74 research outputs found

    "Wilder" Streik als Praxis der Bürgerschaft: Arbeit und Migration in Mannheim um 1973

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    Den Blick auf kollektive Strategien ergänzen Maria Diedrich und Torsten Bewernitz durch eine historische Aufarbeitung der sogenannten "wilden Streiks" in Mannheim um 1973. Diese vorrangig von migrantischen Beschäftigten betriebenen Arbeitsniederlegungen zielten auf die Bearbeitung von rassistischen Hierarchisierungen der Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen, die wiederum - so die Analyse- auch für die begrenzte Reichweite dieser Proteste mit verantwortlich waren. Auch dass diese nur begrenzt Einzug ins kollektive Gedächtnis der Gewerkschaften und Aktivist*innen gefunden haben, sei als Effekt einer stark institutionalisierten und regulierten Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland zu verstehen

    Взаимосвязь удельного показателя поглощения нефтей, природных битумов и их компонентов в видимой области спектра с параметрами их состава

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    Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью экспрессной оценки группового состава нефтей, их некоторых физико-химических и технологических свойств, в том числе для контроля над разработкой нефтяных месторождений. Опубликованные в литературе данные свидетельствуют, что для такой оценки используется удельный показатель поглощения их растворов при фиксированных длинах волн в различных областях спектра поглощения или площадь под кривой поглощения во всей области спектра поглощения. Нарушение линейной зависимости оптической плотности от концентрации в спектрах поглощения растворов нефтей и нефтяных фракций дает возможность изучать процессы образования и разрушения ассоциатов в нефтяных системах. В то же время в литературе практически отсутствуют попытки поиска взаимосвязи удельного показателя поглощения с параметрами, характеризующими наличие и относительное содержание различных структурных фрагментов в нефтях и нефтяных фракциях. Цель работы: выявление возможных корреляций между значением удельного показателя поглощения в видимой области спектра и параметрами, характеризующими наличие и относительное содержание различных структурных фрагментов в нефтях и нефтяных фракциях. Методы исследования: спектрофотометрия в видимой области спектра поглощения, методы ИК- и ЯМР 1Н-спектрометрии, корреляционный анализ. Результаты. Определены различные спектральные характеристики в видимой области спектра поглощения (удельный показатель поглощения при длине волны 500 нм, коэффициент цветности - E4/E6) нефтей, природных битумов и фракций, полученных при их экстракционно-хроматографическом разделении (масла, смолы, асфальтены). Выявлена взаимосвязь удельного показателя поглощения растворов изученных образцов при длине волны 500 нм (К500) с характеристиками изученных образцов, полученными методами ИК- и ЯМР 1Н-спектрометрии, отражающими относительное содержание ароматических и алифатических структурных фрагментов в их составе. Величина достоверности аппроксимации (R2) имеет наиболее высокие значения (от 0,790 до 0,892) только в случае функциональной связи K500 с параметрами, отражающими содержание ароматических структурных фрагментов для всей совокупности изученных образцов и для совокупности изученных нефтей и природных битумов. Для отдельных фракций эта взаимосвязь отсутствует.The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the necessity of an express assessment of the component compositions of oils, some of their physicochemical and technological properties, including control over development of oil deposits. The published data indicate that for such assessment the specific absorption factor of their solutions at fixed wavelengths in different regions of absorption spectrum or the area under the curve of absorption in all regions of the absorption spectrum are used. Violation of linear dependence of optical density on concentration in the absorption spectra of oil and oil fraction solutions enables to study the processes of formation and destruction of associates in oil systems. At the same time there are practically no attempts in literature to search for correlation between the specific absorption factor and the parameters characterizing the occurrence and relative content of various structural fragments in oils and oil fraction. The main aim of the study is to reveal possible correlations between the values of specific absorption factor in visible spectral region and the parameters characterizing the occurrence and relative content of various structural fragments in oils and oil fraction. The methods used in the study: spectrophotometry in visible absorption spectrum, IR- and 1H NMR spectroscopy methods, correlation analysis. The results. The authors have determined different spectral characteristics in visible region of the absorption spectrum (specific absorption factor at a wavelength of 500 nm, chromaticity coefficient is E4/E6) of oils, natural bitumen and fraction obtained during their extraction-chromatographic separation (oily components, resins and asphaltenes). The correlation between the specific absorption factor of the investigated samples solutions at a wavelength of 500 nm (K500) and the characteristics of the investigated samples obtained by the methods of IR- and 1H NMR spectroscopy, reflecting the relative content of aromatic and aliphatic structural fragments in their compositions, was determined. The approximation credibility (R2) magnitude has the highest values (from 0,790 to 0,892) only in the case of K500 functional connection with the parameters reflecting the content of aromatic structural fragments for the total set of the investigated samples and the total set of the investigated oils and natural bitumen. There is no correlation for individual fractions

    Driving Big Data – Integration and Synchronization of Data Sources for Artificial Intelligence Applications with the Example of Truck Driver Work Stress and Strain Analysis

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    This paper contributes to the issue of big data analysis and data quality with the specific field of time synchronization. As a highly relevant use case, big data analysis of work stress and strain factors for driving professions is outlined. Drivers experience work stress and strain due to trends like traffic congestion, time pressure or worsening work conditions. Although a large professional group with 2.5 million (US) and 3.5 million (EU) truck drivers, scientific analysis of work stress and strain factors is scarce. Driver shortage is growing into a large-scale economic and societal challenge, especially for small businesses. Empirical investigations require big data approaches with sources like physiological and truck, traffic, weather, planning or accident data. For such challenges, accurate data is required, especially regarding time synchronization. Awareness among researchers and practitioners is key and first solution approaches are provided, connecting to many further Machine Learning and big data applications

    Cryopreserved platelets in bleeding management in remote hospitals: A clinical feasibility study in Sweden

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    BackgroundBalanced transfusions, including platelets, are critical for bleeding patients to maintain hemostasis. Many rural hospitals have no or limited platelet inventory, with several hours of transport time from larger hospitals. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of using cryopreserved platelets that can be stored for years, in remote hospitals with no or limited platelet inventory.Material and methodsThree remote hospitals participated in a prospective study including adult bleeding patients where platelet transfusions were indicated. Cryopreserved platelets were prepared in a university hospital, concentrated in 10 ml, transported on dry ice, and stored at −80°C at the receiving hospital. At request, the concentrated platelet units were thawed and diluted in fresh frozen plasma. The indications, blood transfusion needs, and laboratory parameters pre- and post-transfusion, as well as logistics, such as time from request to transfusion and work efforts in preparing cryopreserved platelets, were evaluated.ResultsTwenty-three bleeding patients were included. Nine patients (39%) were treated for gastrointestinal bleeding, five (22%) for perioperative bleeding, and four (17%) for trauma bleeding. The transfusion needs were 4.9 ± 3.3 red blood cell units, 3.2 ± 2.3 plasma units, and 1.9 ± 2.2 platelet units, whereof cryopreserved were 1.5 ± 1.1 (mean ± SD). One patient had a mild allergic reaction. We could not show the difference in laboratory results between pre- and post-transfusion of the cryopreserved units in the bleeding patients. The mean time from the order of cryopreserved platelets to transfusion was 64 min, with a range from 25 to 180 min.ConclusionCryopreserved platelets in remote hospitals are logistically feasible in the treatment of bleeding. The ability to have platelets in stock reduces the time to platelet transfusion in bleeding patients where the alternative often is many hours delay. Clinical effectiveness and safety previously shown in other studies are supported in this small feasibility study

    Urgencias subjetivas que ingresan como intentos de suicidio al Sistema de Emergencias 911 de Salta, República Argentina

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir las características de las personas que son atendidas por el Sistema de Emergencias 911 de Salta (SE 911) por intento de suicidio, y explorar las intervenciones posibles desde un encuadre psicoanalítico en un ámbito prehospitalario.La población de esta investigación abarcó a todas aquellas personas atendidas por intento de suicidio por el SE 911, entre diciembre 2012 y noviembre del 2013. La técnica empleada fue la entrevista individual y los descriptores investigados fueron: sociológicos, subjetivos, del contexto de transferencia, y de resolución de la urgencia. La investigación nos permite concluir, entre otras cosas, que las autolesiones no siempre buscan como salida la muerte, por lo que resulta erróneo tratar a estos pacientes con la premisa de que no quieren vivir. En todos los casos la angustia está presente, como lo que no se puede tramitar por la palabra y encuentra un modo de salida y alivio en el pasaje al acto. El factor desencadenante de la angustia en casi todos los casos es la ruptura del lazo amoroso, que deja a los sujetos sin un lugar en el Otro y por fuera del discurso. Asimismo el mayor número de casos atendidos es de adolescentes, no siendo ellos quienes piden asistencia sino un tercero.The aim of this research is to describe the characteristics of the people who try to commit suicide and are aided by the 911 Emergency System in Salta (SE 911) as well as to explore possible interventions from a psychoanalytic frame in a pre-hospital setting. The research population included all the people who attempted suicide that were assisted by SE 911 between December 2012 and November 2013. The technique used was the individual interview and the investigated descriptors were: sociological, subjective, context transfer and emergency han- dling. The investigation allows us to conclude, among other things, that self-harm does not always seek out death; thus, it is wrong to treat these patients on the premise that they do not want to live. In all the cases, anxiety is present as something that cannot be put into words and finds its way out or relief through action. The trigger for anguish in almost all the cases is the breaking of the bonds of love, which leaves patients without a place in the Other and out of speech. Moreover, the largest caseload is constituted by teenagers and assistance is not asked  for by themselves but by a third party

    Estratégias e desafios em prevenção à cegueira e deficiência visual

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    Deficiência visual e cegueira estão associados a importante comprometimento sócio econômico e de qualidade de vida. Apesar dos avanços nas estratégias de detecção e tratamento de diversos distúrbios oftalmológicos, o número absoluto de cegos e deficientes visuais aumentou globalmente nas últimas décadas, e com a projeção de aumento e envelhecimento populacional, a demanda por serviços de tratamento e reabilitação visual aumentarão ainda mais. No presente estudo, apresentaremos as principais causas de cegueira e deficiência visual no Brasil e no mundo, além das dificuldades encontradas na abordagem do problema a nível de saúde pública e possíveis estratégias de ação.Visual impairment and blindness are associated with an important socio-economic and quality of life commitment. Despite advances in detection and treatment strategies for various ophthalmological disorders, the absolute number of blind and visually impaired people has increased globally in recent decades, with the projection of an increase and population aging, the demand for treatment and visual rehabilitation services will increase even more. In this study, we will present the main causes of blindness and visual impairment in Brazil and the world, with difficulties found in addressing the problem at the public health level and possible and action strategies

    Contraceptive and reproductive health practices of unmarried women globally, 1999 to 2018: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Premarital sex practices and contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) among unmarried women worldwide remain unclear, even though unmarried women tend to have multiple sex partners over time, which makes their sexual behaviors particularly important to the sexual and reproductive health of society more broadly. Methods: We searched the MEDLINE, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases for relevant articles published between January 1, 1999 and December 31, 2018. Data on prevalence of premarital sexual intercourse, use of highly prevalent contraceptive methods, as well as CPR overall and at first sexual intercourse were extracted and estimated using a DerSimonian- Laird random effects model. Results: Of the 3918 articles identified, 37 covering 19 countries were included. The estimated overall prevalence of premarital sexual intercourse was 41.9% (95%CI 34.2-49.6%). Pooled CPR was 57.0% (95%CI 44.3-69.8%) overall and 57.6% (95% CI 39.5- 75.6%) at first intercourse. The overall prevalence of condom use was 51.2% (95%CI 42.7-59.7%), followed by oral contraceptives (20.5%, 95%CI 13.7-27.3%), withdrawal (12.7%, 95%CI 9.4-15.9%), and rhythm (12.1%, 95%CI 6.7-17.4%). Conclusion: The findings of this global study indicate worrying trends in unprotected intercourse and contraceptive practices, suggesting the need for greater attention and resources aimed at educating unmarried adolescent women about sexual and reproductive health

    Schwerpunkt: Rechtsextremismus und Soziale Arbeit

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    Das SI:SO-Heft widmet sich den folgenden Fragen: - Unter welchen Gesichtspunkten lassen sich Rechtspopulismus und Rechtsextremismus differenziert diskutieren? - Wie werden Rechtsextreme bestimmt und Rechtsextremismus identifiziert? - Inwiefern ist Soziale Arbeit von Rechtsextremismus und Rechtspopulismus betroffen? - Welche Kritiken gelten als zulässig, welche nicht und welche Auseinandersetzungen werden in der Sozialen Arbeit gemieden? - Welche politischen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Beiträge leistet Soziale Arbeit im Phänomenbereich Rechtsextremismus und Rechtspopulismus? - Welche Folgen ergeben sich für Hochschulen und Studium im Umgang mit Rechtsextremismus und Rechtspopulismus