53 research outputs found

    Chromatin Remodeling in Mice

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    Renate Wagner-Rieger’s Contribution to the Definition Of the Term „Historicism”

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    Behandelt wird Renate Wagner-Riegers Anteil an der Definition, Datierung und Periodisierung des Begriffs „Historismus“ als Bezeichnung fĂŒr den Epochenstil des 19. Jahrhunderts sowie dessen Erforschung und Propagierung, wobei ihre dezidiert stil- und formengeschichtliche Arbeitsmethode die öffentliche ReprĂ€sentanz des Fassadenbildes und die Eloquenz architektonischer Ordnungssysteme in den Vordergrund rĂŒckt.Obrađuje se doprinos Renate Wagner-Rieger definiranju, datiranju i periodizaciji pojma „historicizam“ kao oznake za stil 19. stoljeća te njegovo istraĆŸivanje i propagiranje. Njezin predani stil i oblikovno-povijesna metoda rada naglaĆĄavaju javnu reprezentaciju dojma pročelja i razrađen sustav arhitektonskog reda.Renate Wagner-Rieger’s contribution to the definition, dating, and periodization of the term “historicism” as a designation for the epochal style of the 19th century, as well as its research and propagation, is treated, whereby her dedicated style and form-historical working method emphasizes the public representation of the facade image and the eloquence of architectural systems of order comes to the fore

    Gezieltes Design von Edelmetall-Polycarbonat-GrenzflÀchen durch Einbetten von metallischen Nanopartikeln

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    Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurde die AdhĂ€sionssteigerung durch Auslagerung von Polycarbonat-Edelmetallfilmverbunden weiter aufgeklĂ€rt und nachgewiesen, dass eine AdhĂ€sionssteigerung auch unterhalb der VolumenglasĂŒbergangstemperatur von Bisphenol-A-Polycarbonat möglich ist. Durch Getterung thermisch eingebetteter Goldnanopartikel gelang die Verankerung aufgedampfter Goldfilme (Nanonailing) in Bisphenol-A-Polycarbonatfilmen. Bei Untersuchung der Einbettbedingungen gelang die AufklĂ€rung der Einbettmorphologie durch den Vergleich von experimentellen Daten aus der Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie mit den Ergebnissen von Modellrechnungen. Alternativ zur thermischen Einbettung wurde die Dispersion von Goldnanopartikeln in Polycarbonat durch lösungsmitteldampfinduzierte Kristallisation geprĂŒft und ein Dispersionsmodell entwickelt, das auf der Betrachtung der thermodynamischen Vorzugspositionen der Goldnanopartikel in den amorphen Bereichen im Gegensatz zu den kristallisierten Bereichen beruht

    Desenvolvimento de "tinta" com pĂł de cortiça com desempenho acĂșstico optimizado

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Civil - Especialização em ConstruçÔes. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Influence de la retaille de la vigne aprĂšs une gelĂ©e sur le comportement agronomique du cĂ©page ‘Jaen’

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    Dans un essai installĂ© pour Ă©tudier l’adaptation de trois porte-greffes - 99R, 1103P et SO4 - a un terroir typique de la rĂ©gion du DĂŁo - Portugal - l’incidence d’une sĂ©vĂšre gelĂ©e, un mois aprĂšs le dĂ©bourrement, Ă  dĂ©truit presque toute la vĂ©gĂ©tation. Avec lÂŽobjectif de connaĂźtre la rĂ©ponse a une retaille, fait au niveau du premier noeud, 15 jours aprĂšs la gelĂ©e, on a subdivisĂ© l’essai de façon a permettre la comparaison avec un tĂ©moin non retaillĂ©. AprĂšs l’accident, beaucoup de bourgeons, latents jusque-lĂĄ, ont dĂ©bourrĂ©. Sur les pousses affectĂ©es par la gelĂ©e on a vĂ©rifiĂ© une croissance des anticipĂ©s, qui ont Ă©tĂ© plus nombreuses dans le tĂ©moin. Le rapide dĂ©veloppement de la nouvelle vĂ©gĂ©tation a permis lÂŽobtention d’un plan de feuillage bien rempli a mi-Juin. Les rendements ont Ă©tĂ© trĂšs bas (1.9 a 2.7 t/ha) et les grappillons ont contribuĂ© avec un grand pourcentage (40 a 47 %). La maturation a Ă©tĂ© plus tardive toutefois les moĂ»ts obtenus ont atteint une qualitĂ© acceptable (194 g de sucre/l). En gĂ©nĂ©ral l’effet du porte-greffe n’a pas Ă©tĂ© significatif, hors le nombre de grappes significativement supĂ©rieur obtenu sur le SO4 et le plus Ă©levĂ© pH du moĂ»t obtenu sur le 1103 P. La retaille a induit un rendement significativement plus elevĂ© en rĂ©sultat d’un plus grand nombre de grappillons. Au niveau de la qualitĂ©, seulement lÂŽaciditĂ© total du mĂŽut a prĂ©sentĂ© une valeur plus Ă©levĂ©e dans les souches retaillĂ©es. Dans le tĂ©moin on a obtenu un nombre de sarments supĂ©rieur mais avec un poids unitaire infĂ©rieur. Toutefois l’augmentation du poids par sarment dans les souches retaillĂ©es n’a pas Ă©tĂ© suffisant pour compenser l’infĂ©rieur nombre des sarments et, consĂ©quemment, la retaille a donnĂ© un poids de bois de taille significativement plus bas. Les donnĂ©s montrent que la retaille a Ă©tĂ© une pratique trĂšs important surtout par son effet sur la rĂ©duction du nombre de sarments. L’augmentation de la vigueur unitaire des sarments a permis une fertilitĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©e des entre-coeurs et, probablement, a favorisĂ© lÂŽinitiation floral des bourgeons latents, responsables pour la production de l’annĂ©e suivante. Un autre avantage de la retaille c’est la plus grande facilitĂ© de la taille d’hiverinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento de "Tinta" com PĂł de Cortiça com desempenho acĂșstico optimizado

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    Apresenta-se neste trabalho a anĂĄlise e desenvolvimento de um novo produto (tinta com a incorporação de pĂł de cortiça) com um desempenho acĂșstico optimizado. Realizaram-se ensaios em cĂąmara reverberante de forma a analisar a variação nos valores do coeficiente de absorção sonora de tintas, jĂĄ existentes, com a adição de diferentes quantidades de pĂł de cortiça e efectuou-se a comparação destes resultados com uma tinta acĂșstica jĂĄ comercializada em Portugal. Os ensaios foram realizados sobre duas bases diferentes (madeira e metal) e analisados os resultados com diferentes percentagens de adição de pĂł em massa, assim como com diferentes espessuras.This paper presents the analysis and development of a new product (paint), with the incorporation of powdered cork, to optimize its acoustic performance. Tests were performed in a reverberation room to analyze the variation on the sound absorption coefficient of an existing paint with the introduction of different amounts of powdered cork and also to compare these results with a titled "acoustic paint already available in the market. The tests were performed on two different base supports (wood and metal) and analyzed with different percentages of added powdered cork and with different thicknesses

    A case of thallium intoxication by walking in a field

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    Thallium intoxications are a rare occurrence in forensic sciences. This paper reports a case of chronic thallium poisoning in a couple hospitalized in Milan, Italy, in which toxicological analyses were performed by the Institute of Legal Medicine of Milan on the request of the Judicial Authority. Preliminary analyses confirmed the presence of thallium in the blood and urine samples of the couple. After positive results were obtained from the biological samples, the Judicial Authority learned that the son of the couple used thallium powder illegally in his field and that the father helped his son in that field almost every day. Therefore, the Judicial Authority suspected that the man had accidentally contaminated the house environment, thus intoxicating his wife. Consequently, they requested the seizing of multiple items from their residency to verify this hypothesis. Each object was sampled internally (content or internal surface) and externally (surface of the container) and the concentrations of thallium were evaluated using ICP-MS analyses. Positive results of items indicate a thallium contamination caused by an external vector. Indeed, they suggest that none of the elements analyzed was the contaminant responsible for the intoxication but the examination of the soles of the man's shoes argued in favor of an external contamination (the son's field), suggesting that he was the accidental mean of transportation of the heavy metal into the house. This paper presents a rare case of chronic thallium intoxication in a domestic setting where contamination occurred from an illegal usage of thallium in a field

    Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Acute Pediatric Respiratory Failure

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    This article is made available for unrestricted research re-use and secondary analysis in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for the duration of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic.The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) to support children with acute respiratory failure has steadily increased over the past several decades, with major advancements having been made in the care of these children. There are, however, many controversies regarding indications for initiating ECMO in this setting and the appropriate management strategies thereafter. Broad indications for ECMO include hypoxia, hypercarbia, and severe air leak syndrome, with hypoxia being the most common. There are many disease-specific considerations when evaluating children for ECMO, but there are currently very few, if any, absolute contraindications. Venovenous rather than veno-arterial ECMO cannulation is the preferred configuration for ECMO support of acute respiratory failure due to its superior side-effect profile. The approach to lung management on ECMO is variable and should be individualized to the patient, with the main goal of reducing the risk of VILI. ECMO is a relatively rare intervention, and there are likely a minimum number of cases per year at a given center to maintain competency. Patients who have prolonged ECMO runs (i.e., greater than 21 days) are less likely to survive, though no absolute duration of ECMO that would mandate withdrawal of ECMO support can be currently recommended

    Tunicados e quetognatas, as suas respostas aos fatores ambientais de um sistema costeiro da Península Ibérica

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    Nowadays, the evidences relating the impacts of climate change in gelatinous zooplankton communities are recurrent, and it must be considered due to their key role in marine pelagic food webs. This study aims to investigate the latent influence of the environmental variability on interannual abundance changes of two less-talked gelatinous zooplankton groups, which were Tunicata and Chaetognatha in the Mondego estuary (Portugal), over the period 2003-2012. In this study was possible to find a correlation between environmental factors and species abundance exhibiting marked interannual variability, particularly, after drought years. In addition, higher abundances were found in the mouth and middle stations, close to the entrance of the estuary. Our results also showed several resemblances with the upshots reported in the Indian Ocean and/or in California (USA), that contributed to complement the baseline data, carrying important information about these holoplanktonic groups and the way that environmental factors affects their variability in the Mondego estuary.Hoje em dia, os estudos que relacionam os impactos das alteraçÔes climĂĄticas com as comunidades de zooplĂąncton gelatinoso sĂŁo recorrentes, e nĂŁo devem ser ignoradas devido ao seu papel fundamental nas cadeias alimentares pelĂĄgicas dos ecossistemas marinhos. Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a influĂȘncia latente da variabilidade ambiental sobre as alteraçÔes na abundĂąncia interanual de dois grupos menos estudados de zooplĂąncton gelatinoso, tunicados e quetognatas, no estuĂĄrio do Mondego (Portugal) durante o perĂ­odo de 2003-2012. Neste estudo, foi possĂ­vel encontrar uma correlação entre os fatores ambientais e a abundĂąncia das espĂ©cies, mostrando uma variabilidade interanual acentuada, particularmente apĂłs os anos de seca. Os organismos apresentaram maior abundĂąncia nas estaçÔes da embocadura e intermĂ©dias, perto da entrada do estuĂĄrio. Os nossos resultados tambĂ©m mostraram vĂĄrias semelhanças com os resultados relatados no Oceano Índico e/ou na CalifĂłrnia (EUA), contribuindo assim para complementar os dados jĂĄ existentes, trazendo informaçÔes importantes sobre estes grupos holoplanctĂłnicos e como os fatores ambientais afetam a sua variabilidade no estuĂĄrio do Mondego.Mestrado em Biologia Marinh
