274 research outputs found

    Transgenic plants with increased calcium stores

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    The present invention provides transgenic plants over-expressing a transgene encoding a calcium-binding protein or peptide (CaBP). Preferably, the CaBP is a calcium storage protein and over-expression thereof does not have undue adverse effects on calcium homeostasis or biochemical pathways that are regulated by calcium. In preferred embodiments, the CaBP is calreticulin (CRT) or calsequestrin. In more preferred embodiments, the CaBP is the C-domain of CRT, a fragment of the C-domain, or multimers of the foregoing. In other preferred embodiments, the CaBP is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum by operatively associating the transgene encoding the CaBP with an endoplasmic reticulum localization peptide. Alternatively, the CaBP is targeted to any other sub-cellular compartment that permits the calcium to be stored in a form that is biologically available to the plant. Also provided are methods of producing plants with desirable phenotypic traits by transformation of the plant with a transgene encoding a CaBP. Such phenotypic traits include increased calcium storage, enhanced resistance to calcium-limiting conditions, enhanced growth and viability, increased disease and stress resistance, enhanced flower and fruit production, reduced senescence, and a decreased need for fertilizer production. Further provided are plants with enhanced nutritional value as human food or animal feed

    La place de l’éthique professionnelle dans les programmes d’orthophonie au Canada

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    Résumé L’éthique professionnelle est une compétence importante pour les professionnels qui œuvrent dans le domaine de la santé. Chez les orthophonistes, plus spécifiquement, l’élargissement constant du champ de pratique et la complexification des besoins de la population vieillissante font en sorte que ces professionnels sont confrontés à davantage de questionnements de nature éthique. Pourtant, la littérature scientifique démontre que les orthophonistes ne se sentent pas adéquatement préparés à résoudre des enjeux de nature éthique. L’objectif général de cette étude était d’examiner l’état de la formation en éthique professionnelle dans tous les programmes canadiens qui offrent une formation en orthophonie. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, un sondage a été envoyé aux directeurs des onze programmes universitaires canadiens en orthophonie. Trois programmes ont répondu au sondage. Les principaux résultats obtenus suggèrent que l’éthique professionnelle est un sujet enseigné à l’intérieur de différents cours des cursus universitaires canadiens en orthophonie. Malgré tout, le pourcentage consacré à celui-ci à l’intérieur des cours s’avère faible et difficile à bien estimer. Ces résultats offrent un premier éclairage sur la quantité et la qualité des cours portant sur l’éthique professionnelle offerts dans les différents programmes canadiens d’orthophonie, de même que sur les méthodes pédagogiques utilisées. Abstract Professional ethics is an important skill for professionals who work in the area of health. For speech-language pathologists specifically, the constant widening of the field of practice and the increasing complexity of the needs of the aging population expose professionals to more ethical questioning. Yet, the scientific literature demonstrates that speech-language pathologists do not feel properly prepared to solve ethical issues. The main objective of this study was to examine the situation of ethics training in all Canadian programs that offer speech language pathology training. In order to meet this objective, a survey was sent to the directors of the eleven Canadian university programs in speech-language pathology. Three programs responded to the survey. The main results obtained suggest that professional ethics is a subject taught within different courses in Canadian university speech-language programs. Nevertheless, the percentage dedicated to ethics inside the courses is low and difficult to clearly estimate. These results shed light on the quantity and quality of professional ethics courses offered in the various Canadian speech-language programs, as well as on the teaching methods used

    Tracing molybdenum attenuation in mining environments using molybdenum stable isotopes

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    Molybdenum contamination is a concern in mining regions worldwide. Better understanding of processes controlling Mo mobility in mine wastes is critical for assessing potential impacts and developing water-quality management strategies associated to this element. Here, we used Mo stable isotope (δ98/95Mo) analyses to investigate geochemical controls on Mo mobility within a tailings management facility (TMF) featuring oxic and anoxic environments. These isotopic analyses were integrated with X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and aqueous chemical data. Dissolved Mo concentrations were inversely correlated with δ98/95Mo values such that enrichment of heavy Mo isotopes in solution reflected attenuation processes. Inner-sphere complexation of Mo(VI) with ferrihydrite was the primary driver of Mo removal and was accompanied by a circa 1 ‰ isotope fractionation. Limited Mo attenuation and isotope fractionation was observed in Fe(II)- and Mo-rich anoxic TMF seepage, while attenuation and isotope fractionation were greatest during discharge and oxidation of this seepage after discharge into a pond where Fe-(oxyhydr)oxide precipitation promoted Mo sorption. Overall, this study highlights the role of sorption onto Fe-(oxyhydr)oxides in attenuating Mo in oxic environments, a process which can be traced by Mo isotope analyses

    Mandatory Networked ID Scanners in Nightlife Precincts Across Queensland, Australia: Key Stakeholder Perspectives on Policy and Practice

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    This study explored stakeholder experiences and attitudes regarding the use of ID scanners in licensed venues in Queensland, Australia. In July 2017, the Queensland Government introduced mandatory, networked ID scanners in licensed venues within designated nightlife districts (SNPs). After 10pm, people seeking to enter late-night licensed venues must provide identification, which is verified by the scanner. The scanner also checks whether the patron has any recorded banning notice/s that may preclude entry into the venue. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 66 key stakeholders and analysed using thematic analysis. Stakeholders reported that ID scanners support the enforcement of patron bans. Their mandated use within SNPs allows for accurate and timely identification of patrons, and may offer benefits with respect to reducing and solving crime, and improving patron behaviours. Some concerns were expressed regarding data privacy and the need to ensure procedural fairness and consistent use. Overall, the study highlighted the importance of ongoing monitoring and refining of ID scanner policy, particularly with respect to where and when scanners are used

    Climate change impacts on agriculture in 2050 under a range of plausible socioeconomic and emissions scenarios

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    Previous studies have combined climate, crop and economic models to examine the impact of climate change on agricultural production and food security, but results have varied widely due to differences in models, scenarios and input data. Recent work has examined (and narrowed) these differences through systematic model intercomparison using a high-emissions pathway to highlight the differences. This paper extends that analysis to explore a range of plausible socioeconomic scenarios and emission pathways. Results from multiple climate and economic models are combined to examine the global and regional impacts of climate change on agricultural yields, area, production, consumption, prices and trade for coarse grains, rice, wheat, oilseeds and sugar crops to 2050. We find that climate impacts on global average yields, area, production and consumption are similar across shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP 1, 2 and 3, as we implement them based on population, income and productivity drivers), except when changes in trade policies are included. Impacts on trade and prices are higher for SSP 3 than SSP 2, and higher for SSP 2 than for SSP 1. Climate impacts for all variables are similar across low to moderate emissions pathways (RCP 4.5 and RCP 6.0), but increase for a higher emissions pathway (RCP 8.5). It is important to note that these global averages may hide regional variations. Projected reductions in agricultural yields due to climate change by 2050 are larger for some crops than those estimated for the past half century, but smaller than projected increases to 2050 due to rising demand and intrinsic productivity growth. Results illustrate the sensitivity of climate change impacts to differences in socioeconomic and emissions pathways. Yield impacts increase at high emissions levels and vary with changes in population, income and technology, but are reduced in all cases by endogenous changes in prices and other variables

    Climate change impacts on agriculture in 2050 under a range of plausible socioeconomic and emissions scenarios

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    Previous studies have combined climate, crop and economic models to examine the impact of climate change on agricultural production and food security, but results have varied widely due to differences in models, scenarios and input data. Recent work has examined (and narrowed) these differences through systematic model intercomparison using a high-emissions pathway to highlight the differences. This paper extends that analysis to explore a range of plausible socioeconomic scenarios and emission pathways. Results from multiple climate and economic models are combined to examine the global and regional impacts of climate change on agricultural yields, area, production, consumption, prices and trade for coarse grains, rice, wheat, oilseeds and sugar crops to 2050. We find that climate impacts on global average yields, area, production and consumption are similar across shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP 1, 2 and 3, as we implement them based on population, income and productivity drivers), except when changes in trade policies are included. Impacts on trade and prices are higher for SSP 3 than SSP 2, and higher for SSP 2 than for SSP 1. Climate impacts for all variables are similar across low to moderate emissions pathways (RCP 4.5 and RCP 6.0), but increase for a higher emissions pathway (RCP 8.5). It is important to note that these global averages may hide regional variations. Projected reductions in agricultural yields due to climate change by 2050 are larger for some crops than those estimated for the past half century, but smaller than projected increases to 2050 due to rising demand and intrinsic productivity growth. Results illustrate the sensitivity of climate change impacts to differences in socioeconomic and emissions pathways. Yield impacts increase at high emissions levels and vary with changes in population, income and technology, but are reduced in all cases by endogenous changes in prices and other variables.University Corporation for Atmospheric Research 10.13039/100005626Peer Reviewe

    Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s “Consultation on proposals for legislative changes for clinical trials”: a response from the Trials Methodology Research Partnership Adaptive Designs Working Group, with a focus on data sharing

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    In the UK, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency consulted on proposals “to improve and strengthen the UK clinical trials legislation to help us make the UK the best place to research and develop safe and innovative medicines”. The purpose of the consultation was to help finalise the proposals and contribute to the drafting of secondary legislation. We discussed these proposals as members of the Trials Methodology Research Partnership Adaptive Designs Working Group, which is jointly funded by the Medical Research Council and the National Institute for Health and Care Research. Two topics arose frequently in the discussion: the emphasis on legislation, and the absence of questions on data sharing. It is our opinion that the proposals rely heavily on legislation to change practice. However, clinical trials are heterogeneous, and as a result some trials will struggle to comply with all of the proposed legislation. Furthermore, adaptive design clinical trials are even more heterogeneous than their non-adaptive counterparts, and face more challenges. Consequently, it is possible that increased legislation could have a greater negative impact on adaptive designs than non-adaptive designs. Overall, we are sceptical that the introduction of legislation will achieve the desired outcomes, with some exceptions. Meanwhile the topic of data sharing — making anonymised individual-level clinical trial data available to other investigators for further use — is entirely absent from the proposals and the consultation in general. However, as an aspect of the wider concept of open science and reproducible research, data sharing is an increasingly important aspect of clinical trials. The benefits of data sharing include faster innovation, improved surveillance of drug safety and effectiveness and decreasing participant exposure to unnecessary risk. There are already a number of UK-focused documents that discuss and encourage data sharing, for example, the Concordat on Open Research Data and the Medical Research Council’s Data Sharing Policy. We strongly suggest that data sharing should be the norm rather than the exception, and hope that the forthcoming proposals on clinical trials invite discussion on this important topic

    Pilot randomized trial of therapeutic hypothermia with serial cranial ultrasound and 18-22 month follow-up for neonatal encephalopathy in a low resource hospital setting in Uganda: study protocol

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    Background: There is now convincing evidence that in industrialized countries therapeutic hypothermia for perinatal asphyxial encephalopathy increases survival with normal neurological function. However, the greatest burden of perinatal asphyxia falls in low and mid-resource settings where it is unclear whether therapeutic hypothermia is safe and effective.Aims: Under the UCL Uganda Women's Health Initiative, a pilot randomized controlled trial in infants with perinatal asphyxia was set up in the special care baby unit in Mulago Hospital, a large public hospital with similar to 20,000 births in Kampala, Uganda to determine:(i) The feasibility of achieving consent, neurological assessment, randomization and whole body cooling to a core temperature 33-34 degrees C using water bottles(ii) The temperature profile of encephalopathic infants with standard care(iii) The pattern, severity and evolution of brain tissue injury as seen on cranial ultrasound and relation with outcome(iv) The feasibility of neurodevelopmental follow-up at 18-22 months of ageMethods/Design: Ethical approval was obtained from Makerere University and Mulago Hospital. All infants were in-born. Parental consent for entry into the trial was obtained. Thirty-six infants were randomized either to standard care plus cooling (target rectal temperature of 33-34 degrees C for 72 hrs, started within 3 h of birth) or standard care alone. All other aspects of management were the same. Cooling was performed using water bottles filled with tepid tap water (25 degrees C). Rectal, axillary, ambient and surface water bottle temperatures were monitored continuously for the first 80 h. Encephalopathy scoring was performed on days 1-4, a structured, scorable neurological examination and head circumference were performed on days 7 and 17. Cranial ultrasound was performed on days 1, 3 and 7 and scored. Griffiths developmental quotient, head circumference, neurological examination and assessment of gross motor function were obtained at 18-22 months.Discussion: We will highlight differences in neonatal care and infrastructure that need to be taken into account when considering a large safety and efficacy RCT of therapeutic hypothermia in low and mid resource settings in the future

    Динамические тенденции в становлении предмета лингвоэкологии

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    Экологизация всех сфер общественной жизни и самого человека широко обсуждается во многих наука, а также и в области языка. Во многих работах лингвистов экология языка определяется как наука о взаимоотношениях между языком и его окружением, так как язык существует не только в сознании говорящих на нем и функционирует только при взаимоотношениях с другими коммуникантами и с их социальным и природным окружением. В этом контексте понятие «языковое сознание» представляет собой специфическую картину взаимосвязи культуры и общественной жизни социума, которая определяет его психологическое своеобразие и специфические черты данного языка

    Independent evaluation of a canine Echinococcosis control programme in Hobukesar County, Xinjiang, China

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    The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwest China is one of the world's most important foci for cystic echinococcosis. Domestic dogs are the main source for human infection, and previous studies in Xinjiang have found a canine Echinococcus spp. coproELISA prevalence of between 36% and 41%. In 2010 the Chinese National Echinococcosis Control Programme was implemented in Xinjiang, and includes regular dosing of domestic dogs with praziquantel. Six communities in Hobukesar County, northwest Xinjiang were assessed in relation to the impact of this control programme through dog necropsies, dog Echinococcus spp. coproantigen surveys based on Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) and dog owner questionnaires. We found that 42.1% of necropsied dogs were infected with Echinococcus granulosus, and coproELISA prevalences were between 15% and 70% in the communities. Although approximately half of all dog owners reported dosing their dogs within the 12 months prior to sampling, coproELISA prevalence remained high. Regular praziquantel dosing of owned dogs in remote and semi-nomadic communities such as those in Hobukesar County is logistically very difficult and additional measures should be considered to reduce canine echinococcosis