99 research outputs found

    Overview on possible causes of COVID-19

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    Background: The infection with the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has caused a large number of cases of disease and death worldwide. Identifying the source of COVID-19 is an important issue though still unresolved. The analysis of the literature on highlighting possible sources of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was carried out. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic is occurring on the underlying imminent global ecological catastrophe as a result of the anthropogenic activity. Therefore, it can be stated that Homo Sapiens in the context of the interaction with the biosphere is a maladaptive species. According to the literature, the species’ adaptive responses to environmental changes are due to endogenous retroviruses. The latter act as evolutionary factors. Possible pandemic COVID-19 is not a separate epidemic process caused by the penetration of a new virus into human populations, but rather is one of the manifestations of a more complex natural phenomenon – an evolutionary process under the guise of an infectious one. In terms of evolution, COVID-19 plays the role of a biosphere factor that seeks to help a relatively new species to adapt to the general conditions of survival in a symbiotic relationship with other living organisms

    About causes of early-stage asymptomatic prostate cancer

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    Central Military Hospital, The Republican Clinical Hospital, Institute of Oncology, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: The neurotransmitters (epinephrine and norepinephrine) of the sympathetic nervous system that perform numerous cellular and tissue functions contribute to tumor growth during the early stages of development. At the same time, these bioactive substances act as mediators of the descending antinociceptive system that cause inhibition of pain at the suprasegmental and segmental levels of the neurotransmission. Later studies point to the involvement of afferent sensory neurons in tumor process. The functionality of these structures can be changed due to the structural features caused by genetic disorders of myelin. In addition to that, tumor augmentation of sensory neurons endings leads to the involvement of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the affected area and the creation of an immunosuppressive microenvironment. At the same time, in the secondary inflammatory process, various enzymes that change the cellular matrix and cause invasion and metastasis are released. In addition to sensitizing cytokines, immunocompetent cells – macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes – can also produce opioid peptides that target the desensitization of peripheral nociceptors. Opioid peptides inhibit the excitability of sensory nerves without central unwanted side effects such as depression of breathing, clouding of consciousness, or addiction. This peripheral antinociceptive system with ICC may allow the neoplasm to remain asymptomatic for a while. The changes in afferent impulses at the central level in oncopathology can also be associated with those in the functionality of Toll-like receptors. Conclusions: Taking into account the aforementioned literature data about oncogenesis, it may be assumed the presence of a new complex pathogenetic pattern that ensures the asymptomatic evolution of prostate cancer. A better coverage of this data may facilitate further search for early markers of the disease

    Disturbance of bioelectric transmission in carcinogenesis

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    Division of Urology, Division of Head and Neck Surgery, Institute of Oncology, Department of Oncology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: Despite significant financial resources invested in the field of cancer research, there has been a steady increase in the registration of new cases of malignant neoplasms. Modern technical capabilities for analyzing the molecular substrate of tumor genesis have revealed a large number of such factors. The latest studies point out the paramount importance of the integral bioelectric field as contrasted with molecular mechanisms in oncopathology. Clear evidence has emerged that the “decision” of a certain part of the body to develop a tumor depends on the bioelectric state of remote regions. In the light of these findings, it becomes obvious that the difficulties in solving the cancer problem are associated with a simplified approach focused only on molecular components. Conclusions: It can be assumed that the difficulties in solving the cancer problem are associated with a simplified approach, focused only on molecular components. It is difficult to identify clear differences between the blastomic and healthy cells, as they work according to the same biological principles, although differently expressed. Despite functioning with almost identical molecular components, tumor and healthy tissues differ significantly in the dynamics of growth and pattern formation. The above data indicates that the “decision” of a certain part of the body to develop a tumor depends on the bioelectric state of remote regions. In this context, the prognosis and treatment of malignant neoplasms can most likely be achieved not by local, genetargeting technology, but by methods for the detection of tumor signatures in the morphogenetic field of the organism

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    Features of signal transmission and aqueous media in tumorogenesis

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    Division of Urology, Institute of Oncology, Department of Oncology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: The latest studies highlight the importance of a holistic bioelectric field in the development of tumor diseases. According to some researchers, carcinogens prevent formation of a single morphogenetic field and lead to the creation of separate bioelectric fields. It has been experimentally proved that the development of a tumor in a certain part of the body depends on the bioelectric state of the distant regions. Water is one of the important links between the morphogenetic field and molecular substrates. Due to the presence of hydrogen bonds in the aqueous media, specific structures can be formed that can receive, store and transmit information. Intracellular structured water can serve as a “transformer” of various types of energy for use in the life processes of cellular structures. It was found that normal biological tissues could be distinguished from hyperplastic and malignant ones by means of magnetic resonance image scan based on recording diverse reactions of water protons. Conclusions: the importance of a holistic bioelectric field in the development of tumor diseases is probably paramount. The development of a tumor in a certain part of the body depends on the bioelectric state of the distant regions. It is possible that carcinogens prevent formation of a single morphogenetic field and lead to the creation of separate bioelectric fields. A more in-depth study of the bioelectric and water constituents in patients with oncopathology will probably open up new facets of oncogenesis

    The susceptible causes leading to the manifestation of urolithiasis to the patients of the average age

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    Spitalul clinic militar central a Forƣelor Armate a Republicii Moldova, Secƣia urologie, Spitalul Clinic Republican, Secƣia urologie, Institutul Oncologic, Al VI-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă Ɵi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaƣională (21-23 octombrie 2015)Litiaza renală afectează predominant persoanele ün vñrsta cea mai aptă de muncă. Studiul prezent pe un lot de 3799 de pacienƣi a avut ca scop aprecierea factorilor predispozanƣi manifestării urolitiazei ün anumită categorie de vñrstă. Astfel, la pacienƣii litiazici cu vñrsta 31-60 ani s-a apreciat semnificativ mai frecvent localizare concomitentă a calculilor renali Ɵi ureterali, dimensiuni semnificativ mai mari ai calculilor ureterali, mai frecvent detectate concremente renale multiple.Summary Urolithiasis mainly affects the persons in the able-bodied age. The present survey aims to find the main causes, which lead to the manifestation of urolithiasis to the certain age group of patients. The entire conclusion is based on the disease history of 3799 patients. The patients aged from 31-60 with lithiasis suffer more often from kidney and ureteral stones co-location, with significantly bigger ureteral stones and also are diagnosticated more often with multiple renal stones

    The Impact of Atmosphere on the Local Luminescence Properties of Metal Halide Perovskite Grains.

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    Metal halide perovskites are exceptional candidates for inexpensive yet high-performing optoelectronic devices. Nevertheless, polycrystalline perovskite films are still limited by nonradiative losses due to charge carrier trap states that can be affected by illumination. Here, in situ microphotoluminescence measurements are used to elucidate the impact of light-soaking individual methylammonium lead iodide grains in high-quality polycrystalline films while immersing them with different atmospheric environments. It is shown that emission from each grain depends sensitively on both the environment and the nature of the specific grain, i.e., whether it shows good (bright grain) or poor (dark grain) luminescence properties. It is found that the dark grains show substantial rises in emission, while the bright grain emission is steady when illuminated in the presence of oxygen and/or water molecules. The results are explained using density functional theory calculations, which reveal strong adsorption energies of the molecules to the perovskite surfaces. It is also found that oxygen molecules bind particularly strongly to surface iodide vacancies which, in the presence of photoexcited electrons, lead to efficient passivation of the carrier trap states that arise from these vacancies. The work reveals a unique insight into the nature of nonradiative decay and the impact of atmospheric passivation on the microscale properties of perovskite films

    Interpretation of inverted photocurrent transients in organic lead halide perovskite solar cells: proof of the field screening by mobile ions and determination of the space charge layer widths

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    In Methyl Ammonium Lead Iodide (MAPI) perovskite solar cells, screening of the built-in field by mobile ions has been proposed as part of the cause of the large hysteresis observed in the current/voltage scans in many cells. We show that photocurrent transients measured immediately (e.g. 100 ÎŒs) after a voltage step can provide direct evidence that this field screening exists. Just after a step to forward bias, the photocurrent transients are reversed in sign (i.e. inverted), and the magnitude of the inverted transients can be used to find an upper bound on the width of the space charge layers adjacent to the electrodes. This in turn provides a lower bound on the mobile charge concentration, which we find to be ≳1 × 1017 cm−3. Using a new photocurrent transient experiment, we show that the space charge layer thickness remains approximately constant as a function of bias, as expected for mobile ions in a solid electrolyte. We also discuss additional characteristics of the inverted photocurrent transients that imply either an unusually stable deep trapping, or a photo effect on the mobile ion conductivity


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    In the title compound, [Hg3(C6F4)3(C3H8O2)2], two O atoms from one 2-methoxyethanol ligand and one O atom from the second 2-methoxyethanol ligand coordinate three HgII atoms [Hg—O = 2.765 (7)–2.890 (8) Å] in the trimeric organomercurial Lewis acid (o-C6F4Hg)3. The hydroxy groups are involved in formation of intra- and intermolecular O—H...O hydrogen bonds; the latter link two molecules into centrosymmetric dimers. An extensive net of weak intermolecular C—H...F interactions further consolidates the crystal packing
