13,712 research outputs found

    Test results at transonic speeds on a contoured over-the-wing propfan model

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    A semispan wing/body model with a powered highly loaded propeller has been tested to provide data on the propulsion installation drag of advanced propfan-powered aircraft. The model had a supercritical wing with a contoured over-the-wing nacelle. It was tested in the Ames Research Center's (ARC) 14-foot Transonic Wind Tunnel at a total pressure of 1 atm. The test was conducted at angles of attack from -0.5 to 4 deg at Mach numbers ranging from 0.6 to 0.8. The test objectives were to determine propeller performance, exhaust jet effects, propeller slipstream interference drag, and total powerplant installation drag. Test results indicated a total powerplant installation drag of 82 counts (0.0082) at a Mach number of 0.8 and a lift coefficient of 0.5, which is approximately 29 percent of a typical airplane cruise drag

    Spin-lattice Interaction in Ruby Measured by ESR in Uniaxially Stressed Crystals

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    Spin-lattice Hamiltonian determined for chromium ions in ruby single crystal

    High fidelity optogenetic control of individual prefrontal cortical pyramidal neurons in vivo

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    Precise spatial and temporal manipulation of neural activity in specific genetically defined cell populations is now possible with the advent of optogenetics. The emerging field of optogenetics consists of a set of naturally-occurring and engineered light-sensitive membrane proteins that are able to activate (e.g., channelrhodopsin-2, ChR2) or silence (e.g., halorhodopsin, NpHR) neural activity. Here we demonstrate the technique and the feasibility of using novel adeno-associated viral (AAV) tools to activate (AAV-CaMKll{\alpha}-ChR2-eYFP) or silence (AAV-CaMKll{\alpha}-eNpHR3.0-eYFP) neural activity of rat prefrontal cortical prelimbic (PL) pyramidal neurons in vivo. In vivo single unit extracellular recording of ChR2-transduced pyramidal neurons showed that delivery of brief (10 ms) blue (473 nm) light-pulse trains up to 20 Hz via a custom fiber optic-coupled recording electrode (optrode) induced spiking with high fidelity at 20 Hz for the duration of recording (up to two hours in some cases). To silence spontaneously active neurons we transduced them with the NpHR construct and administered continuous green (532 nm) light to completely inhibit action potential activity for up to 10 seconds with 100% fidelity in most cases. These versatile photosensitive tools combined with optrode recording methods provide experimental control over activity of genetically defined neurons and can be used to investigate the functional relationship between neural activity and complex cognitive behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures F1000Research articl

    Weather analysis for crop drying

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    Digitized 2007 AES.Includes bibliographical references (page 41)

    Considerations for a design and operations knowledge support system for Space Station Freedom

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    Engineering and operations of modern engineered systems depend critically upon detailed design and operations knowledge that is accurate and authoritative. A design and operations knowledge support system (DOKSS) is a modern computer-based information system providing knowledge about the creation, evolution, and growth of an engineered system. The purpose of a DOKSS is to provide convenient and effective access to this multifaceted information. The complexity of Space Station Freedom's (SSF's) systems, elements, interfaces, and organizations makes convenient access to design knowledge especially important, when compared to simpler systems. The life cycle length, being 30 or more years, adds a new dimension to space operations, maintenance, and evolution. Provided here is a review and discussion of design knowledge support systems to be delivered and operated as a critical part of the engineered system. A concept of a DOKSS for Space Station Freedom (SSF) is presented. This is followed by a detailed discussion of a DOKSS for the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center and Work Package-2 portions of SSF

    Comments on Guidance for Tax-Exempt Social Welfare Organizations on Candidate-Related Political Activities

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    The Notice is a good first step. It creates bright-line standards that are easy to apply and that will eliminate much of the gray area regarding permissible political activity. Clearer lines will reduce the discretion on the part of the IRS. By decreasing the IRS’s discretion, the regulation will reduce the opportunity for the IRS to be used as a political tool in an Administration’s tool box. However, the Notice does not go far enough. Congress has established a regulatory regime that has as its central purpose the disclosure of any significant campaign contributions by individuals or firms. In recent years many organizations have exploited the confidentiality rules of § 501(c)(4) to evade that regime, to the detriment not only of U.S. political discourse but also the non-profit sector. The Final Rule should ensure that groups with significant partisan political activity cannot obtain exemption under § 501(c)(4), or indeed under any parallel provision of § 501. We believe, however, that groups carrying out substantial electioneering activities should generally be eligible for exemption under § 527, and that the IRS should make that clear in the Final Rule. The main consequence of any ruling denying § 501(c)(4) status based on the political activity of the organization, therefore, would simply be to require the disclosure of an organization’s donors, and to ensure that the organization’s political expenditures are disclosed contemporaneously with the election they seek to influence. Accordingly, the Final Rule should be designed in a way that channels organizations with any substantial amount of undisclosed electioneering activity into § 527. For example, we propose a strong presumption that any group with candidate-related political activity of more than 10% of its budget, or of more than an overall cap of some amount, such as $1 million, whichever is lesser, should be recognized as a § 527 political organization and not as a § 501c(4) social welfare organization. The final rule should interpret electioneering broadly to include facially non-partisan activities that can be used to partisan advantage, including candidate-related advertising that falls outside the window immediately surrounding an election. Groups that voluntarily disclose their donors could retain c(4) status. Additionally, we suggest that the IRS seriously consider developing rules to limit the use of for-profit entities to evade § 527. We urge the IRS to take a clearer stand on its enforcement plans and legally dubious Forms 990. And we argue that nothing in the Notice, or in what we additionally suggest here, would raise serious First Amendment concerns

    Impulse oscillometry identifies peripheral airway dysfunction in children with adenosine deaminase deficiency.

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    Adenosine deaminase-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency (ADA-SCID) is characterized by impaired T-, B- and NK-cell function. Affected children, in addition to early onset of infections, manifest non-immunologic symptoms including pulmonary dysfunction likely attributable to elevated systemic adenosine levels. Lung disease assessment has primarily employed repetitive radiography and effort-dependent functional studies. Through impulse oscillometry (IOS), which is effort-independent, we prospectively obtained objective measures of lung dysfunction in 10 children with ADA-SCID. These results support the use of IOS in the identification and monitoring of lung function abnormalities in children with primary immunodeficiencies

    Coulomb De-Excitation of C12 in a Helium Gas at High Density and Temperature

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    The report contains calculations of the extent to which the formation of C12 nuclei is speeded up in a dense hot helium plasma by the Coulomb de-excitation of its transiently formed excited states
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