558 research outputs found

    Religious discrimination toward other religious groups by descendants of religiously heterogamous versus homogamous parents

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    This study aimed to develop a model that explains personal attitudes toward religious groups and the role of parental religious heterogamy and homogamy. The sample included 32,595 participants from 26 countries around the world and was obtained from the International Social Survey Programme. Participants whose parents were religiously homogamous presented higher well-being, better health perception, and higher religiosity than participants whose parents were religiously heterogamous. Having had parental heterogamy or homogamy is a moderator of the relationship between religious practice and attitudes toward religious groups, with this relationship being stronger among participants who had parental homogamy. Religious variables are directly related to heterogamy/homogamy and indirectly related to well-being and personal attitude toward religious groups through parents’ religious heterogamy/homogamy. Religious variables are related to personal attitudes toward religious groups through patents’ religious heterogamy/homogamy and well-being. Participants whose parents are religiously heterogamous present a more negative attitude toward Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Jews, and participants whose parents are religiously homogamous present a more negative attitude toward atheists or nonbelievers. In the context of globalization and the merging of cultures, these results open new research questions and may support religious, spiritual, and clinical practitioners in their approach to religious discrimination.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Religious identity, religious practice, and religious beliefs across countries and world regions

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the structure and measurement invariance of the religious identity, religious practice, and religious beliefs across cultures in six world regions (Asia, non-Western Europe, North America, Oceania, South America, and Western Europe) and across Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic regions (WEIRD) and non-WEIRD world regions. Confirmatory factory analysis examined whether the hypothesized measurement model fits the data; several multi-group confirmatory factor analyses were performed to examine measurement invariance through a progressive analytic strategy involving three invariance conditions of configural, metric, and scalar invariance. The results generally supported the adequate fit to the data of the three correlated factors model (religious identity-RII, religious practice-RPI, and religious beliefs—RBI); it was found to be full metric invariance for WEIRD regions (RII), North America (RII and RBI), Western Europe (RII) and Non-Western Europe (RII), and South America (RII and RBI). Finally, for RII, it was found to be full configural invariance in almost all regions, except North America and Oceania; for RPI, it was found to be full configural only in North America and Non-WEIRD regions; and for RBI, it was found to be full configural only in North America, Asia, and South America, being that women scored significantly higher than men in all three indices all over the world; finally, it was found to be configural, but not metric or scalar invariance across WEIRD and non-WEIRD world regions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    To be an educator in a day care setting : conceptions and educational practices

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    The “Day Care Project” is a group of professionals linked to the childhood education field that aims to reflect and investigate early childhood in the day care context. This group develops its activity at the Superior School of Education and Social Sciences of the Leiria Polytechnic Institute, Portugal, as an integrating part of the Center for Research and Development in Education. The data we now present concern the conceptions of two female childhood educators, of this group, on their developed practices in the day care context

    Validation of the Portuguese version of Hoge Intrinsic Motivation Religiosity Scale and Rohrbaugh and Jessor Religiosity Scale

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    This study aims to validate, for the Portuguese population, the bidimensional structure of the Hoge Intrinsic Motivation Religiosity Scale (HIMRS) and the four-dimensional structure of the Rohrbaugh and Jessor Religiosity Scale (RJRS); it also aims to establish an association between the two religious scales and religious identity. To this end, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with polychoric matrix (for ordinal data) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) were carried out. Besides reliability, convergent and discriminant validity were assessed by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, composite reliability (CR), average variance extracted (AVE), and AVE squared roots. The Portuguese versions of the HIMRS and RJRS presented good model fit. These instruments correlated with each other and with religious identity. Differences in religious motivation and in religious identity concerning sociodemographic variables were found: women, divorced, and older participants define themselves as being more spiritual or religious persons than men, single or married, and younger participants. Also, years of education were positively associated with religious intrinsic motivation and negatively associated with religious extrinsic motivation. This study provides two more instruments with adequate properties to assess intrinsic religious motivations, past-year frequency of religious service attendance, and personal religiosity for the Portuguese population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Caminhos da distopia no romance contemporâneo: a espera sem horizontes do individualismo niilista

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    In characterizing contemporary individualism as “post-social”, in order to describe what he considers postmoderm nihilism, Peter Sloterdijk presents a kind of man who rejects the advancement of his bloodline in favor of his own privileges, in an extreme self-centeredness. The novel Heranças (2008) by Silviano Santiago, in its pastiche of the well-known Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas (1880) by Machado de Assis, elegantly stages this new vision of humanity through the protagonist Walter. His cynical attitude, captured through self-conscious narrative, embodies the most genuine incarnation of Sloterdijk’s “englightened false consciousness.” This occurs, to the extent that this “confessed culprit” is able to arrive at a certain synergy between his personal ambitions and the injunctions of an economic system that is corrupt and unfair. In this way, Heranças recapitulates the aseptic style of Brás Cubas through Walter’s voice and his vulgar tone.Peter Sloterdijk, al caracterizar el individualismo “postsocial” de la contemporaneidad, para describir lo que considera el nihilismo postmoderno, presenta a un tipo de hombres que renuncian a la continuidad por medio de la procreación y de la transmisión de herencia, para garantizar sus propios privilegios, en una espiral egocéntrica de satisfacción personal. La novela Herencias (2008), de Silviano Santiago, en su juego de pastiche y degradación con la célebre Memorias póstumas de Brás Cubas (1880), de Machado de Assis, al replicar el personaje machadiano en la arrogante figura de Walter, escenifica con elegancia esta nueva humanidad. La conducta cínica que lo singulariza, grabada en el estilo de su narrativa autoconsciente, constituye la más auténtica encarnación de la “falsa consciencia esclarecida”. Eso se explica porque la saga de ese “reo confeso”, después de una existencia infecunda, representa la sinergía de la ambición personal con los imperativos de un sistema económico corrupto e injusto. En ese sentido, la novela Herencias, a través de la voz de su narrador y pseudo-autor, y debido a la emulación que esta representa frente a la dicción del inolvidable “difunto-autor” de Machado de Assis, rehace la asepsia del estilo machadiano y la rebaja a una dicción exhibicionista de canalla.Peter Sloterdijk, ao caracterizar o individualismo “pós-social” da contemporaneidade para descrever o que considera o niilismo pós-moderno, apresenta um tipo de homem que renuncia à continuidade por meio da procriação e da transmissão da herança, em nome de seus próprios privilégios, numa espiral de egoica autossatisfação. O romance Heranças, de Silviano Santiago (2008), em sua contracena de pastiche e rebaixamento com o célebre Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas, de Machado de Assis (1880), ao replicar o personagem machadiano na figura petulante de Walter, encena com requintes esta nova humanidade. A conduta cínica que o singulariza, gravada no estilo de sua narrativa autoconsciente, constitui a mais genuína encarnação da “falsa consciência esclarecida”. Isto porque, a saga deste “réu confesso”, após uma existência infecunda, consuma a sinergia da ambição pessoal com os imperativos de um sistema econômico corrupto e injusto. Nesse sentido, Heranças, pela voz de seu narrador e pseudoautor, e pela emulação que esta representa diante da dicção do inesquecível “defunto-autor” machadiano, reelabora a assepsia da estilística machadiana, rebaixando-a a uma dicção exibicionista de cafajeste


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    Resumo: Nas sociedades contemporâneas globalizadas, a violência dos apelos hedonistas, circulantes no carrossel de imagens e dispositivos, cria uma situação de carência e empobrecimento subjetivos. Esse é o Leitmotif de O Brasil é bom, último livro de André Sant’Anna (2014), que colige muitas narrativas sobre o país, estruturadas com diferentes pontos de vista e múltiplos protagonismos, no período entre os anos de 1960 e a atualidade. O sumário do livro abarca uma longa primeira parte, com relatos minimalistas de diversificados personagens e circunstâncias, interrompida por duas narrativas, uma longa e uma curta, e uma segunda parte, constituída por quatro capítulos que apresentam uma dicção semelhante, só que marcada por uma intenção francamente rememorativa, mas desta vez contados pelo autor-narrador, num tom frequentemente autoirônico. O livro traça um eloquente retrato da sociedade brasileira nessa época de indigência cultural e falência social.Palavras-chave: André Sant’Anna; Sátira; bovarismo; distopia. Abstract: In the contemporary globalized societies, the violence of hedonistic appeals is inherent to the ride of images and technological devices. As a result, it produces a situation of subjective impoverishment. Such is the leitmotif of O Brasil é bom, the latest André Sant’Anna’s book, that presents many narratives about the country, structured with different points of view and multiple characters, between the years of 1960 and the present time. The work contains a long first part with minimalistic reports of various characters and circumstances, interrupted by two narratives, one long and the other short, and a second block constituted of four chapters that have a similar diction and rememorative intention, but this time told by the author-narrator, in a frequently self-ironical tone. The book traces an eloquent portrait of the Brazilian society in this age of cultural indigence and social failure.Keywords: André Sant’Anna; Satire; bovarism; dystopia

    Minimalismo e sociabilidade em crise: máscaras da alteridade nas obras de Marcelino Freire e André Sant’Anna

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    Brazilian literature, when dedicated to recreating contemporary social fractures, has frequently chosen a minimalist perspective in order to counteract the representationalist lineage overly expressed in our tradition. Nowadays, there two writers operating in the minimalist scene and elaborating on the disjunctions of a problematic sociability of a rather impersonal diction in favor of a stylized theater of alterity: André Sant’Anna and Marcelino Freire. The latter, in his modulated short-stories, adopts the rhythms and the assonances of a reduced vocabulary to give form to the situation of marginal characters and, in so doing, he is capable of making them sing. André Sant’Anna, for his part, works through dissonance and seeks to disarrange language by adopting a coordinated syntax, full of repetitions and recurrences. His style causes the tedious effect that underlies the grotesque comicality of certain dictions. Consequently, the examined short-stories, although they offer differences in their conception, practice the rituals of performance, due to their respective efforts to influence reception, as they include elements of reality and equally try to produce literature open to an ethical commitment to life.A literatura brasileira, ao se dedicar à recriação das fraturas sociais contemporâneas, tem, com alguma frequência, escolhido um viés minimalista para contrapor-se à linhagem representacional bastante expressiva em nossa tradição. Contemporaneamente, dois escritores habitam a cena minimalista e de distintas maneiras se propõem a exorcizar os ruídos e disjunções de uma sociabilidade problemática, a partir de um decisivo encolhimento da subjetividade autoral, em favor da encenação de um teatro de vozes da alteridade: André Sant’Anna e Marcelino Freire. Este último, nos contos-cantos, adota o ritmo, as assonâncias e um vocabulário reduzido para concretizar a situação dos seus personagens de margem e, desta maneira, é capaz de, frequentemente, fazê-los cantar. Por sua vez, André Sant’Anna, aposta na desafinação e busca desarranjar a língua pela adoção de uma sintaxe de feição coordenativa, inchada de repetições e enumerações recorrentes, causando um efeito tedioso, subjacente à comicidade grotesca de certas dicções. Nesse sentido, podemos dizer que os contos em pauta, apesar das diferenças de fatura, mantêm-se no limite da performance em seu empenho para influenciar a recepção, no que incluem em cada fala, elementos da realidade, e no que buscam fazer da literatura uma possibilidade aberta de compromisso ético com a vida

    O modelo de gestão do Centro de Arbitragem Administrativa (CAAD)

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    O Centro de Arbitragem Administrativa (CAAD) é uma associação privada, sem fins lucrativos, promovido pelo Ministério da Justiça, com capacidade para dirimir litígios de Direito público nas áreas de Direito Administrativo e Fiscal. Num país onde o acesso à justiça está muitas vezes dificultado, muito devido à morosidade e dificuldade de acesso, a implementação, desempenho e crescimento do CAAD justificam a pertinência do estudo do modelo da sua gestão organizacional. Neste sentido, esta dissertação é apresentada como pioneira, na área da Gestão e Administração. O estudo do modelo de gestão desta organização teve enfoque nos seus objetivos, estratégia, estrutura organizacional, recursos humanos, gestão do conhecimento e da inovação, e de que forma estes tiveram impacto no desempenho do CAAD. Para a realização deste estudo, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-direcionadas a vários membros da Direção do CAAD, ao ex-secretário de Estado da Justiça doutor João Silveira, ao presidente do Conselho Deontológico e a árbitros em matéria de Arbitragem Administrativa e Arbitragem Fiscal. Os resultados deste estudo levam-nos a concluir que, com o CAAD, têm sido exploradas novas modalidades de “aplicar a justiça” em Portugal e que, em comparação com o que acontece nos Tribunais Estaduais, se verifica um aumento de eficiência, mantendo (ou mesmo aumentando) a transparência devida.The Centro de Arbitragem Administrativa (CAAD) is a private, non-profit association, promoted by the Ministry of Justice, capable to settle public law disputes in the areas of Administrative and Tax Law. In a country where access to justice is often hampered, largely due to the slow and difficult accessibility, the implementation, performance, and growth of CAAD justifies the pertinence of studying the model of its organizational management. This dissertation is presented as a pioneer in the field of Management and Administration. The study of this organization's management model has focused on its objectives, strategy, organizational structure, human resources, knowledge and innovation management, and how these impacted on CAAD's performance. To carry out this study, semi-directed interviews were conducted with various members of the Board of the CAAD, with former Secretary of State for Justice PhD João Silveira, the President of the Council of Ethics and arbitrators in matters of Administrative Arbitration and Fiscal Arbitration. The results of this study lead us to conclude that, with CAAD, new models of “applying justice” in Portugal have been explored and that, compared to what happens in the State Courts, there is an increase in efficiency, maintaining (or even increasing) the transparency

    Caetés: a História de um Conformista Melancólico

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    Reler Caetés, depois de tantos anos, é uma experiência renovadora. Na minha tese de doutorado, defendida em 1989, sobre os romances em primeira pessoa de Graciliano Ramos, fiz uma releitura da importância do autor na segunda fase do Modernismo brasileiro, pela criação de personas problemáticas e pelo redimensionamento do romance, na perspectiva benjaminiana da narrativa como saber de experiências feitas; o que foi interpretado como uma maneira altamente original de distanciamento formal das exigências objetivistas, inerentes à convenção do romance realista

    A amortização de ativos fixos tangíveis e a discricionariedade da administração tributária

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    A presente dissertação versa sobre o tema da amortização de ativos fixos tangíveis e a discricionariedade da Administração Tributária. A questão alvo de análise centra-se na interpretação do nº3 do artigo 31º do CIRC e do nº3 do artigo 5º do DR nº 25/2009, de 14 de setembro. Deste modo, pretende-se compreender qual o critério que vigora na ausência de definição da taxa de amortização nas tabelas anexas ao DR nº 25/2009 e se daqui resulta a concessão de um poder discricionário para a AT. Para tal, é necessário perceber e densificar conceitos como o de “período de utilidade esperada” e “razoabilidade” que estarão, certamente, na base da definição da taxa de amortização a aplicar nos casos não especificados.This dissertation addresses to the amortization of tangible fixed assets and the discretion of tax authorities. The subject under analysis focuses in the interpretation of the article 31 (3) of Corporate Income Tax Code and the article 5 (3) of the Regulatory Decree 25/2009, of September 14. Thereby, it is intended to understand which criterion should be applied in the absence of the amortization rate definition in the tables annexed to the Regulatory Decree 25/2009, as well as to find out if there is a granting of discretionary powers to the tax authorities. For this purpose, it is necessary to perceive and densify concepts such as “expected utility period” and “reasonableness” that will certainly be in the basis of the amortization rate definition to be applied in the unspecified cases