24 research outputs found

    Shifts in the smart research agenda? 100 priority questions to accelerate sustainable energy futures

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    Energy transitions are at the top of global agendas in response to the growing challenges of climate change and international conflict, with the EU positioning itself as playing a pivotal role in addressing climate risks and sustainability imperatives. European energy transition policies identify 'smart consumption' as a key element of these efforts, which have previously been explored from a predominantly technical perspective thus often failing to identify or address fundamental interlinkages with social systems and consequences. This paper aims to contribute to interdisciplinary energy research by analysing a forward looking 'Horizon Scan' research agenda for smart consumption, driven by the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Reflecting on an extensive systematic Delphi Method exercise surveying over 70 SSH scholars from various institutional settings across Europe, we highlight what SSH scholars see as future directions for smart consumption research. Building from seven thematic areas (under which are grouped 100 SSH research questions), the study identifies three key 'shifts' this new smart research agenda represents, when compared to previous agendas: (1) From technological inevitability to political choice, highlighting the need for a wider political critique, with the potential to open up discussions of the instrumentalisation of smart research; (2) From narrow representation to diverse inclusion, moving beyond the shortcomings of current discourses for engaging marginalised communities; and (3) From individual consumers to interconnected citizens, reframing smart consumption to offer a broader model of social change and governance. Social Sciences and Humanities scholarship is essential to address these shifts in meaningful (rather than tokenistic) ways. This agenda and the shifts it embodies represent key tools to enable better interdisciplinary working between SSH and teams from the technical and natural sciences.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic DKRVO, (RP/CPS/2022/005); Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, H2020; European Commission, EC; Horizon 2020, (826025)European Union [826025]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic DKRVO [RP/CPS/2022/005

    Shifts in the smart research agenda? 100 priority questions to accelerate sustainable energy futures

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    Energy transitions are at the top of global agendas in response to the growing challenges of climate change and international conflict, with the EU positioning itself as playing a pivotal role in addressing climate risks and sustainability imperatives. European energy transition policies identify ‘smart consumption’ as a key element of these efforts, which have previously been explored from a predominantly technical perspective thus often failing to identify or address fundamental interlinkages with social systems and consequences. This paper aims to contribute to interdisciplinary energy research by analysing a forward looking ‘Horizon Scan’ research agenda for smart consumption, driven by the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Reflecting on an extensive systematic Delphi Method exercise surveying over 70 SSH scholars from various institutional settings across Europe, we highlight what SSH scholars see as future directions for smart consumption research. Building from seven thematic areas (under which are grouped 100 SSH research questions), the study identifies three key ‘shifts’ this new smart research agenda represents, when compared to previous agendas: (1) From technological inevitability to political choice, highlighting the need for a wider political critique, with the potential to open up discussions of the instrumentalisation of smart research; (2) From narrow representation to diverse inclusion, moving beyond the shortcomings of current discourses for engaging marginalised communities; and (3) From individual consumers to interconnected citizens, reframing smart consumption to offer a broader model of social change and governance. Social Sciences and Humanities scholarship is essential to address these shifts in meaningful (rather than tokenistic) ways. This agenda and the shifts it embodies represent key tools to enable better interdisciplinary working between SSH and teams from the technical and natural sciences

    Krepitev energetske in podnebne pismenosti z mikroučenjem in odprtimi izobraževalnimi viri

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    This master’s thesis is motivated by the desire to actively engage Slovenian youth in co-creating our energy and climate future. The background is the growing interest in effective energy transition at the national, EU and global levels, and we specifically focus on the role of education in achieving this goal. The main problem we address is the need for improvement of energy- and climate-related non-formal youth education to increase their interest in the topic, and motivate their engagement in public discussions and the policy-making processes. To tackle this problem, we use the existing En-ROADS energy and climate interactive simulation tool and the accompanying online training series and complement it with new learning materials and learning activities, developed in our educational project. Our approach focuses on open education practices and the co-creation of open educational resources (OER), supported by microlearning via social media (Instagram). We develop a novel approach to address the problem by involving youth in a non-formal open educational process where they are invited to co-create the content and format of learning materials, decide on the technologies used, and affect the implementational process of the key learning activities. The main contributions of the thesis are the developed OERs, which can be adapted, reused or remixed by other stakeholders in the field of energy and climate education, and the recommendations for educators both in the field of energy and climate topics as well as in other fields, related to education for sustainable development. The main methodological finding of the thesis focuses on the importance of flexibility and adaptation of learning materials and activities according to the expressed interests and expectations of young learners. Their feedback needs to be carefully gathered and integrated into the implementation of the project.Magistrsko delo motivira želja po aktivnem vključevanju slovenske mladine v soustvarjanje naše energetske in podnebne prihodnosti. Ozadje za to je vse večje zanimanje za učinkovit energetski prehod na nacionalni, evropski in svetovni ravni, pri čemer se posebej osredotočamo na vlogo izobraževanja pri njegovem uresničevanju. Glavni problem, ki ga obravnavamo, je potreba po izboljšanju neformalnega energetsko-podnebnega izobraževanja mladih, da bi povečali njihovo zanimanje za to temo in spodbudili njihovo sodelovanje v javnih razpravah in procesih oblikovanja politik. Za rešitev tega problema smo uporabili obstoječe interaktivno energetsko-podnebno simulacijsko orodje En-ROADS ter spremljajočo serijo spletnih usposabljanj ter ju dopolnili in nadgradili z novimi učnimi gradivi in učnimi dejavnostmi, razvitimi v našem izobraževalnem projektu. Naš pristop je osredotočen na prakse odprtega izobraževanja in soustvarjanje odprtih izobraževalnih virov (OIV), podprtih z mikroučenjem prek družbenih medijev (Instagram). Razvili smo nov pristop k reševanju problema z vključevanjem mladih v neformalen odprt izobraževalni proces, kjer so povabljeni k soustvarjanju vsebin in formatov učnih gradiv, izboru tehnologij in načinu izvajanja učnih aktivnosti. Glavni prispevki magistrskega dela so razviti OIV, ki jih drugi deležniki v energetsko-podnebnem izobraževanju lahko ponovno uporabijo in po želji prilagodijo svojim potrebam. Oblikovali smo tudi priporočila izobraževalcem z energetsko-podnebnega področja in z drugih vsebinskih področij, povezanih z izobraževanjem za trajnostni razvoj. Osrednje metodološko spoznanje dela se osredotoča na pomen fleksibilnosti in prilagajanja učnih gradiv in aktivnosti izraženim interesom in pričakovanjem učeče mladine. Njihove povratne informacije je treba skrbno zbrati in vključiti v izvajanje projekta


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    Obstoječi model poslovnega poročanja, ki zajema predvsem v preteklost usmerjeni pregled poslovanja, v današnjih časih, obremenjenih z zlomom finančnih sistemov in globalno gospodarsko krizo ter žgočimi okoljskimi in družbenimi izzivi, za raznolike skupine deležnikov (na primer vlagatelje, kupce, lokalne skupnosti itd.) ne zagotavlja več dovolj srednje- in dolgoročno relevantnih informacij. Možna rešitev se nakazuje v pristopu k poslovnemu poročanju, ki ga imenujemo integrirano (celovito) poročanje, odlikuje pa ga združevanje in povezovanje (integriranje) podatkov o finančnem poslovanju podjetij z nefinančnimi (t.i. »trajnostnimi«) informacijami o upravljanju družb ter njihovi okoljski in družbeni odgovornosti, vtkani v jedro njihovega poslovanja. Integrirano poročanje prinaša za gospodarske družbe mnoge nove izzive, dileme in vprašanja, na regulativni, upravljavski, računovodski, revizorski, komunikacijski in mnogih drugih ravneh. Med ključnimi je vprašanje standardov ali vsaj pravil, usmeritev poročanja o omenjenih trajnostnih (upravljavskih, okoljskih in družbenih) vidikih poslovanja. Ne glede na odprta vprašanja in dileme so se v zadnjem desetletju mnoge države (na primer Danska, Švedska, Združeno kraljestvo, Republika Južna Afrika) zaradi predvidenih koristi trajnostnega in integriranega poročanja (tako na ravni gospodarskih družb kot nacionalnih in globalne ekonomije) odločile za različne pristope k njunemu zakonskemu oziroma regulativnemu spodbujanju. Prav tako potekajo v zvezi s tem različne aktivnosti na ravni EU, OZN in standardizacijskih organizacijštevilne organizacije pa so aktivno vključene tudi v Mednarodni svet za integrirano poročanje (IIRC), v okviru katerega trenutno poteka pilotni projekt uresničevanja integriranega poročanja v več kot 50 gospodarskih družbah z vsega sveta. Tudi v RS trajnostno poročanje ni nova tema. ZGD-1, usklajen z evropskimi direktivami, v 70. členu opredeljuje minimalno vsebino poslovnega poročila in v okviru definicije celovite analize razvoja v 2. odstavku omenja tudi vključevanje informacij, povezanih z varstvom okolja in delavci ter poudarja ustrezno sklicevanje te analize na zneske v računovodskih izkazih. Z zornega kota širokega nabora vsebin oziroma tem v zvezi s trajnostnim razvojem je opredelitev v zakonu zelo splošna in ohlapna. Pomembne pobude v smeri trajnostnega in integriranega poročanja je zaznati s strani Agencije za upravljanje kapitalskih naložb RS, manj pa s strani borze vrednostnih papirjev in drugih strokovnih ali stanovskih organizacij. Vendar praksa trajnostnega poročanja, kot smo jo raziskali na vzorcu dvajsetih največjih slovenskih družb s kapitalskimi naložbami države, kaže, da kljub deklarativno bolj ali manj jasni opredelitvi trajnostnih usmeritev poslovanja pri nas resnega integriranja upravljavskih, okoljskih in družbenih informacij v poslovna poročila (na raziskanem vzorcu gospodarskih družb) še ni zaznati. Odprte so torej možnosti zakonskega, regulativnega in drugega, neformalnega spodbujanja integriranega trajnostnega poročanja družb, pri čemer se lahko zgledujemo po drugih, na tem področju naprednejših državah, oziroma se ustrezno vključimo v razprave in aktivnosti na globalni ravni, predvsem v sklopu Mednarodnega sveta za integrirano poročanje. Ob razumevanju koristi integriranega poročanja je to multidisciplinaren izziv, v katerega celovito uresničitev se morajo vključiti tako pravniki kot regulatorji, odločevalci, računovodje, revizorji, menedžerji, komunikatorji, predvsem pa gospodarske družbe z vsakodnevnim uresničevanjem trajnostnega poslovanja, o katerem bo nato mogoče tudi (integrirano) poročati.The existing model of corporate reporting consists primarily of a past-performance oriented overview. Today, when we also have to take into account the collapse of financial systems and the global economic crisis, as well as burning environmental and social issues, this existing reporting model does not provide an adequate medium and long term information for different stakeholders (e.g. investors, customers, local communities etc). One possible solution arises from the concept of a new approach to corporate reporting, referred to as integrated reporting. The main principle of integrated reporting is that it combines, connects (integrates) the information on financial performance of a company with non-financial (i.e. “sustainability”) information on corporate governance, environmental and social accountability, all integrated into the heart of business performance. Integrated reporting brings with it several new challenges, dilemmas and questions regarding regulatory, managerial, accounting, auditing, communication and other concerns. One of the key challenges is the question of standards or at least guidance and rules regarding reporting on sustainability (governance, environmental and social) aspects of business performance. Despite open questions and dilemmas many countries have decided to encourage mandatory sustainability or integrated reporting in different ways through laws or regulations (e.g. Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom, South Africa, etc). This is mainly due to the benefits that integrated reporting brings to corporations and the national, as well as, the global economy. There are also several activities being implemented on the EU, UN and standardization organizations’ level. Many corporations and other organizations are involved in the International Integrated Reporting Council that is currently running a pilot integrated-reporting project with more than 50 corporations worldwide. In the Republic of Slovenia sustainability reporting is not a new topic. Article 70 of the Companies Act – 1 (2006), in compliance with European Directives, defines the minimal content of the business report (as part of the annual report along with the accounting report) and in the context of comprehensive development analysis in Paragraph 2 mentions the requirement to include information regarding the protection of environment and employees. It also stresses the importance of adequate referring of this analysis to the information in the accounting report. From the viewpoint of broad (governance, environmental and social) issues involved in sustainability reporting the definition mentioned is very general and loose. There are several initiatives being implemented by the Capital Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Slovenia in the direction of encouraging integrated sustainability reporting, but less so by the Slovenian stock exchange and other professional organizations. As shown by the desk-top analysis of 20 largest companies with State capital investments, sustainable business is more or less clearly defined only on a declarative level. Thorough and comprehensive integration of governance, environmental and social information with financial information in the company business or annual reports is not present yet (at least not in the researched sample). Consequently, there are several opportunities for legal, regulatory and other informal encouragement of integrated corporate reporting for Slovenian companies. We can take a look at regulations approach in other, in this respect, more advanced countries and/or take part in discussions and activities at a global level, especially the International Integrated Reporting Council. Taking into account the benefits of integrated reporting, this makes a multi-disciplinary challenge that can be met through involvement of lawyers, regulators, decision-makers, accountants, auditors, business leaders, communicators, and above all the companies by implementing sustainable every-day business practices which can then also be reported about (in an integrated

    O socioloških izhodiščih okoljskih odnosov z javnostmi

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    The article discuses the specialities of environmental public relations in comparison to other specialist fields of public relations. The importance of being acquainted with historical (environmental) activities in the social environment and contemporary theoretical sociological environmental theories is stressed out. This knowledge can provide the environmental public relationsspecialist with a broader theoretical context to conceptualise his practical work with clients. A special emphasis is put on the influences and changes in understanding the relationship between the society (industry) and the nature. By knowing and accepting the fact that the perceptions of environmental problems and environmental risks are socially constructed, the environmental public relations specialists\u27 understanding of their work in public relations is facilitated, starting from the situational analysis of (environmental) publics.Članek obravnava posebnosti okoljskih odnosov z javnostmi v primerjavi z drugimi specialističnimi področji odnosov z javnostmi. Opozarja na pomen poznavanja zgodovinskih (okoljskih) dogajanj v družbenem okolju in sodobnih teoretičnih socioloških okoljskih teorij, ki lahko nudijo strokovnjake za okoljske odnose z javnostmi širši teoretični kontekst za osmišljanje njegovega praktičnega dela z naročniki. Poseben poudarek je posvečen vplivom na in spremembam v razmišljanjih o razmerju med družbo (industrijo) in naravo. S poznavanjem in sprejemanjem dejstva, da so percepcije okoljskih problemov in okoljskih tveganj družbeno in kulturno pogojene, je strokovnjakom za okoljske odnose z javnostmi olajšano razumevanje njihovega specialističnega dela v odnosih z javnostmi, od situacijske analize okoljskih javnosti naprej