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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different leaf content nitrogen (N) on development of sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani) in rice cultivars BR-IRGA 409 and Labelle grown in nutrient solution containing 0, 50 and 100 mM of N. Sheath blight progress on inoculated leaf sheaths was evaluated by measuring the relative lesion length at 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours after inoculation and this dates used to calculate the area under relative lesion length progress curve (AURLLPC). The N concentration increased by 100 and 122% in cultivars Labelle and BR-IRGA 409, respectively, as the N rates increased from 0 to 100 mM. The AURLLPC increased by 17.6 and 23.6% in the cultivars Labelle and BR-IRGA 409, respectively, as the N rates in the nutrient solution increased. Our data suggest that high concentration of N on rice leaves favor sheath blight development Labelle and BR-IRGA 409 and suggests exist a mechanisms involved extends beyond changing the microclimate between plants

    Sustentabilidade empresarial : aplicação do modelo UNEP/UNESCO (1987) para avaliação do equilíbrio socioeconômico e ambiental das empresas

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Programa Multiinstitucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, UnB, UFPB, UFPE, UFRN, 2007.Os desafios enfrentados pelos empreendimentos empresariais em busca da sustentabilidade nos negócios têm fortalecido a busca por mecanismos com objetivos precípuos de avaliar as ações corporativas em busca de um desenvolvimento de forma sustentável. Essas ações, de acordo com a Organização das Nações Unidas, devem ser construídas sobre três pilares interdependentes e mutuamente sustentadores – desenvolvimento econômico, desenvolvimento social e proteção ambiental. Portanto, esta pesquisa versa sobre a verificação do nível de sustentabilidade empresarial a partir da aplicação do modelo de avaliação ambiental integrada proposto pelo UNEP/UNESCO (1987), que visa calcular um ponto de equilíbrio entre as ações econômicas, ambientais e sociais evidenciadas pelas empresas por intermédio de relatórios de sustentabilidade. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se um referencial teórico visando discutir o papel da Contabilidade e suas relações com o meio ambiente, bem como estabelecer os critérios para produção de relatórios anuais baseados na abordagem do triple bottom line. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, desenvolveu-se uma aplicação prática do modelo a partir da adaptação da terceira geração de indicadores de desempenho econômico, social e ambiental da organização Global Reporting Initiative ao método da Programação por Composição, utilizando a empresa Natura Cosméticos S.A. como objeto de estudo. Esse método é utilizado no modelo como meio de auxílio ao processo decisório dos gestores na presença de múltiplos objetivos conflitantes. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que, a partir dos dados coletados, a Natura encontra-se em uma situação incipiente de desenvolvimento sustentável, apresentando um nível de sustentabilidade considerado pelo modelo como aceitável. O resultado encontrado ensejou a proposição de alternativas gerenciais, por meio de alterações na estrutura de indicadores, criando assim um cenário hipotético onde o equilíbrio entre as variáveis pudesse atingir um nível satisfatório, de boa sustentabilidade. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe challenges faced by the business enterprises in search of its sustainability have strengthened the quest for mechanisms with the main objective of evaluating corporate actions in search of a development in a sustainable way. Those actions, in agreement with the United Nations should be built on three interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars - economic development, social development and environmental protection. Therefore, this research turns about the verification of the level of business sustainability starting from the application of the model of integrated environmental evaluation proposed by UNEP/UNESCO (1987), which seeks to calculate a brake even point among the economic, environmental and social actions evidenced by the companies through sustainability reports. For such, a theoretical reference was developed seeking to discuss the role of Accounting and its relationships with the environment, as well as to establish the criteria for production of annual reports based on the triple bottom line approach. To reach the proposed objectives, a practical application of the model was developed starting from the adaptation of economic, social and environmental third generation of performance indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative organization to the method of Composite Programming, using the company Natura Cosméticos S.A. as study object. This method is used in the model as way of support to the managers' decision process in the presence of multiples conflicting objectives. The results allow concluding that, from the data collected, Natura is in an incipient situation of sustainable development, presenting a sustainable level considered by the model as acceptable. The result found offered the opportunity to propose managerial alternatives, through changes in the indicators structure, creating a hypothetical scenery in which the balance among the variables could achieve a satisfactory level, of good sustainability

    Contextual effects of power differentials: Construct validation and concurrent validity of the Power Differential Scale

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    Power distance can produce contextual effects that surpass the cultural level of analysis, allowing predicting how the assimilation of these cultural values impacts individuals motivations to attain power positions and behaviors towards authorities. Power distance value can be conceived both at a micro and macro level of analysis. However existing measures used at a cultural level have been the object of several critics, and others applied at the individual level need further study in terms of their psychometric properties. This article presents the main psychometric properties of the Earley and Erez (1997) Power Differential Scale. This scale measures the acceptability of power and status differences both at micro and macro level. Two studies analyse the scale’s construct validity and its factorial invariance across groups of participants (study 1); and its predictive validity at an individual level (study 2). The results obtained support the proposed unidimensionality of the scale. Furthermore, it demonstrated predictive power by showing the role of power distance in the prediction of individual motivations to attain power and to respond to power situations using withdrawal or confrontational strategies. Future research is discussed, specifically the impact of power differential construct in individual attitudes and behavior

    Procedural generation of virtual worlds

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    Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Engenharia Informática (Interação e Conhecimento) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Procedural generation is a method of algorithmically generating data instead of manually doing so. There is an increasing opportunity for the use of procedural generation techniques, mainly in the ever growing video-game and movie industries, due to the necessity of creating virtual content. Even though the manual creation of such content offers an higher level of control, it is also usually a long process with the necessity of one or more technical experts, making the possibility of automation for these processes something desirable. When it comes to the video-game industry, replayability is a term used to assess a video-game’s potential for continued play value after its first completion. Using procedural generation it is possible for a game to offer very different experiences each time it is played, potentially increasing the game time, which is something commonly wanted in the industry. An example where this is implemented successfully is in the game Minecraft [12]. The possibility to generate different worlds each time offers unique experiences to each player, not only turning it into a more personal experience but also increasing the level of replayability as well. In the case of procedurally generating terrain in a virtual world we must take into account not only its shape and height points but also the type of terrain being created. Whether it be a beach or a mountain, the decision of what type of terrain to generate depending on the context can be as important as its shape. The intent of this dissertation is to develop a procedural generator of virtual worlds, so the results of the application of a decision tree evolved through genetic programming can be visualized. The decision to be done by the decision tree will be regarding the type of terrain to be generated. To perform the genetic evolution a small set of decision trees will be generated to be evolved simultaneously, with each generation the terrains resultant being shown to the user, allowing them to perform a choice according to their own criteria of which trees they wish to crossover for future generations

    Long Operations’ Risk Assessment of an Airline Company

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    Since the beginning of aviation industry, commercial aviation is being facing an exponential growth due to the huge demand in passenger and cargo transport. This overdevelopment was only possible thanks to the continuous improvements of safety levels all over the decades. In this context, considering all advantages of an integrated Safety Management System along with the irregularity, in operational terms, of the airline operator euroAtlantic Airways (EAA) in this work is developed a study of feasibility of the current model for assessing operational risks of this company for its long-term operations. This dissertation consists in an implementation study of a long-term operations’ safety risk assessment matrix. With this purpose, all operational areas of this airline company are essential in the first phase of this project for identification of each sector’s hazards and respective mitigation measures. All listed hazards and consequent risks are then classified into likelihood and severity and encompassed in a risk assessment matrix. In a final stage, the matrix is uploaded in company’s integrated Safety Management System in order to guarantee its feasibility. Three of the most demanding long-term operations of the last two years were then used as examples to analyse matrix’s viability for future operations’ assessment. Finally, improvements for the company current risk assessment system are proposed in order to guarantee a better comprehension and analysis of future long-term operations risks and associated mitigations.Desde o nascimento da indústria aeronáutica, a aviação comercial tem sofrido um crescimento exponencial devido à elevada procura no transporte de passageiros e carga. Este desenvolvimento só se tornou possível devido a todas as melhorias nos níveis de segurança operacional praticados ao longo das décadas. Neste contexto, considerando todas as vantagens que advém de um Sistema de Gestão de Segurança Operacional integrado e a irregularidade em termos operacionais do operador de linha aérea euroAtlantic Airways (EAA) desenvolve-se neste trabalho um estudo de viabilidade do atual modelo de análise de risco operacional da companhia para as suas operações prolongadas. Esta dissertação consiste num estudo de implementação de uma matriz de análise de risco de segurança operacional de operações continuadas. Com este intuito todas as áreas operacionais desta companhia aérea são, numa fase inicial deste projeto, essenciais na identificação dos perigos e medidas de mitigação inerentes a cada um dos setores. Todos os perigos elencados, e seus consequentes riscos são posteriormente classificados quanto à probabilidade e severidade e agregados numa matriz de análise de risco. Num estágio final, de forma a garantir a viabilidade da matriz, a mesma foi introduzida e avaliada através do sistema integrado de gestão do risco operacional da companhia. Três das maiores operações prolongadas da companhia nos últimos dois anos foram utilizadas como exemplos para analise da viabilidade quer da matriz, quer de futuras operações da companhia. Por fim, são propostas melhorias ao sistema que se encontra atualmente implementado na companhia de forma a garantir uma melhor compreensão e analise do risco e mitigações associadas de futuras operações prolongadas da companhia

    Communicating employer branding in a VUCA context: the Carlsberg Group case

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    Dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.Nestes últimos tempos o mundo mudou dramaticamente. Cada vez mais, vemos a Volatilidade, a incerteza, a complexidade, e a ambiguidade a instalarem-se no nosso dia-adia. A verdade é que eventos como a pandemia da Covid-19, e mesmo o início da Guerra na Ucrânia, prejudicaram amplamente a economia global e o mercado de trabalho, reorganizando não só as prioridades dos colaboradores, como também dos empregadores. O presente estudo procura compreender de que forma o Employer Branding é atualmente comunicado, num contexto cada vez mais VUCA. A análise é feita na perspetiva das Relações Públicas, procurando avaliar o papel da Comunicação Interna na prossecução de uma estratégia de Employer Brand assente na motivação e satisfação organizacional. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo de caso com o Carlsberg Group, uma organização global na área das bebidas alcoólicas, sediada em Copenhaga. Para este estudo, optou-se por uma metodologia de índole mista, materializando a sua execução através da análise de conteúdo ao perfil de LinkedIn da empresa, e de entrevistas semiestruturadas a Dora Vicente, Global Talent Manager, e Emily D’Alterio, Communications Manager, ambas no Carlsberg Group. Os resultados deste estudo destacam o papel vital da Comunicação Interna na propagação da Marca do Empregador no contexto VUCA no Grupo Carlsberg. A Comunicação Interna funciona como um mecanismo de apoio crucial para transmitir e promover efetivamente a marca do empregador, disseminando os valores fundamentais, a cultura e a missão em várias marcas dentro da organização. Ao promover canais de comunicação eficazes e eficientes, a Comunicação Interna assegura que os colaboradores do Carlsberg Group estejam alinhados com os objetivos e metas da empresa, promovendo assim uma força de trabalho positiva e comprometida.ABSTRACT: In recent times the world has changed dramatically. Increasingly, we see volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity creeping into our daily lives. The truth is that events such as the Covid-19 pandemic, and even the outbreak of war in Ukraine, have extensively damaged the global economy and labor market, rearranging not only the priorities of employees but also of employers. The present study seeks to understand how Employer Branding is currently communicated, in an increasingly VUCA context. The analysis is made from the perspective of Public Relations, seeking to assess the role of Internal Communication in the pursuit of an Employer Brand strategy based on motivation and organizational satisfaction. For this purpose, a case study was carried out with the Carlsberg Group, a global organization based in Copenhagen. For this study, a mixed methodology was chosen, materializing its execution through content analysis of the company's LinkedIn profile semi-structured interviews with Dora Vicente Dora and Emily D’Alterio, Global Talent Manager and Communications Manager at the Carlsberg Group, respectively. The findings underscore the vital role of Internal Communication in propagating Employer Branding within a VUCA context at the Carlsberg Group. Internal Communication functions as a critical support mechanism for effectively transmitting and promoting the employer brand, disseminating core values, culture, and mission across various brands within the organization. By fostering effective and efficient communication channels, Internal Communication ensures that employees within the Carlsberg Group are aligned with the company's goals and objectives, thereby fostering a positive and engaged workforce.N/

    Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and genistein as potential Fetal hemoglobin inductors

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    Masters in Biomedical EngineeringSendo das doenças genéticas recessivas de maior impacto no mundo, as β-hemoglobinopatias representam uma ameaça real às pessoas. Os tratamentos disponíveis apresentam-se como caros e com efeitos colaterais associados prejudiciais à saúde dos pacientes. A reativação da hemoglobina fetal por meio de mecanismos de regulação epigenética aparece como um método eficaz para o tratamento de pacientes com essas patologias. Novos agentes facilmente acessíveis capazes de induzir a hemoglobina fetal são desejáveis, com baixos níveis de citotoxicidade, que podem alterar a expressão génica sem alterar o material genético. Neste projeto, foram avaliados os efeitos induzidos por dois compostos naturais, numa linhagem celular precursora de eritroides e em linhagem celular imortalizada para avaliar os efeitos em genes reguladores epigenéticos, tais como ADN metiltransferases (DNMTs) e histonas deacetilases (HDACs). A linha celular foi exposta por 72 horas a uma concentração de 100 ng/ml de genisteína, epigalocatequina-3-galato e ambos em co-exposição para replicar a exposição celular in vivo após a suplementação. A exposição a 25 μg/ml de um tratamento padrão de hidroxiureia foi usada como controle positivo. A viabilidade celular foi avaliada para os precursores eritroides e os efeitos transcricionais dos compostos nos genes DNMT1, DNMT3a, DNMT3b, HDAC1, HDAC2 e HDAC3 na linha celular imortalizada K562. Os resultados demonstraram maior viabilidade da genisteína e do epigalocatequina-3-galato na linha celular de precursores eritroides em comparação à HU que exibiu maior percentagem de células mortas. Estes compostos naturais presentes no chá verde demonstraram potencial na regulação epigenetica de DNMTs, com resultados dispares para HDACs em relação à literatura existente. Este estudo pioneiro descreve o potencial desses compostos naturais individualmente ou em co-exposição para regulação epigenética em linhagem celular de precursores eritroides.As the most impacting recessive genetic diseases in the world, β-hemoglobinopathies represent a real threat to people. Available treatments present themselves as expensive with serious side effects associated. Fetal hemoglobin reactivation through epigenetic regulation mechanisms appears as one effective method for therapy of patients with these pathologies. New easily accessible agents capable of inducing fetal hemoglobin are desirable, coupled with low cytotoxicity levels, that can shift gene expression without altering the genetic material. In this project, the effects induced by genistein and epigallocatechin-3-gallate were evaluated, in an erythroid precursor cell line as well as in an immortalized cell line to evaluate the effects on epigenetic regulatory genes, like DNA methyltranferases (DNMTs) and histone deacetylases (HDACs). Cell lines were exposed for 72 hours to a concentration of 100 ng/ml of genistein, epigallocatechin-3-gallate and both in co-exposure, to replicate cellular exposure in vivo after supplementation. Exposure to 25 μg/ml of a standard treatment of hydroxyurea was used as a positive control. Cellular viability was measured for the erythroid precursors and the transcriptional effects of the compounds on DNMT1, DNMT3a, DNMT3b, HDAC1, HDAC2 and HDAC3 genes cells were evaluated in K562 immortalized cell line. Results showed greater viability of genistein and epigallocatechin-3-gallate in the erythroid precursor cell line compared to HU that displayed higher percentage of dead cells. These natural compounds present in green tea showed potential in the epigenetic regulation of DNMTs, with different results for HDACs in relation to the existing literature. This pioneer study describes the potential of these natural compounds individually or in co-exposure for epigenetic regulation in a cell line of erythroid precursors.N/

    Education and wage inequality in Portugal

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    The main goal of this Master’s thesis is to identify the impact of education on changes in the Portuguese wage distribution using quantile regression methods. I explore the counterfactual decomposition method proposed by Machado and Mata(2005) to decompose changes in the wage distribution from 1994 to 2018 into the factors contributing to those changes: composition effects (characteristics of the Portuguese working force) and structural effects (returns to those characteristics).The results show that education was a key factor contributing to higher wages but also greater wage inequality
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