72 research outputs found

    Treatment options for pediatric patent ductus arteriosus: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in the nonpremature pediatric patient is currently treated by surgical ligation or catheter occlusion. There is no clear superiority of one technique over the other. This meta-analysis compares the clinical outcomes of the two treatment options for PDA. METHODS: We performed a literature search of MEDLINE, Embase, PubMed, and the Cochrane database of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that took place between 1950 and February 2014 and hand-searched references from included studies. We excluded studies of adult or premature patients and those without a direct comparison between surgical and catheter-based treatments of PDAs. Outcomes of interest were reintervention, total complications, length of stay, and cost. RESULTS: One thousand three hundred thirty-three manuscripts were screened. Eight studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria (one RCT and seven observational studies [N = 1,107]). In pooled observational studies, there were significantly decreased odds (OR, 0.12; 95% CI, 0.03-0.42) for reintervention in the surgical ligation group but insignificantly higher odds for overall complications (OR, 2.01; 95% CI, 0.68-5.91). There were no complications reported in the RCT, but surgical ligation was associated with decreased odds for reintervention and a longer length of stay. Funnel plots revealed a possible publication bias and a quality review identified comparability bias. CONCLUSIONS: Both therapies have comparable outcomes. Reintervention is more common with catheter-based treatment, but overall complication rates are not higher and hospital stay is shorter. Our data span \u3e 2 decades and may not reflect current surgical and catheterization outcomes. Large, randomized, prospective studies may help determine the optimal treatment strategy

    Die Neuordnung der Meere: Eine ökonomische Kritik des neuen Seerechts

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    Defensive insect symbiont leads to cascading extinctions and community collapse

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    Animals often engage in mutualistic associations with microorganisms that protect them from predation, parasitism or pathogen infection. Studies of these interactions in insects have mostly focussed on the direct effects of symbiont infection on natural enemies without studying community-wide effects. Here, we explore the effect of a defensive symbiont on population dynamics and species extinctions in an experimental community composed of three aphid species and their associated specialist parasitoids. We found that introducing a bacterial symbiont with a protective (but not a non-protective) phenotype into one aphid species led to it being able to escape from its natural enemy and increase in density. This changed the relative density of the three aphid species which resulted in the extinction of the two other parasitoid species. Our results show that defensive symbionts can cause extinction cascades in experimental communities and so may play a significant role in the stability of consumer-herbivore communities in the field. (Résumé d'auteur

    Critical Review of Theoretical Models for Anomalous Effects (Cold Fusion) in Deuterated Metals

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    We briefly summarize the reported anomalous effects in deuterated metals at ambient temperature, commonly known as "Cold Fusion" (CF), with an emphasis on important experiments as well as the theoretical basis for the opposition to interpreting them as cold fusion. Then we critically examine more than 25 theoretical models for CF, including unusual nuclear and exotic chemical hypotheses. We conclude that they do not explain the data.Comment: 51 pages, 4 Figure

    Desmoplastic small round cell tumors: Multimodality treatment and new risk factors

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    BACKGROUND: To evaluate optimal therapy and potential risk factors. METHODS: Data of DSRCT patients <40 years treated in prospective CWS trials 1997-2015 were analyzed. RESULTS: Median age of 60 patients was 14.5 years. Male:female ratio was 4:1. Tumors were abdominal/retroperitoneal in 56/60 (93%). 6/60 (10%) presented with a localized mass, 16/60 (27%) regionally disseminated nodes, and 38/60 (63%) with extraperitoneal metastases. At diagnosis, 23/60 (38%) patients had effusions, 4/60 (7%) a thrombosis, and 37/54 (69%) elevated CRP. 40/60 (67%) patients underwent tumor resection, 21/60 (35%) macroscopically complete. 37/60 (62%) received chemotherapy according to CEVAIE (ifosfamide, vincristine, actinomycin D, carboplatin, epirubicin, etoposide), 15/60 (25%) VAIA (ifosfamide, vincristine, adriamycin, actinomycin D) and, 5/60 (8%) P6 (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, ifosfamide, etoposide). Nine received high-dose chemotherapy, 6 received regional hyperthermia, and 20 received radiotherapy. Among 25 patients achieving complete remission, 18 (72%) received metronomic therapies. Three-year event-free (EFS) and overall survival (OS) were 11% (±8 confidence interval [CI] 95%) and 30% (±12 CI 95%), respectively, for all patients and 26.7% (±18.0 CI 95%) and 56.9% (±20.4 CI 95%) for 25 patients achieving remission. Extra-abdominal site, localized disease, no effusion or ascites only, absence of thrombosis, normal CRP, complete tumor resection, and chemotherapy with VAIA correlated with EFS in univariate analysis. In multivariate analysis, significant factors were no thrombosis and chemotherapy with VAIA. In patients achieving complete remission, metronomic therapy with cyclophosphamide/vinblastine correlated with prolonged time to relapse. CONCLUSION: Pleural effusions, venous thrombosis, and CRP elevation were identified as potential risk factors. The VAIA scheme showed best outcome. Maintenance therapy should be investigated further

    Inherited defects of piRNA biogenesis cause transposon de-repression, impaired spermatogenesis, and human male infertility

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    piRNAs are crucial for transposon silencing, germ cell maturation, and fertility in male mice. Here, we report on the genetic landscape of piRNA dysfunction in humans and present 39 infertile men carrying biallelic variants in 14 different piRNA pathway genes, including PIWIL1, GTSF1, GPAT2, MAEL, TDRD1, and DDX4. In some affected men, the testicular phenotypes differ from those of the respective knockout mice and range from complete germ cell loss to the production of a few morphologically abnormal sperm. A reduced number of pachytene piRNAs was detected in the testicular tissue of variant carriers, demonstrating impaired piRNA biogenesis. Furthermore, LINE1 expression in spermatogonia links impaired piRNA biogenesis to transposon de-silencing and serves to classify variants as functionally relevant. These results establish the disrupted piRNA pathway as a major cause of human spermatogenic failure and provide insights into transposon silencing in human male germ cells

    Basic randomness of nature and ether-drift experiments

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    We re-consider the idea that quantum fluctuations might reflect the existence of an 'objective randomness', i.e. a basic property of the vacuum state which is independent of any experimental accuracy of the observations or limited knowledge of initial conditions. Besides being responsible for the observed quantum behaviour, this might introduce a weak, residual form of `noise' which is intrinsic to natural phenomena and could be important for the emergence of complexity at higher physical levels. By adopting Stochastic Electro Dynamics as a heuristic model, we are driven to a picture of the vacuum as a form of highly turbulent ether, which is deep-rooted into the basic foundational aspects of both quantum physics and relativity, and to search for experimental tests of this scenario. An analysis of the most precise ether-drift experiments, operating both at room temperature and in the cryogenic regime, shows that, at present, there is some ambiguity in the interpretation of the data. In fact the average amplitude of the signal has precisely the magnitude expected, in a 'Lorentzian' form of relativity, from an underlying stochastic ether and, as such, might not be a spurious instrumental effect. This puzzle, however, should be solved in a next future with the use of new cryogenically cooled optical resonators whose stability should improve by about two orders of magnitude. In these new experimental conditions, the persistence of the present amplitude would represent a clean evidence for the type of random vacuum we are envisaging.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures; revised version accepted for publication on Chaos, Solitons and Fractal

    Implant Programs for Feedlot Heifers Using Synovex® Plus™

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    Two commercial feedyard experiments evaluated implant strategies for feedlot heifers. In both experiments, implanting heifers with Synovex Plus increased ADG compared to heifers implanted with Finaplix-H and fed MGA. In Experiment 1, implanting heifers with Synovex Plus improved feed conversion and increased live basis net returns, and the use of MGA with Synovex Plus increased carcass merit basis net returns and had similar marbling scores compared with Finaplix-H and MGA