2,483 research outputs found

    Impact of the Holocene Transgression on the Atlantic Coastline of Nova Scotia

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    As analogs for impact of a future sea-level rise on the coast of Nova Scotia (eastern Canada), geological data and information on relative sea-level changes are examined at three different time scales. Relative sea level rose swiftly during the early Holocene, at a maximum rate of 11 m/ka at 7500 radiocarbon years BP. Freshwater, salt-marsh, and estuarine sediments that formed during this period have been located on the inner shelf. After 5000 BP the rate slackened to about 2 m/ka. Despite overall submergence and coastal retreat since that time, gravel barriers have persisted where large amounts of sediment have been added to the littoral system by erosion of glacial deposits. The barriers often display evidence of early progradational phases in the form of gravel beach ridges, partly or wholly submerged in lagoons behind contemporary storm beaches. Tide-gauge data from the past century show submergence rates averaging 3.5 mm/a, well in excess of the longterm trend. The response of the coastline to this rapid rise is complex. Unconsolidated cliffs (bluffs) retreat at up to 5 m/a during initial exposure to wave attack and during extreme storm events, but at lesser rates (8 m/a) in some locations, but low elsewhere, in some cases showing almost no movement over the past 10 years, and neighbouring beaches are sometimes observed to behave in completely different ways. Sediment released by coastal erosion finds its way into nearby estuaries, causing growth of flood-tidal deltas and marsh aggradation. If a global rise in sea level occurs, the processes of erosion and sedimentation operating along the coast of Nova Scotia during the Holocene are expected to continue in a similar fashion, but rates of change will increase at many locations.Les donnĂ©es gĂ©ologiques et les connaissances sur les changements du niveau marin relatif sont Ă©tudiĂ©es Ă  trois Ă©chelles temporelles en tant qu'analogues des consĂ©quences d'une future hausse du niveau marin sur la cĂŽte de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Le niveau marin relatif s'est rapidement Ă©levĂ© au cours de l'HolocĂšne infĂ©rieur, jusqu'au taux maximal de 11 m/ka Ă  7500 BP. Des sĂ©diments estuariens ou issus de marais salants et d'eau douce datant de cette pĂ©riode ont Ă©tĂ© localisĂ©s sur le plateau continental intĂ©rieur. AprĂšs 5000 BP le taux a diminuĂ© jusqu'Ă  2 m/ka. En dĂ©pit de la submersion de la rĂ©gion cĂŽtiĂšre et de son dĂ©gagement subsĂ©quent, les cordons littoraux de gravier ont persistĂ© lĂ  oĂč de grandes quantitĂ©s de sĂ©diments ont Ă©tĂ© mis en place sur le littoral par Ă©rosion des dĂ©pĂŽts glaciaires. Les cordons montrent souvent des indices de phases de progression sous la forme de crĂȘtes de graviers, partiellement ou entiĂšrement submergĂ©s dans les lagunes situĂ©es derriĂšre les plages de tempĂȘtes contemporaines. Les donnĂ©es marĂ©graphiques du siĂšcle dernier font ressortir un taux de submersion d'environ 3,5 mm/a, taux nettement plus Ă©levĂ© que celui de la tendance Ă  long terme. La rĂ©ponse du littoral Ă  cette hausse rapide est complexe. Les falaises non consolidĂ©es peuvent reculer jusqu'Ă  5 m/a au dĂ©but de leur exposition aux fortes vagues et pendant les plus fortes tempĂȘtes et Ă  un rythme beaucoup plus lent (8 m/a) par endroits, lent ailleurs; certaines plages sont presque immobiles depuis 10 ans, alors que les plages voisines se comportent de façon tout Ă  fait diffĂ©rente. Les sĂ©diments libĂ©rĂ©s par l'Ă©rosion littorale se retrouvent dans les estuaires les plus proches, provoquant l'expansion des deltas d'inondation et l'extension des marais. Si une hausse globale du niveau marin survenait, les processus d'Ă©rosion et de sĂ©dimentation qui se sont manifestĂ©s le long de la cĂŽte de la Nouvelle-Écosse pendant l'HolocĂšne agiront de façon semblable, mais le rythme des changements augmentera dans plusieurs sites

    In Memoriam: Daniel J. Meltzer

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    Sedan Ă„r 2006 har den syntetiskt framstĂ€llda drogen spice existerat i Sverige, men först Ă„r 2008 blev drogen populĂ€r och tidningar började rikta uppmĂ€rksamhet mot den. Genom att drogen kan byta skepnad i uppbyggnaden kan den förbli laglig, dĂ€rför kan egentligen namnet “spice” inte betraktas som ett enhetligt begrepp. VĂ„rt syfte med denna studie blev att granska hur drogen spice beskrivs i tidningar och forskning. Även hur drogen betraktas gĂ€llande psykosociala och medicinska avseenden. Detta i förhĂ„llande till socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Den metod som vi valde att anvĂ€nda oss av i studien var kvantitativ innehĂ„llsanalys. Genom analys av 80 stycken svenska tidningsartiklar hĂ€mtade ur databasen mediearkivet, samt vetenskapliga artiklar och litteratur har vi besvarat vĂ„ra frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. De resultat vi fick frĂ„n analyser visade pĂ„ att tidningar kan vara av betydande roll för ungdomars attityder. Tidningar kan utföra bland annat skrĂ€mselpropaganda för att upplysa och förhindra brukandet av spice, dessvĂ€rre visar resultatet en motsatt effekt. Forskning visar att bruk av spice kan pĂ„verka relationer och arbete negativt. Dessutom Ă€r nĂ„gra bieffekter av spice bröstsmĂ€rtor, vanförestĂ€llningar, sjĂ€lvmordstankar och hjĂ€rtstopp

    Spacetime Embedding Diagrams for Black Holes

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    We show that the 1+1 dimensional reduction (i.e., the radial plane) of the Kruskal black hole can be embedded in 2+1 Minkowski spacetime and discuss how features of this spacetime can be seen from the embedding diagram. The purpose of this work is educational: The associated embedding diagrams may be useful for explaining aspects of black holes to students who are familiar with special relativity, but not general relativity.Comment: 22 pages, 21 figures, RevTex. To be submitted to the American Journal of Physics. Experts will wish only to skim appendix A and to look at the pictures. Suggested Maple code is now compatible with MapleV4r

    Fertilizing lawns

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    1 online resource (PDF, 4 pages)This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu

    Effect of COVID-19 vaccination on transmission of Alpha and Delta variants

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    BACKGROUND: Before the emergence of the B.1.617.2 (delta) variant of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), vaccination reduced transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from vaccinated persons who became infected, potentially by reducing viral loads. Although vaccination still lowers the risk of infection, similar viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated persons who are infected with the delta variant call into question the degree to which vaccination prevents transmission. METHODS: We used contact-testing data from England to perform a retrospective observational cohort study involving adult contacts of SARS-CoV-2–infected adult index patients. We used multivariable Poisson regression to investigate associations between transmission and the vaccination status of index patients and contacts and to determine how these associations varied with the B.1.1.7 (alpha) and delta variants and time since the second vaccination. RESULTS: Among 146,243 tested contacts of 108,498 index patients, 54,667 (37%) had positive SARS-CoV-2 polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) tests. In index patients who became infected with the alpha variant, two vaccinations with either BNT162b2 or ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (also known as AZD1222), as compared with no vaccination, were independently associated with reduced PCR positivity in contacts (adjusted rate ratio with BNT162b2, 0.32; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.21 to 0.48; and with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.30 to 0.78). Vaccine-associated reductions in transmission of the delta variant were smaller than those with the alpha variant, and reductions in transmission of the delta variant after two BNT162b2 vaccinations were greater (adjusted rate ratio for the comparison with no vaccination, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.39 to 0.65) than after two ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccinations (adjusted rate ratio, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.70 to 0.82). Variation in cycle-threshold (Ct) values (indicative of viral load) in index patients explained 7 to 23% of vaccine-associated reductions in transmission of the two variants. The reductions in transmission of the delta variant declined over time after the second vaccination, reaching levels that were similar to those in unvaccinated persons by 12 weeks in index patients who had received ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and attenuating substantially in those who had received BNT162b2. Protection in contacts also declined in the 3-month period after the second vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: Vaccination was associated with a smaller reduction in transmission of the delta variant than of the alpha variant, and the effects of vaccination decreased over time. PCR Ct values at diagnosis of the index patient only partially explained decreased transmission. (Funded by the U.K. Government Department of Health and Social Care and others.

    Experimental strategies for the investigation of low temperature properties in granitic and pegmatitic melts

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    The physical behavior of silicate melts during the final stages of intrusion in the earth's crust are poorly understood. In particular, the low temperature limit of igneous petrogenesis is poorly constrained. The extreme differentiates of granitic magmatism that lead to pegmatite genesis span a very large range of composition not normally considered to be within the domain of igneous melt compositions. This combination of very low petrogenetic temperatures and extreme chemistries requires a concentrated effort for the determination of melt properties under conditions of pressure, temperature and composition appropriate to these systems. An experimental strategy for the determination of melt properties under appropriate conditions is presented. The determination of individual melt properties at very low temperatures is described with the aid of three examples, heat capacity, volume and viscosity. In this way the physical behavior of an important component of the earth's crust will become accessible

    Chemical diffusion of fluorine in melts in the system Na2OAl2O3SiO2

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    The volatilization of fluorine from three melts in the system Na2OAl2O3SiO2 has been investigated at 1 atm pressure and 1200–1400°C. The melts chosen have base compositions corresponding to albite, jadeite and a peraluminous melt with 75 mole % SiO2. Melt spheres were suspended from platinum loops in a vertical tube furnace in a flow of oxygen gas, then quenched, sectioned and analysed by electron microprobe. The microprobe scans indicate that transport of fluorine to the melt-vapor interface is by binary, concentration-independent interdiffusion of fluorine and oxygen. FO interdiffusivity increases in the order albite < peraluminous < jadeite. There is no simple reciprocal relationship between FO interdiffusivity and melt viscosity. Comparison with data on high-pressure interdiffusivity of fluorine and oxygen in jadeite melt indicates that FO interdiffusivity increases with pressure from 0.001 to 10 kbar while the activation energy remains unchanged. Fluorine chemical diffusivity in albite melt is substantially lower than H2O chemical diffusivity in obsidian melts suggesting that different diffusive mechanisms are responsible for the transport of F and H2O in igneous melts. Fluorine diffuses in albite melt via an anionic exchange with oxygen whereas water probably diffuses in obsidian melt via an alkali exchange mechanism

    Comparison of axillofemoral and aortofemoral bypass for aortoiliac occlusive disease

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    AbstractPurpose: A comparison of aortofemoral bypass grafting (AOFBG) and axillofemoral bypass grafting (AXFBG) for occlusive disease performed by the same surgeons during a defined interval forms the basis for this report.Methods: Data regarding all patients who underwent AOFBG or AXFBG for lower-extremity ischemia caused by aortoiliac occlusive disease were prospectively entered into a computerized vascular registry. The decision to perform AOFBG rather than AXFBG was based on assessment of surgical risk and the surgeon's preference. This report describes results for surgical morbidity, mortality, patency, limb salvage, and patient survival for procedures performed from January 1988 through December 1993.Results: We performed 108 AXFBGs and 139 AOFBGs. AXFBG patients were older (mean age, 68 years compared with 58 years for AOFBG, p < 0.001), more often had heart disease (84% compared with 38%, p < 0.001), and more often underwent surgery for limb-salvage indications (80% compared with 42%, p < 0.001). No significant differences were found in operative mortality (AXFBG, 3.4%; AOFBG, <1.0%, p = NS), but major postoperative complications occurred more frequently after AOFBG (AXFBG, 9.2%; AOFBG, 19.4%; p < 0.05). Follow-up ranged from 1 to 83 months (mean, 27 months). Five-year life-table primary patency, limb salvage, and survival rates were 74%, 89%, and 45% for AXFBG and 80%, 79%, and 72% for AOFBG, respectively. Although the patient survival rate was statistically lower with AXFBG, primary patency and limb salvage rates did not differ when compared with AOFBG.Conclusion: When reserved for high-risk patients with limited life expectancy, the patency and limb salvage results of AXFBG are equivalent to those of AOFBG. (J VASC SURG 1996;23:263-71.

    Effects of water and fluorine on the viscosity of albite melt at high pressure: a preliminary investigation

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    The viscosities of fluorine- and water-bearing melts based on albite composition have been determined at 7.5, 15 and 22.5 kbar by the falling-sphere method. All melt viscosities decrease isothermally with increasing pressure. At 1200°C the viscosity of the fluorine-bearing melt (albite + 5.8 wt.% fluorine substituted for oxygen, denoted AbF2O−1) decreases from5000 ± 750P at7.5kbar to1600 ± 240P at22.5kbar. At 1400°C the viscosity of this melt decreases from1300 ± 200P at7.5kbar to430 ± 65P at22.5kbar. At 1400°C the viscosity of albite + 2.79 wt.% water (denoted AbH2O) decreases from650 ± 100P at7.5kbar to400 ± 60P at22.5kbar. Fluorine (as F2O−1) and water strongly decrease the viscosity of albite melt over the entire range of investigated pressures. The ratio of the effects of 5.8 wt.% fluorine [F/(F + O)molar = 0.10] and 2.79 wt.% water [OH/(OH + O)molar = 0.10] on the log of melt viscosity [Δ log η(AbF2O−1)/Δ log η(AbH2O)] equals0.90 ± 0.05, 0.84 ± 0.05and0.97 ± 0.05at7.5, 15and22.5kbar, respectively. Comparison with available data on the high-pressure viscosity of albite melt indicates that both F2O−1 and H2O maintain their viscosity-reducing roles to lower crustal pressures. The difference between the viscosities of melts of albite, AbF2O−1 and AbH2O, may be explained in terms of the relatively depolymerized structures of AbF2O−1 and AbH2O melts. The depolymerization of albite melt by the addition of water results from the formation of SiOH bonds. The depolymerization of albite melt by F2O−1 substitution results from the formation of non-bridging oxygens associated with network-modifying aluminum cations that are formed upon fluorine solution. The strong viscosity-reducing effects of water and fluorine in albite melt at pressures corresponding to the mid- to lower continental crust indicate that these two components will strongly influence the dynamic behavior of anatectic melts during initial magma coalescence and restite-melt segregation
