1,977 research outputs found

    The three-dimensional structure of CsmA: A small antenna protein from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum

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    AbstractThe structure of the chlorosome baseplate protein CsmA from Chlorobium tepidum in a 1:1 chloroform:methanol solution was determined using liquid-state NMR spectroscopy. The data reveal that the 59-residue protein is predominantly α-helical with a long helical domain extending from residues V6 to L36, containing a putative bacteriochlorophyll a binding domain, and a short helix in the C-terminal part extending from residues M41 to G49. These elements are compatible with a model of CsmA having the long N-terminal α-helical stretch immersed into the lipid monolayer confining the chlorosome and the short C-terminal helix protruding outwards, thus available for interaction with the Fenna–Matthews–Olson antenna protein

    Characterization of a murine mixed neuron-glia model and cellular responses to regulatory T cell-derived factors

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    Abstract One of the unmet clinical needs in demyelinating diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is to provide therapies that actively enhance the process of myelin regeneration (remyelination) in the central nervous system (CNS). Oligodendrocytes, the myelinating cells of the CNS, play a central role in remyelination and originate from oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). We recently showed that depletion of regulatory T cells (Treg) impairs remyelination in vivo, and that Treg-secreted factors directly enhance oligodendrocyte differentiation. Here we aim to further characterize the dynamics of Treg-enhanced oligodendrocyte differentiation as well as elucidate the cellular components of a murine mixed neuron-glia model. Murine mixed neuron-glia cultures were generated from P2–7 C57BL/6 mice and characterized for percentage of neuronal and glial cell populations prior to treatment at 7 days in vitro (div) as well as after treatment with Treg-conditioned media at multiple timepoints up to 12 div. Mixed neuron-glia cultures consisted of approximately 30% oligodendroglial lineage cells, 20% neurons and 10% microglia. Furthermore, a full layer of astrocytes, that could not be quantified, was present. Treatment with Treg-conditioned media enhanced the proportion of MBP+ oligodendrocytes and decreased the proportion of PDGFRα+ OPCs, but did not affect OPC proliferation or survival. Treg-enhanced oligodendrocyte differentiation was not caused by Treg polarizing factors, was dependent on the number of activation cycles Treg underwent and was robustly achieved by using 5% conditioned media. These studies provide in-depth characterization of a murine mixed neuron-glia model as well as further insights into the dynamics of Treg-enhanced oligodendrocyte differentiation

    A decade of monitoring micropollutants in urban wet-weather flows: What did we learn?

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    Urban wet-weather discharges from combined sewer overflows (CSO) and stormwater outlets (SWO) are a potential pathway for micropollutants (trace contaminants) to surface waters, posing a threat to the environment and possible water reuse applications. Despite large efforts to monitor micropollutants in the last decade, the gained information is still limited and scattered. In a metastudy we performed a data-driven analysis of measurements collected at 77 sites (683 events, 297 detected micropollutants) over the last decade to investigate which micropollutants are most relevant in terms of 1) occurrence and 2) potential risk for the aquatic environment, 3) estimate the minimum number of data to be collected in monitoring studies to reliably obtain concentration estimates, and 4) provide recommendations for future monitoring campaigns. We highlight micropollutants to be prioritized due to their high occurrence and critical concentration levels compared to environmental quality standards. These top-listed micropollutants include contaminants from all chemical classes (pesticides, heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, and industrial and household chemicals). Analysis of over 30,000 event mean concentrations shows a large fraction of measurements (> 50%) were below the limit of quantification, stressing the need for reliable, standard monitoring procedures. High variability was observed among events and sites, with differences between micropollutant classes. The number of events required for a reliable estimate of site mean concentrations (error bandwidth of 1 around the “true" value) depends on the individual micropollutant. The median minimum number of events is 7 for CSO (2 to 31, 80%-interquantile) and 6 for SWO (1 to 25 events, 80%-interquantile). Our analysis indicates the minimum number of sites needed to assess global pollution levels and our data collection and analysis can be used to estimate the required number of sites for an urban catchment. Our data-driven analysis demonstrates how future wet-weather monitoring programs will be more effective if the consequences of high variability inherent in urban wet-weather discharges are considered

    The Ets-1 transcription factor controls the development and function of natural regulatory T cells

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    Regulatory T cells (T reg cells) constitute a population of CD4+ T cells that limits immune responses. The transcription factor Foxp3 is important for determining the development and function of T reg cells; however, the molecular mechanisms that trigger and maintain its expression remain incompletely understood. In this study, we show that mice deficient for the Ets-1 transcription factor (Ets-1−/−) developed T cell–mediated splenomegaly and systemic autoimmunity that can be blocked by functional wild-type T reg cells. Spleens of Ets-1−/− mice contained mostly activated T cells, including Th2-polarized CD4+ cells and had reduced percentages of T reg cells. Splenic and thymic Ets-1−/− T reg cells expressed low levels of Foxp3 and displayed the CD103 marker that characterizes antigen-experienced T reg cells. Thymic development of Ets-1−/− T reg cells appeared intrinsically altered as Foxp3-expressing cells differentiate poorly in mixed fetal liver reconstituted chimera and fetal thymic organ culture. Ets-1−/− T reg cells showed decreased in vitro suppression activity and did not protect Rag2−/− hosts from naive T cell–induced inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, in T reg cells, Ets-1 interacted with the Foxp3 intronic enhancer and was required for demethylation of this regulatory sequence. These data demonstrate that Ets-1 is required for the development of natural T reg cells and suggest a role for this transcription factor in the regulation of Foxp3 expression

    Early Experience after Developing a Pathology Laboratory in Malawi, with Emphasis on Cancer Diagnoses

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    BackgroundDespite increasing cancer burden in Malawi, pathology services are limited. We describe operations during the first 20 months of a new pathology laboratory in Lilongwe, with emphasis on cancer diagnoses.Methods and FindingsWe performed a cross-sectional study of specimens from the Kamuzu Central Hospital pathology laboratory between July 1, 2011 and February 28, 2013. Patient and specimen characteristics, and final diagnoses are summarized. Diagnoses were categorized as malignant, premalignant, infectious, other pathology, normal or benign, or nondiagnostic. Patient characteristics associated with premalignancy and malignancy were assessed using logistic regression. Of 2772 specimens, 2758 (99%) with a recorded final diagnosis were included, drawn from 2639 unique patients. Mean age was 38 years and 63% were female. Of those with documented HIV status, 51% had unknown status, and 36% with known status were infected. Histologic specimens comprised 91% of cases, and cytologic specimens 9%. Malignant diagnoses were most common overall (n = 861, 31%). Among cancers, cervical cancer was most common (n = 117, 14%), followed by lymphoma (n = 91, 11%), esophageal cancer (n = 86, 10%), sarcoma excluding Kaposi sarcoma (n = 75, 9%), and breast cancer (n = 61, 7%). HIV status was known for 95 (11%) of malignancies, with HIV prevalence ranging from 9% for breast cancer to 81% for cervical cancer. Increasing age was consistently associated with malignancy [bivariable odds ratio 1.24 per decade increase (95% CI 1.19–1.29) among 2685 patients with known age; multivariable odds ratio 1.33 per decade increase (95% CI 1.14–1.56) among 317 patients with known age, gender, and HIV status], while HIV infection and gender were not.ConclusionsDespite selection and referral bias inherent in these data, a new pathology laboratory in Lilongwe has created a robust platform for cancer care and research. Strategies to effectively capture clinical information for pathologically confirmed cancers can allow these data to complement population-based registration

    Changes of the Membrane Lipid Organization Characterized by Means of a New Cholesterol-Pyrene Probe

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    We synthesized 3ÎČ-hydroxy-pregn-5-ene-21-(1-methylpyrenyl)-20-methylidene (Py-met-chol), consisting of cholesterol steroid rings connected to a pyrene group via a linker without polar atoms. This compound has interesting spectroscopic properties when probing membranes: 1), The pyrene has hypochromic properties resulting from probe self-association processes in membranes. Using liposomes of various lipid compositions, we determined the association constants of the probe (K): KDOPC ≫ KPOPC ≫ KDMPC > KDMPC/15 mol % Chol > KDMPC/30 mol % Chol. This indicates a better probe solvation in saturated than in unsaturated lipids, and this effect is enhanced as the cholesterol concentration increases. 2), The pyrene fluorophore is characterized by monomer (I1–I5) and excimer (IE) emission bands. In model membranes, I1/I3 and IE/I3 ratios revealed a correlation between the polarity of the lipid core of the membrane and the amount of cholesterol. 3), Using this probe, we monitored the first steps of the signaling pathway of the mouse ÎŽ-opioid receptor, a G-protein-coupled receptor. The thickness of the membrane around this receptor is known to change after agonist binding. Fluorescence spectra of living Chinese hamster ovary cells overexpressing mouse ÎŽ-opioid receptor specifically revealed the agonist binding. These results indicate that Py-met-chol may be useful for screening ligands of this family of receptors

    Early Experience after Developing a Pathology Laboratory in Malawi, with Emphasis on Cancer Diagnoses

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    Abstract Background: Despite increasing cancer burden in Malawi, pathology services are limited. We describe operations during the first 20 months of a new pathology laboratory in Lilongwe, with emphasis on cancer diagnoses

    Differential expansion of circulating human MDSC subsets in patients with cancer, infection and inflammation

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    Background Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are a functional myeloid cell subset that includes myeloid cells with immune suppressive properties. The presence of MDSC has been reported in the peripheral blood of patients with several malignant and non-malignant diseases. So far, direct comparison of MDSC across different diseases and Centers is hindered by technical pitfalls and a lack of standardized methodology. To overcome this issue, we formed a network through the COST Action Mye-EUNITER (www.mye-euniter.eu) with the goal to standardize and facilitate the comparative analysis of human circulating MDSC in cancer, inflammation and infection. In this manuscript, we present the results of the multicenter study Mye-EUNITER MDSC Monitoring Initiative, that involved 13 laboratories and compared circulating MDSC subsets across multiple diseases, using a common protocol for the isolation, identification and characterization of these cells. Methods We developed, tested, executed and optimized a standard operating procedure for the isolation and immunophenotyping of MDSC using blood from healthy donors. We applied this procedure to the blood of almost 400 patients and controls with different solid tumors and non-malignant diseases. The latter included viral infections such as HIV and hepatitis B virus, but also psoriasis and cardiovascular disorders. Results We observed that the frequency of MDSC in healthy donors varied substantially between centers and was influenced by technical aspects such as the anticoagulant and separation method used. Expansion of polymorphonuclear (PMN)-MDSC exceeded the expansion of monocytic MDSC (M-MDSC) in five out of six solid tumors. PMN-MDSC expansion was more pronounced in cancer compared with infection and inflammation. Programmed death-ligand 1 was primarily expressed in M-MDSC and e-MDSC and was not upregulated as a consequence of disease. LOX-1 expression was confined to PMN-MDSC. Conclusions This study provides improved technical protocols and workflows for the multi-center analysis of circulating human MDSC subsets. Application of these workflows revealed a predominant expansion of PMN-MDSC in solid tumors that exceeds expansion in chronic infection and inflammation

    Abortive Lytic Reactivation of KSHV in CBF1/CSL Deficient Human B Cell Lines

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    Since Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV) establishes a persistent infection in human B cells, B cells are a critical compartment for viral pathogenesis. RTA, the replication and transcription activator of KSHV, can either directly bind to DNA or use cellular DNA binding factors including CBF1/CSL as DNA adaptors. In addition, the viral factors LANA1 and vIRF4 are known to bind to CBF1/CSL and modulate RTA activity. To analyze the contribution of CBF1/CSL to reactivation in human B cells, we have successfully infected DG75 and DG75 CBF1/CSL knock-out cell lines with recombinant KSHV.219 and selected for viral maintenance by selective medium. Both lines maintained the virus irrespective of their CBF1/CSL status. Viral reactivation could be initiated in both B cell lines but viral genome replication was attenuated in CBF1/CSL deficient lines, which also failed to produce detectable levels of infectious virus. Induction of immediate early, early and late viral genes was impaired in CBF1/CSL deficient cells at multiple stages of the reactivation process but could be restored to wild-type levels by reintroduction of CBF1/CSL. To identify additional viral RTA target genes, which are directly controlled by CBF1/CSL, we analyzed promoters of a selected subset of viral genes. We show that the induction of the late viral genes ORF29a and ORF65 by RTA is strongly enhanced by CBF1/CSL. Orthologs of ORF29a in other herpesviruses are part of the terminase complex required for viral packaging. ORF65 encodes the small capsid protein essential for capsid shell assembly. Our study demonstrates for the first time that in human B cells viral replication can be initiated in the absence of CBF1/CSL but the reactivation process is severely attenuated at all stages and does not lead to virion production. Thus, CBF1/CSL acts as a global hub which is used by the virus to coordinate the lytic cascade
