37 research outputs found


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    PT. Gramedia Asri Media ā€“ Gramedia Expo Surabaya adalah gerai toko buku yang menjual produk buku sebagai usaha utamanya. Dengan adanya berbagai usaha sejenis, maka perusahaan perlu melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan untuk menghadapi berbagai persaingan usaha dengan cara meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen yang pada akhirnya mempunyai konsumen yang loyal. Sehingga dapat diamati dari model pengukuran secara simultan yang dimulai dari bauran pemasaran, kebijakan perusahaan, perilaku konsumen dan keputusan pembelian, sehingga kepuasan konsumen bertambah dan loyal terhadap Gramedia.. Adapun penyelesaian permasalahan ini menggunakan regresi tersusun dengan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan harapan untuk mengetahui faktorā€“faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen, sehingga dapat diketahui faktorā€“faktor yang berpengaruh secara signifikan dan yang tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan. Setelah dilakukan pengolahan kerangka konseptual, model kurang baik oleh karena itu perlu memodifikasi model agar model menjadi lebih baik. Hasil modifikasi menunjukkan bahwa Bauran Pemasaran (X) berpengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan terhadap Produk (X1.1) sebesar 0,482, Bauran Pemasaran (X) berpengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan terhadap Harga (X1.2) sebesar 0,343, Bauran Pemasaran (X) berpengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan terhadap Distribusi (X1.3) sebesar 0,48, Bauran Pemasaran (X1) berpengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan terhadap Promosi (X1.4) sebesar 0,641, Bauran Pemasaran (X) berpengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan terhadap Lokasi (X1.5) sebesar 0,443, Bauran Pemasaran (X) berpengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan terhadap Keragaman Produk (X1.6) sebesar 0,992, Bauran Pemasaran (X) tidak berpengaruh langsung, positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Pelayanan (X1.7) sebesar 0,194, Bauran Pemasaran (X1) tidak berpengaruh langsung, positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Kemudahan Mendapat Produk (X1.8) sebesar 0,009, Kebijakan Perusahaan (X.1) tidak berpengaruh langsung, positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Bauran Pemasaran (X) sebesar 0,125, Kebijakan Perusahaan (X.1) berpengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan terhadap Perilaku Konsumen (Y1) sebesar 0,236, Perilaku Konsumen (Y1) tidak berpengaruh langsung, positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Y2) sebesar 0,087, Keputusan Pembelian (Y2) berpengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan terhadap terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen (Y3) sebesar 0,261, dan Kepuasan Konsumen (Y3) berpengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen (Y4) sebesar 0,228


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    ABSTRAK Dicky Junia Hermawan (2022): Penerapan Sanksi Hukum Terhadap Pelaku Balap Liar Di Jalan Naga Sakti Kecamatan Binawidya Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Pasal 115 Huruf B Undang ā€“ Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan Balap liar merupakan merupakan suatu pelanggaran lalu lintas dan lebih banyak mengandung unsur negatif. Dengan banyaknya yang melakukan aksi balap liar di Stadion Utama Riau perlu adanya peran dari Polsek Tampan Kota Pekanbaru Para pelaku balap liar dalam melakukan aksinya tidak mungunakan standar keamanan berlalu lintas seperti jaket, sarung tangan, spions, knalpot suaranya berisik dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu aksi balap liar ini juga dapat membahayakan nyawa pelaku dan pengendara lain. Padahal Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan Undang ā€“ Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang lalu Lintas dan angkutan jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambah wawasan masyarakat terhadap bagaimana penerapan sanksi hukum terhadap pelaku balap liar serta apa saja yang hambatan yang terjadi dalam penerapan sanksi hukum terhadap pelaku balap liar di Jalan Naga Sakti Kota Pekanbaru. Berdasarkan pasal 115 huruf B Undang ā€“ Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang lalu Lintas dan angkutan jalan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitan ini hukum sosiologis untuk mengetahui hasil penelitian maka digunakan teknik observasi dan wawancara, data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari wawancara yang dilakukan kepada pihak Kepolisain sektor Tampan. Hasil pembahasan dari penelitian ini adalah pertama bahwasanya terkait penanganan terhadap penertiban balap liar di jalan naga sakti sudah mencapai sebuah peran, di mana memberikan sanksi berupa denda uang, tilang, nasehat, sosialisasi, penyuluhan sesuai ketentuan undang-undang yang berlaku. Hambatan dalam penerapan yaitu personil yang kurang, waktu balapan yang tidak terprediksi, faktor lingkungan dan keluarga, pelaku balap liar bisanya dari kalangan premanisme, tidak adanya fasilitas balap, kesenangan memacu adreanlin. KATA KUNCI : Penerapan Sanksi, Kepolisian Sektor Tampan, Kota Pekanbar


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menghasilkan media pembelajaran menggunakan Lectora Inspire yang valid digunakan dan untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan R & D (research and development) yang telah dibatasi menjadi tujuh tahap saja, yakni: (1) potensi dan masalah, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi produk, (5) revisi produk, (6) uji coba produk, dan (7) analisis dan pelaporan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI TEI di SMK Negeri 1 Driyorejo. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah media pembelajaran yang diberi nama MPTKB (Media Pembelajaran Teknik Kerja Bengkel). Validasi media dilaksankan untuk menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran yang valid digunakan. Hasil validasi media menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran valid digunakan dengan hasil rating 87%. Respon siswa terhadap media pembelajaran dikategorikan sangat baik dengan hasil rating 83,37%. Kata Kunci: Media pembelajaran, R & D (research and development), MPTKB.   Abstract The purpose of this research is to produce a product of learning media using Lectore Inspire in valid workshop engineering subject to know students respond towards learning media. This research uses R & D (research and development) research method with the limitation into seven section: (1) problems and potentials (2) data collection (3) product design (4) product validation (5) product revision (6) product trials and (7) analysis and report. The subjects were students of class XI TEI in SMK Negeri 1 Driyorejo. The research result that obtained is learning media named MPTKB (Media Pembelajaran Teknik Kerja Bengkel). Media validation held to produce a valid learning media product. The result of validation shows that valid learning media with the rating 87%. Students respond toward learning media has categorized as very well with the rating 83,37%. Keywords: Learning media, R & D (research and development), MPTKB

    Cataract Extraction on One Seeing Eye in Patient with Behcetā€™s Disease

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    Introduction :Behcetā€™s Disease is autoimmune relapsing systemic vasculitis of unknown that can cause uveitis and affect the anterior and posterior segment of the eye. Cataract is the most common complication of anterior segment caused by recurrent uveitis. This case was to report the outcomes and complications of cataract surgery in patients with BehƧet's disease.Ā Ā Case report: A of 35 years old man complained progressive visual loss since 6 months before admission with VA 1 meter finger counting and NLP. Ā There was history of recurrent redness on both eyes accompanied by blurred vision and pain, oral aphtosis, and genital aphtosis since three years before admission but didnā€™t seek help because of low access to healthcare in his previous home. From anterior segment examination there was posterior synechia, cloudy lens, pupil secclusion, rubeosis iridis, flare and cell suggesting chronic uveitis. There was elevated IOP of 43.4 mmHg on left eye. Retinal vasculitis was found on posterior segment examination.Ā Result : After combination of methylprednisolone and azathioprine for oneĀ  year, there were improvement of quieter condition on both eyes and decreased left eye IOP of 37.2 mmHg. Lens extraction with iris retractor was done after three months of no inflammatory response. Despite uneventfull surgery and combination of immunosupresive medication, the visual acuity are not much improved and there was optic atrophy from the complication of chronic Behcetā€™s disease.Ā Conclusion : In patient with chronic Behcetā€™s disease, ocular involvement can affect both anterior and posterior segments with poor visual outcome regarding its complicationĀ DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.438225

    Pengaruh Locus of Control Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Di PT X)

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    Research regarding employee performance has been made multiple times, however research regarding locus of control that affected employee performance has only been done a few times. The primary data for this research were acquired from the employee of PT X, located in Tomang, West Jakarta. Samples were collected and calculated using a simple random sampling, and the statistical method used to test each hypothesis is multilevel linear regression.The outcome of this research has shown that all tested hypothesis are acceptable. Internal locus of control have positive impact towards the employee performace, external locus of control alsohave positive impact towards the employee performace, and locus of control has simultaneously impacted the employee performance


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     In the face of increasingly intense competition, Go-Jek needs to innovate in order to provide better services to its customers and attract new customers. One of the methods used is optimizing service delivery through the internet, known as e-service. E-service Quality is a new version of service quality (ServQual). This study aims to analyze whether customer satisfaction can moderate the relationship between E-service Quality and customer loyalty in the online transportation service industry of Gojek in Malang. The population of this study consists of all Gojek customers in Malang. The research sample was randomly selected using the accidental sampling method, with a total of 100 Gojek customers participating as respondents. Descriptive statistical analysis and path analysis using Partial Least Squares (PLS) were employed to analyze the data. The findings of this study indicate that customer satisfaction does not moderate the influence of E-service Quality on customer loyalty. This implies that there is no significant impact between E-service Quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. Conversely, E-service Quality has a strong direct impact on customer loyalty without the moderation of customer satisfaction

    Brackish Water Treatment with Local Filter Media and Reverse Osmosis Using Application of Internet of Things Technology Brackish Water Treatment with Local Filter Media and Reverse Osmosis using Application of Internet of Things Technology

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    Global clean water crisis is affecting more than 40% population and still increasing. As an archipelago state with large coastal area, Indonesia is however facing the common issue with the clean water shortage. There are still lack of access to clean water and water treatment plant for the community in the coastal area to fulfill their daily needs and drinking water as most water source is brackish water with higher salinity than fresh water. Hence further treatment is required to obtain the clean water and safe for daily consumption. The objectives of this research work are to determine suitable local material for water treatment and alternatively by using reverse osmosis equipment which is expected to reduce salinity of treated water. As methodology used in this research, a physical treatment experiment on the brackish water is conducted through a selected local filter media and by using reverse osmosis equipment with the assistance of internet of thing technology. The research work outcomes demonstrate that treated water by filtering has indicated a clear physical appearance and odorless but no significant improvement on pH and about 3,67% reduction on TDS value and 7.0% on EC value. On the other side, the treatment through reverse osmosis method is showing better result with significant improvement with 99.5% TDS and EC value which can�t be achieved by filtering treatment

    PENGARUH STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN DAN STRUKTUR DEWAN TERHADAP TINGKAT UNDERPRICING (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan yang Initial Public Offerings di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2013-2017)

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    The aim of this study is to examine the effect of corporate governance attributes like ownership concentration, institutional ownership, board size of commissioner, and board independence of commissioner, as independent variable toward the level of underpricing IPOs firm as dependent variable. This study used firm size, ROA, firm age, and auditor reputation as control variable. This study uses secondary data obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The population in this study consists of all IPO firm in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2013 - 2017. Sample determined with purposive sampling method. Total sample of this research is 83 companies. This study used multiple regression analysis for hypotheses testing. The results of this study show that the size of the board of commissioners and board independence of commissioner have significant negative effect on the level of underpricing IPOs firm. This research also shows that the ownership concentration and institutional ownership do not have significant effect on the level of underpricing IPOs firm


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    Penelitian ini mengulas permintaan hunian tapak yang meningkat di Kabupaten Tangerang pada kuartal pertama 2023, dengan fokus pada proyek Mahardika Residence. Pendekatan analitis yang mencakup analisis biaya, permintaan, studi literatur, dan penelitian lapangan digunakan untuk merumuskan harga yang tepat dan kelayakan investasi proyek tersebut. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan beberapa temuan penting. Penetapan harga untuk unit tipe 30/60 sesuai regulasi, sedangkan harga unit tipe 45/90 dan tipe ruko ditentukan melalui analisis biaya dan permintaan. Evaluasi kelayakan investasi, dengan indikator seperti Net Present Value (NPV), Payback Period (PP), Profitability Index (PI), dan internal Rate of Return (IRR), memberikan gambaran mengenai aspek finansial proyek. Analisis sensitivitas juga dilakukan untuk mengukur seberapa besar batas kelayakan finansial terhadap biaya investasi awal, perubahan biaya pendapatan, perubahan biaya pengeluaran dan suku bunga. Kesimpulan utama adalah bahwa penetapan harga berdasarkan analisis biaya dan permintaan penting untuk menjaga stabilitas harga properti. Hasil analisis investasi menegaskan kelayakan proyek ini, dengan indikator keuangan yang mendukung keputusan investasi

    Inventory of Pests and Intensity of Fruit Fly Attacks (Bactrocera dorsalis) on Curly Red Chili Plants (Capsicum annum L.) in Sido Luhur Farmer Group of Cabeyan Village

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    Curly red chili (Capsicum annum L.) is a horticultural plant that has high economic value. So many people are cultivating it. Chili plants are susceptible to the attack of Plant Disrupting Organisms (OPT) which can decrease the production yield and quality of chili harvests. One of the potentially damaging Plant Disrupting Organisms is pests, whose presence in chili plants is very diverse. The life cycle and eating activities are very detrimental to farmers because it will reduce the yield of chili plants. The purpose of this study is to find out the diversity of pest types and to determine the rate of attack from fruit fly pests (Bactrocera dorsalis) on the curly red chili plant (Capsicum annum L.). Research has been carried out in Cabeyan Village, Bendosari district, Sukoharjo. October 1, 2020 ā€“ February 28, 2021. The study used observational, descriptive, and interview methods. Data collection is done directly and sampling using random sampling methods. In this study found several types of pests consisting of 12 species divided into 11 species into phylum Artropoda and 1 Species of Phylum Mollusca. As well as the rate of attack of fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis) with the highest average intensity of attack at 76% of the attack scale is very heavy.Curly red chili (Capsicum annum L.) is a horticultural plant with high economic value. So many people are cultivating it. Chili plants are susceptible to Plant Disrupting Organisms (OPT) attack, which can decrease the production yield and quality of chili harvests. One potentially damaging Plant Disrupting organism is pests, whose presence in chili plants is very diverse. The life cycle and eating activities are very detrimental to farmers because they will reduce the yield of chili plants. This study aims to determine the diversity of pest types and the rate of attack from fruit fly pests (Bactrocera dorsalis) on the curly red chili plant (Capsicum annum L.). Research has been carried out in Cabeyan Village, Bendosari district, and Sukoharjo from October 1, 2020ā€“February 28, 2021. The study used observational, descriptive, and interview methods. Data collection is done directly and sampling using random sampling methods. This study found several types of pests consisting of 12 species divided into 11 species into phylum Arthropoda and 1 Species of Phylum Mollusca. As well as, the rate of attack of fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis) with the highest average intensity of attack at 76% of the attack scale is hefty