30 research outputs found

    Revisitar Paulo Freire : uma possibilidade de reencantar a educação

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    Orientadores: James Patrick Maher, Ana Maria Araujo FreireTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de EducaçãoDoutoradoPolíticas, Administração e Sistemas EducacionaisDoutor em Educaçã

    Mitigating Ammonia and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Stored Pig Slurry Using Chemical Additives and Biochars

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    Slurry storage is a significant source of NH3 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The aim of this laboratory study was to assess the effects of different chemical additives and biochars on the emissions of NH3, N2O, CO2, and CH4 during the short-term storage of pig slurry. The experiment was performed using Kilner jars filled with raw slurry as control and six treatment additives (5% w/w): acidified slurry, alkalinized slurry, neutralized slurry, agroforestry biochar, cardoon biochar, and elderberry biochar. The gas emissions were measured for 30 days, and the composition of the slurries was determined. During short-term storage, the results of this laboratory study indicated that the NH3 emissions were reduced by 58% by acidification and by 20% by the biochars (Agroforestry, Cardoon, and Elderberry treatments), while neutralization reduced this loss by only 12%. Nitrous oxide emissions were not reduced by the chemical additives (Acidified, Alkalinized, and Neutralized treatments), while this loss was increased by 12% by the biochars. Carbon dioxide, CH4, and global warming potential emissions were not affected by the chemical additives and biochars. Furthermore, the absence of differences between the biochars may be related to their similar composition. Regarding the influence of the studied additives on NH3 losses, it can be concluded that acidification was the best mitigation measure and the biochars were quite similar due to their composition. Furthermore, neutralization had the advantage of sanitizing the slurry, but only had a mild impact on NH3 preservation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mitigating ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from stored pig slurry using chemical additives and biochars

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    : Slurry storage is a significant source of NH3 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The aim of this laboratory study was to assess the effects of different chemical additives and biochars on the emissions of NH3 , N2O, CO2 , and CH4 during the short-term storage of pig slurry. The experiment was performed using Kilner jars filled with raw slurry as control and six treatment additives (5% w/w): acidified slurry, alkalinized slurry, neutralized slurry, agroforestry biochar, cardoon biochar, and elderberry biochar. The gas emissions were measured for 30 days, and the composition of the slurries was determined. During short-term storage, the results of this laboratory study indicated that the NH3 emissions were reduced by 58% by acidification and by 20% by the biochars (Agroforestry, Cardoon, and Elderberry treatments), while neutralization reduced this loss by only 12%. Nitrous oxide emissions were not reduced by the chemical additives (Acidified, Alkalinized, and Neutralized treatments), while this loss was increased by 12% by the biochars. Carbon dioxide, CH4 , and global warming potential emissions were not affected by the chemical additives and biochars. Furthermore, the absence of differences between the biochars may be related to their similar composition. Regarding the influence of the studied additives on NH3 losses, it can be concluded that acidification was the best mitigation measure and the biochars were quite similar due to their composition. Furthermore, neutralization had the advantage of sanitizing the slurry, but only had a mild impact on NH3 preservationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Espaços, mobiliário escolar e práticas culturais no ginásio Sagrado Coração de Senhor do Bonfim – BA (1951)

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    Este texto analisa o papel atribuído aos espaços, ao mobiliário escolar e às práticas culturais no relatório de verificação do Ginásio Sagrado Coração, localizado em Senhor do Bonfim – BA. Organizado pelo inspetor Othoniel Almeida Moura, em 1951, o relatório registra a história da instituição, mas também apresenta as marcas e a significação do momento histórico e político vivenciado na sociedade brasileira. O relatório possui 110 páginas e contém dados sobre o histórico do estabelecimento, os aspectos relativos à estrutura física, a capacidade das salas, o corpo docente em exercício, a relação de livros da biblioteca, os materiais didáticos, a relação de materiais e os equipamentos de Educação Física, além de 26 fotografias. Composto de 07 (sete) divisões, nele são expostos e avaliados de maneira pormenorizadas, numa escala de 0 a 10 (dez), diversos aspectos referentes à localização, ao edifício, às instalações, às salas de aula, às salas especiais e os materiais didáticos, às instalações para semi-internato, às instalações para internatos. O texto dialoga com os estudos sobre cultura material, cultural escolar e patrimônio histórico-educativo. Autores como Benito (2012), Vinão Frago (2005), Castro e Gaspar da Silva (2011), Alcântara e Vidal (2018) e Rocha (2018) auxiliam na compreensão do patrimônio material escolar como o registro empírico e efetivo das práticas culturais “de uma época, de cada época, de todas épocas”. Por fim, o estudo possibilitou o levantamento de hipóteses das práticas culturais desenvolvidas pela instituição, assim como a compreensão da utilização dos espaços e dos materiais seguindo os padrões nacionalmente estabelecidos.Palavras-chave: Ginásio. Fontes de pesquisa. História da Educação.Spaces, school furniture and cultural practices in the Sagrado Coração de Senhor do Bonfim gymnasium - Ba (1951)ABSTRACTThis text analyzes the role attributed to spaces, school furniture and cultural practices in the verification report of the new facilities of the Ginásio Sagrado Coração, located in Senhor do Bonfim – BA. Organized by inspector Othoniel Almeida Moura, in 1951, the report records not only the history of the institution, but also presents the marks and the significance of the historical and political moment experienced in Brazilian society. The report has 110 pages and contains data on the history of the establishment, the aspects related to the physical structure, the capacity of the rooms, the teaching staff in the office, the list of books in the library, the teaching materials, the list of materials and the equipment of Physical Education, in addition to 26 photographs. Composed of 07 (seven) divisions, it is exposed and evaluated in a detailed way, on a scale of 0 to 10 (ten), several aspects related to the location, the building, the facilities, the classrooms, the special rooms, and the materials educational facilities, semi-boarding facilities, boarding facilities. The text dialogues with studies on material culture, school culture and historical-educational heritage. Authors such as Benito (2012), Vinão (2005), Castro and Gaspar da Silva (2011), Alcântara and Vidal (2018) and Rocha (2018) help to understand school material heritage as the empirical and effective record of cultural practices “of one season, each season, all seasons”. Finally, the study made it possible to raise hypotheses about cultural practices developed by the institution, as well as to understand the use of spaces and materials following nationally established standards.Keywords: Gymnasium. Search sources. History of Education.Espacios, mobiliario escolar y prácticas culturales en el gimnasio Sagrado Coração de Senhor do Bonfim - Ba (1951)RESUMENEste texto analiza el papel atribuido a los espacios, el mobiliario escolar y las prácticas culturales en el informe de verificación de las nuevas instalaciones del Ginásio Sagrado Coração, ubicado en Senhor do Bonfim – BA. Organizado por el inspector Othoniel Almeida Moura, en 1951, el informe registra no solo la historia de la institución, sino que también presenta las marcas y la importancia del momento histórico y político experimentado en la sociedad brasileña. El informe tiene 110 páginas y contiene datos sobre la historia del establecimiento, los aspectos relacionados con la estructura física, la capacidad de las habitaciones, el personal docente en la oficina, la lista de libros en la biblioteca, los materiales de enseñanza, la lista de materiales y el equipo. de Educación Física, además de 26 fotografías. Compuesto por 07 (siete) divisiones, se expone y evalúa de manera detallada, en una escala de 0 a 10 (diez), varios aspectos relacionados con la ubicación, el edificio, las instalaciones, las aulas, las salas especiales y los materiales, instalaciones educativas, instalaciones de semi-embarque, instalaciones de embarque. El texto dialoga con estudios sobre cultura material, cultura escolar y patrimonio histórico-educativo. Autores como Benito (2012), Vinão (2005), Castro y Gaspar da Silva (2011), Alcântara y Vidal (2018) y Rocha (2018) ayudan a entender el patrimonio material escolar como el registro empírico y efectivo de las prácticas culturales “de una temporada, cada temporada, todas las estaciones”. Finalmente, el estudio permitió plantear hipótesis sobre las prácticas culturales desarrolladas por la institución, así como comprender el uso de espacios y materiales siguiendo estándares establecidos a nivel nacional.Palabras clave: Gimnasio. Buscar fuentes. Historia de la educación

    Evaluation of plasmatic and urinary concentrations of purified soy isoflavones

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    Com atividade antioxidante e estrogênica, isoflavonas de soja têm sido associadas à diminuição do risco de câncer e doenças cardiovasculares. Assim, buscou-se nesse trabalho a padronização de um método de extração de isoflavonas a partir do melaço de soja e avaliar a respectiva concentração plasmática e urinária após o consumo deste extrato, em coelhos. As isoflavonas foram extraídas em etanol 90% e purificadas em uma coluna de extração em fase sólida C18, obtendo-se rendimento de 81%. O extrato purificado foi adicionado à dieta dos animais (5 mg de isoflavonas/kg de peso corporal/dia), que foram observados por período experimental de 6 meses. A concentração das isoflavonas (genisteína e daidzeína) dos extratos, da ração, do plasma e da urina foi determinada por CLAE. A concentração média de isoflavonas no plasma foi de 4 mM e a excreção urinária foi de 22 mmoles/24 horas. A purificação das isoflavonas a partir do melaço de soja resultou em preparação adequada para estudos experimentais.Soy isoflavones show antioxidant and estrogenic effects and have been related to decreased risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The goal of the present study was to standardize the extraction of isoflavones from soy molasses and to evaluate the plasmatic and urinary concentrations of isoflavones in rabbits after consumption of extracted isoflavones. Isoflavones were extracted with 90% ethanol and purified with a C18 column. The extraction yield was 81%. The purified isoflavone extract was added to the chow (5 mg isoflavone/ kg body weight/ day) used for feeding rabbits during 6 months. The concentration of isoflavones (genistein and daidzein) in the extracts, chow, blood plasma and urine was determined by high performance liquid chromotagraphy. The mean concentration of isoflavones in blood plasma was 4 mM and the urinary excretion was 22 µmol/24 h. The extraction of isoflavones from soy molasses resulted in a suitable preparation for experimental studies

    Oral PTCTS (Particulated Transialidase) Removes Serum Microparticles and Decreases Inflammation in Atherosclerotic Plaques of Rabbits

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    Background: Previous studies showed that atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability was related with microparticles (MPs)-vesicles larger than 100 nm, which released MMP9 collagenase. In our pre- vious study, intramuscular injection of a new drug (PTCTS) normalized oxidized LDL serum levels and reduced rabbit atherosclerosis. Now, we studied administration of oral PTCTS in order to cla- rify anti-atherosclerotic mechanism of action, analyzing if the treatment removed MPs containing ox-LDL and Mycoplasma pneumoniae antigens and improved the immune response. Methods: We compared two groups of rabbits. Control group (CG, n = 6)—1% cholesterol enriched diet for 12 weeks; Treated group (TG, n = 8)—1% cholesterol enriched diet for 12 weeks with administration of PTCTS (400 μl/day) during the last 6 weeks of diet. The animals had their blood collected, in three different phases of the protocol before being fed with hypercholesterolemic diet, before be- ing treated with water or PTCTS and at the moment of sacrifice. The serum was submitted to im- munofluorescence technique to evaluate the quantity of microparticles marked with antibodies against Mycoplasma pneumoniae and ox-LDL. A fragment of aorta was submitted to immunohisto- chemical detection of antigens from MMP9, ox-LDL, NF-κB and IL-1β. Results: PTCTS showed significant reduction in MMP-9 (P = 0.001) and a tendency of reducing IL-1β (P = 0.09) in the aortic plaques compared with CG. In the serum, PTCTS was able to remove microparticles containing an- tigen of ox-LDL (P = 0.004) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Oral treatment with PTCTS presented more adequate inflammatory response by reducing levels of ox-LDL, IL-1β and mycoplasma, as well as a better stabilization of the atheromatous plaque by reducing levels of MMP-9, avoiding plaque rupture, without causing mortality or toxicity.This work was supported by FAPESP (Fundation that supports research in the State of São Paulo, grant number 2012/12656-5) and Zerbini Foundation

    Prevalence of temporomandibular disorder in patients with fibromyalgia: a systematic review / Prevalência de distúrbio temporomandibular em pacientes com fibromialgia: uma revisão sistemática

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    INTRODUCTION: Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs) and Fibromyalgia (FM) may share similar signs and symptoms. Among them, muscle pain may be involved and significantly reduce the quality of life of these patients. AIM: The aim of this systematic review was to determine the prevalence of TMD in patients with FM.MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this systematic review six electronic databases (LILACS, LIVIVO, PubMed, ScienceDirect, PsycINFO, and Web of Science), as well as three grey literature databases (Google Scholar, Open Grey, and ProQuest) were searched. Cross-sectional studies were selected by two independent reviewers and analyzed in two-phases, following the PRISMA statement. Risk of bias was assessed through the MASTARI (Meta-Analysis of Statistics Assessment and Review Instrument for observational studies from the Joana Briggs Institute).RESULTS: From 660 articles, 51 were eligible for full-text reading and six were finally included. None of the articles met all quality methodological criteria. Therefore, considering the overall risk of bias, one article was judged with moderate risk and five with low risk of bias. A heterogeneity was considered high; thus, a meta-analysis was not performed. From the qualitative analysis it was possible to determine that between 13% to 87.1% of patients with FM can present TMD.CONCLUSION: The prevalence of TMD in patients with FM ranged from 13% to 87.1%. It is suggested that further studies be carried out, mainly with longitudinal design and better quality methodology to help answer whether fibromyalgia is a risk factor for the development of TMDs

    Use of biodegradable polyester-based microvessels for micropropagation of mature Eucalyptus microcorys

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    Background: Micropropagation, an in vitro vegetative propagation technique using small propagules is one of the main applications of plant tissue culture. It can be used to clone specific plants with desired traits and reduce the cost of plant propagation. In this study, we developed a protocol for micropropagation of Eucalyptus microcorys F.Muell using a selected mature tree, in which we tested various combinations of different culture media and evaluated the use of biodegradable polyester-based microvessels during the adventitious rooting and acclimatisation phases. Methods: Epicormic shoots were used as an explant source. After the in vitro explant establishment and multiplication, we tested 8 combinations of BAP, NAA and IBA in the elongation phase. Three types of microvessels were tested in the adventitious rooting phase and acclimatisation of the microcuttings. Results: Epicormic shoots had an establishment percentage of 40.6% and a total of 820 explants were generated by the 11th subculture, with an average of 12 buds per explant. Best shoot elongation results were achieved with BAP (0.05 mg L-1) + NAA (1 mg L-1) and BAP (0.05 mg L-1) + NAA (1 mg L-1) + IBA (1 mg L-1) combinations, whereas microvessel types M2 and M3 provided higher rooting and acclimatisation. According to the results of ISSR markers, at the end of 535 days of in vitro cultivation, cloning was successful between acclimatised micro-plantlets and the parent plant. Conclusions: The micropropagation protocol using microvessels was efficient in producing E. microcorys clonal microplantlets and is recommended for further studies with this species, and for testing in the micropropagation of other species.Peer reviewe

    O acolhimento à família na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva: conhecimento de uma equipe multiprofissional

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    Estudo exploratório descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, que objetivou investigar o conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde de uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) sobre o acolhimento à família. Foi realizado entre os meses de setembro a novembro de 2007 em uma UTI localizada na região Sul do país, com a participação de profissionais de enfermagem, médicos, assistente social e auxiliar administrativo. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista e, para a análise, adotou-se o referencial metodológico do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC), sendo identificados como temas centrais: significado da família; cuidado à família; dificuldades para cuidar da família; significado de acolhimento. Evidenciou-se que a percepção dos participantes a respeito da família vai além de laços de consangüinidade, que o cuidado à família se dá através de informações e orientações; que as dificuldades para o cuidado à família estão relacionadas ao medo do envolvimento e ao despreparo; que o acolhimento é entendido como proximidade, cuidar o outro como a si próprio, e ser receptivo. Os resultados apontam para a valorização do acolhimento à família como uma tecnologia de cuidado relevante para a prática em UTI, porém existe a necessidade de capacitação dos profissionais