1,792 research outputs found

    The Union of Hearts Depicted: Gladstone, Home Rule and United Ireland

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    First paragraph: William Ewart Gladstone detested political cartoons. They embodied caricature, the exaggeration of a particular feature into a deformity to excite ridicule or hatred. Cartoons, Gladstone once pointed out, had not existed in ancient Greece. There the ideal of human beauty was so deeply cherished that its distortion was not tolerated. Yet cartoons did the statesman powerful service during his long career. Their very frequency consolidated his image as a popular politician, bringing out qualities such as courage and tenacity that he was happy to have publicised. Nowhere, however, did they advance his cause more than in Ireland after the introduction of Home Rule. The nationalist journal United Ireland, as the illustrations in this paper will show, gave currency to striking depictions of Gladstone; and they vividly portrayed the union of hearts between England and Ireland that he preached so persistently in the late 1880s. The purpose of this article is to examine a sample of the cartoons, but first they need to be placed in their context

    Oral Care after Stroke: Where are we now?

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    Purpose There appears to be an association between poor oral hygiene and increased risk of aspiration pneumonia – a leading cause of mortality post-stroke. We aim to synthesise what is known about oral care after stroke, identify knowledge gaps and outline priorities for research that will provide evidence to inform best practice. Methods A narrative review from a multidisciplinary perspective, drawing on evidence from systematic reviews, literature, expert and lay opinion to scrutinise current practice in oral care after a stroke and seek consensus on research priorities. Findings Oral care tends to be of poor quality and delegated to the least qualified members of the caring team. Nursing staff often work in a pressured environment where other aspects of clinical care take priority. Guidelines that exist are based on weak evidence and lack detail about how best to provide oral care. Discussion Oral health after a stroke is important from a social as well as physical health perspective, yet tends to be neglected. Multidisciplinary research is needed to improve understanding of the complexities associated with delivering good oral care for stroke patients. Also to provide the evidence for practice that will improve wellbeing and may reduce risk of aspiration pneumonia and other serious sequelae. Conclusion Although there is evidence of an association, there is only weak evidence about whether improving oral care reduces risk of pneumonia or mortality after a stroke. Clinically relevant, feasible, cost –effective, evidence based oral care interventions to improve patient outcomes in stroke care are urgently needed

    Interruptions and medication administration in critical care

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    Background: Medication administration has inherent risks, with errors having enormous impact on the quality and efficiency of patient care, particularly in relation to experience, outcomes and safety. Nurses are pivotal to the medication administration process and therefore must demonstrate safe and reliable practice. However, interruptions can lead to mistakes and omissions. Aim: To critique and synthesize the existing literature relating to the impact that interruptions have during medication administration within the paediatric critical care (PCC) setting. Search strategy: Key terms identified from background literature were used to search three electronic databases (Medline, CINHAL and BNI). Selected sources were critically appraised using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) tool. Findings: There is confusion within the literature concerning the definition of interruption. Moreover, an assumption that all interruptions have a negative impact on patient safety exists. The literature identifies the multi-dimensional nature of interruptions and their impact on medication administration and patient safety. The cumulative effect of interruptions depends on what type of task is being completed, when it occurs, what the interruption is and which method of handling is utilized. A conceptual schema has been developed in order to explicate the themes and concepts that emerged. Conclusions: This review summarizes debates within the international arena concerning the impact of interruptions on medication administration. However, conclusions drawn appear applicable in relation to practice, education and future research to other critical care settings. Relevance to clinical practice: Findings show that no single strategy is likely to improve the negative effect of interruptions without focus on patient safety. Practice education to improve team building interactions is required that equips nurses with the skills in managing interruptions and delegating high priority secondary tasks

    The occurrence of tarsal injuries in male mice of C57BL/6N substrains in multiple international mouse facilities.

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    Dislocation in hindlimb tarsals are being observed at a low, but persistent frequency in group-housed adult male mice from C57BL/6N substrains. Clinical signs included a sudden onset of mild to severe unilateral or bilateral tarsal abduction, swelling, abnormal hindlimb morphology and lameness. Contraction of digits and gait abnormalities were noted in multiple cases. Radiographical and histological examination revealed caudal dislocation of the calcaneus and partial dislocation of the calcaneoquartal (calcaneus-tarsal bone IV) joint. The detection, frequency, and cause of this pathology in five large mouse production and phenotyping centres (MRC Harwell, UK; The Jackson Laboratory, USA; The Centre for Phenogenomics, Canada; German Mouse Clinic, Germany; Baylor College of Medicine, USA) are discussed

    Travel time as quality time: parental attitudes to long distance travel with young children

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    Studies into childhood mobility have demonstrated a need to increase public transport use amongst children. However little research has been undertaken looking at the views and attitudes of those making the mobility decisions, namely the parents and care givers with the responsibility for getting children ‘from A to B’. This paper presents the results of 25 in-depth interviews which were undertaken with parents in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the factors influencing mode choice, more specifically whether scope exists to achieve modal shift from car to rail for long distance journeys with young children. The key findings indicate that whilst mode choice is made predominantly for reasons relating to convenience, the way in which travel time is utilised and experienced during long distance journeys indicates considerable scope to attract more families to rail. This is however contingent on the employment of more family-focussed marketing and ‘child friendly’ initiatives on the part of the rail industry
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