International Journal for Crime and Justice (Queensland University of Technology)
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    540 research outputs found

    Masculinities and the Lived Understandings of Bystander Responses to Everyday Violence

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    Among criminologists there has been an expanded contemporary interest in measures that encourage bystander intervention in the social settings of escalating and potentially violent incidents. These broadly include partner abuse and domestic disputes, as well as confrontational social interaction and other forms of targeted harassment and violence (racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist etc.), in everyday life. This article considers the likely success or failure of seeking to foster such measures as a core strategy of violence prevention, with discussion of the author’s Sydney-based study of the understandings of violence arising from young men’s lived experience of its various forms. It particularly concentrates on the results of focus groups conducted with a mixed sample of young men (aged 16-25 years) between 2018-2020. These participants had personal engagements with violence and potential violence, that shaped their reservations and doubts about regular intervention and general male anti-violence advocacy as reasonable and achievable social practices.

    Singular Purpose: Calculating the Degree of Ethno-Religious Over-representation in the US No-Fly List

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    In January 2023, a partially redacted version of the controversial US No-Fly List was retrieved during a hacking event and made available to journalists and academics. With access to this unique dataset, it is possible to confirm or deny longstanding critiques of whether the No-Fly List features a discriminatory over-representation of certain ethno-religious groups, namely those of Islamic faith and Middle Eastern heritage. As the partially redacted list does not contain ethnic or religious data, the author of this article categorised each name by ethno-linguistic and religious origin to create a proxy with which to analyse claims of discrimination. The research outlined in this article finds that individuals of broadly Islamic and Middle Eastern heritage are vastly overrepresented on the List relative to their proportion of the US population, as well as overrepresented relative to their propensity to engage in terrorism. Only in the narrow analysis of lethality of terrorist attacks committed by this group does the No-Fly List demonstrate fair representation

    Aaron Good (2022) American Exception: Empire and the Deep State. New York: Skyhorse Publishing

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    Shane Miller reviews American Exception: Empire and the Deep State by Aaron Goo

    ‘You’re Investing in People … It’s Not a Race. It’s Not a Rush’: Youth Care Worker Emotional Labour in Inner-City Neighbourhoods Across Canada

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    Emotional labour (EL) is the practice of managing expressions in a given work setting. Using the concept of EL, we aim to understand how youth care workers supporting marginalized youth manage work-related stress and the emotions experienced by young people. The youth supported by these workers experience the effects of secondary prisonization (i.e., indirect exposure to punishment), requiring them to engage in extensive EL. Drawing from qualitative interviews and participant-generated visual data, we show that EL is a crucial part of support work that is not yet well recognized. With the participant-generated visual data, we reveal how emotions are processed and managed. EL enables workers to continue to advocate for the needs and well-being of young people even at times of distress and austerity, at the expense of being exposed to secondary prisonization. Explaining how secondary prisonization extends beyond immediate family members and affects youth care workers at a tertiary level, we argue that one way of investing in the community (rather than expanding the criminal justice system) is by taking the importance of EL in support work seriously and providing better resources for these workers, who present real opportunities and safety for inner-city youths

    Lois Presser (2022) Unsaid: Analyzing Harmful Silences. Oakland, CA: University of California Press

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    Lorenzo Natali reviews Unsaid: Analyzing Harmful Silences by Lois Presse

    Counting and Accounting for Mental Health Related Deaths in England and Wales

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    This article examines how mental health related deaths (MHRDs) in England and Wales are counted and accounted for. Data collated by the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health (NCISH) constructs such deaths as being predominantly the result of suicide. This article examines 221 Reports to Prevent Future Deaths (PFDs) issued by coroners’ courts in relation to MHRDs. It establishes that in 49% of cases suicide is not recorded as the sole cause of death. The article also provides thematic findings that emerged from the qualitative analysis of these PFDs and identifies issues with errors or deficiencies in the provision of care (in 72% of cases), communication (55%) and policy (26%). The findings emphasise that organisational and structural issues contribute to deaths of people in connection with mental healthcare and that these deaths should not solely be considered suicides. The article raises significant questions about the accuracy of mortality data and the capacity of public organisations to learn lessons that might prevent future deaths

    John Braithwaite (2022) Macrocriminology and Freedom. Canberra: ANU Press

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    Brunilda Pali reviews Macrocriminology and Freedom by John Braithwait


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    Questions concerning (nonhuman) animal rights have been increasingly addressed within the criminological literature due to growing interest in green criminology. Often within criminology, animal rights issues have been primarily addressed from philosophical standpoints, which omit how animal rights are addressed in more concrete terms through the legal system. This philosophical orientation toward animal rights, while important, has led to a neglect of the ways in which animal rights might be promoted through legal means. This article addresses that latter point by exploring the use of writs of habeas corpus for animals promoted by Steven Wise and the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) in the US. Much of the NhRP’s efforts have been devoted to nonhuman primates, and consistent with that approach, this assessment focuses attention on legal efforts to protect nonhuman primates’ rights. In addition to NhRP efforts, other possibilities for using the law to obtain rights for animals in the US are examined. While this article focuses on circumstances in the US, several nations employ such writs or similar legal mechanisms

    Arbitrary Detention of Mexican Citizens by Mexican Immigration Authorities

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    On 3 September 2015, Mexican immigration authorities detained four Indigenous Tzeltal Mexicans who were travelling by bus to the northern state of Sonora. Despite identifying themselves as Mexican citizens, the authorities considered their documents false, and they were detained for nine days until their identities were certified. The Mexican State took four years to acknowledge publicly and apologise for this arbitrary detention. Similarly, in 2017, a 39‑year‑old man born in Oaxaca, living in the streets of Puebla after being deported by the United States Government, was detained for being ‘identified’ as a Salvadorian citizen by Mexican authorities. However, it would be a mistake to consider these cases an exception or anomaly in the Mexican Transit Control Regime. Drawing on statistical and archival information from 2010 to 2020, as well as semi-structured interviews conducted in 2021, in this article, we examine the arbitrary detention of Mexican citizens by Mexican immigration authorities. We highlight the multiple rights violated, question how these detentions have been framed in the official discourse and examine the outcome of these detentions. Our analysis sheds light on the racialisation of migration control in Mexico

    Construction of Otherness: Links Between Immigration and Crime During the Cambiemos Administration (Argentina, 2015–2019)

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    In December 2015, the political coalition Cambiemos won the national elections in Argentina, taking the candidate Mauricio Macri to the presidency for a period of four years. One of the recurring topics within public opinion during that time was the explicit and public reference to an alleged link between immigration and crime by administration officials of various kinds. Against this background, I propose to specifically address the ways in which the links between immigration and crime were defined in the political discourses implemented during the Cambiemos administration. The article presents different core categories, reconstructed through discourse analysis: (1) ‘we need to know who is who’; (2) distinction in the types of immigration that arrive in Argentina; (3) tighter controls on the conditions of entry into the country; and (4) crime and migration. In broader terms, and as the argumentative plotline, each of these core categories relates to the Cambiemos initiatives to manage ethnic and cultural diversity: identify, select, control and criminalise


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