
Test results at transonic speeds on a contoured over-the-wing propfan model


A semispan wing/body model with a powered highly loaded propeller has been tested to provide data on the propulsion installation drag of advanced propfan-powered aircraft. The model had a supercritical wing with a contoured over-the-wing nacelle. It was tested in the Ames Research Center's (ARC) 14-foot Transonic Wind Tunnel at a total pressure of 1 atm. The test was conducted at angles of attack from -0.5 to 4 deg at Mach numbers ranging from 0.6 to 0.8. The test objectives were to determine propeller performance, exhaust jet effects, propeller slipstream interference drag, and total powerplant installation drag. Test results indicated a total powerplant installation drag of 82 counts (0.0082) at a Mach number of 0.8 and a lift coefficient of 0.5, which is approximately 29 percent of a typical airplane cruise drag

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