456 research outputs found

    Comments on "Limits on Dark Matter Using Ancient Mica"

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    To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. together with the author's Reply.Comment: Compressed PostScript (filename.ps.Z), 3 pages, no figure

    The utility of CT angiography in planning perineal flap reconstruction following radical pelvic surgery

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    AbstractIntroductionClosure of the perineum following radical excision of pelvic tumours can prove to be a complex surgical problem. A number of pedicled flaps have been used for perineal reconstruction in order to reduce post-operative complications such as infection and abscess formation. The aim of this case series was to analyse the use of pre-operative computer tomography (CT) angiography to guide flap selection for perineal reconstruction following radical excision of pelvic tumours.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective review to identify all patients who underwent CT angiography prior to radical excision of pelvic tumours and planned flap reconstruction over an 18 month period. Six patients were identified and are presented in this case series. Patients' medical records, histology reports, pre-operative investigations and CT angiograms, complications and follow-up were reviewed.ResultsThe mean patient age was 58.3 years, with a male to female ratio of 1:2. Four out of six patients (66.6%) underwent pre-operative radiotherapy. The deep inferior epigastric arteries (DIEA) were visualised in all six cases (100%) and the pre-operative CT angiography helped guide flap choice in all cases (100%). In one case, narrowing of the DIEA vessels was noted precluding the use of a DIEA-based flap. One patient had a minor superficial wound dehiscence.ConclusionPre-operative CT angiography allows accurate visualisation of the DIEA system including perforator vessels. CT angiography is a useful tool, providing the surgical team with significant additional information to aid pre-operative planning and optimise reconstructive choice and outcome

    Calibration of a solid state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) with high detection threshold to search for rare events in cosmic rays

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    We have investigated a commercially available polymer for its suitability as a solid state nuclear track detector (SSNTD). We identified that polymer to be polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and found that it has a higher detection threshold compared to many other widely used SSNTDs which makes this detector particularly suitable for rare event search in cosmic rays as it eliminates the dominant low Z background. Systematic studies were carried out to determine its charge response which is essential before any new material can be used as an SSNTD. In this paper we describe the charge response of PET to 129Xe, 78Kr and 49Ti ions from the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN, present the calibration curve for PET and characterize it as a nuclear track detector

    Delaunay graph mapping based mesh deformation for simulation of a spanwise rigid and flexible flapping NACA0012 wing using DES with parallel implementation

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    A flapping NACA0012 wing with spanwise rigid and flexible configurations is simulated using the Delaunay graph mapping based mesh deformation technique. This mesh deformation scheme is quite efficient and gives a good alternate to the spring analogy due to its non-iterative nature and simple implementation. It is also well suited for the parallel implementation due to its preservation of the original mesh topology. The preliminary simulated case is spanwise rigid at Garrick frequency of 1.82 and Reynolds number 30,000, corresponding to the experimental data by Heathcote et. al [AIAA- 2006-2870]. The results obtained for this case are in a good agreement with the experimental data for the instantaneous thrust. The simulation also predicts the lag in flapping motion cycle and generated thrust due to the dynamic effects of the flapping cycle and a corresponding phase lag is depicted in the thrust during the flapping cycle. The detailed paper will also include the implementation and results of the spanwise flexible flapping NACA0012 wing

    Mathematical literacy in Plant Physiology undergraduates: results of interventions aimed at improving students' performance

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    The importance of mathematical literacy in any scientific career is widely recognized. However, various studies report lack of numeracy and mathematical literacy in students from various countries. In the present work we present a detailed study of the mathematical literacy of Spanish undergraduate students of Biology enrolled in a Plant Physiology course. We have performed individual analyses of results obtained during the period 2000-2011, for questions in the examinations requiring and not requiring mathematical skills. Additionally, we present the outcome of two interventions introduced with the aim of helping students improve their prospects for success in the course. Our results confirm previous research showing students' deficiencies in mathematical skills. However, the scores obtained for mathematical questions in the examinations are good predictors of the final grades attained in Plant Physiology, as there are strong correlations at the individual level between results for questions requiring and not requiring mathematical skills. The introduction of a laboratory session devoted to strengthening the application of students' previously acquired mathematical knowledge did not change significantly the results obtained for mathematical questions. Since mathematical abilities of students entering university have declined in recent years, this intervention may have helped to maintain students' performance to a level comparable to that of previous years. The outcome of self-assessment online tests indicates that though Mathematics anxiety is lower than during examinations, the poor results obtained for questions requiring mathematical skills are, at least in part, due to a lack of self-efficacy

    A supersonic crowdion in mica: Ultradiscrete kinks with energy between 40^{40}K recoil and transmission sputtering

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    In this chapter we analyze in detail the behaviour and properties of the kinks found in an one dimensional model for the close packed rows of potassium ions in mica muscovite. The model includes realistic potentials obtained from the physics of the problem, ion bombardment experiments and molecular dynamics fitted to experiments. These kinks are supersonic and have an unique velocity and energy. They are ultradiscrete involving the translation of an interstitial ion, which is the reason they are called 'crowdions'. Their energy is below the most probable source of energy, the decay of the 40^{40}K isotope and above the energy needed to eject an atom from the mineral, a phenomenon that has been observed experimentallyComment: 28 pages, 15 figure

    Nuclear Track Detectors. Searches for Exotic Particles

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    We used Nuclear Track Detectors (NTD) CR39 and Makrofol for many purposes: i) Exposures at the SPS and at lower energy accelerator heavy ion beams for calibration purposes and for fragmentation studies. ii) Searches for GUT and Intermediate Mass Magnetic Monopoles (IMM), nuclearites, Q-balls and strangelets in the cosmic radiation. The MACRO experiment in the Gran Sasso underground lab, with ~1000 m^2 of CR39 detectors (plus scintillators and streamer tubes), established an upper limit for superheavy GUT poles at the level of 1.4x10^-16 cm^-2 s^-1 sr^-1 for 4x10^-5 <beta<1. The SLIM experiment at the high altitude Chacaltaya lab (5230 m a.s.l.), using 427 m^2 of CR39 detectors exposed for 4.22 y, gave an upper limit for IMMs of ~1.3x10^-15 cm^-2 s^-1 sr^-1. The experiments yielded interesting upper limits also on the fluxes of the other mentioned exotic particles. iii) Environmental studies, radiation monitoring, neutron dosimetry.Comment: Talk given at "New Trends In High-Energy Physics" (experiment, phenomenology, theory) Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, September 27-October 4, 200

    A bovine lymphosarcoma cell line infected with theileria annulata exhibits an irreversible reconfiguration of host cell gene expression

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    Theileria annulata, an intracellular parasite of bovine lymphoid cells, induces substantial phenotypic alterations to its host cell including continuous proliferation, cytoskeletal changes and resistance to apoptosis. While parasite induced modulation of host cell signal transduction pathways and NFκB activation are established, there remains considerable speculation on the complexities of the parasite directed control mechanisms that govern these radical changes to the host cell. Our objectives in this study were to provide a comprehensive analysis of the global changes to host cell gene expression with emphasis on those that result from direct intervention by the parasite. By using comparative microarray analysis of an uninfected bovine cell line and its Theileria infected counterpart, in conjunction with use of the specific parasitacidal agent, buparvaquone, we have identified a large number of host cell gene expression changes that result from parasite infection. Our results indicate that the viable parasite can irreversibly modify the transformed phenotype of a bovine cell line. Fifty percent of genes with altered expression failed to show a reversible response to parasite death, a possible contributing factor to initiation of host cell apoptosis. The genes that did show an early predicted response to loss of parasite viability highlighted a sub-group of genes that are likely to be under direct control by parasite infection. Network and pathway analysis demonstrated that this sub-group is significantly enriched for genes involved in regulation of chromatin modification and gene expression. The results provide evidence that the Theileria parasite has the regulatory capacity to generate widespread change to host cell gene expression in a complex and largely irreversible manner

    Room-temperature measurement of electrostatically coupled, dopant-atom double quantum dots in point-contact transistors

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    The reduction of nanoelectronic devices to sub-10 nm sizes raises the prospect of electronics at the atomic scale, while also facilitating studies on nanoscale device physics. Single-atom transistors, where the current-switching element is formed by one atom and the information packet size is reduced to one electron, can create electronic switches scaled to their ultimate physical limits. Hitherto, single-atom transistor operation has been limited to low temperatures due to shallow quantum wells, which inhibit room-temperature nanoelectronic applications. Furthermore, the interaction between multiple single-atom elements at room temperature has yet to be demonstrated. Here, we show that quantum interactions between P dopants in Si / Si O 2 / Si single-atom transistors lead to room-temperature double quantum dot behavior. Hexagonal regions of charge stability and gate-controlled tunnel coupling between P atoms are observed at room temperature. Image processing is used to help reduce observer bias in data analysis. Single-electron device simulation is used to investigate evolution of the charge-stability region with varying capacitance and resistance. In combination with extracted tunnel capacitances and resistances, this allows experimental trends to be reproduced and provides information on the dopant-atom arrangement

    Characterisation of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 in human orbital adipose tissue: a comparison with subcutaneous and omental fat

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    Glucocorticoids (GCs) have a profound effect on adipose biology increasing tissue mass causing central obesity. The pre-receptor regulation of GCs by 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) that activates cortisol from cortisone has been postulated as a fundamental mechanism underlying the metabolic syndrome mediating adipocyte hyperplasia and hypertrophy in the omental (OM) depot. Orbital adipose tissue (OF) is the site of intense inflammation and tissue remodelling in several orbital inflammatory disease states. In this study, we describe features of the GC metabolic pathways in normal human OF depot and compare it with subcutaneous (SC) and OM depots. Using an automated histological characterisation technique, OF adipocytes were found to be significantly smaller (parameters: area, maximum diameter and perimeter) than OM and SC adipocytes (P<0·001). Although immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated resident CD68+ cells in all three whole tissue adipose depots, OF CD68 mRNA and protein expression exceeded that of OM and SC (mRNA, P<0·05; protein, P<0·001). In addition, there was higher expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GR)α mRNA in the OF whole tissue depot (P<0·05). Conversely, 11β-HSD1 mRNA together with the markers of late adipocyte differentiation (FABP4 and G3PDH) were significantly lower in OF. Primary cultures of OF preadipocytes demonstrated predominant 11β-HSD1 oxo-reductase activity with minimal dehydrogenase activity. Orbital adipocytes are smaller, less differentiated, and express low levels of 11β-HSD1 but abundant GRα compared with SC and OM. OF harbours a large CD68+ population. These characteristics define an orbital microenvironment that has the potential to respond to sight-threatening orbital inflammatory disease