666 research outputs found

    Genomische Charakterisierung, systematisches Mutationsscreening und Assoziationsstudie des CREM-Gens bei Patienten mit Panikstörung

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    Panikstörung ist eine Angsterkrankung mit einer Heritabilität von ca. 48%. Knock-out Mäuse für das 'C-AMP Responsive Element Modulator' (CREM) Gen zeigen ein niedrigeres Angstniveau als Wildtyp-Mäuse. CREM ist zudem ein wichtiger nukleärer Transkriptionsfaktor in der hypothalamo-hypophyseo-adrenalen Achse. Daher wurde nach genomischer Charakterisierung des CREM Gens (10p12.1-11.1) bei 40 Patienten mit Panikstörung ein systematisches Mutationsscreening unter Verwendung von SSCP und direkter Sequenzierung durchgeführt. Identifizierte Polymorphismen wurden bei 88 Patienten und 88 alters- und geschlechtsangepassten Kontrollen mittels RFLP- und Fragmentanalysen auf Assoziation untersucht. Von sechs identifizierten Polymorphismen war ein Trinukleotid-Repeat-Polymorphismus in Promotor P2 in der kürzeren Allelform signifikant mit Panikstörung (p=0,02), v.a. ohne Agoraphobie (p=0,001) assoziiert, was auf eine mögliche Beteiligung des CREM Gens an der Pathogenese der Panikstörung hinweist

    Developmental pathways towards mood disorders in adult life: Is there a role for sleep disturbances?

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    Introduction: Mood disorders are among the most prevalent and serious mental disorders and rank high among to the leading global burdens of disease. The developmental psychopathology framework can offer a life course perspective on them thus providing a basis for early prevention and intervention. Sleep disturbances, are considered risk factors for mood disorders across childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Assuming that sleep disturbances may play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of mood disorders from a life course point of view, we reviewed the data on developmental pathways towards mood disorders in adult life in relation to sleep disturbances. Method: From February 2017, a systematic search was conducted in PubMed, PsycINFO and Embase electronic databases for literature on developmental pathways to mood disorders in adult life in relation to sleep disturbances and to 1) pre-natal stress, 2) early brain developmental processes, and 3) temperaments, character and attachment style. Results: Eleven, 54 and 15 articles were respectively selected. Conclusions: Experimental and clinical studies revealed that exposure to prenatal/early life stress results in sleep disturbances such as poor sleep and altered circadian regulation phases and may predict or even precipitate mood disorders in adulthood. Chronic sleep disruption may interfere with neuronal plasticity, connectivity and the developing brain thus contributing to the development of mood disorders. In addition sleep and circadian dysregulations have been shown to be related to those temperaments, character and attachment styles which are considered precursors of mood disorders. Sleep and circadian behaviours may serve as early targets regarding mood disorders

    Coincidence of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and panic disorder: two case reports

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    Panic disorder (PD) is characterised by sudden attacks of intense fear with somatic symptoms including palpitations and tachycardia. Reciprocally, palpitations caused by paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) are commonly associated with anxiety and may therefore be misdiagnosed as PD. As demonstrated by two case reports, PSVT and PD can occur comorbidly in a chronological sequence, with PSVT possibly precipitating and maintaining PD via interoceptive processes or, alternatively, with PD increasing the risk for PSVT by elevating stress levels. As both PSVT and PD require different treatments, potentially helpful differential clinical diagnostic criteria are proposed

    Serotonin transporter gene hypomethylation predicts impaired antidepressant treatment response

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    Variation in the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT; SERT; SLC6A4) has been suggested to pharmacogenetically drive interindividual differences in antidepressant treatment response. In the present analysis, a 'pharmaco-epigenetic' approach was applied by investigating the influence of DNA methylation patterns in the 5-HTT transcriptional control region on antidepressant treatment response. Ninety-four patients of Caucasian descent with major depressive disorder (MDD) (f = 61) were analysed for DNA methylation status at nine CpG sites in the 5-HTT transcriptional control region upstream of exon 1A via direct sequencing of sodium bisulfite treated DNA extracted from blood cells. Patients were also genotyped for the functional 5-HTTLPR/rs25531 polymorphisms. Clinical response to treatment with escitalopram was assessed by intra-individual changes of HAM-D-21 scores after 6 wk of treatment. Lower average 5-HTT methylation across all nine CpGs was found to be associated with impaired antidepressant treatment response after 6 wk (p = 0.005). This effect was particularly conferred by one individual 5-HTT CpG site (CpG2 (GRCh37 build, NC_000017.10 28.563.102; p = 0.002). 5-HTTLPR/rs25531 haplotype was neither associated with 5-HTT DNA methylation nor treatment response. This analysis suggests that DNA hypomethylation of the 5-HTT transcriptional control region - possibly via increased serotonin transporter expression and consecutively decreased serotonin availability - might impair antidepressant treatment response in Caucasian patients with MDD. This pharmaco-epigenetic approach could eventually aid in establishing epigenetic biomarkers of treatment response and thereby a more personalized treatment of MDD.Katharina Domschke, Nicola Tidow, Kathrin Schwarte, Jürgen Deckert, Klaus-Peter Lesch, Volker Arolt, Peter Zwanzger and Bernhard T. Baun

    Generalization of Conditioned Contextual Anxiety and the Modulatory Effects of Anxiety Sensitivity

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    Anxiety patients overgeneralize fear responses, possibly because they cannot distinguish between cues never been associated with a threat (i.e., safe) and threat-associated cues. However, as contexts and not cues are discussed as the relevant triggers for prolonged anxiety responses characterizing many anxiety disorders, we speculated that it is rather overgeneralization of contextual anxiety, which constitutes a risk factor for anxiety disorders. To this end, we investigated generalization of conditioned contextual anxiety and explored modulatory effects of anxiety sensitivity, a risk factor for anxiety disorders. Fifty-five participants underwent context conditioning in a virtual reality paradigm. On Day 1 (acquisition), participants received unpredictable mildly painful electric stimuli (unconditioned stimulus, US) in one virtual office (anxiety context, CTX+), but never in a

    The role of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism for the synchronization of error-specific neural networks

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    Behavioral adaptation depends on the recognition of response errors and processing of this error-information. Error processing is a specific cognitive function crucial for behavioral adaptation. Neurophysiologically, these processes are reflected by an event-related potential (ERP), the error negativity (Ne/ERN). Even though synchronization processes are important in information processing, its role and neurobiological foundation in behavioral adaptation are not understood. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) strongly modulates the establishment of neural connectivity that determines neural network dynamics and synchronization properties. Therefore altered synchronization processes may constitute a mechanism via which BDNF affects processes of error-induced behavioral adaptation. We investigate how variants of the BDNF gene regulate EEG-synchronization processes underlying error processing. Subjects (n = 65) were genotyped for the functional BDNF Val66Met polymorphism (rs6265). We show that Val/Val genotype is associated with stronger error-specific phase-locking, compared with Met allele carriers. Posterror behavioral adaptation seems to be strongly dependent on these phase-locking processes and efficacy of EEG-phase-locking-behavioral coupling was genotype dependent. After correct responses, neurophysiological processes were not modulated by the polymorphism, underlining that BDNF becomes especially necessary in situations requiring behavioral adaptation. The results suggest that alterations in neural synchronization processes modulated by the genetic variants of BDNF Val66Met may be the mechanism by which cognitive functions are affected.Christian Beste, Vasil Kolev, Juliana Yordanova, Katharina Domschke, Michael Falkenstein, Bernhard T. Baune, and Carsten Konra

    converging evidence from an intermediate phenotype approach

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    Representing a phylogenetically old and very basic mechanism of inhibitory neurotransmission, glycine receptors have been implicated in the modulation of behavioral components underlying defensive responding toward threat. As one of the first findings being confirmed by genome-wide association studies for the phenotype of panic disorder and agoraphobia, allelic variation in a gene coding for the glycine receptor beta subunit (GLRB) has recently been associated with increased neural fear network activation and enhanced acoustic startle reflexes. On the basis of two independent healthy control samples, we here aimed to further explore the functional significance of the GLRB genotype (rs7688285) by employing an intermediate phenotype approach. We focused on the phenotype of defensive system reactivity across the levels of brain function, structure, and physiology. Converging evidence across both samples was found for increased neurofunctional activation in the (anterior) insular cortex in GLRB risk allele carriers and altered fear conditioning as a function of genotype. The robustness of GLRB effects is demonstrated by consistent findings across different experimental fear conditioning paradigms and recording sites. Altogether, findings provide translational evidence for glycine neurotransmission as a modulator of the brain’s evolutionary old dynamic defensive system and provide further support for a strong, biologically plausible candidate intermediate phenotype of defensive reactivity. As such, glycine-dependent neurotransmission may open up new avenues for mechanistic research on the etiopathogenesis of fear and anxiety disorders

    COMT Val(158)Met genotypes differentially influence subgenual cingulate functional connectivity in healthy females

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    Brain imaging studies have cons stently shown subgenual Anterior Cingulate Cortical (sgACC) involvement in emotion processing. catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) Val(158) and Met(158) polymorphisms may influence such emotional brain processes in specific ways. Given that resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI) may increase our understanding on brain functioning, we integrated genetic and rsfMRI data and focused on sgACC functional connections. No studies have yet investigated the influence of the COMT Val(158)Met polymorphism (rs4680) on sgACC resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) in healthy individuals. A homogeneous group of 61 Caucasian right-handed healthy female university students, all within the same age range, underwent isfMRI. Compared to Met158 homozygotes, Val(158) allele carriers displayed significantly stronger rsFC between the sgACC and the left parahippocampal gyrus, ventromedial parts of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), and the nucleus accumbens (NAc). On the other hand, compared to Val(158) homozygotes, we found in Met(158) allele carriers stronger sgACC rsFC with the medial frontal gyrus (MEG), more in particular the anterior parts of the medial orbitofrontal cortex. Although we did not use emotional or cognitive tasks, our sgACC rsFC results point to possible distinct differences in emotional and cognitive processes between Val(158) and Met(158) allele carriers. Hovvever, the exact nature of these directions remains to be determined

    Depression and anxiety in relation to catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met genotype in the general population: The Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene contains a functional polymorphism, Val158Met, which has been linked to anxiety and depression, but previous results are not conclusive. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between the Val158Met COMT gene polymorphism and anxiety and depression measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in the general adult population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT) the association between the Val158Met polymorphism and anxiety and depression was evaluated in a random sample of 5531 individuals. Two different cut off scores (≥ 8 and ≥ 11) were used to identify cases with anxiety (HADS-A) and depression (HADS-D), whereas controls had HADS-A <8 and HADS-D <8.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The COMT genotype distribution was similar between controls and individuals in the groups with anxiety and depression using cut-off scores of ≥ 8. When utilizing the alternative cut-off score HADS-D ≥ 11, Met/Met genotype and Met allele were less common among men with depression compared to the controls (genotype: p = 0.017, allele: p = 0.006). In the multivariate analysis, adjusting for age and heart disease, depression (HADS-D ≥ 11) was less likely among men with the Met/Met genotype than among men with the Val/Val genotype (OR = 0.37, 95% CI = 0.18–0.76).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this population-based study, no clear association between the Val158Met polymorphism and depression and anxiety was revealed. The Met/Met genotype was less likely among men with depression defined as HADS-D ≥ 11, but this may be an incidental finding.</p