342 research outputs found

    A new occurence of the genus Tonkinella in northern Spain and the Middle Cambrian intercontinental correlation

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    The genus Tonkinella is a typical polimeroid trilobite in lower Middle Cambrian rocks from Vietnam, Canada, U.S.A., India, Korea, Siberia, China and Argentina. It has recently been found in the Mediterranean region (Iberian Chain, northeastern Spain). In this paper we refer the finding of Tonkinella aff. breviceps in the Leonian (lower Middle Cambrian) of the Cantabrian Mountains (northern Spain), analysing its stratigraphical position, fossil assemblages, biochronology and utility for intercontinental correlation. The presence of this taxon allows us to make a more accurate correlation between the Middle Cambrian biochronological scales of Laurentia, the Mediterranean area and China

    Studio del processo di macinazione meccanica di un acciaio per lavorazioni a caldo

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    Gli acciai per lavorazioni a caldo sono caratterizzati da buona tenacitĂ  ed elevata durezza a caldo.La metallurgia delle polveri, grazie alla produzione di materiali con microstruttura piĂč fine,consente di migliorare entrambe queste caratteristiche. In questo lavoro, una polvere di AISI H13atomizzata in gas Ăš stata macinata meccanicamente in modo da ridurre sia la dimensione delleparticelle che la dimensione della grana cristallina. I risultati mostrano che dopo 1000 minuti dimacinazione in un mulino planetario a sfere la dimensione del grano puĂČ essere ridotta in modosignificativo fino a 15nm. L’elevato grado di deformazione introdotto nelle particelle attiva ilprocesso di sinterizzazione e di conseguenza la polvere puĂČ essere sinterizzata a temperature e pertempi inferiori. Per produrre campioni ad alta densitĂ  e per mantenere la dimensione della granafine (<1?m) la polvere Ăš stata sinterizzata tramite Spark Plasma Sintering. La microstruttura e ladurezza dei campioni prodotti da polvere macinata sono state investigate e confrontate con quelle diun materiale prodotto con polvere atomizzata


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    The European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) Association is a non-profit organization established by the consortium of the EU 5th Framework Programme (FP) “ENEN” project in 2003. The ENEN Association started as a network of universities and research centers involved in education and training in nuclear engineering in EU countries and is presently involved in the challenging role of coordinating E&T in the nuclear fields in Europe. The main objective of ENEN is, in fact, the preservation and further development of expertise in the nuclear fields by higher education and training. Its members are now universities, research centers and industrial bodies established in European Countries; in addition, MoUs have been signed with several institutions and networks beyond the borders of European Union, thus reaching the number of more than 60 members. The objective of this paper is to provide an up to date view of the actions and plans of the Association in pursuing its missions

    Un caso de nidificaciĂłn de AlcaudĂłn Dorsirrojo Lanius collurio en la provincia de Cuenca

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    En la presente nota se describe la localización de un nido de esta especie en la Cañada Lagosa, en el término municipal de Valdemeca (Cuenca)

    Principales yacimientos marinos de interés para el patrimonio paleontológico en la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares

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    Se describen los principales yacimientos marinos de interĂ©s para el patrimonio paleontolĂłgico situados en la PenĂ­nsula IbĂ©rica y en las islas Baleares. Estos yacimientos son relevantes principalmente por distintas razones, unos por haber servido para la definiciĂłn de estratotipos de pisos o de lĂ­mites, otros por su excelente registro fĂłsil que ha permitido definir nuevas especies; asĂ­ como otros por su buen desarrollo estratigrĂĄfico que ha permitido realizar estudios de alta resoluciĂłn sobre distintos eventos de extinciĂłn y evoluciĂłn. Muchos de estos yacimientos han sido protegidos por su gran interĂ©s patrimonial. Las secciones mĂĄs relevantes del Paleozoico son: Murero, RĂ­o Luna, Arnao, Cabañeros, Checa, Sierra Norte de Sevilla, DemuĂ©s y Las LlacerĂ­as. Las secciones mĂĄs relevantes del Mesozoico son: Sierra de LĂșgar, Agua Larga, CĂșber, Fuentelsaz, Puerto Escaño, Cañada Luenga, RĂ­o Argos, OrganyĂ  y OlazagutĂ­a. Las secciones mĂĄs relevantes del Cenozoico son: Caravaca, Zumaya, Ilerdiense, Arguis, Gorrondatxe, Fuente Caldera, Navazuelo, Sorbas-NĂ­jar, Casa del Pino, Andaluciense y Estepona-San Pedro

    Profilin 1 is required for peripheral nervous system myelination

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    Myelination allows rapid saltatory propagation of action potentials along the axon and is an essential prerequisite for the normal functioning of the nervous system. During peripheral nervous system (PNS) development, myelin-forming Schwann cells (SCs) generate radial lamellipodia to sort and ensheath axons. This process requires controlled cytoskeletal remodeling, and we show that SC lamellipodia formation depends on the function of profilin 1 (Pfn1), an actinbinding protein involved in microfilament polymerization. Pfn1 is inhibited upon phosphorylation by ROCK, a downstream effector of the integrin linked kinase pathway. Thus, a dramatic reduction of radial lamellipodia formation is observed in SCs lacking integrinlinked kinase or treated with the Rho/ROCK activator lysophosphatidic acid. Knocking down Pfn1 expression by lentiviralmediated shRNA delivery impairs SC lamellipodia formation in vitro, suggesting a direct role for this protein in PNS myelination. Indeed,SC-specific gene ablation of Pfn1 in mice led to profound radial sorting and myelination defects, confirming a central role for this protein in PNS development. Our data identify Pfn1 as a key effector of the integrin linked kinase/Rho/ROCK pathway. This pathway, acting in parallel with integrin ÎČ1/LCK/Rac1 and their effectors critically regulates SC lamellipodia formation, radial sorting and myelination during peripheral nervous system maturation

    Pengembangan Potensi TOGA di Desa Pucang Anom sebagai Wirausaha Minuman Herbal Celup dan Jelly Milkshake

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    Pucang Anom is one of the villages in Bondowoso which is known to have potential in agriculture. This can be proven by the breadth of land in Pucang Anom village, which almost 60% of the total is dominated by agricultural lands. This village has an abudant potential of famili medicinal plants (TOGA), but still underutilized and underestimated by the community. Even though TOGA can be processed into a product that has a high sale valus addition to the great benefits at the time of of the corona virus outbreak that is spreading through out the world. Therefore, KKN 04 Pucang Anom University of Jember on 6th of January until 19th of February 2020 had explored the potential in the village through the entepreneurship development of  TOGA as herbal beverage that rich in benefits. TOGA as a variety of its preparations that could be consumed by people invarious circles. The target of the program was to raise the enthusiasm of the community for enterpreneurship that was focused on processing technology and manufacturing products that did not yet exist in Pucang Anom village. Based on public response, it was known that 57% stated that they “really like” herbaldyed products and prossesed Herbal Jelly Milkshake, 100% said they werw “attracted” to the products, 95% said the were “innovative” products, and 100% stated thet the continuation of business potential was “needs to be continued”. Finally, the products won 1st place in the Product Expo of KKN Students of the University of Jember at 1st period in 2019/2020 academic year which was held on February 26, 2020

    Oxygen as a Driver of Early Arthropod Micro-Benthos Evolution

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    BACKGROUND: We examine the physiological and lifestyle adaptations which facilitated the emergence of ostracods as the numerically dominant Phanerozoic bivalve arthropod micro-benthos. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The PO(2) of modern normoxic seawater is 21 kPa (air-equilibrated water), a level that would cause cellular damage if found in the tissues of ostracods and much other marine fauna. The PO(2) of most aquatic breathers at the cellular level is much lower, between 1 and 3 kPa. Ostracods avoid oxygen toxicity by migrating to waters which are hypoxic, or by developing metabolisms which generate high consumption of O(2). Interrogation of the Cambrian record of bivalve arthropod micro-benthos suggests a strong control on ecosystem evolution exerted by changing seawater O(2) levels. The PO(2) of air-equilibrated Cambrian-seawater is predicted to have varied between 10 and 30 kPa. Three groups of marine shelf-dwelling bivalve arthropods adopted different responses to Cambrian seawater O(2). Bradoriida evolved cardiovascular systems that favoured colonization of oxygenated marine waters. Their biodiversity declined during intervals associated with black shale deposition and marine shelf anoxia and their diversity may also have been curtailed by elevated late Cambrian (Furongian) oxygen-levels that increased the PO(2) gradient between seawater and bradoriid tissues. Phosphatocopida responded to Cambrian anoxia differently, reaching their peak during widespread seabed dysoxia of the SPICE event. They lacked a cardiovascular system and appear to have been adapted to seawater hypoxia. As latest Cambrian marine shelf waters became well oxygenated, phosphatocopids went extinct. Changing seawater oxygen-levels and the demise of much of the seabed bradoriid micro-benthos favoured a third group of arthropod micro-benthos, the ostracods. These animals adopted lifestyles that made them tolerant of changes in seawater O(2). Ostracods became the numerically dominant arthropod micro-benthos of the Phanerozoic. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our work has implications from an evolutionary context for understanding how oxygen-level in marine ecosystems drives behaviour
