1,202 research outputs found

    Validation of Phonon Physics in the CDMS Detector Monte Carlo

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    The SuperCDMS collaboration is a dark matter search effort aimed at detecting the scattering of WIMP dark matter from nuclei in cryogenic germanium targets. The CDMS Detector Monte Carlo (CDMS-DMC) is a simulation tool aimed at achieving a deeper understanding of the performance of the SuperCDMS detectors and aiding the dark matter search analysis. We present results from validation of the phonon physics described in the CDMS-DMC and outline work towards utilizing it in future WIMP search analyses.Comment: 6 Pages, 5 Figures, Proceedings of Low Temperature Detectors 14 Conferenc

    Modelling climate change responses in tropical forests: similar productivity estimates across five models, but different mechanisms and responses

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    Accurately predicting the response of Amazonia to climate change is important for predicting climate change across the globe. Changes in multiple climatic factors simultaneously result in complex non-linear ecosystem responses, which are difficult to predict using vegetation models. Using leaf- and canopy-scale observations, this study evaluated the capability of five vegetation models (Community Land Model version 3.5 coupled to the Dynamic Global Vegetation model – CLM3.5–DGVM; Ecosystem Demography model version 2 – ED2; the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator version 2.1 – JULES; Simple Biosphere model version 3 – SiB3; and the soil–plant–atmosphere model – SPA) to simulate the responses of leaf- and canopy-scale productivity to changes in temperature and drought in an Amazonian forest. The models did not agree as to whether gross primary productivity (GPP) was more sensitive to changes in temperature or precipitation, but all the models were consistent with the prediction that GPP would be higher if tropical forests were 5 °C cooler than current ambient temperatures. There was greater model–data consistency in the response of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) to changes in temperature than in the response to temperature by net photosynthesis (An), stomatal conductance (gs) and leaf area index (LAI). Modelled canopy-scale fluxes are calculated by scaling leaf-scale fluxes using LAI. At the leaf-scale, the models did not agree on the temperature or magnitude of the optimum points of An, Vcmax or gs, and model variation in these parameters was compensated for by variations in the absolute magnitude of simulated LAI and how it altered with temperature. Across the models, there was, however, consistency in two leaf-scale responses: (1) change in An with temperature was more closely linked to stomatal behaviour than biochemical processes; and (2) intrinsic water use efficiency (IWUE) increased with temperature, especially when combined with drought. These results suggest that even up to fairly extreme temperature increases from ambient levels (+6 °C), simulated photosynthesis becomes increasingly sensitive to gs and remains less sensitive to biochemical changes. To improve the reliability of simulations of the response of Amazonian rainforest to climate change, the mechanistic underpinnings of vegetation models need to be validated at both leaf- and canopy-scales to improve accuracy and consistency in the quantification of processes within and across an ecosystem.This research was enabled by a grant from the Andes–Amazon Initiative of The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. L. Rowland gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Natural Environment Research Council (UK) for a NERC PhD studentship, and NERC grant NE/J011002/1; PM also acknowledges support from ARC FT110100457

    The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics system: enabling high-contrast imaging on solar-system scales

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    The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) instrument is a multipurpose high-contrast imaging platform designed for the discovery and detailed characterization of exoplanetary systems and serves as a testbed for high-contrast imaging technologies for ELTs. It is a multi-band instrument which makes use of light from 600 to 2500nm allowing for coronagraphic direct exoplanet imaging of the inner 3 lambda/D from the stellar host. Wavefront sensing and control are key to the operation of SCExAO. A partial correction of low-order modes is provided by Subaru's facility adaptive optics system with the final correction, including high-order modes, implemented downstream by a combination of a visible pyramid wavefront sensor and a 2000-element deformable mirror. The well corrected NIR (y-K bands) wavefronts can then be injected into any of the available coronagraphs, including but not limited to the phase induced amplitude apodization and the vector vortex coronagraphs, both of which offer an inner working angle as low as 1 lambda/D. Non-common path, low-order aberrations are sensed with a coronagraphic low-order wavefront sensor in the infrared (IR). Low noise, high frame rate, NIR detectors allow for active speckle nulling and coherent differential imaging, while the HAWAII 2RG detector in the HiCIAO imager and/or the CHARIS integral field spectrograph (from mid 2016) can take deeper exposures and/or perform angular, spectral and polarimetric differential imaging. Science in the visible is provided by two interferometric modules: VAMPIRES and FIRST, which enable sub-diffraction limited imaging in the visible region with polarimetric and spectroscopic capabilities respectively. We describe the instrument in detail and present preliminary results both on-sky and in the laboratory.Comment: Accepted for publication, 20 pages, 10 figure

    Diversity gradients of terrestrial vertebrates – substantial variations about a common theme

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    Environmental factors, such as temperature, precipitation, and elevation, explain most of the variation in species richness at the global scale. Nevertheless, richness patterns may have different drivers across taxa and regions. To date, a comprehensive global examination of how various factors such as climate or topography drive patterns of species richness across all terrestrial vertebrates, using the same methods and predictors, has been lacking. Recent advances in species-distribution data allowed us to model and examine the richness pattern of all terrestrial tetrapods comprehensively. We tested the relationship between environmental and biogeographical variables and richness of amphibians (5983 species), birds (9630), mammals (5004), reptiles (8939), and tetrapods as a whole, globally, and across biogeographical realms. We studied the effects of climatic, ecological, and biogeographic drivers using generalized additive models. Richness patterns and their environmental associations varied among taxa and realms. Overall precipitation was the predominant richness predictor. However, temperature was more important in realms where both cold and warm conditions exist. In the Indomalayan realm, elevational range was very important. Richness patterns of mammals, birds, and amphibians were strongly related to precipitation whereas reptile richness was mostly associated with temperature. Our results support the universal importance of precipitation but also suggest that future global-scaled research should incorporate other relevant variables other than climate, such as elevational range, to gain a better understanding of the richness–environment relationship. By doing so, we can further advance our knowledge of the complex relationships between biodiversity and the environment

    Identification of a methylase required for 2-methylhopanoid production and implications for the interpretation of sedimentary hopanes

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    The rise of atmospheric oxygen has driven environmental change and biological evolution throughout much of Earth’s history and was enabled by the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis in the cyanobacteria. Dating this metabolic innovation using inorganic proxies from sedimentary rocks has been difficult and one important approach has been to study the distributions of fossil lipids, such as steranes and 2-methylhopanes, as biomarkers for this process. 2-methylhopanes arise from degradation of 2-methylbacteriohopanepolyols (2-MeBHPs), lipids thought to be synthesized primarily by cyanobacteria. The discovery that 2-MeBHPs are produced by an anoxygenic phototroph, however, challenged both their taxonomic link with cyanobacteria and their functional link with oxygenic photosynthesis. Here, we identify a radical SAM methylase encoded by the hpnP gene that is required for methylation at the C-2 position in hopanoids. This gene is found in several, but not all, cyanobacteria and also in α -proteobacteria and acidobacteria. Thus, one cannot extrapolate from the presence of 2-methylhopanes alone, in modern environments or ancient sedimentary rocks, to a particular taxonomic group or metabolism. To understand the origin of this gene, we reconstructed the evolutionary history of HpnP. HpnP proteins from cyanobacteria, Methylobacterium species, and other α-proteobacteria form distinct phylogenetic clusters, but the branching order of these clades could not be confidently resolved. Hence,it is unclear whether HpnP, and 2-methylhopanoids, originated first in the cyanobacteria. In summary, existing evidence does not support the use of 2-methylhopanes as biomarkers for oxygenic photosynthesis

    Exploring the influence of ancient and historic megaherbivore extirpations on the global methane budget

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    Globally, large-bodied wild mammals are in peril. Because “megamammals” have a disproportionate influence on vegetation, trophic interactions, and ecosystem function, declining populations are of considerable conservation concern. However, this is not new; trophic downgrading occurred in the past, including the African rinderpest epizootic of the 1890s, the massive Great Plains bison kill-off in the 1860s, and the terminal Pleistocene extinction of megafauna. Examining the consequences of these earlier events yields insights into contemporary ecosystem function. Here, we focus on changes inmethane emissions, produced as a byproduct of enteric fermentation by herbivores. Although methane is ∼200 times less abundant than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the greater efficiency of methane in trapping radiation leads to a significant role in radiative forcing of climate. Using global datasets of late Quaternary mammals, domestic livestock, and human population from the United Nations as well as literature sources, we develop a series of allometric regressions relating mammal body mass to population density and CH4 production, which allows estimation of methane production by wild and domestic herbivores for each historic or ancient time period. We find the extirpation ofmegaherbivores reduced global enteric emissions between 2.2–69.6 Tg CH4 y−1 during the various time periods, representing a decrease of 0.8–34.8% of the overall inputs to tropospheric input. Our analyses suggest that large-bodied mammals have a greater influence on methane emissions than previously appreciated and, further, that changes in the source pool from herbivores can influence global biogeochemical cycles and, potentially, climate

    The Grizzly, February 26, 1988

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    Art Expo • Patterns Campaign Nears Completion • Is He a Dummy or Isn\u27t He? • Patterns Campaign Nears Completion • Editorial: Boo! Hiss! to Prof. Epistle • Letter: Doughty to Grizzly Editor - Kiss Off; Get a Room; Cookbooks Stew Students • Zimmers Open Hearts • Curious George to the Rescue • Teams Sport Banner Seasons • Lady Bears Net Successful Record • Wrestlers Reaching Peak • The Grizzly Proudly Salutes Our Bear Pack Champions • Bears Making Tracks • Harrison Floating on Cloud Nine • Ensemble Enchanting • Projected Art Center Plans • Air Band Acts Wow Wismer Crowdhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1206/thumbnail.jp

    Improved Color-Temperature Relations and Bolometric Corrections for Cool Stars

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    We present new grids of colors and bolometric corrections for F-K stars having 4000 K < Teff < 6500 K, 0.0 < log g < 4.5 and -3.0 < [Fe/H] < 0.0. A companion paper extends these calculations into the M giant regime. Colors are tabulated for Johnson U-V and B-V; Cousins V-R and V-I; Johnson-Glass V-K, J-K and H-K; and CIT/CTIO V-K, J-K, H-K and CO. We have developed these color-temperature (CT) relations by convolving synthetic spectra with photometric filter-transmission-profiles. The synthetic spectra have been computed with the SSG spectral synthesis code using MARCS stellar atmosphere models as input. Both of these codes have been improved substantially, especially at low temperatures, through the incorporation of new opacity data. The resulting synthetic colors have been put onto the observational systems by applying color calibrations derived from models and photometry of field stars which have Teffs determined by the infrared-flux method. The color calibrations have zero points and slopes which change most of the original synthetic colors by less than 0.02 mag and 5%, respectively. The adopted Teff scale (Bell & Gustafsson 1989) is confirmed by the extraordinary agreement between the predicted and observed angular diameters of the field stars. We have also derived empirical CT relations from the field-star photometry. Except for the coolest dwarfs (Teff < 5000 K), our calibrated, solar-metallicity model colors are found to match these and other empirical relations quite well. Our calibrated, 4 Gyr, solar-metallicity isochrone also provides a good match to color-magnitude diagrams of M67. We regard this as evidence that our calibrated colors can be applied to many astrophysical problems, including modelling the integrated light of galaxies. (abridged)Comment: To appear in the March 2000 issue of the Astronomical Journal. 72 pages including 16 embedded postscript figures (one page each) and 6 embedded postscript tables (18 pages total

    Comment on the narrow structure reported by Amaryan et al

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    The CLAS Collaboration provides a comment on the physics interpretation of the results presented in a paper published by M. Amaryan et al. regarding the possible observation of a narrow structure in the mass spectrum of a photoproduction experiment.Comment: to be published in Physical Review