1,410 research outputs found

    Violation of critical universality at the antiferromagnetic phase transition of YbRh2Si2

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    We report on precise low-temperature specific-heat measurements, C(T), of YbRh2Si2 in the vicinity of the antiferromagnetic phase transition on a single crystal of superior quality (RRR 150). We observe a very sharp peak at T_N=72mK with absolute values as high as C/T=8J/molK^2. A detailed analysis of the critical exponent \alpha around T_N reveals \alpha=0.38 which differs significantly from those of the conventional universality classes in the Ginzburg-Landau theory, where \alpha<0.11. Thermal-expansion measurements corroborate this large positive critical exponent. These results provide insight into the nature of the critical magnetic fluctuations at a temperature-driven phase transition close to a quantum critical point.Comment: Accepted for PR

    Pressure dependence of the Néel and the superconducting transition temperature of CeCo(In0.9Cd0.1)5 studied by thermal expansion

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    We present low-temperature thermal expansion measurements on the nominally 10% Cd doped CeCoIn5. While the superconducting transition temperature is monotonically suppressed, an antiferromagnetic phase evolves in CeCoIn5 by Cd-doping. For the uniaxial pressure dependence of the Néel temperature along c, we find (∂ TN / ∂ p)∥ c = 0.206 K / GPa. The magnetic field dependence (for B ∥ c) of TN is stronger compared to CeRhIn5. As no traces of a superconducting transition are resolved in thermal expansion along the c-axis, we estimate a lower limit of the in-plane pressure dependence to (∂ Tc / ∂ p)⊥ c = 0.38 K / GPa. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Discovery of new TeV supernova remnant shells in the Galactic plane with H.E.S.S

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) are prime candidates for efficient particle acceleration up to the knee in the cosmic ray particle spectrum. In this work we present a new method for a systematic search for new TeV-emitting SNR shells in 2864 hours of H.E.S.S. phase I data used for the H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey. This new method, which correctly identifies the known shell morphologies of the TeV SNRs covered by the survey, HESS J1731-347, RX 1713.7-3946, RCW 86, and Vela Junior, reveals also the existence of three new SNR candidates. All three candidates were extensively studied regarding their morphological, spectral, and multi-wavelength (MWL) properties. HESS J1534-571 was associated with the radio SNR candidate G323.7-1.0, and thus is classified as an SNR. HESS J1912+101 and HESS J1614-518, on the other hand, do not have radio or X-ray counterparts that would permit to identify them firmly as SNRs, and therefore they remain SNR candidates, discovered first at TeV energies as such. Further MWL follow up observations are needed to confirm that these newly discovered SNR candidates are indeed SNRs

    Electron-correlation effects in appearance-potential spectra of Ni

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    Spin-resolved and temperature-dependent appearance-potential spectra of ferromagnetic Nickel are measured and analyzed theoretically. The Lander self-convolution model which relates the line shape to the unoccupied part of the local density of states turns out to be insufficient. Electron correlations and orbitally resolved transition-matrix elements are shown to be essential for a quantitative agreement between experiment and theory.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 2 eps figures included, Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Evolution of Quantum Criticality in CeNi_{9-x}Cu_xGe_4

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    Crystal structure, specific heat, thermal expansion, magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity studies of the heavy fermion system CeNi_{9-x}Cu_xGe_4 (0 <= x <= 1) reveal a continuous tuning of the ground state by Ni/Cu substitution from an effectively fourfold degenerate non-magnetic Kondo ground state of CeNi_9Ge_4 (with pronounced non-Fermi-liquid features) towards a magnetically ordered, effectively twofold degenerate ground state in CeNi_8CuGe_4 with T_N = 175 +- 5 mK. Quantum critical behavior, C/T ~ \chi ~ -ln(T), is observed for x about 0.4. Hitherto, CeNi_{9-x}Cu_xGe_4 represents the first system where a substitution-driven quantum phase transition is connected not only with changes of the relative strength of Kondo effect and RKKY interaction, but also with a reduction of the effective crystal field ground state degeneracy.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Trolling in asynchronous computer-mediated communication: From user discussions to academic definitions

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    Whilst computer-mediated communication (CMC) can benefit users by providing quick and easy communication between those separated by time and space, it can also provide varying degrees of anonymity that may encourage a sense of impunity and freedom from being held accountable for inappropriate online behaviour. As such, CMC is a fertile ground for studying impoliteness, whether it occurs in response to perceived threat (flaming), or as an end in its own right (trolling). Currently, first and secondorder definitions of terms such as im/politeness (Brown and Levinson 1987; Bousfield 2008; Culpeper 2008; Terkourafi 2008), in-civility (Lakoff 2005), rudeness (Beebe 1995, Kienpointner 1997, 2008), and etiquette (Coulmas 1992), are subject to much discussion and debate, yet the CMC phenomenon of trolling is not adequately captured by any of these terms. Following Bousfield (in press), Culpeper (2010) and others, this paper suggests that a definition of trolling should be informed first and foremost by user discussions. Taking examples from a 172-million-word, asynchronous CMC corpus, four interrelated conditions of aggression, deception, disruption, and success are discussed. Finally, a working definition of trolling is presented

    Quantum criticality in layered CeRhIn_{5-x}Sn_x compared with cubic CeIn$_{3-x}Sn_x

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    We report low-temperature thermal-expansion measurements on single crystals of the {\it layered} heavy fermion system \cri (0.3≤x≤0.60.3\leq x \leq 0.6) and compare it with a previous study on the related {\it cubic} system \ci [R. K\"{u}chler {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 96}, 256403 (2006)]. Both systems display a quantum critical point as proven by a divergent Gr\"uneisen ratio. Most remarkably, the three-dimensional itinerant model explains quantum criticality in {\it both} systems, suggesting that the crystalline anisotropy in \cri is unimportant. This is ascribed to the effect of weak disorder in these doped systems.Comment: Eur. Phys. Lett., to be publishe

    Proliferation of sorted human and rat beta cells

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    Aims/hypothesis: The aim of the study was to determine whether purified beta cells can replicate in vitro and whether this is enhanced by extracellular matrix (ECM) and growth factors. Methods: Human beta cells were purified by FACS by virtue of their high zinc content using Newport Green, and excluding ductal and dead cells. Rat beta cells were sorted by autofluorescence or using the same method developed for human cells. Cells were plated on poly-l-lysine or ECMs from rat or human bladder carcinoma cells or bovine corneal ECM and incubated in the presence of BrdU with or without growth factors. Results: The newly developed method for sorting human beta cells yields a population containing 91.4 ± 2.8% insulin-positive cells with a low level of spontaneous apoptosis and a robust secretory response to glucose. Beta cells from 8-week-old rats proliferated in culture and this was increased by ECM. Among growth factors, only human growth hormone (hGH) and the glucagon-like peptide-1 analogue liraglutide enhanced proliferation of rat beta cells, with a significant increase on both poly-l-lysine and ECM. By contrast, sorted adult human beta cells from 16 donors aged 48.9 ± 14.3years (range 16-64years) failed to replicate demonstrably in vitro regardless of the substratum or growth factors used. Conclusions/interpretation: These findings indicate that, in our conditions, the fully differentiated human adult insulin-producing beta cell was unable to proliferate in vitro. This has important implications for any attempt to expand cells from pancreases of donors of this age group. By contrast, the rat beta cells used here were able to divide in vitro, and this was enhanced by ECM, hGH and liraglutid

    Behavior of the Quantum Critical Point and the Fermi-liquid Domain in the Heavy Fermion Superconductor CeCoIn5 studied by resistivity

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    We report detailed very low temperature resistivity measurements on the heavy fermion compounds Ce_{1-x}La_{x}CoIn5 (x=0 and x=0.01), with current applied in two crystallographic directions [100] (basal plane) and [001] (perpendicular to the basal plane) under magnetic field applied in the [001] or [011] direction. We found a Fermi liquid (\rho \propto T^{2}) ground state, in all cases, for fields above the superconducting upper critical field. We discuss the possible location of a field induced quantum critical point with respect to Hc2(0), and compare our measurements with the previous reports in order to give a clear picture of the experimental status on this long debated issue.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures accepted for publication in JPS

    Spin dynamics in the diluted ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model

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    The interplay of disorder and competing interactions is investigated in the carrier-induced ferromagnetic state of the Kondo lattice model within a numerical finite-size study in which disorder is treated exactly. Competition between impurity spin couplings, stability of the ferromagnetic state, and magnetic transition temperature are quantitatively investigated in terms of magnon properties for different models including dilution, disorder, and weakly-coupled spins. A strong optimization is obtained for T_c at hole doping p << x, highlighting the importance of compensation in diluted magnetic semiconductors. The estimated T_c is in good agreement with experimental results for Ga_{1-x}Mn_x As for corresponding impurity concentration, hole bandwidth, and compensation. Finite-temperature spin dynamics is quantitatively studied within a locally self-consistent magnon renormalization scheme, which yields a substantial enhancement in T_c due to spin clustering, and highlights the nearly-paramagnetic spin dynamics of weakly-coupled spins. The large enhancement in density of low-energy magnetic excitations due to disorder and competing interactions results in a strong thermal decay of magnetization, which fits well with the Bloch form M_0(1-BT^{3/2}) at low temperature, with B of same order of magnitude as obtained in recent squid magnetization measurements on Ga_{1-x}Mn_x As samples.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure
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