4,488 research outputs found

    The composition and size distribution of the dust in the coma of comet Hale-Bopp

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    We discuss the composition and size distribution of the dust in the coma of comet Hale-Bopp. We do this by fitting simultaneously the infrared emission spectrum measured by the infrared space observatory (ISO) and the measured degree of linear polarization of scattered light at various phase angles and 12 different wavelengths. The effects of particle shape on the modeled optical properties of the dust grains are taken into account. We constrain our fit by forcing the abundances of the major rock forming chemical elements to be solar. The infrared spectrum at long wavelengths reveals that large grains are needed in order to fit the spectral slope. The size and shape distribution we employ allows us to estimate the sizes of the crystalline silicates. The ratios of the strength of various forsterite features show that the crystalline silicate grains in Hale-Bopp must be submicron sized. We exclude the presence of large crystalline silicate grains in the coma. Because of this lack of large crystalline grains combined with the fact that we do need large amorphous grains to fit the emission spectrum at long wavelengths, we need only approximately 4% of crystalline silicates by mass. After correcting for possible hidden crystalline material included in large amorphous grains, our best estimate of the total mass fraction of crystalline material is approximately 7.5%, significantly lower than deduced in previous studies in which the typical derived crystallinity is 20-30%. The implications of this on the possible origin and evolution of the comet are discussed. The crystallinity we observe in Hale-Bopp is consistent with the production of crystalline silicates in the inner solar system by thermal annealing and subsequent radial mixing to the comet forming region.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icaru

    Genetic Locus Required for Antigenic Maturation of \u3cem\u3eRhizobium etli\u3c/em\u3e CE3 Lipopolysaccharide

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    Rhizobium etli modifies lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structure in response to environmental signals, such as low pH and anthocyanins. These LPS modifications result in the loss of reactivity with certain monoclonal antibodies. The same antibodies fail to recognize previously isolated R. etli mutant strain CE367, even in the absence of such environmental cues. Chemical analysis of the LPS in strain CE367 demonstrated that it lacked the terminal sugar of the wild-type O antigen, 2,3,4-tri-O-methylfucose. A 3-kb stretch of DNA, designated as lpe3, restored wild-type antigenicity when transferred into CE367. From the sequence of this DNA, five open reading frames were postulated. Site-directed mutagenesis and complementation analysis suggested that the genes were organized in at least two transcriptional units, both of which were required for the production of LPS reactive with the diagnostic antibodies. Growth in anthocyanins or at low pH did not alter the specific expression of gusA from the transposon insertion of mutant CE367, nor did the presence of multiple copies of lpe3 situated behind a strong, constitutive promoter prevent epitope changes induced by these environmental cues. Mutations of the lpe genes did not prevent normal nodule development on Phaseolus vulgaris and had very little effect on the occupation of nodules in competition with the wild-type strain

    Resolving HD 100546 disc in the mid-infrared: Small inner disc and asymmetry near the gap

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    A region of roughly half of the solar system scale around the star HD 100546 is largely cleared of gas and dust, in contrast to the bright outer disc. However, some material is observed in the immediate vicinity of the star. We investigate how the dust is distributed within and outside the gap, and constrain the disc geometry with mid-infrared interferometric observations using VLTI/MIDI. With baseline lengths of 40m, our long baseline observations are sensitive to the inner few AU from the star, and we combined them with observations at shorter, 15m baselines, to probe emission beyond the gap at up to 20AU from the star. We modelled the mid-infrared emission using radial temperature profiles. Our model is composed of infinitesimal concentric annuli emitting as black bodies, and it has distinct inner and outer disc components. We derived an upper limit of 0.7AU for the radial size of the inner disc, from our longest baseline data. This small dusty disc is separated from the edge of the outer disc by a large, roughly 10AU wide gap. Our short baseline data place a bright ring of emission at 11+-1AU, consistent with prior observations of the transition region between the gap and the outer disc, known as the disc wall. The inclination and position angle are constrained by our data to i=53+-8deg and PA=145+-5deg. Compared to the rim and outer disc geometry this suggests co-planarity. Brightness asymmetry is evident in both short and long baseline data, and it is unequivocally discernible from any atmospheric or instrumental effects. The origin of the asymmetry is consistent with the bright disc wall, which we find to be 1-2AU wide. The gap is cleared of micron-sized dust, but we cannot rule out the presence of larger particles and/or perturbing bodies.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Planetary Detection Efficiency of the Magnification 3000 Microlensing Event OGLE-2004-BLG-343

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    OGLE-2004-BLG-343 was a microlensing event with peak magnification A_{max}=3000+/-1100, by far the highest-magnification event ever analyzed and hence potentially extremely sensitive to planets orbiting the lens star. Due to human error, intensive monitoring did not begin until 43 minutes after peak, at which point the magnification had fallen to A~1200, still by far the highest ever observed. As the light curve does not show significant deviations due to a planet, we place upper limits on the presence of such planets by extending the method of Yoo et al. (2004b), which combines light-curve analysis with priors from a Galactic model of the source and lens populations, to take account of finite-source effects. This is the first event so analyzed for which finite-source effects are important, and hence we develop two new techniques for evaluating these effects. Somewhat surprisingly, we find that OGLE-2004-BLG-343 is no more sensitive to planets than two previously analyzed events with A_{max}~100, despite the fact that it was observed at ~12 times higher magnification. However, we show that had the event been observed over its peak, it would have been sensitive to almost all Neptune-mass planets over a factor of 5 of projected separation and even would have had some sensitivity to Earth-mass planets. This shows that some microlensing events being detected in current experiments are sensitive to very low-mass planets. We also give suggestions on how extremely high-magnification events can be more promptly monitored in the future.Comment: 50 pages, 13 figures, published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Complexity of decoupling and time-reversal for n spins with pair-interactions: Arrow of time in quantum control

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    Well-known Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments show that the time evolution according to (truncated) dipole-dipole interactions between n spins can be inverted by simple pulse sequences. Independent of n, the reversed evolution is only two times slower than the original one. Here we consider more general spin-spin couplings with long range. We prove that some are considerably more complex to invert since the number of required time steps and the slow-down of the reversed evolutions are necessarily of the order n. Furthermore, the spins have to be addressed separately. We show for which values of the coupling parameters the phase transition between simple and complex time-reversal schemes occurs.Comment: Completely rewritten, new lower bounds on the number of time steps, applications and references adde

    Spin-1/2 particles moving on a 2D lattice with nearest-neighbor interactions can realize an autonomous quantum computer

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    What is the simplest Hamiltonian which can implement quantum computation without requiring any control operations during the computation process? In a previous paper we have constructed a 10-local finite-range interaction among qubits on a 2D lattice having this property. Here we show that pair-interactions among qutrits on a 2D lattice are sufficient, too, and can also implement an ergodic computer where the result can be read out from the time average state after some post-selection with high success probability. Two of the 3 qutrit states are given by the two levels of a spin-1/2 particle located at a specific lattice site, the third state is its absence. Usual hopping terms together with an attractive force among adjacent particles induce a coupled quantum walk where the particle spins are subjected to spatially inhomogeneous interactions implementing holonomic quantum computing. The holonomic method ensures that the implemented circuit does not depend on the time needed for the walk. Even though the implementation of the required type of spin-spin interactions is currently unclear, the model shows that quite simple Hamiltonians are powerful enough to allow for universal quantum computing in a closed physical system.Comment: More detailed explanations including description of a programmable version. 44 pages, 12 figures, latex. To appear in PR

    Binarity as a key factor in protoplanetary disk evolution: Spitzer disk census of the eta Chamaeleontis cluster

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    The formation of planets is directly linked to the evolution of the circumstellar (CS) disk from which they are born. The dissipation timescales of CS disks are, therefore, of direct astrophysical importance in evaluating the time available for planet formation. We employ Spitzer Space Telescope spectra to complete the CS disk census for the late-type members of the ~8 Myr-old eta Chamaeleontis star cluster. Of the 15 K- and M-type members, eight show excess emission. We find that the presence of a CS disk is anti-correlated with binarity, with all but one disk associated with single stars. With nine single stars in total, about 80% retain a CS disk. Of the six known or suspected close binaries the only CS disk is associated with the primary of RECX 9. No circumbinary disks have been detected. We also find that stars with disks are slow rotators with surface values of specific angular momentum j = 2-15 j_sun. All high specific angular momentum systems with j = 20-30 j_sun are confined to the primary stars of binaries. This provides novel empirical evidence for rotational disk locking and again demonstrates the much shorter disk lifetimes in close binary systems compared to single star systems. We estimate the characteristic mean disk dissipation timescale to be ~5 Myr and ~9 Myr for the binary and single star systems, respectively.Comment: Accepted by ApJ

    Radiative transfer in very optically thick circumstellar disks

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    In this paper we present two efficient implementations of the diffusion approximation to be employed in Monte Carlo computations of radiative transfer in dusty media of massive circumstellar disks. The aim is to improve the accuracy of the computed temperature structure and to decrease the computation time. The accuracy, efficiency and applicability of the methods in various corners of parameter space are investigated. The effects of using these methods on the vertical structure of the circumstellar disk as obtained from hydrostatic equilibrium computations are also addressed. Two methods are presented. First, an energy diffusion approximation is used to improve the accuracy of the temperature structure in highly obscured regions of the disk, where photon counts are low. Second, a modified random walk approximation is employed to decrease the computation time. This modified random walk ensures that the photons that end up in the high-density regions can quickly escape to the lower density regions, while the energy deposited by these photons in the disk is still computed accurately. A new radiative transfer code, MCMax, is presented in which both these diffusion approximations are implemented. These can be used simultaneously to increase both computational speed and decrease statistical noise. We conclude that the diffusion approximations allow for fast and accurate computations of the temperature structure, vertical disk structure and observables of very optically thick circumstellar disks.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    RoboTAP: Target priorities for robotic microlensing observations

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    Context. The ability to automatically select scientifically-important transient events from an alert stream of many such events, and to conduct follow-up observations in response, will become increasingly important in astronomy. With wide-angle time domain surveys pushing to fainter limiting magnitudes, the capability to follow-up on transient alerts far exceeds our follow-up telescope resources, and effective target prioritization becomes essential. The RoboNet-II microlensing program is a pathfinder project, which has developed an automated target selection process (RoboTAP) for gravitational microlensing events, which are observed in real time using the Las Cumbres Observatory telescope network. Aims. Follow-up telescopes typically have a much smaller field of view compared to surveys, therefore the most promising microlensing events must be automatically selected at any given time from an annual sample exceeding 2000 events. The main challenge is to select between events with a high planet detection sensitivity, with the aim of detecting many planets and characterizing planetary anomalies. Methods. Our target selection algorithm is a hybrid system based on estimates of the planet detection zones around a microlens. It follows automatic anomaly alerts and respects the expected survey coverage of specific events. Results. We introduce the RoboTAP algorithm, whose purpose is to select and prioritize microlensing events with high sensitivity to planetary companions. In this work, we determine the planet sensitivity of the RoboNet follow-up program and provide a working example of how a broker can be designed for a real-life transient science program conducting follow-up observations in response to alerts; we explore the issues that will confront similar programs being developed for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) and other time domain surveys
