160 research outputs found

    Estudio de las urgencias en un medio rural. Adecuación de las consultas

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    Se pretende averiguar la demanda asistencial fuera de las horas de consulta habitual en Andratx, el grado de adecuación de las consultas y hacer varias recomendaciones para el buen funcionamiento de los P.A.C. en el medio rural. El estudio comprende 376 pacientes atendidos en uno de los tres turnos del servicio de urgencias durante seis meses. Poco más de la mitad son mujeres. Los menores de 5 años son quienes consultan más. Las urgencias representan el 59,04 % de las cuales el 34,68 % son traumatismos, heridas y efectos adversos. Las enfermedades respiratorias son la primera causa de la patología no urgente así como del total de la asistencia solicitada. El 9,04 % de pacientes precisaron envío a hospital. La mitad por traumatismos, heridas y efectos adversos. Se insiste en el inadecuado uso del servicio de urgencias. En la necesidad de estudiar el grado de adecuación de las consultas. Se propone la sustitución del término «P.A.C.» por «Servicio General de Urgencias », punto de partida para una deseable educación para la salud de la población

    Coupled-oscillator model to analyze the interaction between a quartz resonator and trapped ions

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    The novel application of a piezoelectric quartz resonator for the detection of trapped ions has enabled the observation of the quartz-ions interaction under nonequilibrium conditions, opening new perspectives for high-sensitive motional frequency measurements of radioactive particles. Energized quartz crystals have (long) decay-time constants in the order of milliseconds, permitting the coherent detection of charged particles within short time scales. In this paper we develop a detailed model governing the interaction between trapped 40Ca+ ions and a quartz resonator connected to a low-noise amplifier. We apply this model to experimental data and extract the ions’ reduced-cyclotron frequency in our 7-T Penning trap setup. We also obtain an upper limit for the coupling constant g with the present quartz-amplifier-trap (QAT) configuration. The study of the reduced-cyclotron frequency is especially important for the use of this resonator in precision Penning-trap mass spectrometry. The improvement in sensitivity can be accomplished by increasing the quality factor of the QAT configuration, which in turn will improve the performance of the system towards the strong-coupling regim

    Formation of two-ion crystals by injection from a Paul-trap source into a high-magnetic-field Penning trap

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    Two-ion crystals constitute a platform for investigations of quantum nature that can be extended to any ion species or charged particle provided one of the ions in the crystal can be directly laser cooled and manipulated with laser radiation. This paper presents the formation of two-ion crystals for quantum metrology in a 7-tesla open-ring Penning trap. 40Ca+ ions are produced either internally by photoionization or externally in a (Paul-trap) source, transported through the strong magnetic field gradient of the superconducting solenoid, and captured in-flight with a mean kinetic energy of a few electronvolts with respect to the minimum of the Penning-trap potential well. Laser cooling of the two-ion crystal in a strong magnetic field towards reaching the quantum regime is also presented, with particular emphasis on the cooling of the radial modes.Spanish Government PID2019-104093GB-I00/AEI/10.013 39/501100011033Andalusian Government P18FR-3432 PTA2018-016573-IFondo Operativo FEDER A-FQM-425-UGR18Spanish Government FPU17/02596University of Granada "Plan Propio -Programa de Intensificacion de la Investigacion" PP2017-PRI.I-04Laboratorios Singulares 2020European Research Council (ERC) European Commission 278648TRAPSENSOR MICINN/FEDER/UGR FPA2015-67694-P FPA2012-32076 UNGR10-1E501 UNGR13-1E-1830 EQC2018-005130-PJunta de AndaluciaEuropean Commission IE-5713 IE2017-5513Spanish MICINN ("Beatriz Galindo" Fellowship) BEAGAL18/00078German Research Foundation (DFG)European Commission SFB/CRC 122

    Spatial analysis of an early middle palaeolithic kill/butchering site: the case of the cuesta de la bajada (Teruel, Spain)

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    Kill/butchering sites are some of the most important places for understanding the subsistence strategies of hunter-gatherer groups. However, these sites are not common in the archaeological record, and they have not been sufficiently analysed in order to know all their possible variability for ancient periods of the human evolution. In the present study, we have carried out the spatial analysis of the Early Middle Palaeolithic (MIS 9-8) site of Cuesta de la Bajada site (Teruel, Spain), which has been previously identified as a kill/butchering site through the taphonomic analysis of the faunal remains. Our results show that the spatial properties of the faunal and lithic tools distribution in levels CB2 and CB3 are well-preserved although the site is an open-air location. Both levels show a similar segregated (i.e. regular) spatial point pattern (SPP) which is different from the SPP identified at other sites with similar nature from the ethnographic and the archaeological records. However, although the archaeological materials have a regular distribution pattern, the lithic and faunal remains are positively associated, which is indicating that most parts of both types of materials were accumulated during the same occupation episodes, which were probably sporadic and focused on getting only few animal carcasses at a time.Post-Doc Xunta de Galicia Grant (ED481D-2022/023); ERC Consolidator grant (CoG—101045506).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bovine tuberculosis and the endangered Iberian lynx.

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    We report the first case of bovine tuberculosis in a free-living Iberian lynx (Lynx pardina), an extremely endangered feline, from Doñana National Park in Spain. The isolate (Mycobacterium bovis) correlates by molecular characterization with other isolates from wild ungulates in the park, strongly suggesting an epidemiologic link. Mycobacterium bovis infects many animal species, with wild and free-ranging domestic ungulates being the main reservoirs in nature (1)

    Alcoholic patients' response to their disease: perspective of patients and family

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    Objetivos: conhecer as perspectivas de pessoas doentes alcoólatras e familiares sobre as características do comportamento da doença, identificando as dificuldades para modificar o comportamento aditivo e motivar a recuperação. Método: pesquisa etnográfica baseada na antropologia interpretativa, mediante observação participante e entrevista em profundidade com as pessoas doentes alcoólatras e seus familiares, membros dos Alcoólicos Anónimos e Al-anon, na Espanha. Resultados: o desenvolvimento do comportamento da doença no alcoolismo é complexo, dadas as dificuldades para interpretar o modelo de consumo como sinal de doença. Usualmente, as pessoas doentes permanecem por longos períodos de tempo na etapa de pré-contemplação, atrasando a demanda de assistência, a qual costuma chegar sem a aceitação da doença pela própria pessoa doente. Isso dificulta a recuperação e relaciona-se à consideração social do alcoolismo e à auto estigma em alcoólatras e familiares, levando-os a negar a doença, a condição de doente e a ajuda. O trabalho dos grupos de ajuda mútua e a implicação dos profissionais da saúde são fundamentais para sua recuperação. Conclusão: conhecer o desenvolvimento do comportamento da doença e o processo de mudança do comportamento aditivo pode ser útil para as pessoas doentes, familiares, e profissionais da saúde, permitindo-lhes atuar de forma específica em cada etapa.Objective: to know the perspective of alcoholic patients and their families about the behavioral characteristics of the disease, identifying the issues to modify the addictive behavior and seek rehabilitation. Method: ethnographic research using interpretative anthropology, via participant observation and a detailed interview with alcoholic patients and their families, members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Alanon in Spain. Results: development of disease behavior in alcoholism is complex due to the issues of interpreting the consumption model as a disease sign. Patients often remain long periods in the pre-contemplation stage, delaying the search for assistance, which often arrives without them accepting the role of patient. This constrains the recovery and is related to the social thought on alcoholism and self-stigma on alcoholics and their families, leading them to deny the disease, condition of the patient, and help. The efforts of self-help groups and the involvement of health professionals is essential for recovery. Conclusion: understanding how disease behavior develops, and the change process of addictive behavior, it may be useful for patients, families and health professionals, enabling them to act in a specific way at each stage.Objetivos: conocer las perspectivas de enfermos alcohólicos y de familiares sobre las características de la conducta de la enfermedad, identificando las dificultades para modificar la conducta adictiva y emprender la recuperación. Método: investigación etnográfica desde la antropología interpretativa, mediante observación participante y entrevista en profundidad con enfermos alcohólicos y sus familiares, miembros de Alcohólicos Anónimos y Al-anon en España. Resultados: el desarrollo de la conducta de enfermedad en el alcoholismo es complejo dadas las dificultades para interpretar el modelo de consumo como señal de enfermedad. Los enfermos suelen mantenerse largos periodos de tiempo en la etapa de precontemplación retrasando la demanda de asistencia, a la que suelen llegar sin aceptar el rol de enfermo. Esto dificulta la recuperación y se relaciona con la consideración social del alcoholismo y el autoestigma en alcohólicos y familiares, llevándoles a negar la enfermedad, la consideración de enfermo y la ayuda. La labor de los grupos de ayuda mutua y la implicación de los profesionales sanitarios resulta fundamental para su recuperación. Conclusión: conocer el desarrollo de la conducta de enfermedad y el proceso de cambio de la conducta adictiva, puede ser de utilidad para enfermos, familiares, y profesionales sanitarios, permitiéndoles actuar de forma específica en cada etapa

    Cost-effectiveness analysis for joint pain treatment in patients with osteoarthritis treated at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS): Comparison of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) vs. cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the main causes of disability worldwide, especially in persons >55 years of age. Currently, controversy remains about the best therapeutic alternative for this disease when evaluated from a cost-effectiveness viewpoint. For Social Security Institutions in developing countries, it is very important to assess what drugs may decrease the subsequent use of medical care resources, considering their adverse events that are known to have a significant increase in medical care costs of patients with OA. Three treatment alternatives were compared: celecoxib (200 mg twice daily), non-selective NSAIDs (naproxen, 500 mg twice daily; diclofenac, 100 mg twice daily; and piroxicam, 20 mg/day) and acetaminophen, 1000 mg twice daily. The aim of this study was to identify the most cost-effective first-choice pharmacological treatment for the control of joint pain secondary to OA in patients treated at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cost-effectiveness assessment was carried out. A systematic review of the literature was performed to obtain transition probabilities. In order to evaluate analysis robustness, one-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted. Estimations were done for a 6-month period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Treatment demonstrating the best cost-effectiveness results [lowest cost-effectiveness ratio 17.5pesos/patient(17.5 pesos/patient (1.75 USD)] was celecoxib. According to the one-way sensitivity analysis, celecoxib would need to markedly decrease its effectiveness in order for it to not be the optimal treatment option. In the probabilistic analysis, both in the construction of the acceptability curves and in the estimation of net economic benefits, the most cost-effective option was celecoxib.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>From a Mexican institutional perspective and probably in other Social Security Institutions in similar developing countries, the most cost-effective option for treatment of knee and/or hip OA would be celecoxib.</p

    Del extractivismo cultural y lingüístico a la revitalización de las lenguas

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    Son bastante conocidos los efectos destructores de la conquista y la colonización de América sobre centenares de lenguas originarias en América Latina. Además, también se ha investigado acerca de la continuidad del proceso glotofágico bajo el dominio de las élites criollas, después de la Independencia. Durante el siglo XX, el indigenismo no cambió sustancialmente las relaciones interculturales (políticas, económicas y sociales) entre las culturas dominantes hispanófonas y las culturas minorizadas, aun cuando acumulara e hiciera uso de la simbología de las producciones precolombinas como seña de identidad nacional, de modo muy notorio en México. Sin embargo, las últimas décadas del siglo XX y los inicios del siglo XXI, a causa del neoliberalismo y la globalización, han multiplicado las amenazas sobre las culturas y las lenguas supervivientes, en la medida que se ha pretendido aniquilar el entorno medioambiental, los ecosistemas locales y el mundo vital, que podríamos categorizar como territorio indígena. El proyecto Ndatiaku Tu’un Savi es solo uno de los muchos gérmenes que pretenden revitalizar y revalorizar el conocimiento y el uso de las lenguas originarias, por medio de las redes sociales, entre sus propios hablantes, a la vez que confrontan las estrategias meramente forenses de la lingüístic