71 research outputs found

    Peralihan Hak Atas Tanah melalui Jual Beli yang Menjadi Obyek Sengketa Serta Akibat Hukum Jual Beli Hak Atas Tanah yang Belum didaftarkan Ditinjau dari UU No 5 Tahun 1960

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    Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan peralihan hak atas tanah melalui jual beli tanah menurut UUPA dan kendala apakah yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan peralihan hak atas tanah melalui jual beli tanah menurut UUPA.Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif disimpulkan: 1. Pelaksanaan peralihan hak atas tanah melalui jual beli tanah menurut UUPA dimana Jual beli adalah suatu persetujuan dengan mana pihak yang satu mengikatkan dirinya untuk menyerahkan suatu kebendaan, dan pihak yang lain untuk membayar harga yang telah diperjanjikan. Dialihkan menunjukkan suatu perbuatan hukum yang disengaja untuk memindahkan hak atas tanah kepada pihak lain melalui jual beli, hibah, tukar-menukar dan hibah wasiat. Jadi, meskipun dalam pasal hanya disebutkan dialihkan, termasuk salah satunya adalah perbuatan hukum pemindahan hak atas tanah karena dilakukannya jual beli. 2. Kendala Kendala dalam pelaksanaan peralihan hak atas tanah melalui jual beli tanah menurut UUPA diantaranya adalah dengan berakhirnya hak hak atas tanah menurut sistem UUPA, yaitu hak atas tanah itu berakhir tanpa kerja sama dalam artian relatif atau pun sepersetujuan seperti yang kita kenal untuk sahnya suatu persetujuan seperti yang diatur oleh Pasal 1320 BW dari pemiliknya semula.  Pemilik tanah dapat kehilangan sama sekali haknya (karena melanggar ketentuan prinsip nasionalitas, ataupun melanggar haknya) ataupun dipaksa untuk menyerahkan haknya itu kepada orang lain, karena pelelangan tanahnya karena menunggak pembayaran piutangnya, ataupun diserahkan kepada Negara atau pihak ketiga lainnya karena pencabutan hak ataupun pembebasan hak pembangunan.   


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    Notaris ialah seorang pejabat umum yang memiliki kewenangan untuk membuat akta autentik sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 yang sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 tentang Jabatan Notaris. Dalam amar putusan kasus perdata dengan nomor 680/Pdt.G/2019/PN.Sgr dinyatakan bahwa Akta Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli Nomor 29 dan Akta Kuasa Untuk Menjual Nomor 30 yang dibuat oleh Notaris batal demi hukum dan tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat. Yang menjadi sebab dari kebatalan kedua akta tersebut adalah karena ditemukannya cacat hukum pada keduanya. Dengan adanya akta autentik yang dinyatakan batal demi hukum oleh pengadilan tersebut, penulis tertarik untuk meneliti lebih lanjut mengenai pertanggungjawaban Notaris selaku pejabat umum yang berwenang membuat akta autentik. Penulis dalam penelitiannya menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dengan jenis data sekunder. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Penulis, diperoleh hasil bahwa Notaris yang bersangkutan pada kasus ini dapat dimintai dua jenis pertanggungjawaban hukum yaitu secara administratif yang ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris dan Kode Etik, kemudian pertanggungjawaban secara perdata yaitu dengan ganti rugi

    Determination of Acquisition Frequency for Intrafractional Motion of Pancreas in CyberKnife Radiotherapy

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    Purpose. To report the characteristics of pancreas motion as tracked using implanted fiducials during radiotherapy treatments with CyberKnife. Methods and Materials. Twenty-nine patients with pancreas cancer treated using CyberKnife system were retrospectively selected for this study. During the treatment, the deviation is examined every 3-4 nodes (~45 s interval) and compensated by the robot. The pancreas displacement calculated from X-ray images acquired within the time interval between two consecutive couch motions constitute a data set. Results. A total of 498 data sets and 4302 time stamps of X-ray images were analyzed in this study. The average duration for each data set is 634 s. The location of the pancreas becomes more dispersed as the time elapses. The acquisition frequency depends on the prespecified movement distance threshold of pancreas. If the threshold between two consecutive images is 1 mm, the acquisition frequency should be less than 30 s, while if the threshold is 2 mm, the acquisition frequency can be around 1 min. Conclusions. The pancreas target moves significantly and unpredictably during treatment. Effective means of compensating the intrafractional movement is critical to ensure adequate dose coverage of the tumor target

    The confined hydrogen atom with a moving nucleus

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    We study the hydrogen atom confined to a spherical box with impenetrable walls but, unlike earlier pedagogical articles on the subject, we assume that the nucleus also moves. We obtain the ground-state energy approximately by means of first--order perturbation theory and by a more accurate variational approach. We show that it is greater than the one for the case in which the nucleus is clamped at the center of the box. Present approach resembles the well-known treatment of the helium atom with clamped nucleus

    Ground state study of simple atoms within a nano-scale box

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    Ground state energies for confined hydrogen (H) and helium (He) atoms, inside a penetrable/impenetrable compartment have been calculated using Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) method. Specifically, we have investigated spherical and ellipsoidal encompassing compartments of a few nanometer size. The potential is held fixed at a constant value on the surface of the compartment and beyond. The dependence of ground state energy on the geometrical characteristics of the compartment as well as the potential value on its surface has been thoroughly explored. In addition, we have investigated the cases where the nucleus location is off the geometrical centre of the compartment.Comment: 9 pages, 5 eps figures, Revte

    Study of a confined Hydrogen-like atom by the Asymptotic Iteration Method

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    The asymptotic iteration method (AIM) is used to obtain both special exact solutions and general approximate solutions for a Hydrogen-like atom confined in a spherical box of arbitrary radius R. Critical box radii, at which states are no longer bound, are also calculated. The results are compared with those in the literature.Comment: 10 page

    Tight-binding parameters from the full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method: A feasibility study on NiAl

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    We have examined a method of direct extraction of accurate tight-binding parameters from an ab-initio band-structure calculation. The linear muffin-tin potential method, in its full-potential implementation, has been used to provide the hamiltonian and overlap matrix elements in the momentum space. These matrix elements are Fourier transformed to real space to produce the tight-binding parameters. The feasibility of this method has been tested on the intermetallic alloy NiAl, using spd orbitals for each atom. The parameters generated for this alloy have been used as input to a real-space calculation of the local density of states using the recursion method.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex, 5 figure

    Systematic first-principles study of impurity hybridization in NiAl

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    We have performed a systematic first-principles computational study of the effects of impurity atoms (boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, phosporus, and sulfur) on the orbital hybridization and bonding properties in the intermetallic alloy NiAl using a full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method. The matrix elements in momentum space were used to calculate real-space properties: onsite parameters, partial densities of states, and local charges. In impurity atoms that are empirically known to be embrittler (N and O) we found that the 2s orbital is bound to the impurity and therefore does not participate in the covalent bonding. In contrast, the corresponding 2s orbital is found to be delocalized in the cohesion enhancers (B and C). Each of these impurity atoms is found to acquire a net negative local charge in NiAl irrespective of whether they sit in the Ni or Al site. The embrittler therefore reduces the total number of electrons available for covalent bonding by removing some of the electrons from the neighboring Ni or Al atoms and localizing them at the impurity site. We show that these correlations also hold for silicon, phosporus, and sulfur.Comment: Revtex, 8 pages, 7 eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Beam Orientation Optimization for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy using Adaptive l1 Minimization

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    Beam orientation optimization (BOO) is a key component in the process of IMRT treatment planning. It determines to what degree one can achieve a good treatment plan quality in the subsequent plan optimization process. In this paper, we have developed a BOO algorithm via adaptive l_1 minimization. Specifically, we introduce a sparsity energy function term into our model which contains weighting factors for each beam angle adaptively adjusted during the optimization process. Such an energy term favors small number of beam angles. By optimizing a total energy function containing a dosimetric term and the sparsity term, we are able to identify the unimportant beam angles and gradually remove them without largely sacrificing the dosimetric objective. In one typical prostate case, the convergence property of our algorithm, as well as the how the beam angles are selected during the optimization process, is demonstrated. Fluence map optimization (FMO) is then performed based on the optimized beam angles. The resulted plan quality is presented and found to be better than that obtained from unoptimized (equiangular) beam orientations. We have further systematically validated our algorithm in the contexts of 5-9 coplanar beams for 5 prostate cases and 1 head and neck case. For each case, the final FMO objective function value is used to compare the optimized beam orientations and the equiangular ones. It is found that, our BOO algorithm can lead to beam configurations which attain lower FMO objective function values than corresponding equiangular cases, indicating the effectiveness of our BOO algorithm.Comment: 19 pages, 2 tables, and 5 figure