73 research outputs found

    The program of development of the school as a condition of providing new quality of education: the project approach

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    The aim of the investigation is to generalize the experience on implementation of the Program of development of educational institution that allows providing high quality of education in the conditions of introduction of Federal Educational Standards of New Generation. Methods. Traditional psychological and pedagogical methods involve: stating, developing and control. Analysis of the average data and dynamics of educational results, an expert estimation, interrogations and questioning are used. Results. Transition of a gymnasium to educational institution of new type has become result of introduction of the Program of development. The unique profile of establishment is created and priority positions are taken in the educational environment of the region; in response to an implementation of the program of the development focused on the social procurement. Efficiency of the Program is confirmed with intermediate results of monitoring concerning all subjects of educational space: trained, teachers and parents. The program allows all participants of educational process to be involved in process of introduction of new quality of education via the mechanism of realization of system. The program represents improvement of activity of structures of educational space of a gymnasium, development of resource base, and also a control system as a factor of ensuring stability of functioning and innovative development of a gymnasium. Scientific novelty. The possibility of implementation of the Program of development of educational institution through introduction of system-activity and project-based approach which connected nine sub-programmes in one complex (structured in three modules) is shown. It includes introduction of Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), an international exam, development of a progymnasium, formation of the personality, ongoing support to gifted children, extension of innovative culture of teachers, efficiency of management and development of organizational system, and also development of culture of school meal. Practical significance. The proposed Program of development is an actual administrative tool which allows teaching staff harmoniously and purposefully to carry out objectives by implementation of the planned projects; also it gives the chance to the customers of social services to estimate objectively achievements of educational institution. This Program is focused on the priorities of the social procurement Цель статьи – обобщение опыта реализации программы развития образовательного учреждения (ОУ), которая позволяет обеспечить высокое качество образования, соответствующее содержанию федеральных образовательных стандартов нового поколения. Методика и методы. Авторы использовали традиционные психолого-педагогические методы – констатирующий, развивающий и контрольный, структурированные как три этапа исследования. В ходе работы применялись также методики анализа средних данных и динамики учебных результатов, экспертная оценка, опросы и анкетирование. Результаты. Благодаря воплощению программы развития, ориентированной на социальный заказ, удалось создать учебное учреждение инновационного типа, ставшее лидером в региональном образовательном пространстве. К совершенствованию деятельности гимназии, развитию ее ресурсной базы, обеспечению стабильности функционирования были привлечены все субъекты образовательного процесса: учащиеся, педагоги и родители. Эффективность программы подтверждена промежуточными итогами мониторинга. Научная новизна. Описана многоуровневая программа развития ОУ, разработанная на основе системно-деятельностного и проектного подходов и связавшая в один комплекс девять образовательных проектов (объединенных в три модуля): внедрение ФГОС, международный экзамен, развитие прогимназии, становление личности, поддержку одаренных детей, повышение инновационной культуры педагогов, эффективности организационной системы, ресурсной базы ОУ, а также совершенствование культуры питания. Практическая значимость. Предложен эффективный управленческий инструмент, который позволяет педагогическому коллективу образовательного учреждения слаженно и целенаправленно выполнять поставленные задачи, а социальным заказчикам – объективно оценивать деятельность и достижения ОУ

    Algorithm of global uniformization of algebraic correspondence

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    The problem of global uniformization of algebraic correspondence is investigated. The weaker assumptions are used in the analysis. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Adakite-like granitoids of Songkultau: A relic of juvenile Cambrian arc in Kyrgyz Tien Shan

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    The early Paleozoic Terskey Suture zone, located in the southern part of the Northern Tien Shan domain in Kyrgyzstan, comprises tectonic slivers of dismembered ophiolites and associated primitive volcanics and deep-marine sediments. In the Lake Songkul area, early-middle Cambrian pillow basalts are crosscut by the Songkultau intrusion of coarse-grained gneissose quartz diorites and tonalites with geochemical characteristics typical for high-SiO2 adakites (SiO2 ​> ​56 ​wt.%, Al2O3 ​> ​15 ​wt.%, Na2O ​> ​3.5 ​wt.% and high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios). The Songkultau granitoids have positive initial εNd (+3.8 to +6.4) and εHf (+12.3 to +13.5) values indicating derivation from sources with MORB-like isotopic signature. Volcanic formations, surrounding the Songkultau intrusion, have geochemical affinities varying from ocean floor to island arc series. This rock assemblage is interpreted as a relic of an early-middle Cambrian primitive arc where the adakite-like granitoids were derived from partial melting of young and hot subducted oceanic crust. An age of 505 ​Ma, obtained for the Songkultau intrusion, shows that hot subduction under the Northern Tien Shan continued until middle Cambrian. The primitive arc complexes were obducted onto the Northern Tien Shan domain, where the Andean type continental magmatic arc developed in Cambrian and Ordovician. Formation of the Andean type arc was accompanied by uplift, erosion and deposition of coarse clastic sediments. A depositional age of ca. 470 Ma, obtained for the gravellites in the Lake Songkul area, is in agreement with the timing of deposition for lower Ordovician conglomerates elsewhere in the Northern Tien Shan, and corresponds to the main phase of the Andean type magmatism. The Songkultau adakites in association with surrounding ocean floor and island arc formations constitute a relic of a primitive Cambrian arc and represent a juvenile domain of substantial size identified so far within the predominantly crustal-derived terranes of Tien Shan. On a regional scale this primitive arc can be compared with juvenile Cambrian arcs of Kazakhstan, Gorny Altai and Mongolia.©2020 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Вычисление гармонических мер компонент края конечносвязной области

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    The article proposes a new method for calculating harmonic measures of the boundary components of the finitely connected domain.В статье предложен новый способ вычисления гармонических мер компонент края конечносвязной области

    Of the quality of the results of the state assessment of soil and landscape objects

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    An analysis of the current state of agriculture in the Russian Federation has shown that the recently aggravated economic and environmental problems require significant changes in the technologies used towards their biologization and resource conservation while ensuring the profitability of agricultural production. Increasing crop yields can be achieved only with a high culture of agriculture, the introduction of advanced technologies based on the widespread use of various types of organic fertilizers (manure, straw, siderate) and biological plant protection products and growth regulators. This requires in-depth study of the most important zonal aspects of agriculture, one of which is to determine the relationship between soil fertility and crop productivity with systematic fertilization. Therefore, the development of crop cultivation technologies that ensure high and sustainable yields with high quality, excluding the introduction of increased doses of mineral fertilizers, chemical plant protection products, as well as minimal negative effects on the soil is an urgent task of great theoretical and practical importance

    Профилактика осложнений колпроктэктомии с формированием тонкокишечного J-образного резервуара

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    On the basis of the literature the article analyzes the methodological aspects of preoperative planning and surgical techniques for the prevention intra- and postoperative complications for colproctectomy with J-pouch reservoir. Knowledge of these features can reduce the number of complications and improve the functional results of surgical treatment.В статье на основании обобщения данных литературы проанализированы методологические аспекты предоперационного планирования и технические хирургические приемы для предупреждения интра- и послеоперационных осложнений при выполнении колпроктэктомии с формированием тазового тонкокишечного резервуара. Знание данных особенностей позволяет уменьшить количество осложнений и улучшить функциональные результаты хирургического лечения

    Assessment of the awareness of obstetriciangynaecologist doctors of methods of diagnosis of cervical patology

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    The aim of the study - to analyze the awareness of obstetrician-gynecologists about the diagnostic methods of cervical pathology.Цель исследования - анализ осведомленности врачей акушер-гинекологов о методах диагностики патологии шейки матк

    Lead content and isotopic composition in submound and recent soils of the Volga upland

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    Literature data on the historical reconstructions of the atmospheric lead deposition in Europe and the isotopic composition of the ores that are potential sources of the anthropogenic lead in the atmospheric deposition in the lower Volga steppes during different time periods have been compiled. The effect of the increasing anthropogenic lead deposition recorded since the Bronze Age on the level of soil contamination has been investigated. For the first time paleosol buried under a burial mound of the Bronze Age has been used as a reference point to assess of the current contamination level. The contents and isotopic compositions of the mobile and total lead have been determined in submound paleosols of different ages and their recent remote and roadside analogues. An increase in the content and fraction of the mobile lead and a shift of its isotopic composition toward less radiogenic values (typical for lead from the recent anthropogenic sources) has been revealed when going from a Bronze-Age paleosol to a recent soil. In the Bronze-Age soil, the isotopic composition of the mobile lead is inherited from the parent rock to a greater extent than in the modern soils, where the lead is enriched with the less radiogenic component. The effect of the anthropogenic component is traced in the analysis of the mobile lead, but it is barely visible for the total lead. An exception is provided by the recent roadside soils characterized by increased contents and the significantly less radiogenic isotopic composition of the mobile and total lead

    On complex-valued 2D eikonals. Part four: continuation past a caustic

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    Theories of monochromatic high-frequency electromagnetic fields have been designed by Felsen, Kravtsov, Ludwig and others with a view to portraying features that are ignored by geometrical optics. These theories have recourse to eikonals that encode information on both phase and amplitude -- in other words, are complex-valued. The following mathematical principle is ultimately behind the scenes: any geometric optical eikonal, which conventional rays engender in some light region, can be consistently continued in the shadow region beyond the relevant caustic, provided an alternative eikonal, endowed with a non-zero imaginary part, comes on stage. In the present paper we explore such a principle in dimension 2.2. We investigate a partial differential system that governs the real and the imaginary parts of complex-valued two-dimensional eikonals, and an initial value problem germane to it. In physical terms, the problem in hand amounts to detecting waves that rise beside, but on the dark side of, a given caustic. In mathematical terms, such a problem shows two main peculiarities: on the one hand, degeneracy near the initial curve; on the other hand, ill-posedness in the sense of Hadamard. We benefit from using a number of technical devices: hodograph transforms, artificial viscosity, and a suitable discretization. Approximate differentiation and a parody of the quasi-reversibility method are also involved. We offer an algorithm that restrains instability and produces effective approximate solutions.Comment: 48 pages, 15 figure