. The main group of examined individuals included those of infected with tuber­culousis – 50 individuals, and the control group (60 individuals) – clinically healthy ones without tuberculousis desease. All schoolchildren had 1 or 2 teeth affected with chronic periodontitis of the apical localization. The re­searchers found that a significant inhibition of activity of succinate dehydrogenase and alpha-glycerophosphate degydrogenase ferments occurs in the inflammatory periodontal tissues, which indicates to local immunity decline, and as a consequence, pathogenic bacteria activation. In people infected with tuberculousis these violations were  more developed. Such features of periodontitis pathogenesis must be taken into account when providing a combined treatment

    The role of additional correction methods of insufficient adherence to treatment for effective blood pressure control in patients with resistant arterial hypertension

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    The article considers the results of applying the different correction methods of insufficient adherence to treatment in patients with resistant and pseudo-resistant arterial hypertension on the background of the optimization of antihypertensive therapy in the effective blood pressure control by a doctor and a patient


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    The article presents the experience of investigation of pharmacists’morbidity in some countries of the world. Basic factors influencing on the structure and level of pharmacists’morbidity were determined.У статті проаналізовано досвід вивчення захворюваності аптечних працівників у деяких зарубіжних країнах. Визначено основні чинники, що впливають на рівень та структуру захворюваності аптечних працівників

    Hybrid Neuron Networks Based on Q-, W- and Classical Neurons

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    Розглянуто задачу структурно-параметричного синтезу гібридної нейронної мережі на основі використання топології багатошарового персцептрону. Гібридизація досягається за рахунок використання штучних нейронів різних типів, а саме Q-нейрону,W-нейрону і класичного нейрону. Розв’язано задачу оптимального вибору кількості шарів, нейронів в шарах, а також типів нейронів у кожному шарі та принципи їх чергування за допомогою генетичного алгоритму SPEA2. Наведено приклади побудови гібридної нейронної мережі за даною методологією та заданим критерієм оптимізації для розв’язання задач класифікації та прогнозування.The problem of structural-parametric synthesis of hybrid neural network based on the use of multilayer perceptron topology is considered. Hybridization is achieved through the use of artificial neurons of different types, namely Q-neuron, W-neuron and classical neuron. The problem of optimal selection of the number of layers, neurons in layers, as well as the types of neurons in each layer and the principles of alternating them using the genetic algorithm SPEA2 is solved. Examples of building a hybrid neural network using this methodology and a given optimization criterion for solving classification and forecasting problems are given

    Проработка разных методик дифференциальной диагностики эссенциальной резистентной и псевдорезистентной артериальной гипертензии в практике семейного врача

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    У роботі проведено оцінку ефективності удосконаленої нами методики диференційної діагностики ессенціальної резистентної та псевдорезистентної гіпертензії в порівнянні з загальноприйнятою методикою в практиці сімейного лікаря. Встановлено, що чутливість запропонованого нами способу диференційної діагностики, порівняно до традиційного, складає 83,3% (p<0,1). Заявлена методика диференційної діагностики ессенціальної резистентної і псевдорезистентної гіпертензії дозволяє достовірно раніше поставити заключний діагноз і у цілому скоротити строки проведення диференційної діагностики, порівняно до традиційної методики (p<0,01).Assessment of the effectiveness of improved by us method of differential diagnosis of essential resistant and pseudoresistant hypertension in comparison with conventional methodology in the family doctor practice was carried out. The study included 120 patients (men - 68 (56.7%), women - 52 (43.3%), the average age - 55±8,8 years) with essential resistant arterial hypertension. All patients had an initial blood pressure level above 140/90 mm Hg. while taking 3 or more antihypertensive drugs in stable doses for at least 30 days. With the exception of secondary (symptomatic) hypertension, differential diagnosis of essential resistant and pseudoresistant hypertension was performed: in group I (control) (n = 60) – by conventional method; in group II (basic) (n = 60) – by the technique that we have improved. It was found that the sensitivity of the method of differential diagnostics proposed by us, compared with the conventional one, was 83.3% (p<0.1). The declared method of differential diagnosis of essential resistant and pseudoresistant hypertension allows significantly earlier put the final diagnosis and achieve a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure (< 10% of the baseline level) on average 4,5 ± 1,5 days than in the traditional method - 20,2 ± 3,6 days (p<0,05).Проведена оценка эффективности усовершенствованной нами методики дифференциальной диагностики эссенциальной резистентной и псевдорезистентной гипертензии в сравнении с традиционной методикой в практике семейного врача. Установлено, что чувствительность предложенного нами способа дифференциальной диагностики, по сравнению с традиционным, составила 83,3% (p<0,1). Заявленная методика дифференциальной диагностики эссенциальной резистентной и псевдорезистентной гипертензии позволяет достоверно раньше поставить заключительный диагноз и в целом сократить сроки проведения дифференциальной диагностики, по сравнению с традиционной методикой (p<0,01)

    Methods of control and monitoring of pollutants in groundwaters

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    Загрязнение водных объектов, источников питьевого водоснабжения, из-за неэффективной работы очистных сооружений влечет за собой ухудшение качества питьевой воды. В случае использования подземных вод в качестве источника питьевой воды, необходимо очищать их от соединений железа, фтора, марганца, аммиака, а также минеральных солей. Целью исследования является разработка систем контроля и мониторинга загрязняющих веществ в подземных водах

    Ways of improving the accuracy of digital aerial photography by the railway transport inventoy

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    The development of railway sector around the world has always been a vital issue, as it plays important social, financial and economical role and influences the development of the country a lot. Because of constant growth and modernizing of the railway sector all processes and items of land and property fund have to be monitored. On the basis of the world experience, trends in the development of methods and technologies of area mapping it has been established that for the inventory of land and property fund objects cartographic material at 1 : 500 or 1 : 1000 scales suits the most. With the large amounts of work (for example area of mapping and number of railroad objects) it is reasonable to use digital aerial photography and technology of digital data processing, in particular methods of digital photogrammetry. In order to increase the accuracy of creating the cartographic component, the authors suggest, when choosing the parameters of aerial photography, taking into account spatial resolution of camera system, its geometrical properties, the influence of external factors and first of all the atmospheric refraction. It has been proved that by highly precise aerial photography the accuracy of fixation of angular elements of camera orientation with the help of Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) may be insufficient. Therefore it is recommended to thicken core network using block phototriangulation. This paper presents the description and results of experimental work, which helped to create cartographic material from digital images at 1 : 3000 scale with an accuracy of 4–5 cm, which fully meets the requirements for holding inventory, monitoring, maintenance, design and construction.The development of railway sector around the world has always been a vital issue, as it plays important social, financial and economical role and influences the development of the country a lot. Because of constant growth and modernizing of the railway sector all processes and items of land and property fund have to be monitored. On the basis of the world experience, trends in the development of methods and technologies of area mapping it has been established that for the inventory of land and property fund objects cartographic material at 1 : 500 or 1 : 1000 scales suits the most. With the large amounts of work (for example area of mapping and number of railroad objects) it is reasonable to use digital aerial photography and technology of digital data processing, in particular methods of digital photogrammetry. In order to increase the accuracy of creating the cartographic component, the authors suggest, when choosing the parameters of aerial photography, taking into account spatial resolution of camera system, its geometrical properties, the influence of external factors and first of all the atmospheric refraction. It has been proved that by highly precise aerial photography the accuracy of fixation of angular elements of camera orientation with the help of Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) may be insufficient. Therefore it is recommended to thicken core network using block phototriangulation. This paper presents the description and results of experimental work, which helped to create cartographic material from digital images at 1 : 3000 scale with an accuracy of 4–5 cm, which fully meets the requirements for holding inventory, monitoring, maintenance, design and construction

    The role of the psychological type of personality in the formation of adherence to treatment of patients with resistant arterial hypertension

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    The article considers the results of analysis of the personality psychological type of patients with resistant arterial hypertension in the formation of adherence to treatment for the purpose of effective blood pressure control by a doctor and a patient. Obtained data is demonstrated that the overwhelming majority of both adherent and non-adherent patients are characterized by “adaptive” types of attitude to disease (harmonic, ergopathic, anosognostic), that is, types without impairment of mental and social adaptation. Non-adherent patients more often have types of attitude to disease, such as apathetic, melancholic, mixed ergopathic and hypochondriac-sensitive types, which were characterized by indifference to their illness, depressed mood, fear of becoming a burden to relatives, a fear of side effects of medication, which in general may contribute to patients' non-adherence to treatment. Adherent patients more often have types of attitude to disease, such as harmonic, ergopathic, anosognostic and mixed ergopathic-anosognostic types, which indicated the patient's desire to save working capacity and unwillingness to assume the role of "patient". The motivation for active continuation of treatment in such patients may be the desire to return to a full-fledged lifestyle, to maintain their ability to work, which in general can contribute to the patient's adherence to treatment

    Adherence to home blood pressure monitoring depending on the frequency of blood pressure measurements during the day

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    The article analyzes the adherence to home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) with different measurement frequency during the day in 90 patients with hypertension. It was found that after 2 weeks of blood pressure monitoring the greatest was patients' adherence to blood pressure measurement at home once (96.7%) or 2 times a day (90.0%), the lowest – at home pressure measurement every 2–3 hours during the day (76.6%).The adherence to frequent HBPM (2–3 hours during the day) appeared to be significantly less compared to HBPM once or twice daily, due to more frequent violations of HBPM. Regardless of the frequency of measurements at HBPM, adherence to monitoring is most commonly impaired in working men, compared with women of similar age and employment