20 research outputs found

    On the Suitability of Raman Spectroscopy to Monitor the Degree of Graphene Functionalization by Diazonium Salts

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    Raman spectroscopy is undoubtedly the most frequently used technique for universal characterization of graphene and related materials. Quantification of parameters like disorder or strain is possible through analysis of particular Raman bands. However, under certain conditions, such evaluation can be jeopardized by - sometimes hidden - convolution of more overlapping effects. In this work, graphene functionalization by the common nitrobenzenediazonium salt under simultaneous biaxial tensile deformation induced by substrate swelling was investigated by Raman spectroscopy. As expected, the disorder-related D band appeared in the spectra documenting the covalent attack on the graphene lattice. However, the strain-induced shift of the graphene bands exposed additional peaks, masked at exactly the same positions as the unstrained graphene bands. The new bands were assigned to vibrations of the diazonium molecule and its decomposition products adsorbed on top of the functionalized graphene. The external strain thus provided means for more correct quantification of the lattice disorder

    Measurement of the conformational switching of azobenzenes from the macro- to attomolar scale in self-assembled 2D and 3D nanostructures

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    It is important, but challenging, to measure the (photo)induced switching of molecules in different chemical environments, from solution through thin layers to solid bulk crystals. We compare the cis-trans conformational switching of commercial azobenzene molecules in different liquid and solid environments: polar solutions, liquid polymers, 2D nanostructures and 3D crystals. We achieve this goal by using complementary techniques: optical absorption spectroscopy, femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, Kelvin probe force microscopy and reflectance spectroscopy, supported by density functional theory calculations. We could observe the same molecule showing fast switching in a few picoseconds, when studied as an isolated molecule in water, or slow switching in tens of minutes, when assembled in 3D crystals. It is worth noting that we could also observe switching for small ensembles of molecules (a few attomoles), representing an intermediate case between single molecules and bulk structures. This was achieved using Kelvin probe force microscopy to monitor the change of surface potential of nanometric thin 2D islands containing ca. 10(6) molecules each, self-assembled on a substrate. This approach is not limited to azobenzenes, but can be used to observe molecular switching in isolated ensembles of molecules or other nano-objects and to study synergistic molecular processes at the nanoscale

    A tool box to ascertain the nature of doping and photoresponse in single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    The effect of doping on the electronic properties in bulk single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) samples is studied for the first time using a new in situ Raman spectroelectrochemical method, and further verified by DFT calculations and photoresponse. We use p-/n-doped SWCNTs prepared by diazonium reactions as a versatile chemical strategy to control the SWCNT behavior. The measured and calculated data testify an acceptor effect of 4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid (p-doping), and a donor effect (n-doping) in the case of benzyl alcohol. In addition, pristine and covalently functionalized SWCNTs were used for the preparation of photoactive film electrodes. The photocathodic current in the photoelectrochemical cell is consistently modulated by the doping group. These results validate the in situ Raman spectroelectrochemistry as a unique tool box for predicting the electronic properties of functionalized SWCNTs in the form of thin films and their operational functionality in thin film devices for future optoelectronic applications

    Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Mixed Iodine/Bromine Lead Perovskites. To Mix or Not to Mix?

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    International audienceHalide mixing is a key strategy to tune the emission wavelength in lead halide perovskites but is also effective in improving the performance of halide perovskite solar cells. Yet, a clear and global picture of how halide alloying and related spatial in/homogeneous distribution influence the electronic and optical properties of halide perovskites is currently lacking. Considering the preeminent mixed iodine/bromine perovskite as a case study, state-of-the-art hybrid density functional theory calculations are performed, exploring the full space of chemical composition and accounting for phase segregation effects. It is shown that, at low doping regime, halide impurities do not act as trap states and that a quasi-linear opening of the bandgap occurs with increasing the bromine content. Phase segregation at the nanoscale, in turn, drastically affects the electronic structure of mixed halide systems, with namely bromine rich domains acting as barrier to hole diffusion. The energetic disorder probed by optical absorption in these mixed systems is surprisingly insensitive to configurational disorder, but mostly dominated by the coexistence of phases with various degrees of halide segregation

    Highly Emissive Biological Bilirubin Molecules : Shedding New Light on the Phototherapy Scheme

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    Bilirubin (BR) is the main end-product of the hemoglobin catabolism. For decades, its photophysics has been mainly discussed in terms of ultrafast deactivation of the excited state in solution, where, indeed, BR shows a very low green emission quantum yield (EQY), 0.03%, resulting from an efficient nonradiative isomerization process. Herein, we present, for the first time, unique and exceptional photophysical properties of solid-state BR, which amend by changing the type of crystal, from a closely packed alpha crystal to an amorphous loosely packed beta crystal. BR alpha crystals show a very bright red emission with an EQY of ca. 24%, whereas beta crystals present, in addition, a low green EQY of ca. 0.5%. By combining density functional theory (DFT) calculations and time-resolved emission spectroscopy, we trace back this dual emission to the presence of two types of BR molecules in the crystal: a "stiff" monomer, M1, distorted by particularly strong internal H-bonds and a "floppy" monomer, M2, having a structure close to that of BR in solution. We assign the red strong emission of BR crystals to M1 present in both the alpha and beta crystals, while the low green emission, only present in the amorphous (beta) crystal, is interpreted as M2 emission. Efficient energy-transfer processes from M2 to M1 in the closely packed a crystal are invoked to explain the absence of the green component in its emission spectrum. Interestingly, these unique photophysical properties of BR remain in polar solvents such as water. Based on these unprecedented findings, we propose a new model for the phototherapy scheme of BR inside the human body and highlight the usefulness of BR as a strong biological fluorescent probe

    On the reliability of acquiring molecular junction parameters by Lorentzian fitting of I/V curves

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    International audienceFitting the I/V curves of molecular junctions by simple analytical models is often done to extract relevant molecular parameters such as energy level alignment or interfacial electronic coupling to build up useful property-relationships. However, such models can suffer from severe limitations and hence provide unreliable molecular parameters. This is illustrated here by extracting key molecular parameters by fitting computed voltage-dependent transmission spectra and by comparing them to the values obtained by fitting the calculated I/V curves with a typical Lorentzian model used in the literature. Doing so, we observe a large discrepancy between the two sets of values which warns us about the risks of using simple fitting expressions. Interestingly, we demonstrate that the quality of the fit can be improved by imposing the low bias conductance and Seebeck coefficient of the junction to be recovered in the fitting procedure

    Panchromatic light harvesting and record power conversion efficiency for carboxylic/cyanoacrylic Fe(ii) NHC co-sensitized FeSSCs

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    Fe(ii) pyridyl-NHC sensitizers bearing thienylcyanoacrylic (ThCA) anchoring groups have been designed and characterized with the aim of enhancing the metal to surface charge separation and the light harvesting window in iron-sensitized DSSCs (FeSSCs). In these new Fe(ii) dyes, the introduction of the ThCA moiety remarkably extended the spectral response and the photocurrent, in comparison with their carboxylic analogues. The co-sensitization based on a mixture of a carboxylic and a ThCA-iron complex produced a panchromatic absorption, up to 800 nm and the best photocurrent and efficiency (J(sc): 9 mA cm(-2) and PCE: 2%) ever reported for an FeSSC

    Electronic Decoupling in C; 3; -Symmetrical Light-Responsive Tris(Azobenzene) Scaffolds: Self-Assembly and Multiphotochromism

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    We report the synthesis of a novel C; 3; -symmetrical multiphotochromic molecule bearing three azobenzene units at positions 1, 3, 5 of the central phenyl ring. The unique geometrical design of such a rigid scaffold enables the electronic decoupling of the azobenzene moieties to guarantee their simultaneous isomerization. Photoswitching of all azobenzenes in solution was demonstrated by means of UV-vis absorption spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. Scanning tunneling microscopy investigations at the solid-liquid interface, corroborated by molecular modeling, made it possible to unravel the dynamic self-assembly of such systems into ordered supramolecular architectures, by visualizing and identifying the patterns resulting from three different isomers, thereby demonstrating that the multiphotochromism is retained when the molecules are confined in two dimensions

    A series of Iron(II)‐NHC Sensitizers with remarkable power conversion efficiency in photoelectrochemical cells

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    International audienceA series of six new Fe(II)NHC-carboxylic sensitizers with their ancillary ligand decorated with functions of varied electronic properties have been designed with the aim to increase the metal-to- surface charge separation and light harvesting in iron-based Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCCs). ARM130 scored the highest efficiency ever reported for an iron-sensitized solar cell (1.83%) using Mg 2+ and NBu 4 I-based electrolyte and a thick 20μm TiO 2 anode. Computational modelling, transient absorption spectroscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) revealed that the electronic properties induced by the dimethoxyphenyl substituted NHC ligand of ARM130 led to the best combination of electron injection yield and spectral sensitivity breadth