96 research outputs found

    Загальна характеристика правового регулювання експорту в Європейському Союзі

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    Стаття присвячена вивченню основних засад, на яких відбувається регулювання експорту з ЄС. Досліджується зміст Регламенту 2603/69 як основного нормативно правового акту, що містить загальні правила експортування товарів. З’ясовується, за якими критеріями розрізняються товари в ЄС, що експортуються, а також яким чином ці критерії впливають на встановлення правових режимів експорту Ключові слова: експорт товарів, правове регулювання, Європейський Союз, регламенти.В статье исследуются основные принципы, в соответствии с которыми осуществляется правовое регулирование экспорта из ЕС. Изучается содержание Регламента 2603/69 как основного нормативно правового акта, устанавливающего общие правила экспортирования товаров из ЕС. Определяются критерии градации экспортируемых товаров, на основании которых вводится различный правовой режим их экспорта Ключевые слова: экспорт товаров, правовое регулирование, Европейский Союз, регламенты.This article investigates the basic principles in accordance with which the legal regulation of exports from the EU is carried out. The maintenance of Regulations 2603/69 as the basic regulatory legal act establishing the general rules of export of the goods from EU is studied. Criteria of gradation of the exported goods on which basis the various legal regime of their export is entered are defined Key words: exports of goods, legal regulation, the European Union, regulations

    Правові проблеми попередження політичного екстремізму в Україні

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    Розглядаються основні проблеми правового попередження політичного екстремізму виходячи як з вітчизняного, так і міжнародного досвіду. У дослідженні акцен- тується увага на проблемах пошуку чіткої політичної і юридичної термінології поняття «політичний екстремізм». Автор указує на необхідність позиціонування символічного і реального політичного екстремізму, на важливості диференціації правової боротьби з екстремізмом і правового обмеження діяльності політичної опозиції. Ключові слова: політичний екстремізм, тероризм, політична система, правове регулювання, маніпулювання, опозиція.Рассматриваются основные проблемы правового упреждения политического экстремизма исходя как из отечественного, так и международного опыта. В исследовании акцентируется внимание на проблемах поиска четкой политической и юридической терминологии понятия «политический экстремизм». Автор указывает на необходимость позиционирования символического и реального политического экстремизма, на важности дифференциации правовой борьбы с экстремизмом и правового ограничения деятельности политической оппозиции. Ключевые слова: политический экстремизм, терроризм, политическая система, правовое регулирование, манипулирование, оппозиция.In this article the basic problems of the legal forestalling of political extremism are examined coming both from domestic and international experience. In research attention is accented on the problems of search of clear political and legal terminology of concept «Political extremism». The author specifies on the necessity of positioning of symbolic and real political extremism, on importance of differentiation of legal fight against extremism and legal limitation of activity of political opposition. Key words: political extremism, terrorism, political system, legal adjusting, manipulation, opposition

    Патогенез ренальных дисфункций при метаболическом синдроме

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    Анализируются патофизиологические механизмы возникновения и развития ренальных дисфункций в условиях метаболического синдрома (МС). Рассматриваются результаты популяционных клинических исследований деятельности почек у лиц с МС, а также механизмы, вызывающие нарушения гомеостатических функций почек в условиях течения МС. Проведен обзор литературы о роли ренин-ангиотензиновой системы и оксида азота в патогенезе ренальных дисфункций при МС.Analysis of pathophisiological mechanisms of renal dysfunctions development was carried out during metabolic syndrome. Results of clinic researches of renal activity in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS) and disturbances of homeostatic renal functions during MS were established. The literature review about research of renin-angiotensin system’s role and nitric oxide in pathogenesis of renal functions during MS was conducted

    The impact of heavy and disordered use of games and social media on adolescents’ psychological, social, and school functioning

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    Aim To extend the scholarly debate on (a) whether or not the compulsive use of games and social media should be regarded as behavioral addictions (Kardefelt-Winther et al., 2017) and (b) whether the nine DSM-5 criteria for Internet gaming disorder (IGD; American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013) are appropriate to distinguish highly engaged, non-disordered users of games and social media from disordered users, this study investigated the impact of engaged and disordered use of games and social media on the psychosocial well-being and school performances of adolescents. Methods As part of the Digital Youth Project of the University of Utrecht, a three-wave longitudinal sample of 12- to 15-year-old adolescents (N = 538) was utilized. Three annual online measurements were administered in the classroom setting, including IGD, social media disorder, life satisfaction, and perceived social competence. Schools provided information on students’ grade point average. Results The symptoms of disordered use of games and social media showed to have a negative effect on adolescent’s life satisfaction, and the symptoms of disordered gaming showed a negative impact on adolescents’ perceived social competence. On the other hand, heavy use of games and social media predicted positive effects on adolescents’ perceived social competence. However, the heavy use of social media also predicted a decrease in school performances. Several gender differences in these outcomes are discussed. Conclusion The findings propose that symptoms of disordered use of games and social media predict a decrease in the psychosocial well-being and school performances of adolescents, thereby meeting one of the core criteria of behavioral addictions

    Титульные страницы и содержание

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    This study gives an overview of Project STARS (Studies on Trajectories of Adolescent Relationships and Sexuality), a four-wave longitudinal study of 1297 Dutch adolescents. First, the sample, measures and four sub-projects are described. Second, hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to examine how key variables from the individual domain (impulsivity), parent domain (parent-adolescent relationship quality), peer domain (involvement with peers) and media domain (time spent on social networking sites), and their interactions predict changes in the experience with sexual behaviour of adolescents across time. Results showed that higher levels of impulsivity, lower quality of relation with parents, more frequent involvement with peers and more time spent on social networking sites at baseline predicted increases in sexual experience of adolescents over a subsequent 1.5-year time period. No interaction effects among the domains were found. The findings highlight the significance of a multi-domain approach to the study of adolescent sexual development

    The development and validation of the Bergen–Yale Sex Addiction Scale with a large national sample

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    The view that problematic excessive sexual behavior (“sex addiction”) is a form of behavioral addiction has gained more credence in recent years, but there is still considerable controversy regarding operationalization of the concept. Furthermore, most previous studies have relied on small clinical samples. The present study presents a new method for assessing sex addiction—the Bergen–Yale Sex Addiction Scale (BYSAS)—based on established addiction components (i.e., salience/craving, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict/problems, and relapse/loss of control). Using a cross-sectional survey, the BYSAS was administered to a broad national sample of 23,533 Norwegian adults [aged 16–88 years; mean (± SD) age = 35.8 ± 13.3 years], together with validated measures of the Big Five personality traits, narcissism, self-esteem, and a measure of sexual addictive behavior. Both an exploratory and a confirmatory factor analysis (RMSEA = 0.046, CFI = 0.998, TLI = 0.996) supported a one-factor solution, although a local dependence between two items (Items 1 and 2) was detected. Furthermore, the scale had good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.83). The BYSAS correlated significantly with the reference scale (r = 0.52), and demonstrated similar patterns of convergent and discriminant validity. The BYSAS was positively related to extroversion, neuroticism, intellect/imagination, and narcissism, and negatively related to conscientiousness, agreeableness, and self-esteem. High scores on the BYSAS were more prevalent among those who were men, single, of younger age, and with higher education. The BYSAS is a brief, and psychometrically reliable and valid measure for assessing sex addiction. However, further validation of the BYSAS is needed in other countries and contexts

    IT'S KIND OF AN EXCITING STORY : The role of the Internet in adolescent sexual development

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    This dissertation investigated how sex-related online behaviors shape sexual developmental processes in adolescence, and how Internet use and online behaviors are embedded in other, offline influencing systems in young people's lives.The overarching aims of the eight empirical studies, which utilized a developmental, contextual, and multi-method perspective, were to: (1) Establish the prevalence and development of different sex-related online behaviors in adolescence, as well as their longitudinal associations with adolescents' sexual cognitions, emotions, and behaviors; (2) Identify mechanisms underlying effects of sex-related Internet use, and individual differences in patterns of sex-related online behaviors and the factors that predict these differences; (3) Gain more in-depth insight into the content adolescents are exposed to, create, and distribute when engaging in sex-related online behaviors, as well as their own motives, perceptions, and reflections regarding such content and behaviors. The results of this dissertation suggest that, for the general adolescent population, engagement in most sex-related online behaviors (use of sexually explicit Internet material, sexual information seeking, and cybersex) is not widespread or excessive. An exception to the generally low engagement in these behaviors is adolescents’ use of social networking sites. This highly popular social activity is not explicitly sexual in genre, yet may function as an important context for adolescents to form and evaluate conceptions of sexuality, engage in sexual communication, and explore and portray their own sexual identity. Although mean engagement in sex-related online behaviors was found to be less prevalent than often assumed or feared, the studies in this dissertation confirm theoretical assumptions by showing that sex-related online behaviors have the potential to shape adolescents’ sexual cognitions, behaviors, and emotions over time. Higher levels of engagement in sex-related online behaviors were predictive of poorer body and sexual self-perceptions and (indirectly) increases in experience with sexual behavior. Moreover, boys’ use of sexually explicit Internet material predicted increases in their permissive sexual attitudes. Furthermore, this dissertation highlights that sex-related online behaviors and their effects on sexual developmental processes are intertwined with processes in the self, parent and peer domains. For example, it was found that adolescents' sex-related behaviors (i.e., use of sexually explicit Internet material and social networking sites) predicted increased perceptions that sexual behavior is common and accepted among peers, which in turn predicted increases in their own experience with sexual behavior. Moreover, the studies in this dissertation showed that there is a large congruency between adolescents’ own dispositions (e.g., sexual beliefs, psychological well-being), developmental interests (e.g., sexual interest), and social setting (e.g., Internet-specific parenting) on the one hand and their patterns of sex-related Internet use on the other hand. Moreover, gender played an important role both in adolescents’ patterns of engagement in sex-related online behaviors and the effects that these behaviors had on them. The findings in this dissertation offer a valuable contribution to the existing theory and knowledge about the role of Internet in adolescent sexual development. Moreover, they contain relevant implications for educational and parental strategies that aim to promote healthy and positive sexual development during adolescence