44 research outputs found

    Ion beam sputtered surface dynamics investigated with two-time correlation functions : a model study

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    Ion beam sputtering is a widely used technique to obtain patterned surfaces. Despite the large use of this approach on different materials to create surface nanostructures, the theoretical model to explain the time evolution of the erosion process is still debated. We show with the help of simulations, that two-time correlation functions can serve to assess the validity of different models. These functions can be measured experimentally with the X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy technique

    Ageing dynamics of ion bombardment induced self-organization processes

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    Instabilities caused during the erosion of a surface by an ion beam can lead to the formation of self-organized patterns of nanostructures. Understanding the self-organization process requires not only the in-situ characterization of ensemble averaged properties but also probing the dynamics. This can be done with the use of coherent X-rays and analyzing the temporal correlations of the scattered intensity. Here, we show that the dynamics of a semiconductor surface nanopatterned by normal incidence ion beam sputtering are age-dependent and slow down with sputtering time. This work provides a novel insight into the erosion dynamics and opens new perspectives for the understanding of self-organization mechanisms

    Three-Dimensional Coherent Bragg Imaging of Rotating Nanoparticles

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    Bragg coherent diffraction imaging is a powerful strain imaging tool, often limited by beam-induced sample instability for small particles and high power densities. Here, we devise and validate an adapted diffraction volume assembly algorithm, capable of recovering three-dimensional datasets from particles undergoing uncontrolled and unknown rotations. We apply the method to gold nanoparticles which rotate under the influence of a focused coherent x-ray beam, retrieving their three-dimensional shapes and strain fields. The results show that the sample instability problem can be overcome, enabling the use of fourth generation synchrotron sources for Bragg coherent diffraction imaging to their full potential.Research conducted at MAX IV, a Swedish national user facility, is supported by the Swedish Research council under Contract No. 2018-07152, the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems under Contract No. 2018-04969, and Formas under Contract No. 2019-02496. This work has also received funding from the ÅForsk Foundation (Contract No. 17-408), the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Contract No. 801847), from the Olle Engkvist Foundation, from the Swedish Research council (Contract No. 2018-00234), and from NanoLund

    Imaging ultrafast dynamical diffraction wavefronts in strained Si with coherent X-rays

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    Dynamical diffraction effects in single crystals produce highly monochromatic parallel X-ray beams with a mutual separation of a few micrometer and a time-delay of a few fs -the so-called echoes. This ultrafast diffraction effect is used at X-ray Free Electron Lasers in self-seeding schemes to improve beam monochromaticity. Here, we present a coherent X-ray imaging measurement of echoes from Si crystals and demonstrate that a small surface strain can be used to tune their temporal delay. These results represent a first step towards the ambitious goal of strain-tailoring new X-ray optics

    Coherent Bragg imaging of 60 nm Au nanoparticles under electrochemical control at the NanoMAX beamline

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    Nanoparticles are essential electrocatalysts in chemical production, water treatment and energy conversion, but engineering efficient and specific catalysts requires understanding complex structure–reactivity relations. Recent experiments have shown that Bragg coherent diffraction imaging might be a powerful tool in this regard. The technique provides three-dimensional lattice strain fields from which surface reactivity maps can be inferred. However, all experiments published so far have investigated particles an order of magnitude larger than those used in practical applications. Studying smaller particles quickly becomes demanding as the diffracted intensity falls. Here, in situ nanodiffraction data from 60 nm Au nanoparticles under electrochemical control collected at the hard X-ray nanoprobe beamline of MAX IV, NanoMAX, are presented. Two-dimensional image reconstructions of these particles are produced, and it is estimated that NanoMAX, which is now open for general users, has the requisites for three-dimensional imaging of particles of a size relevant for catalytic applications. This represents the first demonstration of coherent X-ray diffraction experiments performed at a diffraction-limited storage ring, and illustrates the importance of these new sources for experiments where coherence properties become crucial.This work was supported by the AForsk Foundation through grant 17-408. JS-G acknowledges financial support from VITC (Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia de Conocimiento) of the University of Alicante (UATALENTO16-02). The MAX IV Laboratory receives funding through the Swedish Research Council under grant no 2013-02235

    Reversible oxygen migration and phase transitions in hafnia-based ferroelectric devices

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    Unconventional ferroelectricity exhibited by hafnia-based thin films-robust at nanoscale sizes-presents tremendous opportunities in nanoelectronics. However, the exact nature of polarization switching remains controversial. We investigated a La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 capacitor interfaced with various top electrodes while performing in situ electrical biasing using atomic-resolution microscopy with direct oxygen imaging as well as with synchrotron nanobeam diffraction. When the top electrode is oxygen reactive, we observe reversible oxygen vacancy migration with electrodes as the source and sink of oxygen and the dielectric layer acting as a fast conduit at millisecond time scales. With nonreactive top electrodes and at longer time scales (seconds), the dielectric layer also acts as an oxygen source and sink. Our results show that ferroelectricity in hafnia-based thin films is unmistakably intertwined with oxygen voltammetry

    Resonant nanodiffraction x-ray imaging reveals role of magnetic domains in complex oxide spin caloritronics

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    Spin electronic devices based on crystalline oxide layers with nanoscale thicknesses involve complex structural and magnetic phenomena, including magnetic domains and the coupling of the magnetism to elastic and plastic crystallographic distortion. The magnetism of buried nanoscale layers has a substantial impact on spincaloritronic devices incorporating garnets and other oxides exhibiting the spin Seebeck effect (SSE). Synchrotron hard x-ray nanobeam diffraction techniques combine structural, elemental, and magnetic sensitivity and allow the magnetic domain configuration and structural distortion to be probed in buried layers simultaneously. Resonant scattering at the Gd L2 edge of Gd3Fe5O12 layers yields magnetic contrast with both linear and circular incident x-ray polarization. Domain patterns facet to form low-energy domain wall orientations but also are coupled to elastic features linked to epitaxial growth. Nanobeam magnetic diffraction images reveal diverse magnetic microstructure within emerging SSE materials and a strong coupling of the magnetism to crystallographic distortion

    X-ray Nanodiffraction on a Single SiGe Quantum Dot inside a Functioning Field-Effect Transistor

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    For advanced electronic, optoelectronic, or mechanical nanoscale devices a detailed understanding of their structural properties and in particular the strain state within their active region is of utmost importance. We demonstrate that X-ray nanodiffraction represents an excellent tool to investigate the internal structure of such devices in a nondestructive way by using a focused synchotron X-ray beam with a diameter of 400 nm. We show results on the strain fields in and around a single SiGe island, which serves as stressor for the Si-channel in a fully functioning Si-metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor