315 research outputs found

    Revisión histórica a la dimensión educativa del Consejo de Europa

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    The Council of Europe (CE), since its founding in 1949, has sought to establish a closer union among the peoples of Europe, in order to safeguard and promote the ideas and principles which are their common heritage. To achieve this objective, the EC devoted much of their initial efforts to create the frameworks interstate documents -conventions and declarations-, which foster the strengthening of cultural and educational cooperation in their partners, as key elements for understanding and mutual understanding of the peoples of Europe. The historical review and analysis of its issued documents indicate the existence of a unique educational dimension of the EC, which will be the forerunner of the major foundations and actions of the education policy which will be held at European level, including the policy developed by the European Union -the most known-. This article aims to contextualize and show the historical process in which the educational dimension of the EC founded.El Consejo de Europa (CE), desde su fundación en 1949, ha perseguido establecer una unión más estrecha entre los pueblos de Europa, con el fin de salvaguardar y promover las ideas y principios que son su patrimonio común. Para conseguir dicho objetivo, el CE dedicó gran parte de sus esfuerzos iniciales a la creación de los documentos marcos -Convenios y Declaraciones- interestatales, que propiciasen el fortalecimiento de la cooperación cultural y educativa en sus estados asociados, como elementos claves para la comprensión y el entendimiento mutuos de los pueblos europeos. La revisión histórica y el análisis de sus documentos emitidos indican la existencia de una original dimensión educativa del CE, que resultará precursora de los grandes fundamentos y acciones de la política educativa que se desarrollará en el ámbito europeo, incluyendo la desarrollada por la Unión Europa -la más conocida-. El presente artículo pretende contextualizar y dar a conocer el proceso histórico en el que se fundamenta la dimensión educativa del CE

    Rafael de Floranes

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    Nodal involvement evaluation in advanced cervical cancer: a single institutional experience

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    Purpose: To assess the usefulness of different imaging techniques in the detection of nodal involvement in patients with advanced cervical carcinoma. Moreover, to analyze the correlation between the presurgical (FIGO) and postsurgical (pTNM) staging classifications. Materials and Methods: All patients diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer (FIGO Stages IIB-IV) from 2005 to 2012 were selected. The medical charts of 51 patients that underwent presurgical assessment with posterior surgical staging by means of paraaortic lymphadenectomy, were reviewed. Nodal status assessment by computed tomography scan (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and sonography was compared, as well as the size given in imaging techniques compared to the final pathologic report information. Results: Presurgical analysis by CT scan, MRI, PET, and sonography showed pelvic nodal involvement in 51.3% of patients, and para-aortic involvement in 30.8% of cases. CT scan showed positive pelvic nodes in 35% of cases, but pathologic confirmation was observed in just 17.6% of cases. However, MRI resulted in higher rates of up to 48.8% of cases. Concerning para-aortic nodal involvement, CT scan showed positive nodes in 25% of cases, MRI in 3.2% of cases, and the pathologic report in 15.6% of cases. The authors found significant differences between staging groups among both classifications (FIGO vs. pTNM; p < 0.001). Eight cases (15.7%) were understaged by FIGO classification. Conclusions: Despite all imaging techniques available, none has demonstrated to be efficient enough to avoid the systematic study of para-aortic nodal status by means of surgical evaluatio

    Hacia una política educativa supranacional europea basada en la Dimensión Europea de la Educación

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    The European Union (EU-28) and the Council of Europe (COE-47) are two supranational political organizations that coexist within the region of Europe. Both organizations have developed a unique cooperation policy in the area of education since their beginnings in mid-20th century. METHOD. More than 60 years later, based on historical-comparative research studies undertaken ad hoc, both organizations maybe considered as leading playersin a novel way of the understanding the fundamentals of education policy beyond national borders. The precision of their policies based on the unique historical-political development and the existing analogies between them, make it possible to place them in a comparative perspective, as comparison units, and to be analyzed through the political-educational concept of the European Dimension in Education, developed by both of them as tertium comparationis. RESULTS. The existence of both policies, the number of relationships, their complementary divergences and their prominent convergences will make it possible to understand it as a single European supranational policy; that is, as a new field of political analysis, the core of which is located within the European Dimension in Education as a primary political-educational paradigm. DISCUSSION. However, the characteristics and idiosyncrasy inherent to the concept, the analysis of the related documents and their historical sequence enable us to understand the European Dimension in Education, based on Roselló’s definition, as an educational movement within the European supranational educational policy, which originatesat a specific period of time, is developed and becomes established within the framework of their policies and ends up disappearing just after the European Year of Citizenship through Education (2005). In conclusion, this article aims to discuss the importance, to reclaim the sense and to clarify the concept of the European Dimension in Education, as a substantive component of the European educational policies, capable of regenerating Europeanism, European identity and citizenship from the educational dimension

    Scientific journals on Education in Spain: evolution and prospects for the future

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    The Spanish scientific journals on education have experience an exponential growth in recent decades. The reasons are closely related to the supranational policies of university quality assessment, with specific emphasis on research output with "impact". This way, in just twenty years, Spanish journals have become, in detriment of books, in the main channel of communication of the also increasing educational research. In an extremely competitive global context, dominated by Anglo-Saxon culture, the Spanish journals have made a significant improvement in the quality of editorial management processes, in accordance with international quality indicators. However, access to the most recognized indexing, such as Web of Science or Scopus, and especially competing in impact factor (number of citations), is a mission almost impossible for our journals. This article focuses, on the one hand, on the evolution of the Spanish educational journals, the analysis of its growth and its international presence. On the other hand, quality indicators and the indexing that categorize journals, both nationally and globally, as well as its problems and limitations, are discussed. It is a descriptive study that analyzes indicators and classifications of various selective data bases consulted through documentary and digital sources. Finally, it presents a prediction of the short term evolution of impact metrics (altrimetrics) and how they should be addressed. It also discusses the importance of establishing government policies on the assessment of research that are transparent and in accordance with the area where there is a need to combine our scientific production in Spanish and international journals

    La familia: una realidad histórica y sociocultural

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    [Resumen] Este artículo realiza un recorrido analítico por la historia de la familia como forma de organización social. Desde el mismo se abordan cuestiones como la incertidumbre que existe en torno al origen de la familia, el debate antropológico sobre su carácter universal, o la falta de consenso desde las ciencias sociales a la hora de establecer una definición generalmente aceptada.[Abstract] This article is about the history of the family as a social institution. It contains several issues: the uncertain origin, the anthropological discussion about the universal character of the family, and the difficulty to agree on a global definition

    Business plan de un club de pádel en la ciudad de Stratford, Connecticut

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    La oportunidad de negocio aparece al observar el crecimiento mundial que está experimentando el pádel. En España se ha convertido en el segundo deporte más practicado, tan solo por detrás del fútbol, mientras que en otros países, como en Francia o Reino Unido, se están abriendo nuevos clubs con grandes resultados. Se ha apostado por Estados Unidos, porque es de los países con más facilidades para emprender y cuentan ya con la United States Padel Association que está apostando fuerte para hacer crecer el deporte en el país. Sin embargo, todos los clubs están en la zona sur del país y es por ello que se ha decidido expandirlo a la zona norte, estableciendo el negocio en el Estado de Connecticut. Con un mercado potencial de casi 350.000 personas y una renta per cápita de nivel medio alto, la ciudad de Stratford supone la localización idea para establecer el centro. Sin duda, el riesgo es elevado, ya que se trata de un nicho de mercado y hay que dar a conocer el deporte, pero con motivación, esfuerzo y buen hacer, se considera que la empresa puede ser exitosa. Si bien el pádel supone una clara diferenciación respecto a cualquier otro competidor posible, se ha optado por una estrategia agresiva de liderar en precios también, ya que por lo general este tipo de establecimientos juegan con grandes márgenes, por lo que será una actividad más accesible para todos los públicos. Adicionalmente, el pádel en sí, por el uso de las paredes y las dimensiones menores de la pista, hace que se trate de un deporte divertido que no requiere de capacidades atléticas o técnicas para practicarlo, suponiendo una clara ventaja competitiva respecto a otras actividades. La proyección de apertura de NewPadel es para el segundo trimestre del 2016, cuando se abrirán unas instalaciones que contarán con 4 pistas de pádel de cristal, equipadas con la mejor tecnología en iluminación. El centro contará además con un servicio de cafetería y vestuarios. Será clave para la supervivencia del negocio, la estrategia de marketing empleada, por lo que se apuesta por una estrategia basada en alcanzar al máximo número de clientes potenciales. Para ello, se utilizarán las redes sociales, carteles y el boca a boca como canales de comunicación. Sin embargo, no servirá de nada si una vez atraídos los clientes, no se consigue fidelizarlos a través de los servicios ofrecidos por los empleados. Desde el punto de vista económico, se requiere de una inversión inicial de 175.000aproximadamente.Despueˊsdeanalizartresescenariosdistintosenfuncioˊndelademanda,seconsideraqueestainversioˊnesaceptableyrentableparalossocios.Enelcasorealista,apesardeofrecerpeˊrdidaselprimeran~o,apartirdelsegundoyaseempiezaaobservaruncrecimientoalentador,paraalfinaldelterceran~oestablecerseenunbeneficiosdecasi75.000 aproximadamente. Después de analizar tres escenarios distintos en función de la demanda, se considera que esta inversión es aceptable y rentable para los socios. En el caso realista, a pesar de ofrecer pérdidas el primer año, a partir del segundo ya se empieza a observar un crecimiento alentador, para al final del tercer año establecerse en un beneficios de casi 75.000. Además todos los indicadores de viabilidad de la empresa salen positivos y los socios recuperarían su inversión inicial al cabo de 4 años y 7 meses. Con todos los datos obtenidos a lo largo del estudio, se concluye que el proyecto es viable y con grandes posibilidades de éxito. El objetivo de este proyecto para el futuro es convertirse en el referente del pádel en la población seleccionada y atraer continuamente a nuevos jugadores dispuestos a aprender un nuevo deporte, promoviendo una vida sana a través de su práctica y de este modo conseguir el crecimiento de este deporte en Estados Unidos.Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale

    Mandatory social funds: The justification of its undistribility in the origin of the cooperative movement and the organized labor movement

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    The main characteristic of the Mandatory Reserve Fund and the Education and Promotion Fund is that they can not be distributed among cooperative members. Present research work analysis is focused on existing legislative precedents in relation to these mandatory social funds, while defining its main characteristics. Later, it is linked with the origin of the modern cooperative movement and the organized labor movement itself to explain the justification of its undistribility.Received: 31 May 2018Aceppted: 10 October 2018Published online: 21 December 2018</p