609 research outputs found

    Detecção de insatisfação de servidores públicos com inteligência artificial

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    This work highlights a comprehensive investigation into the application of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) in human resources management, with a specific focus on identifying employee dissatisfaction through machine learning approaches. The research included a review of scientific articles discussing both the implementation of A.I. in the context of human resources and the use of machine learning techniques to detect cases of turnover/attrition, along with the relationship between dissatisfaction and turnover/attrition cases. To assess these approaches, four validated public databases were selected. Three of them contained fictional employee data, and one contained real employee turnover data. Each database underwent a process of textual field factorization, followed by analyses to highlight the data distributions in each set. In conducting the research, different machine learning approaches were applied to each of the databases, aiming to verify the feasibility of identifying dissatisfaction through A.I. The techniques used included anomaly or novelty detection, classifiers, and optimized sets of classifiers. The results were quantified, revealing promising scores, with performances exceeding 90%. These results emphasize the overall effectiveness of machine learning in identifying employee dissatisfaction, demonstrating its potential for practical applications in the human resources environment.Este trabalho destaca uma pesquisa abrangente sobre a aplicação da Inteligência Artificial (I.A.) na gestão de recursos humanos, com um foco específico na identificação da insatisfação dos funcionários por meio de abordagens de aprendizado de máquina. A investigação incluiu uma revisão de artigos científicos que discutiam tanto a implementação da I.A. no contexto de recursos humanos quanto o uso de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina para detectar casos de turnover/attrition, além da relação de insatisfação e os casos de turnover/ attrition. Para avaliar essas abordagens, foram selecionadas quatro bases de dados públicas validadas. Três delas continham dados fictícios de funcionários e uma continha dados reais de turnover de funcionários. Cada base de dados passou por um processo de fatorização de campos textuais, seguido por análises para destacar as distribuições dos dados em cada conjunto. Na condução da pesquisa, diferentes abordagens de aprendizado de máquina foram aplicadas a cada uma das bases, com o objetivo de verificar a viabilidade de identificar a insatisfação por meio da I.A. As técnicas utilizadas incluíram detecção de anomalias ou novidades, classificadores e conjuntos de classificadores otimizados. Os resultados foram quantificados, revelando pontuações promissoras, com desempenhos superiores a 90%. Esses resultados destacam a eficácia geral do aprendizado de máquina na identificação da insatisfação dos funcionários, demonstrando seu potencial para aplicações práticas no ambiente de recursos humanos

    Network ethics and government to business relationships in Portugal

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    The analysis of ethical issues in Internet-enabled marketplaces remains generally under-explored and this gap is even more prominent in practices associated with G2B networks. This paper argues that the application of Network Ethics to G2B relationships requires a focus on specific questions that arise from the evolution of the way government has come to interact with business. To this purpose, the paper starts by outlining the relevance of universal values to Network Ethics. The next section draws out and briefly discusses the most relevant ethical issues that arise in the rapidly changing context of G2B relationships. To provide an application and substantiate the claims of the paper, the development of public e-procurement in Portugal is presented and analysed in the scope of the background public policies for information society and e-government development in Portugal. It is shown that use of the Internet for e-procurement purposes is growing in Portugal and the main constraints and risks associated with further developments are laid out and discussed. Overall the theoretical analysis and the empirical case point to the growing importance of developing interoperability standards and promoting greater transparency and competition in public e-procurement. It is further argued that reliable analysis in terms of Internet-enabled marketplaces requires both a solid ethical framework and its application in conjunction with empirical knowledge of the situations being studied, and that only in this way can network ethics effectively contribute to the promotion of greater accountability and ethical behaviour on the ground

    Tidal changes in estuarine systems induced by local geomorphologic modifications

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    Although rising global sea levels will affect the estuarine flooded areas over the coming decades, the local and regional-scale processes will also induce important changes in these coastal systems. The main aim of this work is to investigate possible tidal changes in estuarine systems induced by local geomorphologic modifications, analysing the particular case of Ria de Aveiro which is in risk of inundation. Located in the Portuguese west coast, this tidally driven lagoon has a large area of mostly abandoned salt pans, which are in progressive degradation caused by the lack of maintenance and by the strong currents which erode their protective walls. To explore possible tidal changes the hydrodynamic model ELCIRC was applied to Ria de Aveiro to simulate and analyse the impact in the lagoon hydrodynamics of this degradation which results in the enlargement of the lagoon flooded area. A high-resolution grid (grid spacing of the order of 1 m) was developed in order to represent the narrow channels adjacent to the salt pans. The hydrodynamic model was then successfully calibrated and assessed for skill for the Aveiro lagoon through comparison between measurements and model results and quantification of the numerical accuracy. The model was subsequently used to investigate the effect of the flooded lagoon area enlargement on tidal propagation in Ria de Aveiro. Simulations were performed for three geomorphologic configurations, representing the reference or present situation and two flooded scenarios. Results were compared through the analysis of tidal currents, tidal asymmetry and tidal prism. The increase of the lagoon flooded area results in an intensification of the tidal currents, tidal prism and tidal asymmetry. Results also indicate that the tidal prism further increases when the flooding depth increases. Otherwise, changes in tidal currents and in tidal asymmetry pattern are negligible with the increase of the flooded area depth. These results indicate that modifications of the flooded area of estuarine systems will result in tidal changes, with an intensification of the actual tidal patterns induced by the enlargement of inundation areas


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    Wheat is a winter poaceae, of extreme importance for human food. Currently, alternatives are sought in the production of food for animals, in space in periods where there is a lower availability of food. Thus wheat for silage production is a viable and efficient alternative for producers, especially in the Southern Region. The study was carried out in the municipality of São José do Cedro, SC, evaluating the cultivars TBio Energia I® and TBio Energix®, and the treatments were: without the use of mineral fertilization in cover; 50% of the recommended mineral fertilization dose; 100% of the recommended mineral fertilization dose and 150% of the recommended fertilization dose. In this study, the production of MV, DM, percentage of N, P and K, export of nutrients N, P and K, rate of enjoyment of nutrients N, P and K, % of CP and evaluation of SPAD index in 30, 40 and 50 days after cultivation were evaluated. The two cultivars studied presented an excellent productive potecial for the region. Both showed a similar behavior pattern in their production. The cultivar TBio Energia I® in the treatment 100% and 150% of the recommended dose, presented the best results for MV,MS, % of N, P and K, and % of CP. The cultivar TBio Energix® only for the variable MS, did not present the best results.El trigo es una poaceae de invierno, de extrema importancia para la comida humana. Actualmente, se buscan alternativas en la producción de alimentos para animales, en el espacio en períodos donde hay una menor disponibilidad de alimentos. Por lo tanto, el trigo para la producción de ensilado es una alternativa viable y eficiente para los productores, especialmente en la Región Sur. El estudio se llevó a cabo en el municipio de San José do Cedro, SC, evaluando los cultivares TBio Energia I® y TBio Energix®, y los tratamientos fueron: sin el uso de fertilización mineral en cubierta; 50% de la dosis de fertilización mineral recomendada; 100% de la dosis de fertilización mineral recomendada y 150% de la dosis de fertilización recomendada. En este estudio, se evaluó la producción de MV, DM, porcentaje de N, P y K, exportación de nutrientes N, P y K, tasa de disfrute de nutrientes N, P y K, % de CP y evaluación del índice SPAD en 30, 40 y 50 días después del cultivo. Los dos cultivares estudiados presentaron un excelente potecial productivo para la región. Ambos mostraron un patrón de comportamiento similar en su producción. El cultivar TBio Energia I® en el tratamiento 100% y 150% de la dosis recomendada, presentó los mejores resultados para MV, MS, % de N, P y K, y % de CP. El cultivar TBio Energix® sólo para la MS variable, no presentó los mejores resultados


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    The increasing informatization of enterprises and the volume of information exchange in computer' networks spurred competition among organizations. This scenario promoted change in the information security threats, where social engineering and phishing became an increasingly promising method for attacks and information theft. This paper presents a study in companies of Grande Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil, with the objective of measuring the efficiency achieved through the continuous process of awareness building and training of employees of private organizations from areas external to IT about information security incident prevention and data security. The paper presents a strategy that does not rely on expensive tools acquisition costs by means of which the users, often considered the weak link in the security chain, can be transformed into another efficient layer of corporate protection.A crescente informatização das empresas e o aumenta do volume de troca de informações na rede de computadores impulsionou a concorrência e competitividade entre as instituições. Este cenário promoveu uma mudança nas ameaças de segurança da informação transformando engenharia social e phishing em métodos cada vez mais promissores para ataques e roubo de informação. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo realizado em empresas do Grande Recife, estado de Pernambuco, com o objetivo de mensurar a eficiência obtida por meio do processo contínuo de conscientização e treinamento de funcionários de empresas privadas de áreas externas à TI sobre segurança da informação e prevenção de incidentes de segurança de dados. Desta forma, demonstra-se uma estratégia, sem custos de aquisição de ferramentas, para que os usuários, muitas vezes categorizados como elo fraco da corrente, sejam transformados em mais uma camada eficiente da proteção corporativa

    Candida albicans in patients with oronasal communication and obturator prostheses

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    Patients using obturator prostheses often present denture-induced stomatitis. In order to detect the presence of oral Candida albicans in patients with oronasal communications and to evaluate the effectiveness of a topical antifungal treatment, cytological smears obtained from the buccal and palatal mucosa of 10 adult patients, and from the nasal acrylic surface of their obturator prostheses were examined. A therapeutic protocol comprising the use of oral nystatin (Mycostatin®) and prosthesis disinfection with sodium hypochlorite was prescribed for all patients. Seven patients were positive for C. albicans in the mucosa, with 1 negative result for the prosthetic surface in this group of patients. Post-treatment evaluation revealed the absence of C. albicans on prosthesis surface and on the oral mucosa of all patients. The severity of the candidal infection was significantly higher in the palatal mucosa than in the buccal mucosa, but similar in the palatal mucosa and prosthesis surface, indicating that the mucosa underlying the prosthesis is more susceptible to infection. The therapeutic protocol was effective in all cases, which emphasizes the need for denture disinfection in order to avoid reinfection of the mucosa.Os pacientes portadores de prótese obturadora freqüentemente apresentam estomatite protética. Com o objetivo de detectar a presença de Candida albicans oral em pacientes com comunicação oronasal e avaliar a eficácia de um tratamento tópico antifúngico foi realizada citologia esfoliativa da mucosa palatina e jugal e da superfície acrílica nasal da prótese obturadora. O protocolo terapêutico consistiu de nistatina (Mycostatin®) para tratamento da mucosa oral e uma solução de hipoclorito de sódio para desinfecção da prótese. Sete pacientes (70%) apresentaram resultado positivo para C. albicans na mucosa, com um resultado negativo para a superfície protética neste grupo. A avaliação após o tratamento revelou ausência de C. albicans na mucosa oral de todos os pacientes, bem como na superfície protética. A infecção por C. albicans das mucosas jugal e palatina diferiram significantemente, enquanto que a mucosa palatina e a superfície protética apresentaram valores semelhantes. O grau de infecção da mucosa palatina foi significantemente maior quando comparado àquele da mucosa jugal e semelhante ao apresentado pela prótese, sugerindo que a mucosa subjacente à prótese é mais susceptível à infecção. O protocolo terapêutico foi efetivo em todos os casos, o que enfatiza a necessidade da desinfecção protética para se evitar a reinfecção da mucosa oral

    Um programa de formação para a eficácia dos treinadores da iniciação e formação desportiva

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    [Excerto] Introdução: De uma forma verdadeiramente notável, em nenhum outro domínio ou contexto, como no desporto, encontramos tantos indivíduos (crianças, jovens e adultos) que voluntariamente se sujeitam e «subjugam» à autoridade de uma pessoa ou duas pessoas: os(as) seus (suas) treinadores(as) (Chelladurai, 1984; Cruz & Gomes, 1996). É particularmente saliente a confiança depositada pelos atletas na capacidade do treinador e nas suas técnicas motivacionais, para atingirem objectivos pessoais. Como salientaram Smoll e Smith (1984), a relação treinador-atleta determina a forma como os atletas são afectados pela sua participação no desporto. Se é verdade que a influência do treinador vai muito além do contexto desportivo (interferindo na vida, desenvolvimento e crescimento pessoal dos atletas), também é verdade que muitos treinadores, sobretudo por falta de formação e informação, não têm uma consciência clara de como e até que ponto afectam os seus atletas (Cruz & Gomes, 1996). [...

    Isometry of Potential Attachment Sites for the Iliotrochanteric Suture in Dogs: an ex vivo Study

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    Background: Coxofemoral luxation is the most common traumatic luxation in dogs and the iliotrochanteric suture is one of the surgical treatment options. The orthopedic suture aimed at surgically restoring joint movement should be employed in an isometric manner in order to maintain adequate tension throughout the arc of motion. This study aimed to determine the isometric points for the iliotrochanteric suture in dogs during the joint extension and flexion movements. This evaluation was performed both in the intact hip joint and in the luxation model, establishing the best combination, among the determined points, for the reestablishment of normal joint movement.Materials, Methods & Results: Radiographic analyses of 12 canine cadaveric hips, both intact and in craniodorsal luxation model, were performed in a neutral position, flexion at 50°, and extension at 150°. In the trochanteric segment, two parallel lines were drawn, creating the central vertical axis and the secondary vertical axis. Three points were then determined on each axis, from proximal to distal, corresponding to 25, 50, and 75% of the height of the axis, and were labelled as T1, T2, and T3 and T4, T5, and T6, respectively. In the iliac segment, a line perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the ilium was drawn, and 25, 50, and 75% of this height corresponded to points I1, I2, and I3, respectively. The lengths between the points were measured, with the objective of evaluating which combination of points presented less variation in the joint positions. The central location of the iliac and trochanteric segments, determined respectively by I2 and T2, provided smaller variations during the maximal movements of hip flexion and extension.Discussion: The surgical techniques of iliotrochanteric suture target to maintain the internal rotation of the femoral head inside the acetabulum and abduction of the femur until the soft tissues have healed. The described techniques for the iliotrochanteric suture present a great anatomical variety in the arrangement of the anchor points of the suture. It is known that if during motion, the attachment sites move closer to one another, the suture will become lax and, if the attachment sites move away from one another, the suture will tighten. Therefore, the implantation in isometric sites assists in reducing the variation of the distance between the points of origin and insertion of the suture during joint movement, keeping the suture tension constant and allowing the functional recovery of the joint. This study demonstrates that there are some locations for the origin and insertion of an iliotrochanteric suture that are associated with less length change than others. I2-T2 combination is the point closest to isometry for the iliotrochanteric suture during hip extension and flexion, so that, T2 is the most central point of the greater trochanter, corresponding to 50% of the height of its central vertical axis, as well as I2, which corresponds to the most central point of the ilium, representing 50% of the height of the most caudal portion of its body. The isometric point found by us details the exact location of perforation in all aspects (height and length), both in the ilium and the trochanter. In addition, it is a personalized point created for each patient from its radiographic examination and taking into consideration its anatomical variations, so that there is no damage to the suture during hip extension and flexion movements

    Unmanned Maritime Systems for Search and Rescue

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    The development of maritime unmanned tools for search and rescue operations is not a trivial task. A great part of maritime unmanned systems developed did not target such application, being more focused on environmental monitoring, surveillance or defence. In opposition to these applications, search and rescue operations need to take into account relevant issues such as the presence of people or other vessels on the water. Building upon user requirements and overall integrated components for assisted rescue and unmanned search operations (ICARUS) system architecture, this chapter addresses the development of unmanned maritime systems. It starts with an overview of the approach where a two‐tier solution was adopted to address safety issues and then proceeds to detail each of the developed technologies

    Índice de área foliar, densidade de plantio e manejo de irrigação do cafeeiro

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    Water stress can affect the canopy architecture, the use of radiation and reduce leaf area index. The leaf area index is a parameter that is a directly related to evapotanspiration. Was evaluated the leaf area index of coffee in a function of tillage system and irrigation management in a orchard of coffee, cv. Rubi MG-1192, drip irrigation. A randomized block experimental design with split-plot (density in plots and subplot irrigation treatments) and four replications. Was adopted three irrigation management: no irrigation (T0), irrigated when t soil water tension reached 60 kPa in tensiometers installed at 0.25 m depth (T2) and irrigated Monday, Wednesday and Friday, replacing the depth evapotranspiration (T3), under four planting densities (2500, 3333, 5000 and 10000 plants ha-1). Leaf area index was measured from April to December of 2009 and 2010 and April to September of 2011 the late afternoon using the Canopy Plant Analyzer (LAI 2000). Measurements were taken in a plot with 10 plants and the data represent the average of the readings. The leaf area index tends to increase with the increase of planting density and varies throughout the year, suffering strong influence of harvest and occurrence of diseases and pest. Irrigation can providing greater leaf area index independent of plant density and tends to present higher effect on density of 2500 plants ha-1.O estresse hídrico pode afetar a arquitetura do dossel, o uso da radiação e reduzir o índice de área foliar que é diretamente relacionado à evapotranspiração. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o índice de área foliar do cafeeiro, em função do sistema de plantio e do manejo de irrigação. O experimento foi conduzido na UFLA em uma lavoura de café Rubi, irrigada por gotejamento. O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas (densidade de plantio nas parcelas e tratamentos de irrigação nas subparcelas) e quatro repetições. Adotaram-se três manejos de irrigação: sem irrigação (T0), irrigado quando a tensão da água no solo atingiu valores próximos a 60 kPa, no tensiômetro localizado a 0,25 m de profundidade (T2), e irrigado segunda, quarta e sexta-feira, repondo a lâmina perdida por evapotranspiração (T3), sob quatro densidades de plantio (2500, 3333, 5000 e 10.000 plantas ha-1). O índice de área foliar foi medido de abril a dezembro, em 2009 e 2010 e de abril a setembro em 2011, utilizando o LAI 2000. As medidas foram realizadas em uma linha de cada subparcela, que tinha 10 plantas. Os dados representam a média das leituras. O índice de área foliar tende a aumentar com o aumento da densidade de plantio e é variável ao longo do ano, sofrendo forte influência da colheita e da ocorrência de doenças e pragas A irrigação pode proporcionar maior índice de área foliar, independente da densidade de plantio e tende a apresentar maior efeito na densidade de 2500 plantas ha-1