48 research outputs found

    Effet du gène SOCS-2 sur la réponse inflammatoire systémique lors de mammite à Staphylococcus aureus

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    Les mammites représentent une dominante pathologique majeure en élevage laitier, avec un impact économique pouvant être considérable. La lutte contre les mammites nécessite de mettre en place diverses mesures préventives. La sélection génétique en fait partie, grâce à la découverte d’une mutation ponctuelle de la protéine SOCS-2 dans la race Lacaune, significativement associée à des CCS élevées. L’objectif de ce travail est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes sous-jacents de cette sensibilité, en ciblant la réaction inflammatoire systémique apparaît lors de mammite. La comparaison des réponses systémiques entre les deux lignées face à une infection mammaire à Staphylococcus aureus a permis de mettre en évidence des différences dans le recrutement des lymphocytes CD14low CD16-, des lymphocytes B et des cellules NK. Des différences de concentrations en IL8, CCL2 et CCL3, possédant un fort pouvoir chimioattractif, ont aussi été observées

    Rescue of DNA damage after constricted migration reveals a mechano-regulated threshold for cell cycle.

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    Migration through 3D constrictions can cause nuclear rupture and mislocalization of nuclear proteins, but damage to DNA remains uncertain, as does any effect on cell cycle. Here, myosin II inhibition rescues rupture and partially rescues the DNA damage marker γH2AX, but an apparent block in cell cycle appears unaffected. Co-overexpression of multiple DNA repair factors or antioxidant inhibition of break formation also exert partial effects, independently of rupture. Combined treatments completely rescue cell cycle suppression by DNA damage, revealing a sigmoidal dependence of cell cycle on excess DNA damage. Migration through custom-etched pores yields the same damage threshold, with ∼4-µm pores causing intermediate levels of both damage and cell cycle suppression. High curvature imposed rapidly by pores or probes or else by small micronuclei consistently associates nuclear rupture with dilution of stiff lamin-B filaments, loss of repair factors, and entry from cytoplasm of chromatin-binding cGAS (cyclic GMP-AMP synthase). The cell cycle block caused by constricted migration is nonetheless reversible, with a potential for DNA misrepair and genome variation

    Transcription and mRNA export machineries SAGA and TREX-2 maintain monoubiquitinated H2B balance required for DNA repair

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    DNA repair is critical to maintaining genome integrity, and its dysfunction can cause accumulation of unresolved damage that leads to genomic instability. The Spt–Ada–Gcn5 acetyltransferase (SAGA) coactivator complex and the nuclear pore–associated transcription and export complex 2 (TREX-2) couple transcription with mRNA export. In this study, we identify a novel interplay between human TREX-2 and the deubiquitination module (DUBm) of SAGA required for genome stability. We find that the scaffold subunit of TREX-2, GANP, positively regulates DNA repair through homologous recombination (HR). In contrast, DUBm adaptor subunits ENY2 and ATXNL3 are required to limit unscheduled HR. These opposite roles are achieved through monoubiquitinated histone H2B (H2Bub1). Interestingly, the activity of the DUBm of SAGA on H2Bub1 is dependent on the integrity of the TREX-2 complex. Thus, we describe the existence of a functional interaction between human TREX-2 and SAGA DUBm that is key to maintaining the H2B/HB2ub1 balance needed for efficient repair and HR

    Integrin-Alpha IIb Identifies Murine Lymph Node Lymphatic Endothelial Cells Responsive to RANKL

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    Microenvironment and activation signals likely imprint heterogeneity in the lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) population. Particularly LECs of secondary lymphoid organs are exposed to different cell types and immune stimuli. However, our understanding of the nature of LEC activation signals and their cell source within the secondary lymphoid organ in the steady state remains incomplete. Here we show that integrin alpha 2b (ITGA2b), known to be carried by platelets, megakaryocytes and hematopoietic progenitors, is expressed by a lymph node subset of LECs, residing in medullary, cortical and subcapsular sinuses. In the subcapsular sinus, the floor but not the ceiling layer expresses the integrin, being excluded from ACKR4+LECs but overlapping with MAdCAM-1 expression. ITGA2b expression increases in response to immunization, raising the possibility that heterogeneous ITGA2b levels reflect variation in exposure to activation signals. We show that alterations of the level of receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL), by overexpression, neutralization or deletion from stromal marginal reticular cells, affected the proportion of ITGA2b+LECs. Lymph node LECs but not peripheral LECs express RANK. In addition, we found that lymphotoxin-β receptor signaling likewise regulated the proportion of ITGA2b+LECs. These findings demonstrate that stromal reticular cells activate LECs via RANKL and support the action of hematopoietic cell-derived lymphotoxin

    Nuclear pore complex: structure and function

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    Nup153, a keeper of genome integrity?

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    Rank-ligand bypasses lymphoid tissue-inducing cells in post-natal lymph node

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    Structural characterization of altered nucleoporin Nup153 expression in human cells by thin-section electron microscopy.

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    Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) span the 2 membranes of the nuclear envelope (NE) and facilitate nucleocytoplasmic exchange of macromolecules. NPCs have a roughly tripartite structural organization with the so-called nuclear basket emanating from the NPC scaffold into the nucleoplasm. The nuclear basket is composed of the 3 nucleoporins Nup153, Nup50, and Tpr, but their specific role for the structural organization of this NPC substructure is, however, not well established. In this study, we have used thin-section transmission electron microscopy to determine the structural consequences of altering the expression of Nup153 in human cells. We show that the assembly and integrity of the nuclear basket is not affected by Nup153 depletion, whereas its integrity is perturbed in cells expressing high concentrations of the zinc-finger domain of Nup153. Moreover, even mild over-expression of Nup153 is coinciding with massive changes in nuclear organization and it is the excess of the zinc-finger domain of Nup153 that is sufficient to induce these rearrangements. Our data indicate a central function of Nup153 in the organization of the nucleus, not only at the periphery, but throughout the entire nuclear interior.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe