694 research outputs found

    Responses of Atlantic Salmon Parr to Output of Pulsed Ultrasonic Transmitters

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    The output from some pulsed ultrasonic transmitters commonly used in fish movement studies is faintly audible to humans. This study was undertaken to determine if the output from these and some other transmitters is detectable by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr. Classical conditioning of cardiac deceleration was attempted using the transmitter\u27s output as the conditioned stimulus. The results from 29 experimental and 14 control fish suggest that the parr were unable to detect the output from these transmitters

    Conformal loop ensembles and the stress-energy tensor

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    We give a construction of the stress-energy tensor of conformal field theory (CFT) as a local "object" in conformal loop ensembles CLE_\kappa, for all values of \kappa in the dilute regime 8/3 < \kappa <= 4 (corresponding to the central charges 0 < c <= 1, and including all CFT minimal models). We provide a quick introduction to CLE, a mathematical theory for random loops in simply connected domains with properties of conformal invariance, developed by Sheffield and Werner (2006). We consider its extension to more general regions of definition, and make various hypotheses that are needed for our construction and expected to hold for CLE in the dilute regime. Using this, we identify the stress-energy tensor in the context of CLE. This is done by deriving its associated conformal Ward identities for single insertions in CLE probability functions, along with the appropriate boundary conditions on simply connected domains; its properties under conformal maps, involving the Schwarzian derivative; and its one-point average in terms of the "relative partition function." Part of the construction is in the same spirit as, but widely generalizes, that found in the context of SLE_{8/3} by the author, Riva and Cardy (2006), which only dealt with the case of zero central charge in simply connected hyperbolic regions. We do not use the explicit construction of the CLE probability measure, but only its defining and expected general properties.Comment: 49 pages, 3 figures. This is a concatenated, reduced and simplified version of arXiv:0903.0372 and (especially) arXiv:0908.151

    Low-temperature transport in out-of-equilibrium XXZ chains

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    We study the low-temperature transport properties of out-of-equilibrium XXZ spin-1/2 chains. We consider the protocol where two semi-infinite chains are prepared in two thermal states at small but different temperatures and suddenly joined together. We focus on the qualitative and quantitative features of the profiles of local observables, which at large times t and distances x from the junction become functions of the ratio \u3b6=x/t. By means of the generalized hydrodynamic equations, we analyse the rich phenomenology arising by considering different regimes of the phase diagram. In the gapped phases, variations of the profiles are found to be exponentially small in the temperatures but described by non-trivial functions of \u3b6. We provide analytical formulae for the latter, which give accurate results also for small but finite temperatures. In the gapless regime, we show how the three-step conformal predictions for the profiles of energy density and energy current are naturally recovered from the hydrodynamic equations. Moreover, we also recover the recent non-linear Luttinger liquid predictions for low-temperature transport: universal peaks of width \u394\u3b6 1dT emerge at the edges of the light cone in the profiles of generic observables. Such peaks are described by the same function of \u3b6 for all local observables

    World-leading science with SPIRou - the nIR spectropolarimeter / high-precision velocimeter for CFHT

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    SPIRou is a near-infrared (nIR) spectropolarimeter / velocimeter proposed as a new-generation instrument for CFHT. SPIRou aims in particular at becoming world-leader on two forefront science topics, (i) the quest for habitable Earth-like planets around very- low-mass stars, and (ii) the study of low-mass star and planet formation in the presence of magnetic fields. In addition to these two main goals, SPIRou will be able to tackle many key programs, from weather patterns on brown dwarf to solar-system planet atmospheres, to dynamo processes in fully-convective bodies and planet habitability. The science programs that SPIRou proposes to tackle are forefront (identified as first priorities by most research agencies worldwide), ambitious (competitive and complementary with science programs carried out on much larger facilities, such as ALMA and JWST) and timely (ideally phased with complementary space missions like TESS and CHEOPS). SPIRou is designed to carry out its science mission with maximum efficiency and optimum precision. More specifically, SPIRou will be able to cover a very wide single-shot nIR spectral domain (0.98-2.35 \mu m) at a resolving power of 73.5K, providing unpolarized and polarized spectra of low-mass stars with a ~15% average throughput and a radial velocity (RV) precision of 1 m/s.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, conference proceedings of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics meeting 201

    Magnetic activity and hot Jupiters of young Suns : the weak-line T Tauri stars V819 Tau and V830 Tau

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    SGG acknowledges support from the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) via an Ernest Rutherford Fellowship [ST/J003255/1]. SHPA acknowledges financial support from CNPq, CAPES and Fapemig. AAV acknowledges support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) via the allocation of an Ambizione Followship. Date of Acceptance: 06/08/2015We report results of a spectropolarimetric and photometric monitoring of the weak-line T Tauri stars (wTTSs) V819 Tau and V830 Tau within the MaTYSSE (Magnetic Topologies of Young Stars and the Survival of close-ingiant Exoplanets) programme, involving the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. At ≃3 Myr, both stars dissipated their discs recently and are interesting objects for probing star and planet formation. Profile distortions and Zeeman signatures are detected in the unpolarized and circularly polarized lines, whose rotational modulation we modelled using tomographic imaging, yielding brightness and magnetic maps for both stars. We find that the large-scale magnetic fields of V819 Tau and V830 Tau are mostly poloidal and can be approximated at large radii by 350-400 G dipoles tilted at≃30° to the rotation axis. They are significantly weaker than the field of GQ Lup, an accreting classical T Tauri star (cTTS) with similar mass and age which can be used to compare the magnetic properties of wTTSs and cTTSs. The reconstructed brightness maps of both stars include cool spots and warm plages. Surface differential rotation is small, typically ≃4.4 times smaller than on the Sun, in agreement with previous results on wTTSs. Using our Doppler images to model the activity jitter and filter it out from the radial velocity(RV) curves, we obtain RV residuals with dispersions of 0.033 and 0.104km s-1 for V819 Tau and V830 Tau, respectively. RV residuals suggest that a hot Jupiter may be orbiting V830 Tau, though additional data are needed to confirm this preliminary result. We find no evidence for close-in giant planet around V819 Tau.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Quantum spin Hamiltonians for the SU(2)_k WZW model

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    We propose to use null vectors in conformal field theories to derive model Hamiltonians of quantum spin chains and corresponding ground state wave function(s). The approach is quite general, and we illustrate it by constructing a family of Hamiltonians whose ground states are the chiral correlators of the SU(2)_k WZW model for integer values of the level k. The simplest example corresponds to k=1 and is essentially a nonuniform generalization of the Haldane-Shastry model with long-range exchange couplings. At level k=2, we analyze the model for N spin 1 fields. We find that the Renyi entropy and the two-point spin correlator show, respectively, logarithmic growth and algebraic decay. Furthermore, we use the null vectors to derive a set of algebraic, linear equations relating spin correlators within each model. At level k=1, these equations allow us to compute the two-point spin correlators analytically for the finite chain uniform Haldane-Shastry model and to obtain numerical results for the nonuniform case and for higher-point spin correlators in a very simple way and without resorting to Monte Carlo techniques.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figure

    Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz for non-equilibrium steady states: exact energy current and fluctuations in integrable QFT

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    We evaluate the exact energy current and scaled cumulant generating function (related to the large-deviation function) in non-equilibrium steady states with energy flow, in any integrable model of relativistic quantum field theory (IQFT) with diagonal scattering. Our derivations are based on various recent results of Bernard and Doyon. The steady states are built by connecting homogeneously two infinite halves of the system thermalized at different temperatures Tl, Tr, and waiting for a long time. We evaluate the current J(Tl, Tr) using the exact QFT density matrix describing these non-equilibrium steady states and using Zamolodchikov's method of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA). The scaled cumulant generating function is obtained from the extended fluctuation relations which hold in integrable models. We verify our formula in particular by showing that the conformal field theory (CFT) result is obtained in the high-temperature limit. We analyze numerically our non-equilibrium steady-state TBA equations for three models: the sinh-Gordon model, the roaming trajectories model, and the sine-Gordon model at a particular reflectionless point. Based on the numerics, we conjecture that an infinite family of non-equilibrium c-functions, associated with the scaled cumulants, can be defined, which we interpret physically. We study the full scaled distribution function and find that it can be described by a set of independent Poisson processes. Finally, we show that the 'additivity' property of the current, which is known to hold in CFT and was proposed to hold more generally, does not hold in general IQFT—that is, J(Tl, Tr) is not of the form f(Tl) − f(Tr)

    Direct imaging discovery of 12-14 Jupiter mass object orbiting a young binary system of very low-mass stars

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    Context. Though only a handful of extrasolar planets have been discovered via direct imaging, each of these discoveries had tremendous impact on our understanding of planetary formation, stellar formation and cool atmosphere physics. Aims. Since many of these newly imaged giant planets orbit massive A or even B stars we investigated whether giant planets could be found orbiting low-mass stars at large separations. Methods. We have been conducting an adaptive optic imaging survey to search for planetary-mass companions of young M dwarfs of the solar neigbourhood, to probe different initial conditions of planetary formation. Results. We report here the direct imaging discovery of 2MASS J01033563-5515561(AB)b, a 12-14 MJup companion at a projected separation of 84 AU from a pair of young late M stars, with which it shares proper motion. We also detected a Keplerian-compatible orbital motion. Conclusions. This young L-type object at planet/brown dwarf mass boundary is the first ever imaged around a binary system at a separation compatible with formation in a disc.Comment: Accepted in A&A letter

    Higher particle form factors of branch point twist fields in integrable quantum field theories

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    In this paper we compute higher particle form factors of branch point twist fields. These fields were first described in the context of massive 1+1-dimensional integrable quantum field theories and their correlation functions are related to the bi-partite entanglement entropy. We find analytic expressions for some form factors and check those expressions for consistency, mainly by evaluating the conformal dimension of the corresponding twist field in the underlying conformal field theory. We find that solutions to the form factor equations are not unique so that various techniques need to be used to identify those corresponding to the branch point twist field we are interested in. The models for which we carry out our study are characterized by staircase patterns of various physical quantities as functions of the energy scale. As the latter is varied, the beta-function associated to these theories comes close to vanishing at several points between the deep infrared and deep ultraviolet regimes. In other words, renormalisation group flows approach the vicinity of various critical points before ultimately reaching the ultraviolet fixed point. This feature provides an optimal way of checking the consistency of higher particle form factor solutions, as the changes on the conformal dimension of the twist field at various energy scales can only be accounted for by considering higher particle form factor contributions to the expansion of certain correlation functions.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures; v2 contains small correction