2,197 research outputs found

    Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentation

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    This book is full of practical approaches to visual story development that can be applied by anyone. The book combines conceptual thinking and inspirational design, with insightful case studies from the world’s leader brands. With this book you’ll learn to: • Connect with specific audiences • Turn ideas into informative graphics • Use sketching and diagramming techniques effectively • Create graphics that enable audiences to process information easily • Develop truly influential presentations • Utilize presentation technology to your advantage Slide:ology will challenge your traditional approach to creating slides by teaching you how to be a visual thinker. And it will help your career by creating momentum for you cause

    Genotype imputation accuracy in a F2 pig population using high density and low density SNP panels

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    Background: F2 resource populations have been used extensively to map QTL segregating between pig breeds. A limitation associated with the use of these resource populations for fine mapping of QTL is the reduced number of founding individuals and recombinations of founding haplotypes occurring in the population. These limitations, however, become advantageous when attempting to impute unobserved genotypes using within family segregation information. A trade-off would be to re-type F2 populations using high density SNP panels for founding individuals and low density panels (tagSNP) in F2 individuals followed by imputation. Subsequently a combined meta-analysis of several populations would provide adequate power and resolution for QTL mapping, and could be achieved at relatively low cost. Such a strategy allows the wealth of phenotypic information that has previously been obtained on experimental resource populations to be further mined for QTL identification. In this study we used experimental and simulated high density genotypes (HD-60K) from an F2 cross to estimate imputation accuracy under several genotyping scenarios. Results: Selection of tagSNP using physical distance or linkage disequilibrium information produced similar imputation accuracies. In particular, tagSNP sets averaging 1 SNP every 2.1 Mb (1,200 SNP genome-wide) yielded imputation accuracies (IA) close to 0.97. If instead of using custom panels, the commercially available 9K chip is used in the F2, IA reaches 0.99. In order to attain such high imputation accuracy the F0 and F1 generations should be genotyped at high density. Alternatively, when only the F0 is genotyped at HD, while F1 and F2 are genotyped with a 9K panel, IA drops to 0.90. Conclusions: Combining 60K and 9K panels with imputation in F2 populations is an appealing strategy to re-genotype existing populations at a fraction of the cost.Fil: Gualdron Duarte, Jose Luis. Michigan State University; Estados Unidos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomia. Departamento de Producción Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bates, Ronald O.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Ernst, Catherine W.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Raney, Nancy E.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Cantet, Rodolfo Juan Carlos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomia. Departamento de Producción Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Steibel, Juan P.. Michigan State University; Estados Unido

    Prevalence of Mental Illness Among Latino Youth

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    Mental illness a marginalized area of public health, particularly for Latino youth ages 10-18. A unique combination of socioeconomic and cultural factors contribute to why Latino youth experience a higher prevalence of mental illness such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder when compared to other ethnicities of the same age group. These factors include but are not limited to access to health care, religion, and family dynamics. An abundance of peer-reviewed articles report that minorities (such as African-Americans and Latinos) experience higher levels of mental illness and mental health related stigma that other ethnic groups. A survey regarding mental health prevalence and stigma was distributed among various ethnic groups in Reno, NV. Out of 100 responses, data indicates that Latino youth ages 10-18 report a higher level of mental illness and a lower level of treatment seeking behavior when compared to other minority groups such as cauasians, Asian-Americans, and African-Americans

    Sustainable production program in the mexican mining industry: occupational risks

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    Speaking of mining and sustainability sounds contradictory, as the environmental impact generated by resource extraction is well known. How-ever, there are mining companies that are working to be safe and environmentally friendly. An example of this is presented in this study aimed at identifying oc-cupational risks generated by the activities of a small-scale gold and silver mine located in northwestern Mexico. The methodology followed was a Sustainable Production Program (SPP) based on a continuous cycle of five steps in which the tools of cleaner production and pollution prevention are adapted. As a result of this project, it was possible to implement SPP activ-ities: training for workers, use of personal protective equipment and adequate handling of chemicals. As a conclusion, it was verified that SPP application helped this mining company move towards sustainable pat-terns of production.Hablar de minería y sustentabilidad suena contradictorio, ya que es bien sabido el impacto ambiental que se genera por la extracción de recursos. Sin embargo, existen empresas mineras que están trabajando para ser seguras y amigables con el ambiente. Un ejemplo de lo anterior se presenta en este estudio, cuyo objetivo fue identificar los riesgos ocupacionales generados por las actividades de una pequeña mina de oro y plata ubicada en el noroeste de México. La metodología que se siguió fue un Programa de Producción Sustentable (PPS), basado en un ciclo continuo de cinco pasos, en el cual se adaptan las herramientas de producción más limpias y prevención de la contaminación. Como resultado de este proyecto, se logró implementar el PPS en actividades de: capacitación a los trabajadores, uso de equipo de protección personal y manejo de sustancias químicas. A manera de conclusión, se establece que la aplicación del PPS coadyuva a transitar hacia patrones sustentables de producción

    Pertinencia de un modelo de liderazgo resiliente y gestión de calidad en la educación superior

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    La investigación aborda la temática de la Pertinencia de un Modelo de Liderazgo Resiliente y Gestión de Calidad en la educación superior y su objetivo es “Analizar la pertinencia del modelo de liderazgo resiliente que posibilite la gestión de calidad en las facultades de la Universidad Internacional Tres Fronteras del Paraguay. La metodología es de enfoque cualitativo, de diseño genérico de la Teoría Fundamentada, de tipo “Sistemático”. La población constituyó tres estamentos de Decanos, directores, y Técnicos de las Facultades de la UNINTER; 17 especialistas, todos docentes de profesión, realizando además tareas diversas en la institución. La técnica utilizada fue una Entrevista Semiestructurada. Los resultados más relevantes resaltan que liderar con el ejemplo puede repercutir positivamente en los estamentos institucionales y crea ambientes de confianza y compromiso; se deben desarrollar y apoyar de interacción entre los miembros de la comunidad educativa de la institución. Como conclusión se puede señalar que existen variadas formas de liderazgo resiliente, para el logro del bienestar general de los estamentos institucionales y que la gestión de calidad requiere generar planes de mejora, estableciendo, además, sistemas de evaluación del desempeño.

    Piafiando: a performance de "Je ne regrette rien" em algumas versões nômades pela voz de cantores brasileiros

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    À luz da semiótica proposta por A. J. Greimas (1983), o presente trabalho busca analisar como se deu a construção de sentido da canção “Je ne regrette rien” (Charles Dumont/ Michel Vaucaire) - último sucesso de Édith Piaf, bem como entender a compatibilidade entre texto e melodia proposto por Luiz Tatit (1996). Uma vez analisada a canção e, sendo tomadas como ponto de partida a prosódia, a persona vocal e a performance de Piaf, pretendemos estabelecer um estudo comparativo entre o modelo de canto da cantora e as versões nômades trazidas por cinco intérpretes brasileiros. Assim, valendo-nos de conceitos-chave introduzidos por Paul Zumthor, tais como os de performance, nomadismo, movência, fixação e memória (Zumthor, 1997), buscamos entender como essa canção continua ressoando na memória do público brasileiro, em diferentes gravações, adaptações e desdobramentos na paisagem sonora do país (Schafer, 2001). Apesar do silêncio em que se encontra a canção francesa no Brasil e das idiossincrasias entre as duas culturas, conclui-se que estas versões têm contribuído efetivamente para a fixação da memória da cultura musical francesa no país.Based on the Semiotics proposed by A. J. Greimas (1983), the present work seeks to analyse how the meaning of the song Je ne regrette rien (Charles Dumont / Michel Vocaire) – Édith Piaf’s last success – took place, as well as to understand the compatibility between text and melody proposed by Luiz Tatit (1996). Once the song was analysed and, taking Piaf's prosody, vocal persona and performance as a starting point, we intend to establish a comparative study between the singer's model and the nomadic versions brought by five Brazilian singers. Thus, using key concepts brought by Paul Zumthor, such as those of performance, nomadism, mouvance, fixation and memory (Zumthor, 1997), we seek to understand how this song continues to resonate in the memory of the Brazilian public, in different recordings, adaptations and developments in the country's soundscape (Schafer, 2001). Despite the silence in which the French song is found in Brazil and idiosyncrasies between both cultures, it is concluded that these versions have strongly contributed to the fixation of the memory of French musical culture in this country

    A Pandemia na América Latina e os desafios dos Direitos Humanos

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    The purpose of the present study is to know the impacts of Covid19 on the structuresof governmental institutions in Latin America and the effects on Human Rights in termsof health and education, for example. For the analysis, we consider some elements suchas the functioning of political parties, the arbitrariness of power, fiscal transparency andpublic spending, allowing us to take a picture of the reality to be studied regarding thequality of democracy in these countries, and also considering the cooperation efforts, inthe normative and institutional scopes inside and out. As we seek to relate Human Rightsand Democracy, we focus on the ethical dimension of the new challenges facing LatinAmerica. The exposition, sometimes detailed, of situations that illustrate themalfunctioning of institutions came from observation and review of a diverse literature,and from different perspectives specifically in the scope of International Relations.Con el presente trabajo buscamos conocer los impactos de la Covid19 sobre lasestructuras de las instituciones gubernamentales propias de América Latina y los efectossobre los Derechos Humanos en materia de salud y educación, por ejemplo. Para elanálisis consideramos algunos elementos como el funcionamiento de los partidospolíticos, la arbitrariedad del poder, transparencia fiscal y gasto público, etc. que nospermitieron retratar la realidad en estudio, particularmente en lo que toca a la calidad dela democracia en estos países, sin dejar de considerar los esfuerzos de cooperación, enlos ámbitos normativo e institucional para dentro y para fuera. En la medida enprocuramos establecer una relación entre los Derechos Humanos y la Democraciacolocamos el foco en la dimensión ética de los nuevos desafíos que América Latinaenfrenta. La exposición, en algunos casos con detalles, de situaciones que ilustran elmal funcionamiento de las instituciones proviene de la observación y revisión de unaliteratura diversa, e a partir de perspectivas diferentes en el ámbito de las RelacionesInternacionales.Com o presente trabalho procuramos conhecer os impactos da Covid19 sobre asestruturas das instituições governativas próprias da América Latina e os efeitos sobre osDireitos Humanos em matéria de saúde e educação, por exemplo. Para a análiseconsideramos alguns elementos como o funcionamento dos partidos políticos, aarbitrariedade do poder, transparência fiscal e gasto público, etc., permitindo-nos tiraruma fotografia da realidade a estudar, no que diz respeito à qualidade da democracianestes países, sem deixar de considerar os esforços de cooperação, nos âmbitosnormativo e institucional para dentro e para fora. Na medida em que procuramosrelacionar os Direitos Humanos e a Democracia colocamos o foco na dimensão éticados novos desafios que enfrenta a América Latina. A exposição, nalguns casosdetalhada, de situações que ilustram o mau funcionamento das instituições proveio darevisão de uma literatura diversa, e a partir de perspectivas distintas, particularmente,no âmbito das Relações Internacionais

    Universidad rural en el municipio de Sogamoso como propuesta de emprendimiento social

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    La institución educativa Universidad Rural, tal como su nombre lo indica queda ubicada en una zona rural, específicamente en la vereda Chiquita del municipio de Sogamoso. Dentro de este proyecto y como solución a la estrategia de implementación de universidad rural para el municipio de Sogamoso contemplamos el método por el cual la enseñanza para la población campesina debe iniciarse iniciando a pensar diferente, a mirar un futuro y pensar un poco más afuera de la caja, esto llevándolo a catalizar el conocimiento , asociando cadenas productivas las cuales servirán como apoyo para las futuras generaciones gestionando y trasmitiendo el conocimiento a toda la población del municipio de Sogamoso. La institución educativa Universidad Rural inicialmente contará con 2 aulas, las cuales tienen una capacidad de 20 estudiantes por cada una, ya que en cada aula habrá 10 pupitres dobles, además la infraestructura de la institución se tomará en alquiler al colegio que opera en la zona, durante los fines de semana, puesto que, solo los días viernes y sábado se dictarán clases.The Rural University educational institution, as its name indicates, is located in a rural area, specifically in the Chiquita village of the Sogamoso municipality. Within this project and as a solution to the implementation strategy of a rural university for the municipality of Sogamoso, we contemplate the method by which teaching for the rural population should start by starting to think differently, to look at the future and think a little more outside of the box, this leading it to catalyze knowledge, associating production chains which will serve as support for future generations managing and transmitting knowledge to the entire population of the municipality of Sogamoso. The Rural University educational institution will initially have 2 classrooms, which have a capacity of 20 students each, since in each classroom there will be 10 double desks, in addition, the infrastructure of the institution will be rented from the school that operates in the area. , during the weekends, since only on Friday and Saturday classes will be taught

    Aplicación del Modelo de Facturación en Sitio a la Electrificadora del Meta S.A. E.S.P .

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    163 Hojas.Aplicar el modelo de facturación en sitio en la Electrificadora del Meta S.A. E.S.P, en la Ciudad de Villavicencio, Meta. Diagnosticar y analizar el proceso de facturación tradicional existente en la EMSA E.S.P Hacer un análisis de mercado que se garantice un conocimiento previo de la información y el éxito de los objetivos propuestos en la convergencia a un nuevo modelo de facturación. Realizar estudios técnicos que aporten a la integralidad en la calidad del servicio en pro de contribuir al mejoramiento de los indicadores de gestión y maximización de utilidades de La Electrificadora del Meta S.A. E.S.P. Elaborar un estudio financiero que permita minimizar el índice de errores, reclamos, costos, entre otros aspectos permitiendo propiciar la generación de rentabilidad, viabilidad y sostenibilidad empresarial.Resultado Final para Obtener el Titulo de Especialista en Finanzas, Tesis (Especialización en Finanzas) Universidad de los Llanos. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Escuela de Ciencias Económicas., 2015.EspecializaciónEspecializaciones en Finanza

    Rapid screening for phenotype-genotype associations by linear transformations of genomic evaluations

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    Background: Currently, association studies are analysed using statistical mixed models, with marker effects estimated by a linear transformation of genomic breeding values. The variances of marker effects are needed when performing the tests of association. However, approaches used to estimate the parameters rely on a prior variance or on a constant estimate of the additive variance. Alternatively, we propose a standardized test of association using the variance of each marker effect, which generally differ among each other. Random breeding values from a mixed model including fixed effects and a genomic covariance matrix are linearly transformed to estimate the marker effects. Results: The standardized test was neither conservative nor liberal with respect to type I error rate (false-positives), compared to a similar test using Predictor Error Variance, a method that was too conservative. Furthermore, genomic predictions are solved efficiently by the procedure, and the p-values are virtually identical to those calculated from tests for one marker effect at a time. Moreover, the standardized test reduces computing time and memory requirements. The following steps are used to locate genome segments displaying strong association. The marker with the highest − log(p-value) in each chromosome is selected, and the segment is expanded one Mb upstream and one Mb downstream of the marker. A genomic matrix is calculated using the information from those markers only, which is used as the variance-covariance of the segment effects in a model that also includes fixed effects and random genomic breeding values. The likelihood ratio is then calculated to test for the effect in every chromosome against a reduced model with fixed effects and genomic breeding values. In a case study with pigs, a significant segment from chromosome 6 explained 11% of total genetic variance. Conclusions: The standardized test of marker effects using their own variance helps in detecting specific genomic regions involved in the additive variance, and in reducing false positives. Moreover, genome scanning of candidate segments can be used in meta-analyses of genome-wide association studies, as it enables the detection of specific genome regions that affect an economically relevant trait when using multiple populations.Fil: Gualdron Duarte, Jose Luis. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomia. Departamento de Producción Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cantet, Rodolfo Juan Carlos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomia. Departamento de Producción Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bates, Ronald O.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Ernst, Catherine W.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Raney, Nancy E.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Steibel, Juan P.. Michigan State University; Estados Unido