36 research outputs found

    The Postprandial Appearance of Features of Cardiometabolic Risk: Acute Induction and Prevention by Nutrients and Other Dietary Substances

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    International audienceThe purpose of this review is to provide an overview of diets, food, and food components that affect postprandial inflammation, endothelial function, and oxidative stress, which are related to cardiometabolic risk. A high-energy meal, rich in saturated fat and sugars, induces the transient appearance of a series of metabolic, signaling and physiological dysregulations or dysfunctions, including oxidative stress, low-grade inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction, which are directly related to the amplitude of postprandial plasma triglycerides and glucose. Low-grade inflammation and endothelial dysfunction are also known to cluster together with insulin resistance, a third risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and type-II diabetes, thus making a considerable contribution to cardiometabolic risk. Because of the marked relevance of the postprandial model to nutritional pathophysiology, many studies have investigated whether adding various nutrients and other substances to such a challenge meal might mitigate the onset of these adverse effects. Some foods (e.g., nuts, berries, and citrus), nutrients (e.g., l-arginine), and other substances (various polyphenols) have been widely studied. Reports of favorable effects in the postprandial state have concerned plasma markers for systemic or vascular pro-inflammatory conditions, the activation of inflammatory pathways in plasma monocytes, vascular endothelial function (mostly assessed using physiological criteria), and postprandial oxidative stress. Although the literature is fragmented, this topic warrants further study using multiple endpoints and markers to investigate whether the interesting candidates identified might prevent or limit the postprandial appearance of critical features of cardiometabolic risk

    Pengaruh keterampilan dasar mengajar terhadap aktivitas belajar pendidikan agama islam siswa kelas VIII Di SMP Negeri 3 Huraba Kecamatan Siabu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal

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    Yaitu suatu pembahasan Keterampilan Menjelaskan dan bertanya yang dilakukan oleh guru Bidang Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam dan pengaruhnya terhadap aktivitas belajar siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Huraba Siabu. Dengan demikian masalah yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana gambaran keterampilan dasar mengajar guru di SMP Negeri 3 Huraba Kecamatan Siabu, bagaimana aktivitas belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMP Negeri 3 Huraba Kecamatan Siabu adakah pengaruh keterampilan dasar mengajar terhadap aktivitas belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 3 Huraba Kecamatan Siabu Sejalan dengan masalah di atas, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran keterampilan dasar mengajar guru di SMP Negeri 3 Huraba Kecamatan Siabu, untuk mengetahui gambaran aktivitas belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 3 Huraba Kecamatan Siabu, untuk mengetahui pengaruh keterampilan dasar mengajar terhadap aktivitas belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 3 Huraba Kecamatan Siabu l. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Huraba Kecamatan Siabu. Untuk mengumpulkan data yang dibutuhkan dilaksanakan riset di lapangan, instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket. Pengolahan data dilaksanakan secara kuantitatif.. Hipotesis yang berbunyi ada Pengaruh Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar Terhadap Aktivitas Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Siswa Kelas VIII Di SMP Negeri 3 Huraba Kecamatan Siabu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal dengan melihat tabel berdasarkan jumlah sampel 44 pada taraf signifikansi 5% ditemukan rtabel sebesar 0,297 dan pada taraf signifikansi 1% ditemukan rtabel sebesar 0,384. Maka rxy = 0,408 > dari rtabel = 0,297 diterima, dengan koefisien korelasi 0,408. Dari uji signifikansi yang dibuktikan berdasarkan perhitungan yang diperoleh dari nilai thitung = 2,89, dimana nilai tersebut lebih besar dari nilai ftabel untuk interval kepercayaan 5% sebesar 2,021 dan untuk interval kepercayaan 1% sebesar 2,704. Artinya terdapat Pengaruh Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar Terhadap Aktivitas Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Siswa Kelas VIII Di SMP Negeri 3 Huraba Kecamatan Siabu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal

    A role for airway remodeling during respiratory syncytial virus infection

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    BACKGROUND: Severe respiratory syncytial virus infection (RSV) during infancy has been shown to be a major risk factor for the development of subsequent wheeze. However, the reasons for this link remain unclear. The objective of this research was to determine the consequences of early exposure to RSV and allergen in the development of subsequent airway hyperreactivity (AHR) using a developmental time point in the mouse that parallels that of the human neonate. METHODS: Weanling mice were sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin (Ova) and/or infected with RSV. Eight days after the last allergen challenge, various pathophysiological endpoints were examined. RESULTS: AHR in response to methacholine was enhanced only in weanling mice exposed to Ova and subsequently infected with RSV. The increase in AHR appeared to be unrelated to pulmonary RSV titer. Total bronchoalveolar lavage cellularity in these mice increased approximately two-fold relative to Ova alone and was attributable to increases in eosinophil and lymphocyte numbers. Enhanced pulmonary pathologies including persistent mucus production and subepithelial fibrosis were observed. Interestingly, these data correlated with transient increases in TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-5, and IL-2. CONCLUSION: The observed changes in pulmonary structure may provide an explanation for epidemiological data suggesting that early exposure to allergens and RSV have long-term physiological consequences. Furthermore, the data presented here highlight the importance of preventative strategies against RSV infection of atopic individuals during neonatal development

    Short-Term Supplementation of Sodium Nitrate vs. Sodium Chloride Increases Homoarginine Synthesis in Young Men Independent of Exercise

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of short-term oral administration of inorganic nitrate (NaNO3; n = 8) or placebo (NaCl; n = 9) (each 0.1 mmol/kg body weight/d for 9 days) on plasma amino acids, creatinine, and oxidative stress in healthy young men. At baseline, the plasma concentrations of amino acids did not differ between the groups. At the end of the study, the plasma concentrations of homoarginine (hArg; by 24%, p = 0.0001), citrulline and ornithine (Cit/Orn; by 16%, p = 0.015), and glutamine/glutamate (Gln/Glu; by 6%, p = 0.0003) were higher in the NaNO3 group compared to the NaCl group. The plasma concentrations of sarcosine (Sarc; by 28%, p hArg + Orn, with equilibrium constant Kharg; (2) the formation of guanidinoacetate (GAA) and Orn from Arg and glycine (Gly): Arg + Gly GAA + Orn, with equilibrium constant Kgaa. The plasma Kgaa/KhArg ratio was lower in the NaNO3 group compared to the NaCl group (1.57 vs. 2.02, p = 0.0034). Our study suggests that supplementation of inorganic nitrate increases the AGAT-catalyzed synthesis of hArg and decreases the N-methyltransferase-catalyzed synthesis of GAA, the precursor of creatine. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate elevation of hArg synthesis by inorganic nitrate supplementation. Remarkably, an increase of 24% corresponds to the synthesis capacity of one kidney in healthy humans. Differences in the association between plasma concentrations of amino acids in the NaNO3 and NaCl groups suggest changes in amino-acid homeostasis. Plasma concentrations of the oxidative stress marker malondialdehyde (MDA) did not change after supplementation of NaNO3 or NaCl over the whole exercise time range. Plasma nitrite concentration turned out to be a more discriminant marker of NaNO3 ingestion than plasma nitrate (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve: 0.951 vs. 0.866, p < 0.0001 each)

    Pivotal Advance: Eosinophil infiltration of solid tumors is an early and persistent inflammatory host response

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    Tumor-associated eosinophilia has been observed in numerous human cancers and several tumor models in animals; however, the details surrounding this eosinophilia remain largely undefined and anecdotal. We used a B16-F10 melanoma cell injection model to demonstrate that eosinophil infiltration of tumors occurred from the earliest palpable stages with significant accumulations only in the necrotic and capsule regions. Furthermore, the presence of diffuse extracellular matrix staining for eosinophil major basic protein was restricted to the necrotic areas of tumors, indicating that eosinophil degranulation was limited to this region. Antibody-mediated depletion of CD4+ T cells and adoptive transfer of eosinophils suggested, respectively, that the accumulation of eosinophils is not associated with T helper cell type 2-dependent immune responses and that recruitment is a dynamic, ongoing process, occurring throughout tumor growth. Ex vivo migration studies have identified what appears to be a novel chemotactic factor(s) released by stressed/dying melanoma cells, suggesting that the accumulation of eosinophils in tumors occurs, in part, through a unique mechanism dependent on a signal(s) released from areas of necrosis. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that the infiltration of tumors by eosinophils is an early and persistent response that is spatial-restricted. It is more important that these data also show that the mechanism(s) that elicit this host response occur, independent of immune surveillance, suggesting that eosinophils are part of an early inflammatory reaction at the site of tumorigenesis. © Society for Leukocyte Biology

    First Report on the Latvian SARS-CoV-2 Isolate Genetic Diversity

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    Copyright © 2021 Zrelovs, Ustinova, Silamikelis, Birzniece, Megnis, Rovite, Freimane, Silamikele, Ansone, Pjalkovskis, Fridmanis, Vilne, Priedite, Caica, Gavars, Perminov, Storozenko, Savicka, Dimina, Dumpis and Klovins.Remaining a major healthcare concern with nearly 29 million confirmed cases worldwide at the time of writing, novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has caused more than 920 thousand deaths since its outbreak in China, December 2019. First case of a person testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection within the territory of the Republic of Latvia was registered on 2nd of March 2020, 9 days prior to the pandemic declaration by WHO. Since then, more than 277,000 tests were carried out confirming a total of 1,464 cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the country as of 12th of September 2020. Rapidly reacting to the spread of the infection, an ongoing sequencing campaign was started mid-March in collaboration with the local testing laboratories, with an ultimate goal in sequencing as much local viral isolates as possible, resulting in first full-length SARS-CoV-2 isolate genome sequences from the Baltics region being made publicly available in early April. With 133 viral isolates representing ~9.1% of the total COVID-19 cases during the "first coronavirus wave" in the country (early March, 2020-mid-September, 2020) being completely sequenced as of today, here, we provide a first report on the genetic diversity of Latvian SARS-CoV-2 isolates.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Defining a link with asthma in mice congenitally deficient in eosinophils

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    Eosinophils are often dominant inflammatory cells present in the lungs of asthma patients. Nonetheless, the role of these leukocytes remains poorly understood. We have created a transgenic line of mice (PHIL) that are specifically devoid of eosinophils, but otherwise have a full complement of hematopoietically derived cells. Allergen challenge of PHIL mice demonstrated that eosinophils were required for pulmonary mucus accumulation and the airway hyperresponsiveness associated with asthma. The development of an eosinophi-less mouse now permits an unambiguous assessment of a number of human diseases that have been linked to this granulocyte, including allergic diseases, parasite infections, and tumorigenesis

    Antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals: results from the second point prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use, 2016 to 2017

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    Antimicrobial agents used to treat infections are life-saving. Overuse may result in more frequent adverse effects and emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms. In 2016-17, we performed the second point-prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals. We included 1,209 hospitals and 310,755 patients in 28 of 31 European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries. The weighted prevalence of antimicrobial use in the EU/EEA was 30.5% (95% CI: 29.2-31.9%). The most common indication for prescribing antimicrobials was treatment of a community-acquired infection, followed by treatment of HAI and surgical prophylaxis. Over half (54.2%) of antimicrobials for surgical prophylaxis were prescribed for more than 1 day. The most common infections treated by antimicrobials were respiratory tract infections and the most commonly prescribed antimicrobial agents were penicillins with beta-lactamase inhibitors. There was wide variation of patients on antimicrobials, in the selection of antimicrobial agents and in antimicrobial stewardship resources and activities across the participating countries. The results of the PPS provide detailed information on antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals, enable comparisons between countries and hospitals, and highlight key areas for national and European action that will support efforts towards prudent use of antimicrobials

    Europe-wide expansion and eradication of multidrug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae lineages: a genomic surveillance study

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    Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance and the Euro-GASP study group: Sonja Pleininger, Alexander Indra, Irith De Baetselier, Wim Vanden Berghe, Blaženka Hunjak, Tatjana Nemeth Blažić, Panayiota Maikanti-Charalambous, Despo Pieridou, Hana Zákoucká, Helena Žemličková, Steen Hoffmann, Susan Cowan, Lasse Jessen Schwartz, Rita Peetso, Jevgenia Epstein, Jelena Viktorova, Ndeindo Ndeikoundam, Beatrice Bercot, Cécile Bébéar, Florence Lot, Susanne Buder, Klaus Jansen, Vivi Miriagou, Georgios Rigakos, Vasilios Raftopoulos, Eszter Balla, Mária Dudás, Lena Rós Ásmundsdóttir, Guðrún Sigmundsdóttir, Guðrún Svanborg Hauksdóttir, Thorolfur Gudnason, Aoife Colgan, Brendan Crowley, Sinéad Saab, Paola Stefanelli, Anna Carannante, Patrizia Parodi, Gatis Pakarna, Raina Nikiforova, Antra Bormane, Elina Dimina, Monique Perrin, Tamir Abdelrahman, Joël Mossong, Jean-Claude Schmit, Friedrich Mühlschlegel, Christopher Barbara, Francesca Mifsud, Alje Van Dam, Birgit Van Benthem, Maartje Visser, Ineke Linde, Hilde Kløvstad, Dominique Caugant, Beata Młynarczyk-Bonikowska, Jacinta Azevedo, Maria-José Borrego, Marina Lurdes Ramos Nascimento, Peter Pavlik, Irena Klavs, Andreja Murnik, Samo Jeverica, Tanja Kustec, Julio Vázquez Moreno, Asuncion Diaz, Raquel Abad, Inga Velicko, Magnus Unemo, Helen Fifer, Jill Shepherd, Lynsey PattersonBackground: Genomic surveillance using quality-assured whole-genome sequencing (WGS) together with epidemiological and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) data is essential to characterise the circulating Neisseria gonorrhoeae lineages and their association to patient groups (defined by demographic and epidemiological factors). In 2013, the European gonococcal population was characterised genomically for the first time. We describe the European gonococcal population in 2018 and identify emerging or vanishing lineages associated with AMR and epidemiological characteristics of patients, to elucidate recent changes in AMR and gonorrhoea epidemiology in Europe. Methods: We did WGS on 2375 gonococcal isolates from 2018 (mainly Sept 1-Nov 30) in 26 EU and EEA countries. Molecular typing and AMR determinants were extracted from quality-checked genomic data. Association analyses identified links between genomic lineages, AMR, and epidemiological data. Findings: Azithromycin-resistant N gonorrhoeae (8·0% [191/2375] in 2018) is rising in Europe due to the introduction or emergence and subsequent expansion of a novel N gonorrhoeae multi-antigen sequence typing (NG-MAST) genogroup, G12302 (132 [5·6%] of 2375; N gonorrhoeae sequence typing for antimicrobial resistance [NG-STAR] clonal complex [CC]168/63), carrying a mosaic mtrR promoter and mtrD sequence and found in 24 countries in 2018. CC63 was associated with pharyngeal infections in men who have sex with men. Susceptibility to ceftriaxone and cefixime is increasing, as the resistance-associated lineage, NG-MAST G1407 (51 [2·1%] of 2375), is progressively vanishing since 2009-10. Interpretation: Enhanced gonococcal AMR surveillance is imperative worldwide. WGS, linked to epidemiological and AMR data, is essential to elucidate the dynamics in gonorrhoea epidemiology and gonococcal populations as well as to predict AMR. When feasible, WGS should supplement the national and international AMR surveillance programmes to elucidate AMR changes over time. In the EU and EEA, increasing low-level azithromycin resistance could threaten the recommended ceftriaxone-azithromycin dual therapy, and an evidence-based clinical azithromycin resistance breakpoint is needed. Nevertheless, increasing ceftriaxone susceptibility, declining cefixime resistance, and absence of known resistance mutations for new treatments (zoliflodacin, gepotidacin) are promising.This study was supported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance, the Li Ka Shing Foundation (Big Data Institute, University of Oxford), the Wellcome Genome Campus, the Foundation for Medical Research at Örebro University Hospital, and grants from Wellcome (098051 and 099202). LSB was funded by Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública, Generalitat Valenciana (Plan GenT CDEI-06/20-B), Valencia, Spain, and Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PID2020–120113RA-I00), Spain, at the time of analysing and writing this manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Global landscape review of serotype-specific invasive pneumococcal disease surveillance among countries using PCV10/13: The pneumococcal serotype replacement and distribution estimation (PSERENADE) project

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    Serotype-specific surveillance for invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) is essential for assessing the impact of 10- and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV10/13). The Pneumococcal Serotype Replacement and Distribution Estimation (PSERENADE) project aimed to evaluate the global evidence to estimate the impact of PCV10/13 by age, product, schedule, and syndrome. Here we systematically characterize and summarize the global landscape of routine serotype-specific IPD surveillance in PCV10/13-using countries and describe the subset that are included in PSERENADE. Of 138 countries using PCV10/13 as of 2018, we identified 109 with IPD surveillance systems, 76 of which met PSERENADE data collection eligibility criteria. PSERENADE received data from most (n = 63, 82.9%), yielding 240,639 post-PCV10/13 introduction IPD cases. Pediatric and adult surveillance was represented from all geographic regions but was limited from lower income and high-burden countries. In PSERENADE, 18 sites evaluated PCV10, 42 PCV13, and 17 both; 17 sites used a 3 + 0 schedule, 38 used 2 + 1, 13 used 3 + 1, and 9 used mixed schedules. With such a sizeable and generally representative dataset, PSERENADE will be able to conduct robust analyses to estimate PCV impact and inform policy at national and global levels regarding adult immunization, schedule, and product choice, including for higher valency PCVs on the horizon