84 research outputs found

    Predicting the spatial distribution of stoats, ship rats and weasels in a beech forest setting using GIS

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    Using trap data the Hawdon, Poulter and South Branch valleys, a spatial distribution model was created for Stoats (Mustela erminea), Ship Rats (Rattus rattus) and Weasels (Mustela nivalis) in the North Branch of the Hurunui River. Ten spatial attributes were analysed in this thesis as potential spatial predictors of Stoats, Ship rats or Weasels; four of which were distance related measurements (distance from ecotonal edge, distance from river, distance from river tributary and distance from trapping edge); three were climate based variables (mean maximum temperature, mean minimum temperature and mean precipitation) and three were topographical based variables (elevation, aspect and slope). Relationships that existed between each spatial attribute and the number of Stoats, Ship Rats and Weasels caught were quantified by comparing the significance of the mean trapping rate with each spatial attribute and expressed spatially as maps in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Results from this thesis found elevation, aspect and distance from ecotonal edge as potential spatial predictors of Stoat populations. Elevation and aspect were found to be potential predictors of Ship rat and Weasel populations. GIS is able to predict the spatial distribution of pest species to a similar (or better) level compared to more formal associative models. The potential of GIS is however, restrained by the same limitations associated with these models. By using a larger trapping data set and identifying a number of social interactions between Stoats, Ship Rats and Weasels, one can improve the accuracy of spatially modelling each species within a Beech forest environment. Therefore, improve our understanding how landscapes influence the distribution of each pest species

    Genetic but No Phenotypic Associations between Biocide Tolerance and Antibiotic Resistance in Escherichia coli from German Broiler Fattening Farms

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    Biocides are frequently applied as disinfectants in animal husbandry to prevent the transmission of drug-resistant bacteria and to control zoonotic diseases. Concerns have been raised, that their use may contribute to the selection and persistence of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. Especially, extended-spectrum β-lactamase- and AmpC β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli have become a global health threat. In our study, 29 ESBL-/AmpC-producing and 64 NON-ESBL-/AmpC-producing E.coli isolates from three German broiler fattening farms collected in 2016 following regular cleaning and disinfection were phylogenetically characterized by whole genome sequencing, analyzed for phylogenetic distribution of virulence-associated genes, and screened for determinants of and associations between biocide tolerance and antibiotic resistance. Of the 30 known and two unknown sequence types detected, ST117 and ST297 were the most common genotypes. These STs are recognized worldwide as pandemic lineages causing disease in humans and poultry. Virulence determinants associated with extraintestinal pathogenic E.coli showed variable phylogenetic distribution patterns. Isolates with reduced biocide susceptibility were rarely found on the tested farms. Nine isolates displayed elevated MICs and/or MBCs of formaldehyde, chlorocresol, peroxyacetic acid, or benzalkonium chloride. Antibiotic resistance to ampicillin, trimethoprim, and sulfamethoxazole was most prevalent. The majority of ESBL-/AmpC-producing isolates carried blaCTX-M (55%) or blaCMY-2 (24%) genes. Phenotypic biocide tolerance and antibiotic resistance were not interlinked. However, biocide and metal resistance determinants were found on mobile genetic elements together with antibiotic resistance genes raising concerns that biocides used in the food industry may lead to selection pressure for strains carrying acquired resistance determinants to different antimicrobials

    NFDI4Culture - Consortium for research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage

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    Digital data on tangible and intangible cultural assets is an essential part of daily life, communication and experience. It has a lasting influence on the perception of cultural identity as well as on the interactions between research, the cultural economy and society. Throughout the last three decades, many cultural heritage institutions have contributed a wealth of digital representations of cultural assets (2D digital reproductions of paintings, sheet music, 3D digital models of sculptures, monuments, rooms, buildings), audio-visual data (music, film, stage performances), and procedural research data such as encoding and annotation formats. The long-term preservation and FAIR availability of research data from the cultural heritage domain is fundamentally important, not only for future academic success in the humanities but also for the cultural identity of individuals and society as a whole. Up to now, no coordinated effort for professional research data management on a national level exists in Germany. NFDI4Culture aims to fill this gap and create a usercentered, research-driven infrastructure that will cover a broad range of research domains from musicology, art history and architecture to performance, theatre, film, and media studies. The research landscape addressed by the consortium is characterized by strong institutional differentiation. Research units in the consortium's community of interest comprise university institutes, art colleges, academies, galleries, libraries, archives and museums. This diverse landscape is also characterized by an abundance of research objects, methodologies and a great potential for data-driven research. In a unique effort carried out by the applicant and co-applicants of this proposal and ten academic societies, this community is interconnected for the first time through a federated approach that is ideally suited to the needs of the participating researchers. To promote collaboration within the NFDI, to share knowledge and technology and to provide extensive support for its users have been the guiding principles of the consortium from the beginning and will be at the heart of all workflows and decision-making processes. Thanks to these principles, NFDI4Culture has gathered strong support ranging from individual researchers to highlevel cultural heritage organizations such as the UNESCO, the International Council of Museums, the Open Knowledge Foundation and Wikimedia. On this basis, NFDI4Culture will take innovative measures that promote a cultural change towards a more reflective and sustainable handling of research data and at the same time boost qualification and professionalization in data-driven research in the domain of cultural heritage. This will create a long-lasting impact on science, cultural economy and society as a whole

    The \u3cem\u3eChlamydomonas\u3c/em\u3e Genome Reveals the Evolution of Key Animal and Plant Functions

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    Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a unicellular green alga whose lineage diverged from land plants over 1 billion years ago. It is a model system for studying chloroplast-based photosynthesis, as well as the structure, assembly, and function of eukaryotic flagella (cilia), which were inherited from the common ancestor of plants and animals, but lost in land plants. We sequenced the ∼120-megabase nuclear genome of Chlamydomonas and performed comparative phylogenomic analyses, identifying genes encoding uncharacterized proteins that are likely associated with the function and biogenesis of chloroplasts or eukaryotic flagella. Analyses of the Chlamydomonas genome advance our understanding of the ancestral eukaryotic cell, reveal previously unknown genes associated with photosynthetic and flagellar functions, and establish links between ciliopathy and the composition and function of flagella

    NFDI4Microbiota – national research data infrastructure for microbiota research

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    Microbes – bacteria, archaea, unicellular eukaryotes, and viruses – play an important role in human and environmental health. Growing awareness of this fact has led to a huge increase in microbiological research and applications in a variety of fields. Driven by technological advances that allow high-throughput molecular characterization of microbial species and communities, microbiological research now offers unparalleled opportunities to address current and emerging needs. As well as helping to address global health threats such as antimicrobial resistance and viral pandemics, it also has a key role to play in areas such as agriculture, waste management, water treatment, ecosystems remediation, and the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various diseases. Reflecting this broad potential, billions of euros have been invested in microbiota research programs worldwide. Though run independently, many of these projects are closely related. However, Germany currently has no infrastructure to connect such projects or even compare their results. Thus, the potential synergy of data and expertise is being squandered. The goal of the NFDI4Microbiota consortium is to serve and connect this broad and heterogeneous research community by elevating the availability and quality of research results through dedicated training, and by facilitating the generation, management, interpretation, sharing, and reuse of microbial data. In doing so, we will also foster interdisciplinary interactions between researchers. NFDI4Microbiota will achieve this by creating a German microbial research network through training and community-building activities, and by creating a cloud-based system that will make the storage, integration and analysis of microbial data, especially omics data, consistent, reproducible, and accessible across all areas of life sciences. In addition to increasing the quality of microbial research in Germany, our training program will support widespread and proper usage of these services. Through this dual emphasis on education and services, NFDI4Microbiota will ensure that microbial research in Germany is synergistic and efficient, and thus excellent. By creating a central resource for German microbial research, NDFDI4Microbiota will establish a connecting hub for all NFDI consortia that work with microbiological data, including GHGA, NFDI4Biodiversity, NFDI4Agri and several others. NFDI4Microbiota will provide non-microbial specialists from these consortia with direct and easy access to the necessary expertise and infrastructure in microbial research in order to facilitate their daily work and enhance their research. The links forged through NFDI4Microbiota will not only increase the synergy between NFDI consortia, but also elevate the overall quality and relevance of microbial research in Germany

    Molecular Tracing to Find Source of Protracted Invasive Listeriosis Outbreak, Southern Germany, 2012–2016

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    We investigated 543 Listeria monocytogenes isolates from food having a temporal and spatial distribution compatible with that of the invasive listeriosis outbreak occurring 2012–2016 in southern Germany. Using forensic microbiology, we identified several products from 1 manufacturer contaminated with the outbreak genotype. Continuous molecular surveillance of food isolates could prevent such outbreaks